Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Dec 1885, p. 6

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4." ,~I' *~ @*ON *9WF fl u I g, il ~ ~ j ~ -, -lt .*4f4ir4ii oe4o ff CI fié~ 09 mfse *0 Fm PM514 f4#gwf r let 1,1 W~fSe4 1,*- dekz"e w , # mur pf<fIof Pt *F14Aor I pba ý'r *4 e uIp. < r t4ffl, ï#41fat iIe tFw*OWv w4 é ...*<100taI.- lu #W *mm,1ÇE * 4 s'wewf»M a s e w4 r ie wu 405,~g~rr * ~Aw or <e.vwj f4,0gfi# st# te& u e eahÇq ry oe - *a fiMau urO Md vuwouw LI&~*e Fi'igA' i MW» l.' Mui Ri usouir uie*l 1etyq09 o*My.n ~p~ 9" y am .vvw *1bmus. igra4w1 0& lopi. WWfoM *lo pw-" 4"mwafe rFM, w *yeu.ppooekft» u ti d4sk 104siuUs 9mu 1 là "MW w m.a *» t,~g a. 1 m4 MI u.fer M W me*.«4 @mm* fé Om 09 & ~am . 9W*w 09 . tn. at yn =tlF* .*.fi b", ~o .m m« n l ",w uwi ny!mghw~àor»" h«"WwiuI" 111(W 111 pliv & MU fla h.Ujnw N. »4 e UP9w flefl*WK " m W- - - 104 #»« se * fe , a" ne" 09 shuw mnle M V* "15 if« W A#.l.w ibl. *i45aî 0 %s Wk kW Wa" ml a =4i Ww mmPf~.uIeI NEVE *44 es*< f ou sesq ui ~,#Iuu. <o s t b r~ -~ ~I I w p,» M a Mw $ te s apo *wbkge ousle or lo~c. pi.tai. tno te b hoft bs aw pet et .ppei auh- --, , # m.wal d oemff . MW pmM of ** pas-Wdmws Pwr »wg&--* à»"*W fOshd4.a bu hoIsk im& ho otsv'>tlcail he t ell e@auPu- Insir areni aw b ai7 osile»a ~.floqlob... lo luaset , wmkn s«W u dw ae'ola b or.,s luxb" *4 a. euesos v etl o . %WWp, ut <u, *19U rowlu4 d4 16*0044w le awuoIa% 40"W«% Ldwonusl. t b g. 19sO bouddm4o uq i. <bous Ï4 m .Ietla b.oe mxt %b louio aeoslt b dreet.ed!1, la O ft 0<~~~~»&o JDyorLc 04vidc se. a*" @oc@w*u A4SUsca, 44s. mou oisçof 'à- madtta i h OSM ear»Wentandicc u bonodwg »4 & outeota ot~~1 ha. il94s&W u wi f o t1.huai M Owy vtenliW *0tMs.tr . ft pou. 04 iam <lift *0 lingtài tue -I>n~x " « »sS I <rbi. i Inet g.sfos Mon<b uurtout Lt ciio pbotMiF 6" g ut elrlt am sh lwu~ Wboslssvbift whs ûry .ç p y swy h b s.ve.e. <.uda.<mmsni aO b lu M IbêoIRV let ai tw ter o ul4aoilfj4 .uit Mdi~ hns, oi g lm Isou mis. u'n> knpo ltufrbugovh tby"d aut gIsse.. ly M dunu. ek,5p.a', *0 bmki au m I if~ ~L -;;st Sami-'u u*f ud* -wvmp - 0 MM =" abw «M..w b. vue r 9w .obtiu g g mac. a ~%à MR Bil me. Io - S~uIMW amwhu MP<b1 -A» ie but âàw twr ~' 9w out Iuu ç Md'lie&. A&M&aM OWp<ho r m0< wWî U tb mi .sd04 aove<k " eus = ud u he are ttnusinluatuir- in Tb* e cck" ait»og the D4>Ia. wauft Iver One cau&bitai eieneul mmm amu a"w*p"d ibop et isenri« xW J«40> À, A ffIWI nuaa mus nba .sppe wl M 4 & iaqu C,ý oye. B a au j »0 UM4b"C eu"al. quaedaleux ch. Ml., o d ti mt ocaduiy maoesii i.~ .m mc.u4tapoL Wm hpe *~ ~ ~~ ~~- tC< o IlIS'y.wul hons gral Uie pnit uuhes fr0gri th bu impahotue.' riO% uloee 1 the siarp b«,,06 la rrovigche àlaok mmau fioben aueCot injiiur wLe giiî". for demi am e~ t nu IIt.u.Thie testa t a "Y& hau:l t i d"din a alarve tauk czE-h. omneet thebu doberman. vher.' they are W 4on coru-Mc ai motM. L.> aarge tue b.Peuteipal par- rhafa ?Prlca 7"vaq titngr te b *M e 0< L a rWaI Thes.uanll t'e nu~ ceau pe« doesn; the ier,-r.»L ss pur tto en. lht a.OM bte iteom b MW tI IN.lei.batugrbled te Ils IM~S O. 0m Arerkm attitel ebw- ot initg seCmailswith la49»te bing hou bumsmm te wk uMw- M *. CAsaUM lm', ze.r- 1w » IM Me amim .bu at;rti WiSb. hbuw& ugmlent tu CamMin Asurb Md Ukws o . vumcana" .io a shughbo ad 4 oetv ck.h ~ ~Ite l, M .