~T I 1'~6 Iow prio* ~o ingatlb d ~e fou tonnd psrtsoîi LÂR. LTMDIAY. O~TAKIO.. FKIIJAT. ~UV. 7, 15. GRÂND A THI 8&L E Of stàPi. aDyDry QodswBsd-NbAdOOlbinlIficzCap and, «Fuis na ÂNTO BA ~,atthe U0T1. STORE i îda ira28se itre to Oircumference. new uaragementa, to es!a out our entire jeSITH MmOHANYT ASIOR, ai) eiifl a nlc T 011 Mgiu. Pst.«ll.bue & alnoh * t P.. tl ifbufoofr -Jx 175lo« hfl Ii shWeRO4. " nt- lOM je SKITCHI, okre f *Ml't a ie FAL]L 188 Wb have opened àslarge pvopotifflof onvi PURCHASES Values are decidedly in faivor -OPl' FI-- COIZS8M ELdr We Pire prepared for à Large Busine,.%* We vsia# 01 u 4s'Mai PIP ud à gm mO~i MWuma We wIll mike itau objeot for you so & bi~i~u~ wfth us. RAY& CO Oowae Slmm, o y TOLET* 1t1k81111U ,OO SALi. -. - - MWM SIRAVEE - 9pl'i(*. i plain flgures, with red ink or red pencil- îhe hiubor of the. Retail Dry Goods business this anneuncement contains no0 idie fabrica- t benefactor of the people, the mSat aaguirte buyeri. Ik is a well-kDown fa~ct assrtion, vie: That this sale ia inaugurat&4 for t.he q of the entire stuck wilI inidieate at a. glanee. :)REJ MEIRCHANT TAILOIEUING IlexL SixLy dà'yss as such an -p-por- ~RK, Lindsay, Ont. s rI AB GRA HAN, rg. t.Li~sa~Op osite th o&d E i - t &JOMR W b Muuvé leu. ancr bhir bc.la.àbaus boe . .kmuéfur- Mu W~«, emur -Ummi ebu *à" m1Wb - eaile dii... e g hallt fi le a W. *eSIL15.A. t ommUyoW b IL pava% u« o L e i m The .eh uo %h EAvwt »Vhteenuai IqW -,. o en. or Tbd Lont- Iboagn ab Obse IPIh m n m1 d eWBkCh..u.oto dbmWoeui.'sa . mot" a' ~nW - OMM ww -1 u ma- la* o a 5Il w ue 1 uh Be . .Um J.. ULWU da" ma baa Boé r .d e*0 MW" aMd Nu Gouth" Pm£ leu otwe elger etI àm:"Wu gg-' à. dm ggum- «dy NINZ Ihlibthsand Iheha hiteiy. An ne lemIu @wwud h. wu u hW* ne, -A"1 ptpâmdnad Wall_____ stl eblk tffl ped -ibh . l-aUt W mdsY shitm da ué h.. Mu. r#w ouéeuVo alu mtr.ETie illhim>-leaprv tIii'. lba Yuswé ebowe mEID *I Mw o M indy WM AMà» zaimo.-W. -- hmmned em gw mma t sbe oniow.y .««Ring te .lat ine 1v th vit m«ÀW»d m jmo b"'um dw th Md RMW t ayeuUg pohsid danuing halîa ~&UY usuidal au u pa>r w" a lm mel1h. né thiu te w«k t~f e W e.table aies omb tuaumipaWww e edu 6 ., w*h, vu4u*hs isme. u dbu.r Me , e .ineula& . ~L .ly vue bawmsin e*.pah Ut piamois dl aigt; Md am ofl tbe, uump usW 1 imnd aw e t»Chu s"'vil but dm W ubpthmm l t eaite lrcft.eSif i. eu Dr. = Unvies .ha1 *t,,v uhere .pt uqi..hm.m7"el.ta ué f ai" e ~~~e mi. hw liy .Use.us en mués by chair mué of d». .ser am pa in ehuir muh d- W OM enIl"Ii, Vice @Wbi, ge .tomt e he Qum s wm mi" . 'h.e "itom bau P'. 10«, Oca"M mi.y éPnu.'dut, h.mei., ehu st tue te.bu m pmué bl msunb ofmbe1e oif " eWM pdhgo "e s éw 1 &A me, ma Ne" M di Toluafrm Wb "el'bmuei*Ibu NU Ire W. b ,. 0eh. nt di1i*, t e =t a im W4 w pewhé le by CupA* Is u gi. n b. npmia ue.- ei. - un.W1 1 %« fohtulwhlg u ORu, Mdr.; li ew ' u by LIUS. r ill s ?U su 7 . aReu mot. ehm l y a t eh. ywn au m ie pnl.t ob. ClW t ll..en; »st4 som% 1wS< lLoIeu..w" w»é i. u ifuS d d.411ma WILmI hug)L PP44mw.sJ" TC. ,,!krSl l byIbf 'h.le je thIe.bstmW m mu .nu'h Uktehibi- bill WuWeiy Md ma - tys. 