Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 12 Dec 1884, p. 8

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Ifkl# t ewtu# Io =4rffl w pst 4 wm» .4' U mul #80*7 wu- sm.iy Lev.ia& Idkwronm p~y~ w~i;~ ~~121 -p FUR&I FURS. j~iF*I dL se WI- *.&L ~EL LWIe b* o4 *ale 3.5 olm. omb. & uikw eg4 Mofe* ourF (L 01 E ww am te. bum..dm4Jeu Lu~w boUs ~ lbui I~Offl .L WL.L. Un iu1ê~ EuIto, Liuileg b#w ub .w.V N. .u -~~T Unot f~ . ua ewr. - .m aw ~ ~ Uwwoblvmlmodàff UIi~~~~ t .l moeeU u~c ILp e.« M W ] itE RAY Ar. unrnug mi" @Wu Dress AT 25 OTSU, on ' mdU"M i tl waMor I *~u~*Iv Fm vM1 a q 1__W _ ~ < ~ . g~e-~L.d1UooI F. AWF D NLI - lt ug. d'owlle b. aBe.Md #njbf #» 0 ne H E7OIAIf7f Y ETI t ~ ~suwe w.q~@~ -~,Lu .u~î.tUe .o*ifi Mrwtlss ow * m4 ftln4boE lvumoet..b.I@ru CUÀI.*54 4hoO i # mr.s .. "N% but. umv liewo lem o*.. M M0W flm M bu ée l.&- ~~~~~~~~# W "am uéW.Uq ~ *> bOIs4 Tk IMd.bu &vau * '+ l -tI l~'r' ,~ %p~ g î" ~ ~~ *@4 14 ~t4..b. ' I~U oW1.. * pfiet I>@mu vd.w U W U e f~~~~~~~~~~~~>' ~~~~~~~~ ~ O '..a 'vAN$u .Mfr tVI4a$h 1I '4p uaelm . i wp ose l.- ~ g4~t i~'~ v~~b 't4 ~01 >tlaIl* w e. Wt~O#mut.4 , IpuM ft W *»» aIsI su ~ '4S" hîN4 tt uiietiD~f UV U0 #Up14# 4fh4 hos.< 1*b . "W Momm». t t'~qIfi.fiw 5 TetO.aooet lb.pi. bd *4~.. f4t*,'msr ir tW illl i«,%#.. uépIl iuk<vo.duq.,5 1 *14 q. ac* tp w 16PZdIffl lm AWMWgoo**qud l.vil. .LNZWOD ~~ ~ lii ~~~ ~ Ile att odo b<4<iwft ie ',lU.otIe ~~~1 u y It' ~61 I~V<l Sf14 ~ omuitn 0e sun o i f* ba mm v . aV YTe W't~." <1 W e«W*. * ,Wathswe, I r 56 GI, gpp. Io wým . -a 1 'V ~~ t1u'bMO suo*OtYChou&nVIvI> bo ov.gglbuIî sIy etho.-« ~ b *4~4l UtI~~hbl~ pvof4$40*ý«40uh"m l sdw'isuwo *034Mof * MWowhp 5vovI4sb t.%0#f tn f ie*t o *p wd U.. s.V ~ten» M d C te vUle.py 01(?uud f~tu -i~ bw, otb. Pol nu. a. u5m4o aw«*vdjpm*.t' ZZ#m 4**@ stoeW »d m» imable te WOODS.-i 1 .pW bssa'l#Vfit5. Iivo, $U*owffl= #Omt.b 8flIY a.h"f.iqua. '~t"~ *"'<'~ J. ('mqffflt*" NiA l nuoonoî. rolù gsuta-m uid b botlsi.Udq te'r_ @"4p>ùh. *1e$ o *t ie.' Phol*s.,mA wItb.oh.ofioMWe i e E,%W -Coe40 trdilUUi ne . WIjM.w un ,àrd 4wkes9éIwW au Mw ý44 IX«Ifr de*~ «lm (Imm 0" tb* 94m« of *0 ««toit a of fusém, vrid beh1, ~1h#IfM s * I fl" a . L.m...1014#. . k le MWV »d Wihii Md X xiffl tt1u o. vWemu. oi* edàë mL0 *imwDSAAYA'ýEO aie l e11m1fmtt' * uo. I uws çtmII.tiè. Meuuboq *41"" " g ie * 1.04 as-4P1 Itm t ul e~4*~t~' ttf<t WfttlUfV *th 4sw~ 4tfr ~0~94 SU fSIl f .0,»IIw.sF.s ~ <tt F44 ~nù~ MMi~i 5<1 iwp ~fl us-~0desiq W hisesoumi y lt~~IdfYt»J r U * » v eehï* ry1 euv Iw