*court* itni between Md uaiboU. As long »athel. - Xà. *w4y Wa&r fo« MWpuple te g*t. 09Mle s* advotu<s aMo.eua" 1»a* : gmw u r C...fl..d*t3fuIo e,>L. it eue* bu haowu sb" datoultersf*mmcithe etbeve<d" vil!bu welSwn'd hum nie vW"ie ovurAt ourrlsgeo az site lUne hW c.woea <lsd wecoustti'1e. ebcerteld te pna!.!bot4l.. Md given retrp: u% sUdlttadI IPY mm T bet pol..diyll bi. poonihhesto g.L *Um t tis Le M>u'Iy Ibst-h. lie .votintry le miscii~.- LUan CAsait.. s»"i husoro tli>- ,un *WPwta&y ithebaisame et taek wi't Z- w* bu le kvow et Canada, i)UL. 4 pvtp.rl at.eitwgSe bueine". h er? w. mu 1gwt *fl ntser 4 1wdehmkear* tlu w':r: la îiais ocauvy. vheu wu =abeat>t,(t ('tc tliq amey Uaey s" "Lutr.i aire. a* Canada do»a by e OU gr.* t4*~$ w.u %t la $0hW" SteCaa disai bfullera. Se ut liAmerlm le a IV~ beq h.. sev am aab, Mad 9w.. V via t.ouvese<he 1*s.eiuris .g Uuuuan- et su» shob'AIet u m Oum ., i 1~u. lot- £ Ua utle tùW» . in the the. tapi*, anti a& crqàwd t '>0 3rW Chinxnu rrount'i...me ofo thLe bridei.nun a n .t) : catch a giainêt t! he :î i~ sh u., ent to auartcei îu r~.' e.r-rebw iai'. lm eDW.vfu oji-inl ti%mi , i t etr hoitwna aI* î.a* a riâia;fr lie dujr. wm.v. aend wb.tu -ske appeured upon the *idev-illi.Withhb lu&hiag face kit! bhilinti a fa.t. <ho eiteuant became q0 xnuee tth" ". uerrscuet the. De- leem w ers .oemary tae laur a w*ay ter tAie oarrnage. £very ftce in tAie aurgiug ocrovd vw» adotas i Waa &ten. pwed iae rare stiadit aIlu ewua ame t rusa 1k M iea euswm Qe utpo. 1 fflc& ùcmed v>tk tue oltwsM6 vu iRe hepatmiuoS. wau t m l uMia oet yduew dao& BaUr hair vaa dftdaila eg Kou&, <oe beiug tua- et0a vlb. iun lak .ieLebm m. Sm et vfru wly pb 1 -.-à.11 ~~~M IDa Ibosaiu sme emw. mm Jazt befo>rt' t .'u.:aAena le.1rO rutaa'. ~. . . .tx anti ssked b' u x oieuir wiv Lie lehi home lie replied: "--J.fnow:jwilut 1 !eft fur." '-Dhd the uvurseer whip von?" -Not p=tin'Lar.àall.*"- Thea wv rdid von leave?" 'WaIi. "à. da lied a Mow ia' bide ter gria'.a * vuz gwunt-er to mke me turua die griW- Stoe->" -1 dont blame youi." saiti tu'c t>ffler; -420 un awav. Ishail nol j LLa!mpt Lo êtip sou.' 4Tk*SMw Trou- er. j crnetu tevez foL-,e' Mms. fea- osablU Whs.&idreLwhuiido tos meaPRaveet Yeu more prisiLe.» <baaUwst 40m.»Zics?" r, idoiL "Yrnap.Ihave, muna, lbut iver ic r» been bere rve nocieti t "ahliU. iLe < l40 paler. aduW ive"- body i. a " iha à«rid 'e fta v auwM0 et Ummlut". b.AU MY (d'is b. takW iu' ~~- W he M ek, me Od . b t a& ia&iýi.intly wid mce mou, o r M» buas aw!~ habumu ie -bbm . -du »awW i.t uda ID *D www mais wP@ ir- m #&uo mmIm em ~muy Magw c-o ai0< UàPU_«_ th e &! et ffi Rx be y 0<fa LIiuemnte Byafflugtt in utii - hilon m à tnud Capta Wagn i. IM otgdrunk sud at the ed 0a m@k à* bossue pum.s.ed ai e". ldethai the Ilaus ýweree g te uao hlm H.rode u»und fi" a uadiib umostlg Md i soonuge Mdit kW Us. ruet ffcnlS gat ho. 14h. qUICwO& âOue or . MIdioa iy gb uo ivatebed. a" iwh.uh.he mud oc h. aIl right. 