'The dj t.17 J JI~niiI"C U. J.j cuUii<7Md NOSIOpeCoVPUUuneMU Wsbue. Es upwe e uudilm .. Ku~~ J» l N. edKhWthe newena of DrU 1 - eh bmsUmJmuW.hopu la wu C"~~lh. ré% mmm17v Lélis. E'Uher U1%9aMdmet f ebu S mmet!morniafi lm" . Mle, aes Twasuyh e tite.Who wqMMue P"la - sTyl.l'.___ F»Poa jb""UWBa Iwo mt twm su a re e du&PO V'LM c cRNW. Mo ovt mmwt iY m m' W u ilhb euew caet am. Iu IMU 010 h CutuIW>OiOIs qlI, .«; rpe P wieh. obel. c i tamm *»" Ou ?bu s Voet u.w.îro&DW Bx, lUbe. s'W4.dmo.gSému ,tthqeléumi.w th., CIP.-r osG). '.pié us lk MUM unmoiuseadnL M usapie P3TUw , iJ DOP4O. 15 swba tev ue .I p nqg n e h a bOUm i m u um e uémou&" b s ,. . ~ ~ .~ ~. slos s n u 9" Wpwtm«. et un . -u. fitbSe Ujtu in. 'y.C'. Tbmid #in«dmcePt. .1*0 pol.' on thes lwdis ho, hlklap"ig $~ ~~ ~1~"1~>~'>"'~b. uldver alvve 0.4 amiuillagt. PWAL-Mf L.B. Poule., te.her mmda b a.4¶uamw th1e. TuuMKaou'. g chir "" t v. Que,. né nuy - 1 * apm s wui by se o ,Fslt LgM ixsurfflevvmienoolmkU. lTh. e ildes o. Th. ncgeo, eh. .grIWCUI IK, W. StYle. m.agan *tlog tw hi. 'or'& A. vu net. laeo oen m:- fjm mml e, uhju ms pleméuly vu>'ineh. apece, jMr.Job&ha l s e *see p d. ~ ~ 'zE0 . ub, Re .e IN J. lois .ugmanwtbmi e W K*MJie ahry , IUtmd, S..dm» mnéisbs omi.-umsher bukut muai. Veey w6laww ob Crk T fl'h mee, eh.' ,uomasele. Mdémm-. mmaéaL. 'the .@mmuueh.e ruft u~ 0 vé,Gw. noI; l ré v»Id.J. fectorm wurne eily nqwoa4te.by Ceh. tse ric ee o '. IMWakoem n'Ummen; amu, Jéws. Ludly ilieuu' Pume ' = .' "bu& roue..&mmudte I& A #-mLue, I A. Prb;vst nsLies Sesate, ehéy higmiv PlenslL lTh. toM!rr gn'v, AtumMhue Osf. iutueI protiéeOnd uéueseim w- mWid nemwu- v& Z eo ual ii 0W Thusu'lulMW.. . SurColon«. e.didIY ,.po.d4 e.by Dr Ne.vloetwér bietoutKWzrù ci fiu oe.P«esbnws u bil. 9" ~ Usa '. o-T*Pie.b, J.à. j" q" Mdusé ta .T». ariAua4 aube(e~,h tgdl hWle ud«»asoti» e.Clger gni Cma ugie. T1%0iae. OW . m e.Mdthe cdme."" ete. osl tsuaof Iflv. ms h. urz w"hw te dair beuvIuéwe dati .Îelbu~y. 1E se me - oum u m - 4 6, aif l m a e Y M M m T b*i. m & sV y u roje a i au utm g yh « Je * n1 u b .au -i u h f e. bourd f eium tle et Pes AE49 W, mntm agMu "* hop* f» mns my of bs riMmu a i m e üw ib tc. Iwé omeu, iff b. boM u oeihie Ibmqo là» a055u. Pnomset W.Tx&>>h e.behl uqeleuM15esbu h. MW".ou r. M~Cd. bfflgéa Ob P"é Peu..Md a PedwUwt PLNTYOA ..4vh. leké h . "twLMMné Il..unehhem a»à d«"ciled. At h.e mi mme.baisses oldm mm, ofte.be aib@ 1wbagmbe.hbec s NolIeVUé9o Waoa@Ie; h. LAa -v~ ob, mmi 'hmofe.f &w'unSSsi-WM a d cal mapi"; eh. memoi ver. s- amIcq. tmiy,4 «"w d 4 eub éesi ,ih.oo uhi u .aalê mmsmi tq.