Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 27 Nov 1885, p. 1

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lit ifé *0 ' )- (P M0, Ifhift', ff 04otu (.1 rtÏq4 é*' =4~tf I 1011 +'nbrio1, ffft luitu ftIl fqpvmfvie * ws4m Pao i# 00 ~g igor 5 'on# du, "df1 mfelqçafk af4m e llé4r 1 %ig ak A mi&< fff » ter" siw Pjf uwfr P frtsw-.. r~itr, oe -m RT w% VOnL XXYT-hn. amià 2 I i e i f f I f i or -- Jw a is. .1 » u» amn"àulreeda brta D o w r o V » W 6 ý w @ m ý h l e M r . W . W a im u embutfr-* hW en. 1 M ',a huim frn*odm p msstemmàmM Tm~ ALA. ~~- h m toeb w.* wry veil rm tam nom emitwe exwmtSuL med; the Sdni flt amiag ta b.*m la 0< du. avurnthh. *» WSBk 0butii. bla ~V~ nm zDwHMW 1 fJarm-azur oe »i@al V74MIJSm. # cai~ - * .. - ____________________________________________ Me1 Oum IMM~.n __'pai_ W. ~pw u~ - ~ goum . n.în mu~'W~~ - -. El am ____OWu . &MF 1 * . ý l - --edir * --- ,- - w a MM lum IL IL y.- wfr ~ueu#*itu - Iïfs thlas. Mm - - au mW"_flwamM %-&Z-_-..i -W1 My doc kow & m oet volotheos@mye mou .wue 0l" §glas[ t du meamumm a epm dur -il--% £-:r ai W l VWW~YVDWVffl - ybiiiii.1 Us.9wMdml«Ni f tt bo ul4e uu O t 0f&ayaIctag pu* I m m -Vh" EIOW.&I~#4~?*' ~ K 13 K <k %TS 000ai # 00tWJ 'e rpww'Isf iOb &~#es d. Io*e,- l a. apaha < e"yMW W bu ill. cetIb.o aSio*ssas pmd'Ibat nom," 1540, * olllW stf sui ssl ur ho a.ele* t ay. rc ots assM .- Wt #w »»=*i * Oo af81 beW 2,,VI m tw w" M mutes a mi, thtoaiqtlin. iw of VIOPER4Pm& lm do & i. u. T*m » "Btm 9mMar A4 cyA*1P1 t fih1l, mi t 010,1A Za Ef1pv 11 pliow lme -To miglit,& w. aittbe llasi l îï. r on iV*I¶ i V t APg' 3Wu b" hf tuveCâsan, otfl Lii. udosn0te Ft«* as «~~t>PÀlf.......Ar- of gWKIa' ii no m cjte nonaeuýmesem u"0 Gair behlp mtafflpar" g&swi Yo'10 rPPU ..... wiedB. te mluk t lmrThoiefru ~ M 1f1q fl, ~jf f ,~5 . ~m'tfft .~ 4.. tlefU W wigi§4U UUsJsvuLm. » 0< . b m oupbolw *eU~ t' nI Iwmn&vuma, baelstuh»LaT ua sd Ib ,-.p"i v - Vg W te W MWokoomu"te a 1 ___ %'taPobflu My duleu f» lmlleclots, tbe acass, of Go Mt il - - oya 00040 ub OMM but Md The "dfa yw 071r. ~ ~v*t '~tti' ftt sif tt M4.t 1%e=*4 c ~ ~ e' Au.a asoU w oual1eus . -t 1Imm res- l ,lam mo mm bu mm . Wa 080111y- Thue .aminsla A i tf es-'tm pa th bl. mi t i"# h I *4io tt'sf" fp te (~4 the, fJfl ru " 1ly iul gsfm, m mdp e w .p. ý vedalm i mmues o edant tat psoatm ay 0* rwo % rs t.rl ýfqte »#y 0 « ohlootmon slWt lcm'te rA tha for m-th flong faa v.ll __ lmbeyfm myou dtf n e nM e u lyut Ma lit the e4<vi .. f,b,<l ~ c t f s'te -g'uw- Z-a- hj i tiq .V ou VIm&@ of VMI tIýf#M t10ttAqlDA A eUAImfv 0 toi tb bb u vd100% " " 4ls : tà a.'".. atot Y ona Keeve OMMA»RffIk hn«tdlI wot'y M,.Yw Yavk, ftsArlD..rua. aslong ia ualo $1410t