GRA O! Smplemmd auy ry SisBondy, thw4~y ewt u lI>y ùmftw * 1 WEAJ Ateho l r ' w Mlle S ILE nmmlM Oéu11fh7 (ies m uio 3IGANTIO SOAT1Eat thé OITY STORE lumLinda As vfiqsk.cfEwiu th vi hak U Tv Ai Oounty fuIGotto Cirmrien. M (#CtV mm d0< ?,Wtft1bPw M4 1%% 0 m Io ezjib" nh«berbyêfimdo 0 am othe lot yebhlTuy MOIt WB bu» &idd,~M444t0Eytcompleting »W aangements, to da n u'et Somk Kt P" J6 wSfl pb4.*# kg.aed u k a* = b pi .g wwIu enb*r ond M- uLn& q.- ow k~sw o ieh sdi&iêd b a g aç taesedvefu Lnuye isacrificigpcs ie vmible maked in plain figures, wi th ed ink or ed penci:- h# i# homoy ble rý k*e ttrsft k eMd m*d mtty a.~i" lovito closeetw"frprie& J, fAL jkJr a 'l'ig wf& av ruMnt"ig& ak oncuiL Go.. go mrm« ' Nm» off*lte pitim nPitsVi' yJVI t ,w--'---- 1i$o gro4f Mig 4#fllfô mam 07 it ~pTort pwnk ww* &SlTW1JSêT or bostdowpricenlOuad viii tafZy ecipe any other 5ale eeratteumpt d i h itr fteEt le~ thiq4f<1 lu fflSndfn rg SIRaP tîïee*on ioo4i "that vil!b. giwen dnring bSew owm h otsofc in ha thelnouy te eta ryGcc usns he .nagr&of olthe City Store mwe h6, ave 1aboreds es1Y fi- an .4% i* M #WI VI ow e $11 ,*Mpm w mo**V rm.Wê 8«# twwm~d to c"Yarout OUT prm tcka roa uIviieoecoasDtOetnpimmf±su moih vnte ns t mm* nyr.L i el-rw ~ w k o jte 1 < Iw M I& , F0 b » ,wno , M ds u m s n m dé y ja v i " e -tl e mon d b e e mv i a S & of t h e. tr t h o f th is a s s e r tio n v i : 'T h a t th is s l n u u a & f r t ,mê?,rf, hffl 1MM«Iy«114 W If W w #yggngw rn Mn os-i w. wy -,a .i I4 E .lik a ms waI I UIes.e tr tOavekwei. e P B UA T a ti.etem i Lyprc.4fth'enit.Suc il ndctea j w IRZMSMEUZ ITElS SALIE 198 EXTZNIDED TO ZRVZRY ARTICLE 0FP ME RANDIISE IN OUIR STOkLE, MERCHANTTILRIt ifoT ZCZPTZD, W. ivit4 .v.ibo4Y, young or old gz«t or xalbou vr U0wh IhFrpresenoecduring the next sixty days,assc nop- ,un$yfe~~egaRsMaylm êoccur agalu lin a lfetime, SOOTHIERAN, (JÂTHRO & amAK The Lindsy Dry Goeds ud lothing Byndicae IdllGfa7y,'> ~wr~1 hav< ~ u~î' &ij ~ Vf. i~ îEfor irtUlff¶4¶ lb. ~rI< hatn& (>11< (s» --*& wdom« sla u $malvugt imtieu& patent Combination safty cil cas. Tt in tullo' .ofl 1940,MW o Pf"I feV thNne i? <b'V ÂgH1jgIin hhii 's dim stu..--w9-2. a '>" * Lothedo o t m' ihtamu k m u h é il1inolmaUI )f A< A. rSoh 0 *V*l pMr T kapoUfo o te ele u 01 O tf-wi a Pu ar p_4 "-' n 1w mir r yntcAinga at end. v Mi o a, vi t b.fh# etv9y yr. 1Teeneww:?::no :;uz::in ;:: : MiM iW Id 1À)C L OTTNGSý " Duefm. i t.ntiy, weL o inftling lampe, or "mail mWAch 2î" Ieil*ltlbrr *hojf0w FO» "kopcan. Ie mbas a» hadle 1ke olMN A "N*I î»N sm im. i@MalyMedeEireoi. aà laperfecty tiglit. E"e y threhe, l..t wwh Mv. Aho B«I eir f r.nit o cotlwiqgo mw ime. mau fruap i iat anxd tami1y should have one. 1 make the stateme.nt withou .rs ':- . ,i.t.t.>I ~~ '~~'~" dretWbfrI n P4tib ae r sw fsblgapin orwcl1. n e of v~ aris Mm from two <'i'f4h» mrd#E<1&.Me- ,VOMPWM r f aa~W.