1 harilmà" a A Geguan boomaw uul îh.a or now satioued l in dm s~0eta wiu& lot eu m3lout amt in" tht..mouth& EU& . if n" gestulmluclam bah MM m cUL k ma.8 imr Bca0rldt paim .ft 1» pmoetmor n oFte ut- ftard couveuience m ahs.p m weR m -a homie. On. eat&rinoe dm *visitor mes amur wuth a mat aoaâc el"et the doe onc dmi onter à& the repairlag cooepallmmat whee lthean- sut puru.. hi. work iadustrioualy- Anogiier P"ùt&in ivides t"i.ezuemi- &y. lmvinZ space for a roughly-mad. mur. whickle Is Lo umd.& aed.L '.1 interior hms but 1.le ft et thie car'. ancient trapptga. Ingenaity bas de- moIibed tUim or cuvered tha uver wihb. bo@edu andl ptao.Thelb exterio alIone îndicates thie orizi aoft ti unique cabin. The coa"sg of red and biue Si e tid ddirtv; iA& windows ara decayeti.for tii. nst .+t part ungias et and in aseveral caàeâ badly mended. O.-it etiritnis featurea:bmut it j, that in ~tlu~nta a àti-toxarti indicaling thie kind of trzut- i .tcted within. tbere i-q une wordoui th.ui:'*Jewelry andi Wa:cbe&" Tue coblier endeaea ta si Lrxnlcets ween opportiuaity occurs wiuieù muiè+ be âeiiturn. Few ut the. pmiestn.u iji Wly t t: r»*that lot wlI dre= ofutparcheiaiuq jtwtdcy or waUc±- d&etcù L Ui ziUq.u:mi "&ore. The .dd mua ici chat. .pu... aad à aW L a lm, % capi: a iau.ut &L reLill hoS+. .-Y> o ~tInitLwens iJhemr rYear.,4 i)à ttur uý - It- pov. d II uezp»aiu in breu nlibt %%,-m &I.l iiart- : ami âatL4.-acfory dtàni:ag îtgeaumiaer .L~r *-Yoti con'L pay mucia reruLherm?" ~1.s. .t~Ct.li' 'octtowetthere nie ai.l iîî.- :1.1 :14)>L& cf people rouad lherLe m if t Ai.. WàLItbuir re- Suit naucl î..y-n awtch- -Does your baby kick vhan. yen kry te put it tuoleepr' mk.d eue Young mieul mm ocf muher. 6"No,' waa *0. »VI,"but; I do when I am aked BEhntricity la now useti for printing ..upa, raKeep up your courage. riri. ont belong before sorne ans wiii diacover bow it eau be ma"a mne t for oeimping hair. Diffet ways cf Icekin et it: ne -"6metmes i en ao. ieser bhm te iftuorudre&" h-,o cy mai Thici daof on. hauing always taS thlb. ame <item"1 If là ser aanything madder thausa w« ben1 k lana Wou'-nWho sPeada a ihour »ay op ening a ams iciou-1ook- lmg bila-douz mt of a mter ber i*m uatutfind th" tls a bl froin.hJ& tacr. -Wall."'aue a local Soloman, in te- lyto a quetion mru-ardinS thie statzia ua acertain politlcian. te isa thiefa bd1-*ïrd. a wi<'> beaLer. and thie keeper of a bar-nxom. OJaerwi:ie ha ta as gXot s4 î ~ car-'>Lo meet.' he Dei roit Free Pr&u wanta the. MichiZýtn L"»-isaa!ure tu enact a law "xnkin~ r-&in robbery somiethitag mopt: .,r f )r4 nz."As th. hang peope:i-,, t iu[r horse steak- in-. we .oit-lieve it car b>due.- Site wns a cweet tgiri-gra&lt.zte of a temaie iernimItr. Site had just beea rnarrietI anelwu&s nreparinz to keep bouse. Some one recommendel her tei »~, prin!r ress. "Yee." said _mW zwteetlv. "if iliey are la seasoa we'd bretter li:vý!woue." G.