PGffSALL tft.""' tlwd t'k* tAUD tC i GREATt nULENS A"t.of otasg nom lb, wnihtit45h ty u us déVIUDI poli olule, W1 b > Ter sunr Butu*Oum unrroe. LAND FORSALE Içtf *««rsbw of " e pefp bm lr.s vipu ilSaMIs Frutoe yI o"ai h stfaeiu low 14 f,ýt h tomet 11..lmm=1 10«1at'VI oaa"uTa oey *u R1Ont1»ta ry.e __~~~n t,.,. the t -aiastht ylon L f-.V'lltm qb$I I~TIWP itti M#,1-tpsu. àv. Mç wu wi ?lnSoutma*Ioahemut.auei S$OR ~'OR~FORSAL1 TY~FF ARMKtonn I'<wîîUî,' (Y my a rmum R.iv limdu. ygrm Itk* kuEqe-t .4 mm abCu i tmhm bu 1h.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~% ,4.u$'Iut t Ae 4"tI u t'"% 4ct(:TIu HO ietii COUMOSA«IIWum atOOSu $b mssutui. »! t * ~~ ~ o 's i n the *g j" I» UWW 'I, <«<<'5 W.wt,, vw wli bUe utt*ev m- »kW ht hvub&OW&te aset ro dm 911111 t¶ m 11i'"1'le bw l,11 wormfm Pi'I' fq, wf, "" t& UI titi . "IV"* wttl m w"i l!Mlytt<*'1$' 'ç el 41.- iu tiç~ < f the.Il'VstIft14 Uw owAsa. byor a at Pm . nMM "P5.' r <f tdil e ,.t» c', uUuof thr t'j*ft4wd..t lb. leitbf f »'m. <Fo 't sn a a mi Io Wi hqndîlw @ <"foorf' ,41wI PXbea Cl.iqq <t Fittuastai eawelitbe Ml de et 4 RtrG'1 e l.nlba, in ewYw Th lb.bm uen u Akio <. sb* wmqa l Ow ms W» vufa' te"da 7. fA . ~SA 1 VNf7P.#& CoP»i izO 0" And i pldWmgat ta muet mpmi, ~ *. ~ ~ W. tom u easVot an; I-w"flp FIRýwFoDe@ ?~flS. Ma -1 W Ma m mni tu ~ a dmL-hZALMmot r W VII - WM.KB.~~- s 1% ma* m i a mMter. The.'==@ a glq thair slagr lck«U - a athin et dm fpnram ma &ni boum anda o Md nnu-d- luMamby tiht um gW mi u ý s- - âthe Pgobab i the- aab P. @rL luK r»Vmm am dvo S.r m .t tb3-Nml-h Phment hâmcffcethe Mo Ci a6 ài6 e= h.m WM * Omet, bMtit vernAl i" iffMs 6 aistata hý tht zanit ? Theité ytW" ha" iIlmt wokeuma me rA*bmu heP ahof from a m& âtahut, te moka a falur. bay. Thtyw .M iwing n mt vmm Da cheam ]IL KLkP.. thnir adlb.m ieta&R crredai tr ey hou n q«mthe eut»re aad tg aMR Luamm a tbe mrvemest, TuanTaua vil "GeI Save tht e am. 1 0thsm w. the truattil Md uvreg rmet, it i a MPPMssi, Mste g .,!ndC<ft*cattmt emioyea.rut troubles in Quobee ; but î d Who vhs misdtht. eva".Qed Save the - - tu jula tbu ftni dpaty wvU asM ne raflai torth vith me .hautm& tb amedhe .,uythin a ammt d sud <thm« os t eoemon. imv@dah. m - aathim la iL yllhIly tathe SwS u a% 4,à» mmUU he hn ui .Mg y vail i mi Ilh - * - vho b eau«» omdbdtmU@yba guiIty 0<tv@ NOW S.PaUl'sChnrah. ,,uRIoua Hé. d ars" mmof W. are requested to sm M l th0 bust lives la the D0Mài6@1ý at h aas dt< istàt.ul&a ur tW Wfouht about * -fêJikuNNif npB il b. made lt i-,l Gaiaadharmm àuwMati né Mmmces nu, week la c0mebClo. va à» han id ui dh-tbb highmcmut tete bv e" in tàlu Euvwe bahm is »M, bla= Slnd.cvu et he Q,-U touce ajuatov*. H;.hm&berau patinai