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THRESHKRS AND UELLUM WITUR LANIE lfl àw av 1b- SKrILOH * .re<trr.f~ E m M Tested and tiedPain or Shine it won't hart any No armer or hors. owner maa afford to be wthout it Price, 25 et& «eCIL 5 forSi. A. HIGINBOTHAMy Druggist LiiadBay. I., s KI 0 b i0 p ~pI~ '-I I = p o w o 'r c R Y4o dm mimil I<$e4oy *r ALK/tAP Ti LE<t<~ 1Nf> m JO - ., , O, y e 10 . . VERi. 3EE8 #Wb* il g'. 1P @ w l whIgff u.ad.4 b, Jeu. Mee~ .1 ,; G Iw~v, N.avm~s T. Pabevu, 0Pr 00$.. LBUJI.I Uap~ ,J~E 5W J4~%4-I r - - r.- ,Çtçrr<<<<<CrC< C«<< t«Içl« , r rr<rr« <W T<m fC Dm" Md stoeu)bltunE r-.t.é e- - Ait33 1~rom Fm M m1. vvem1 =w~ iww dIsimie..0 kiw . milImé m h.'dm n <t nm 1 i <m ffl aM4hu. 4 *wmfw..$4 4 ",wus$ -qq te=uSLI tu m m t 8 ml- @@lv e ou " mo....uue svu - ww w d ft mdm te com Se .4bmh.o mà u.êsym ile rhptý 1Wu.bui.Wmh ha m.$o1%s mhes Ivue.0 THOMA8 Ruou8O OLD~~a éT>, KUMP 5 stem &M TA&L@wo. *« Mr b UIE-mLa i ait-t- a AMER rnzz LISL tuanomt. Î&bw"mEi.rm% hnmby we are au, te ~r *tUbw uq9ak~mU pices Wdtiithe Vrmea. & auaa.Bond the.lut; Bé- IL Te Mm , whetier ev or asusriber, vWho pays up la tua fS *0. mu TUWA AIMu tMi Juuy, LMT, we 'mIi give a apremim any one ofth ~ eg~ woethfron U3e- te $L25. AUl exeffpt thse secially ~ Sâ.0, (m,> Dr. Devart's Canadian Spen an d Read..,, N.ehgdauir~ arnld- a Draam by Tnnysoun. ML cà tti. rt... HR..'t. le aLaay.. cmmbm e .ieai, Fmudaeotof AU Fun, K." Domsmabnolkery, SpiituaGarland, N. u e24 er, I Kew mme DotwTrmma iry.fAnecdotes, rous- ià- sial one Romthe. Orphan. Muta ami Liny Enfui'.Natural BEMary, Mm.am *0.LOw&r CeunIryLMI4 ,Ti.he oMBoy. la ais ILv. tmm .for Bo"s and Girls, ~'sU~fNauoe, Fun Aive. T~.IPUM.BAdeice, or the Romance of tâe Forment Jeanie'.Choice. N.. iTo «M mye. mdInm the mares of tua mev sulacribera tthle S"Vie TOUzAWàaan>'pmid up WM Jima"y1887, 'me ufil send lu addition tu the. tu WAMPuuaay occe et 'he Ml>tgwnks, plendifl!T baund in clti z- 14amUy's Lit. milLettans, Sheridan's PIays; Sebool for Scandai, te.., uwein" mâPle, XarlovW&sFaustus nsud Goethe's Faust, chramide etthe. CII.Heroic Deeds of Pantagruel and Rabdub nt ii iaby MNimaeil - GargatUa4 Na~u BrnysD~fo'.Joi.rnai of the Plague Tear, houa, rTonatoeand on Civl BUtlers Analogy of Religion, a, wMa twIbSrBobt. Fil- Dryden'. Virgil. an'~ PtriauhaSir Walter Scott's Dernonology & Wîtchcrmt H~uk'Haspoi5maColeridlge's Table Talk, Christabel and A»- Eooem Dmcann, aent Mariner, wi Th tshaMuy, by Stem., Borner'.liad. NaEagva Tala.,Johnsons Raseelas, and Voltaires Candide# »Iceu mi Pouces by Ben Joua... Hobbe.' Leviathan, WBu'. ubuua lamai Commonwealthis, More's Utopia, Boa. Cav.mdhh'a Lif. wole, ons Nov Altis suad Campanela's DMn Quizote, VOL i O ÈCitY Of Ithe Sun, Bmihuqu.Pisys ami PoemmaDaute'. Divina Comme"ia,(Paradis.. Fer. GoiiImitiia