<W. A wen0adelfu oflifrabte "choit cama p3Jonq pwarmJCall at Campbell'a a"i gt*fflý IlK laft Am 'O '"' g o NY % FS (rade A,Tor~oo Icboo1 of Infmitiy, me tlie of 14f. Wib. Mlltuv, on otih & 1u*d.mProm g' froia 1ie ai ,*Wwo mg#f «,r .Pdff fua lu op Ourau Sl ow, t , ndJLUaii. bave MCnl â e v4* 0 <<1*4."1~ otussa e~ t 28e l I * etflO bWhit, Miiats2cf i .fituxsplaceit thwolhout Ouoffices a" I4'tMb the EmtI '1IW t 0 4 M * fh ff H m Th s. hit , M nta d he a. ih M0P1 s te y7<>W W M mi. , rer n mS b y the . ma r of the. ge -u. '.wf. P Vws 4t ar, lyw. elver sa or duWdes day wthuuthmg w OiDgr fmmMmfé eil pm t e bk T« <oe etth, a. M L m1W . h m» ommenutme A -mhfw<l 1t, N t IW~~~f D0iff lptTh NWII. ofil * di.. Otb*P*ub.SIt<lr -. iihmn bot ft J.. juta, heWé A~I#A. l<'W et 44Ue dW.of àe d ol m# t M msedjma f Sna<vat k*W l I LUSDe- 914 t SU .m V IUsoelte ot i!stn Jng te ra efrs nfur-om o ie.¶e h thatiouot nd cw--*hebpro. (t hmth. t'cta [gAvýil, odtrmawfts ha *g isbu-laeIFd, laem-e.gUms «"If wufft IW 0 .ý icat, o*t1 %an." Young men mtId A t3V4de, I whin in bMtm We'mda wita h idpes MmUmd - p&" e ro- mitm pI -r , fo 1whlOo tî aun m g . . iqtbe o mu .m sm o.dse o uw"oitlV s t in u n ~0h fl #P ~01 $11m0A qut. 0»f«JMout . Osbi uus~~ opurme rmulepm . j hecntM 0<0W fr IU fokTm. ton fie. lw or lb boPoubell l e CM . I.. A. n mabu i ft u jti h Ibo 800son FlPk~O ~~rKi. iL y.. 1 ý,iajuofa wl wvtbm«eagthe » j< Ux e. o4ev# 9Mudoe lce. o h Crof Ta o dya.vulugW. aske Limtomunoae thut U4 u mmiff tsC L..un tas ut . tkS i aNt hding theGreat Cfforzs . tàwlt» Mdu#moÂ, owtii idlalawo u utbel leg idea i tPu, isou& Dr. d", fflim #tmp.Ms J.$isuwon,#Pl!v-gbiv$1,lu.WhI1la.a ore h.W Umm wb get.jr .th0 p# ho e st Vs.bome u« da b.uhmlal iau=IhvetT mgta mmngm>~ki BN.a hfç =o 1li f mllwM. 1011&e1 mm lobeColook* ulm, M& a huelu a - -Sn onU «w beis I I ~Ithatin n tisnot anor. 004 _ T iNtO f~ih41u Pu i ~ ,'wu nC a e am w t i. aila y 'm k. iffPceon r Ia mrn OT hling a Gresatha r'. Urne ai 9wMi. ~ vu<la î'ii joua un d â1 , C. L. A. coueywl tl O kop a abryesTo euti . Waua n.0<qoh d1 15Mi le« wmwwIg g.fl h« wu tCirrrr x qpore PfTUoiwlukg% brlu tw day N.l m 1havNO bug itanur -aý u*9erl 10* mod 0% 10< wM ut Ob dsmUo't. of _be m : Lo.w V Oftu bhn mdMTbia ufféil mfronta few nt r oth ntiE~ 4" o puWq 41mm rrm velv__ pt_ -UwPu -"R W veM1am» l n o&aih! - s - trv% ue« a Lmbwvttg 1 moN. tr' ietolumbu ut #madMlwt'&" oowiý& J: J U vnum a CW OM b. u ~wçE4 I AIthe Linil -i urwêI vos 9w u enon. U" s hd bwm unnt m Umm bueIyMt on Ipd6q weB ou gl lMwéell of ont sw*g u614BESTe SU@&mi -Oum L"r$am Ma aLav)_ bi t )heï lm #MWhi UOM~ ?on e eVpbfe m W srt o let. 0 A bt robd m-»,M.C 'lm Yl m 1~ ~0114 o wmm Mm ee11*a .4 s in ad' b. ftrueFf w dm m ti %W th" lu WinaMyta f5x -Ar iUo m**Pla *9 am la £9E effli sUifiN ad m* w - m i »lu es m W 0 odn W P -Ma ~E b.a, ddil .r . . wel boîte mi, edffle or net *have mt-m 1104002; t1 %wth¼ ~ - ~ ~ ~ uilinet uwailw a usxnettrilleemeMd ~'IWP~IquiWf< Ib u II ow .l e el l 'AM e ing. a co i lle ier.- WnC&K'U 4~~I4M ____ »Ober - e ak=i Olhfk- le «n r w ~ w. ~ ~a an. c<dwg*" -13~U il.léerI#Wii nombmruncr Ad _ _ ut I ix wM O ochel ga -A !ounlty IEVM arfide f« tàà uk le x)e me vwcàb %-eji. - - -, - - , r!jl m ÀOMk a