cOwui vi wuachom ed ateutay .M fan. rebâsl;irn;fathe t oraau 9 th wl taia «mý . laUr O<amap tiU. n.aiii»q ul I& DOOOilber 2»d.1 Md the Rer. Rm h.If.bue<s, i4 w hbc&te hb. builit rpect Dorzn ands o Ifok vi pa fS te IW miu. e.atat. hmammn -amservigmmces on Sualàp ti~ t a -bUrlunt hmtchen the rueF D-embo a . M.Zoues viahea us t usaiilty0 kagir. htdmk tta am jmbtie aM. Balivin th" hW .» om"gimmgtheemhreply t.hi. maf"to t pamoor. Un Th mm numL pathama ham 'SUmiIay w" net receive b 0" a dusa - bdmboa1 lthe . viat th ti Pesslaut week or hbu Mane wouié et hà au nd% ma khave-bom adm __»i le " eluytnt i t u m M Our M onater Clearing c;; ". u in V iO urbum schauaglm central OhMty Cenh~s ave detffluimed on a rapi redacemm q Orstoek. Ev e mm clansf ~ The m my Meeting of the abuve vil fit mcolla top whm bon Mt ta houl in th.chburd i drom Pi ae .Carpeta in Mue àib m at 4p.m.Fr * nu lm â-wikr ad 40c und rpic.; for lim& el i m& du au the Iaut Yikdaum m&5e oc& regular pu; ssovucoa m d I 9 emgthe. t ,Telff mifrom i ta, $9redacel; fur mu& a" bM patiem vhsCOaMPeosthe cornuittmAtath&aif re; ladies manties am uMe - rqammétu b.u à tIf peaible, h." aÈlarge aa vmirue» geois and @DM amy lades ii viiumiota "ta vilt ea' rerduced;; amnels fmoualà t@ M -mg the pour. la coder e ea uqpar oL ruinai. opmumate rd»w wut tam "utibmad1 g"fmouaduer ta tio nm affgeais. Tht gen n tg door, ladies are reqml ta M" thtr claau aem -otten queetiouo< th* mutnuüos oreuce elothing t. the ve vaut it disutincty undenatcod vo # abuve n'ribu taichargeofithe caretabsa Prevt!ao a cary oMt to the Ietter evulpm Ulm-, Neelanda, the tanuwhm alzuady thing w advertime. 4tistibuted met etthe 9MUnomt mT ilD& LVEZEB»D sueuxtht 'lestituta nMd iib. bu XWto obtam more m ah. coumunly necves WjJRKPpI4Eg mppeicatiaima for vain cdodhugfor the &- d, viner. The. <oodtt e l, to thank the iabore goag to prom w. Imma«U bamgfor entiimoE m ia. oEdIm thetk of & aYoung mm, Mmni jamu ia Taylor, Daushuà PIaveil Bra..! Pmtteraon of Wilbagforce. Tht ou MrS. iicGwre. UmiaWright ma.m me- vswukilled on the Burleru"i Donad, is. Coultar maKma..GrMp3'. Ih ihm&,r- nn vy.P culmaismut vee Chun-oh Opsmug Sevies The upeeug of tint Dsptlit ch, 'U ~ W'oeê Lmèny. mbba& a . quite a me- CIMIVIT Tua.-Tb»hienod. of dm OumTbpupft wuocmpialbpruhe JamtiRe circuit inteul halain a tm n K«. uia Deuav"'*Tacrente, L'r. Janetrilo Deejuer dtk. Va hop* th* IFU n. et MOf IÉO tes Hall, mdtto p maî(the Or ->.w-Il amt"mIbu. pu'n. At tbe moraisag asmees lMr. nm iunwh.-ing to prou ,le th* qpOe Denavan pirnachoti fromuneMu.. 713:_:thines. Bueter ye ini at the straight gt," etc. MiSiwoNARY Sxaos.-Rev Mr. Coqt At 3 p. mt., Dr. Newman preachul trn u ,ofBohiy iiosp u up I Cor., 3. 