Vine of Wàkefl.ld gatry aJHeUl), L&mb' u mysor Bila. Madam Therese, a utory of the Freuch Reve. The. Ceaerii>t, lution, rh. GI Inasm , 181-1814, The Blockade, Tb*. StateGenami 176t1,The.Comitry in Danger, 1792, 11, Tsar 0 etthe. MBohe, 17M8, E1, Citizen Bonaparte, 1794-1815, IV, IWatrmio, Stories of tije Rine, Frian Fritz,Tme ALsatian Scholiaster, The. Pli .ev, The Secret Out, an expLanation of evSle kind cf nmagic trick. No. 3. To everyoue -endmug us the. nam:±s oï three new subscribers to th. Vicroau WAuRn paid up 1111 January, l8<17, we will aend, lu addition to the tire. WAmum say one uf the. followiugz works, spiendidly bounni in cloti: POsma et Longfellow, Poetie Treasures, " mir Walter Scott, Ta.ylor's Poetry for Children, " Nordsworth Shakespeare's Wonks, wilton Tuppers Proverbial Pilosophy, «BYroZ, Robinson Cruisoc, " NMMaisSMaanfrnsd Merton. me.. -Iristi Melodies, Shelley. Scottish Chiefs, «Whittiar, Vide Wide World, Tie m< T ai B the malt, Baron 3Munch&an MauY a SMIN , AoMane While it Was Morning, Heuart kitiasmmi Life Pictures, Edua nBrowning, Edili Le%. Pins, -Needles and OId Ym, Livinga"iLiving, The.Ev. cf St.- Agnus. M *É Girl, ABRolling Stone, LWU er ini Danhmem, Uncle Tom& Cabin, Bua FramJâne Shore. or the Goligmih's Vife. Tii C~i.g R, or iaaiae ay e w.'.Daughter, Mmi shbdaCa ti.he !.me, P lickwick Papena. poum Houm. Eeg...Arumm Ermm m ulhéu'eua Bimmai.the. Lait of the. Tribune@, LaiM9 afepaii, Daiay Thornton, cui ahuy ShéMMThe.Brekui Heurt, NiDlmii, Oliver Tuit, ThaCam Pdil. A-n Lee, or Naiden, Wif e ad Nother, sketchbbvB1614BuIVIIII Emeaaie, Stery of Mildrod, V»htg.Her Shuld. IM04 a TaàI., PMIul Clifrd Pshhm, Tii.Diwued, Anou, or lXbeniCU OhCuniusity Shop, Tmm Sig" VatiUevox, IN&. Tee"" oe mdig sthi e "aofrmm nev au becribers ta the.Vie. M" &VAMMa raid up M 1Jun"18u', w. WRM"i aeai naddition t. tba Wsa»ums My oce etthe hIbwi~ m nnbeffitin Clot - gaumma Ehh.y et End& 5 vois. A Lawg Family Biai., 1maii cm Family Record. Marriag.3giàe.m N. &T. e y - ae mbg m-the. i rrm m ew aubacrihers t. lie VwmmIrAIM Pd& - p tic Jamuauy1867, 'mu yl ent lun addition tg the. fiftorn A B7yfNvi ieDitormy, Hstory cf Religions Dnminatiome * ~,p0f ~ f lb.Biad%,18 FURl Page engravinge and hamdreds et abobn n1pâily Boeoed,Tabl uf Ancrent W.ighteanmd m..uro i; et0f Hay Lid, Am, Pl~i Soun, 11 Dm God Nicha Silver Dinnes, FrèM 01 a"Chfl omm 1Butler Dinh T.& Wau, p MWlJruoy, 188, ewS Ml d ln adlitiom to the amq"e04 etDàcbe lWm4 5sVols. cm pèw Mt ubma@,w = aul. :-l The. lMait. M.NOM AR ;Li fY It ilovYodi; 3 laeile,the DM*eov.ue mm & OU B011m in Cabs; 5,Ceunt Prmiatme and a weu i i f» - m- w aheauB, r f» Mtet e t me pu vota miou mPumalm. Cer Mm aw .nhanamaya ami saver al oh. nom mner-bm4 M ý »V 1 I d om Phé em mm wa lm t ab-».m euefl 01 SA.HUGHES. v oei~~clVIIA àr2mit.