-is wàu wri.aischool compositions « -!a tiuti that they cari -think of soUme- tiiwt sav'ý mucla eusier if before thev be--ia ùley wili Iay thoir tolu ou tie window. matelpieceor auy convenient S'nace and lot it lie until thie coàum.Luor a ialx Charles Franci*AÂdamns xinds tiret the college bo!sarme wainr- LO gSve uip the atudy of Greek andi Latin. Tlev 1branctue!* of Ieurii:rhave interfered viAi £heir trairn h±rfer rowing &aid ot her atlaietiî' dt.le,* o! Life. At a marriage celenratxon thie brida P&-. requestpd tua sirn ler n' me la the regisýter- st tb.o saerisi-.. Exi:tement W-~i <r tingers to rm> she took the pet. an 1 S. e rI i,, =an ior- mous inki-biw0. -Mus.t 1(Io it oser mgai." n*he litiiiin:l.y s her hu- band. -No. 1 ne thttt wi«i1 do. but -" 'l. tot)IL sCtl Il!x.-!I1 ii Jian We-b<te-. : arid-rîe:loreti miai_ ww; r .~ i ::e in Ana- t.icr rt-.ai z a 'U. ~ frointhei buu.-e ot Col. J,'ae-s. tî i thAe mosi respectable !zz.SLt.tj the jaadg. ve~r v ipuiac' t>.ù Dou't you kewLj1.&t i, *t; eai cie .front 'ti 52 LJones Hua lhari ai aginet t br surrund - u&rl bylveatrii Mi et tbexn Pms mS. Md 41 LDa #MWow iah 4M. Gai -dab by tu of Agfi SteE ~but %I @@»ILa -INMo% unm-l M» t..off 4al" ( de-lu il i c 9 &Bie!mïsmm.M leu"lumIL as- in kt le ed . oompet.ut Yrfi. her~ik »dotSkwomen u" etk mm&beantefI hands inthe. Werb ibr pmaà ieut eiAO fro.PoIan& M Z3W50Umombers of te .Néw !og obmk Kxchztn- it la estnated5w0 =» Mtwrk Me Mad iha"e mortgagem ébor ~ .ai~whieh M wri a hackteher at the. Cuarle, Pa, odeLà IndÎan JOuthaaked a Iui -Wm fDthe axis of tii. .arthp" h. mo a.red: -A think Une oa whicà A New Neveu-u recoived a cheek *or" frmAd-m Goodsell to set2. adfrpu«aM i o afound the pD"e woelhless. andi now divides the signa. Mm int. four worda. Cunmetingon the admis.Sion of a bMhIm c ity-five lawyers to the Bc*. om bmrz. th. Journa of that rity mu market -I& litepresent condWton law p.a;a&]kmtionly for a grini strugl. thelb aurvivalof thf- fitte",tI Ix th* part Qf Aficsknown as 1Subi& &M gtoWs _à ec1es of acacia thas uNidi. ma louaky as te make itasi ha.L ormil saway. The stem in boilowd mithe action of the wlnd pro. dme a uound si-ilarta thal emitand bru a te. m m e onsunIpti toma this co bfflcass, sd il ab la appy -Imm âmàmmwemeul falo bîefram am 16 Ou icminitroze lladwMay se. 'Y Upu .emmenl Ow amman tab M - fimnd th mumd l b. SM& hmng balE ~M" the Bol Ji *0 iquid ez< wmo!ed np i 1%» 1.7 per ci go food wsV6 la9» body) o1 ale minerai or, SM& it waafoi * lb. ezereme ,,Wi the bo Whem sheep anvr d mes ntcontA amà4.ofi trog *0 muine conl MU.; of nitrc iemoVLive-1 Lot your Coi jqvewth youf mawhenu ah docie, faithfu1 *idp and ftbig If yon Wou mrie yon on t jdl ehiun the k.àehim lse woth, and ina Do not beat tua lorad ton mm with th <h at ut; th £cage of a~ bore -von, S* obwt; let Lim $Mr blis Win hbm a.sweat 8"a you ma Pm please. ~ubottle; ed gracluaiiy âewater th dadenl& thie ma uothing bhit. lisser let &OWD a hil ii »» ontrat. Uhicea du l-mo, %atn m tw ,p. Xake yo @m. Inn PiIa of a h g &Ulhi8 vi Oeurn dbmkint ut &M mbis h gfihout be gmssaster 49 bis body Iour Chin haut, dues obags long a ap; - tlub Arab E

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