11-15.:-"* Other toundatdnon rthBtt sahbbmtk l Docoumbtarat 10 pe* cmaB omm lay, than tuatis laid, vhieh m. tu presch the mrnsouary semnle is Jemu Christ," ete. At the eveuing this plac. semrvice Mr. Denovan preached ga.agmdMLmal d Mm inishave rea.ed took for his tuit MaMt 27, 37, land Johni froma the west down hr. we belien i9, 19: -tThia is Jeas of iefmiti theyty nd tg iwe inMr. William Stia. Kwgoftthe Jeva." &II the sermons vert sn' oue Mm iLilli. Stùman vi itenud t i -e irs nthe w ~ u up vest for the. là" twvveaucm i omzn< a d mbum the b'4?lngu home amoand hhmgrovu to b. a vq t@9 ~ fil.dami.la tt evmuguuit ! girl Wo believe she has bou"alher tym m"aabuilding atthe achool rom cta . me howr t oe I vo, packed, ad msy hai! ta tuImvthteidMer ltrvhveetho.Tt doorbecase herewu n ro forChan vet muât b. a lias place for growth. withie. xsurx». -Mr. James Canuai la aw Ou Moudav even there val grand i lfiing the &à o ne ad before he ooan tma.meetwg follovol by addhee 1bock 'e i t o take a trip to Gra The Bey. lMr. AIduma ocoupied the county tu See hi. aiter Mm. BAt-er. We 1ev. , emrs.Denovan, Torotot; Sc- IEEsouher u ers ho vere dovu Grupa Fe»"le Fails ; Baruer, Whithy; roundt hmart tg shot at Mr. T.- Cou. Mumo, Peterboro ;ad McTaviab, acl's dog in miaake for a foi but oaly, Lindsay. The Rev. Mr. Jouas, of St. voundol it. Thev mnust have 'been pont Pati's churrb, Lindsay, wus prevented judgts of fox flesti but aooing thet ,am ftm emtteuding bonaus. hi. ovu churc front amoing the pinces vofoot sure lî. 0 utgsemvces voie bewm aaeraaiy. Counl iiiifgive thent. Rev, IL L Pomma, ofthp UMothodiat GA-risLobr.-à.ny person meetnag a churcl, vwaiu Cmaniugton, auiatiug tU strey gate vili pion. direet it tn ute l reopon the.church in vhich h. pecha IOn. tManvers as tha in ueîvfq rS &go. Bo&h pmtan 1SU S iamceHalluvu'n niht dues runavudable ain.me.X«. l>r. _____ Thmaes, of Jarvis rsit, Toemtoi wsasï,~~ edmeu ta Ceicagete the dd" . *m te1%a * d« J&IM ï-hin U' ffwù.Tu TiiRna laan apoiogy due the Rdtor a£ oher unir the ahi. Mmnageamant of T» W ARDIM for or ot- couod Mr. jjLmau, leader, ad m mmdmatsvsiaere reglazly, bat tintes have beauq %DaL~mai .....odmp oà o W ha MeV" m o. là$ishoamesêm B ht haiugbau it inteltho OM M a P. odhu a ~~ Im uun kIk.trigt, e. aalm bof i mlà» tht i mha. 0< a n epll»atu aez" . * * mbi m WNFKad"Mumdmim t o2Unal M> ww divw tu bmma Th" k»ay uA eu * ~ l O&UM"aBasae ,. r r - bs, elnamett oe tbm r £as I Wi" m-Qw iknbm ar. bv àm --I Mu suri e IL ,atuitsave muy m i 'l À i - 1 1 . -i --i Il tommur %ommm dzmmdmwMý w dmwý ww imamwmmzw j6v qu' JL-IMW

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