m4oe o m b Iae ai mrvl . e .W* (> 'N Ou wo 1 xlRom wif a aml..fiqu#MW* slb. W W~rmu 'i<*4ssê~H eI~11 *' WGflP14iê ilDit- #hiC eten, dmSoos k9ws»sE W0 <Wvu -bj .pmd. ~ ~ e4 eo~4~ri ony *b. os. m Ca., msLINDSAY.J 41 1 IF flog ff f»f rd=osm M *W-o.t 94$u WNYMdbIwb dwo m,4iék d M"*00« I~giw th>h. ,elt 14 Netîit c»O& 0[*~ i' j (Wtl *1<' 4~v, ~uttb. t î'ep ~ vr0<Se b ~ be bg Jsesbu 54 M MBIS ~U1.' pthe W ~~ WE04I#eMm5 M f b. Cbueeuaumd ioes ($88fA~#~'(> 'v. ~ SI tSsQ( tise sqr$l,'e a..ee~ofIos¶< f.bie ~IIi~ bulé <'*0 lbfloOk'91f15 (4 A#V* j~eVf .1 F so< fr e4q.~~ ~ 5' NI oe W.PILBOBSON Aoe- Umm WrWý . -W *eCISLL'S LAUIRE AlIE -Oit. wm EUh19NTMKWOBMD ]Fera" by.voyfi".i de" in taCead. la jam ha1 of the nobbiest goS in. Lindsay- aU. intendesilfe~r Toya, H[andi lig5 ab' ocesand Swings, China Ctips ad Slmiz, M Ugs BassCPooahand Altgah lus Wé have tbtnewest =~o fCHR ISITMAS CÂRDS-clear - iUg ct a br r LF A. choice lot of Everlasting Flwers and Pampas Grass Ogr pzioeu defyF compslito Corne aad me us betois znakingyolar prhàm, Wz m m ~waflmmv.rno. 20 CTS., mo teplmoe,-fed dur te the Ontaia Bank, ent Street. Je R. EASTON, Mgent for Canada Paciflc Ry. and Whiite Star and State Line WATERUME JOHN MAKINs' 3~ .~, _ wiLiA S-rRIEET. L[INDSA YC AMO.iCM W&t.rlmin la Oh.oeumty. &NAcgmO b. sodt . fZUW ~<'*~ JOum and Shiri le Mil-*~- Flour Mill, team Erngrnem ~ IIW ViTORYanxdStemm Pumnps Rave asLue aaotmen iofG.<v. ±trt2 !G I 1h. ahove dec cption o! w. ?ma. BtSCOaIROlIStove~ WooL~ ea th,,= au, with paItu Lb idiag top, bau halesfor ume il«etIoun& potR, ad tht2usa the s*of a failyl - -' MdiruzromaiMIU& ou= bakSi m~broillag. cm h. doue e Mwon Ask fer the Victozy, sali at klI~HARDWARE L.e best vea~e L- Fan-! SHELF COOlDS. CUTLERY, NS PAINTS MAND OILS, GLASS A-ND PU=T, LOCKS & HINGES. Il « sTt.o ey bunzen a li, stock et tic They~ I PLN m rGNI Lui SewIr Ihe. 'LAWES A» ýn&d in! of Eo Eno John Pelty, - Ap _ v.I &?il - wr» IOMW"LE &R.R kwae r.d. E sé a Ur m LOO, 4-- 1- * #~ Suer m. Li isoL d UL- ~ -~ ju.. P ET'T'Y ~rta--aS-1884# E. GREGORY Ht àc-: -L Cid Qla Tleta"i Suei Chrnce Perfumes. Sents, &c.. PITREDRUGS Coal Qil Lamps. Chimnies. American Burners Coal Oit, Cotuw bKant iwid -i ut&, L--àw Trhe Old Kstablishied RE VIE W Book-bindery AGMI TBOOKS Manufactured BOO K-WDING Ngkwa of Brank Boo?-, POc-ket koui dtCam, Folios, et. Fi.tef,.s'vIBoxe and Conre, Xave~,etc. s.a MUI rL fR qakmmdr- - -mi uw. - w r~à ~ d âS" -t:ii ai! -àL- Ntznt meLý --,:: es. 9 ý94

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