àAMu mss.tmi li*à, e veas mmrd hm i wk w eaet h. .e . u<ar mouiu.etth . bn.Wre& mSg uh. p thti y0100 Iey *un mgar Cbup SMdAle0M )ep e. lug..oe un âdh uoir ue. u'e..Aoge..eh la i. ua autU550 Pié helé %r rs mmalir -mvbsDr. Prtwpse-ar. W. C"" 5 w»SnU. COMsaW Ne h. »W. -w @à 0< BP" t ww %Mr l'h. gàv fls,. W; en,4Jiai sb de su a a " ulifu ..iM ne bp*@ "4WIo pnu; T hm eevoIug4 L W In&blm ar*0'Poeh. abls ade :whaur- mai ýély. lul" M,um1; k emendamoçy U«oeMivu-We r . wlwmi w mese yWb&W McOaïm bTg ow b"uhw o T» ?Mnnpm.s-r. Tbme. m. of0ce fer w Illt t avhvm iese Ur «"Vmo $W eolMsy IuIemom Puffl Ibwins l e.w'éiefii.sl dhteg &eh.bg m aeflsnms pkh O&M ai ,s.eemi.La rg'I'sWssuMo el!é Meu»Is as u sMy p V"la»bisou.b.,vy P" aI5ISUAU g« eras ie es eu.*m11 h.bu Mhi. upuU*. * ubým«e twlok os 4. m Mhsgn m î»wAueeS7» uyyw.-On *W&ehgstcnmiesbésm m m u sa p m - m muéupsis h.ltg «##Pbu . s. susaenddhie t *Weh. ,..l, eh. ... et aibé us vii Wv b MP * mm& MW*si * lm wa,.J'M»W vt4u. .wa mate Thei aga'. ébuse4e.Wa * uet0< ddlsp bier, 1.«Me' civile gr ..bog m ey.yaU 4r« it mVu ved M55*btgai « bang Iusp heassrm ué bap.mib". mude haffl. Dhf er lm WAuWM dus'Imm av by MEndurmtn&g, lnbg B*Wm& ai uwM né"U a u~edlrw. ...,e. ý'- a. J . o dmiuêu bueobo I - M1-b" te wmiemibram- «W- gw è" 41 MWor Md *»Be. m.S.tae.ilsPm du5 - ý tuil. du»et usabli.. sud uuohs.UrJs 5..mi mieuudlsW Ile* OuMMMe I wpabah ls é bise hseuéaeh..a- ~ mu By ~' or~ ném -*Rie.imp Mise n ns im n 114 t p. 1 hé ssy r eh q 51 ~ ume w au.vsey lemai.lia si pqiNis .mI hu. N " OIlamer ~..uu.~ aMI hauplm'si» eh.m., of hIàw tamw wamby 1M» 5unirua. Mnée.m - Vu tu*W Ut**,im ehomLsw ePUb&LYoT. cie u buI. a - è d aimeh. a dus.! i e ~ Nb"u un-ob g *W n B urneet go RINT TO Tit VCTORIWI 'oe 1885 lity hava t %0nd FMLI »oIM I'p Fý4 din the grmt efforts made bysome to revive LLuir zdf~Link it bath prudent and profiable to state n- rnL th"ain not and cannot he borne ust by the fat-&& îalding a Great Clearing Sale. 'bought an imnmense stock in BOND, at haIf-prie manfot pay for. a psrtneership with half f.the busineu. men of Oihîarà., roftering front a deprea,*iou of triade. effing Gcods at haIf-Price. qying to humbug othéirs by any sueli stameut. 1 IHAT 1 AM DOING, pou vii sy à few frtsarem worth, in this Su great dteaI of Fetioec. cWanq a good aIl-wool TweO for 50c. din Hochelaga ""A" Bâc- for $3 Per dozen. 'fllng au ail-vool Tweed Overcoat for 87. ding the BFEST 15c. DressC G.)ods in Lin dimy. Dfing the BEST 25c. ccL-woot Flannel in Lindmy. IIing the BEST Mn1e rro.n $5 t,) -1G Iû lu uwn. 1H18, WJLLINERY, Ge LOTHINI b" i M&pretend to be selling at cost or bev r M M 'o rfl T Cmuy h ue. s any Une -d âmM Priée, T1vilput the priceof euch article. t 1 ù t wft viake the wid ot -,f theer siales. As tal i goéô& sd 1 have made a fair profit ou th is smeu% * * 9l Mlo now ,al..r' acnt orner to, leave Mt- on aeoeuat iM quoted ekwiter. Wifyo'j thinkitnu~s~y but r,-uie .iàr wta~o huti-! vii mot b.e ude iold. N ANUWMEN e staterent withoul. fear of suecesestul contrmdiction, th"~ iii Not ie tTndersold. à - 4 fflffl M. M. LINDSAY, ONTARIO, FIUDAY, %O Vý 27, M.l- . - -- tm tâmiâ 1 voummenatoi ý« "Mo! aqu L tMONOBant 0 w,ýW-lî