Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 12 Dec 1884, p. 6

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's t For~ -t'-. ~ -4',- -~ . ~ - ~ p ~ lm e mea& m m011 a er ebi. *m w sub»*6amlabu dme ««,of $IWbM lis Md mm mudu effl wtàboldâmopQt. t» mmbOy ft1 >o..me.r' rt 1< wtt) d wttb me bab m bai wm t'X @ N«W Illd ih etuB&kintlte M .pjum ~ cm on*bla . P R . -~f abuo't t c thm timmLittle IN113 ý 4«ivgw .1 Wdbeeeb ala %a p.iofthe tmi?!flthie' 'b< ttAm i Mdm"1141 I«*M uId buffowa dm tcatt*4!d.w's apu« t aibMel 1lem. 1,aueà.u&«uI& uvb.wU) go » w tufwwwff yougvnd ww fS < f»bu wofu M oàWh* la n Md Jwwou« . =«nlimekff"ls,î "2 I ~mp t ltut Io batI'lIamvhi ftmw' Mmmrky ##MW ~h~o4ffum -4%be ait IsbwOpodoe eoPltif Yffgdboatù kWo 49 1 OftfW two of buit f1lflPi' ô», tukUr 18 7 114 hd . fodt du«. witb bhdfO!0UIou~ flJi. ftmmol... 04dtmtor cf M FoIlnIW1 .d "0870UU "M Ptélnu @m fi4 ý let' xivomm cOoew~iq Mmo. Sie. fhms 00116 MdhI ~pu "ipdý la dg Attv hw4'lug wattod &kw ,Inut.su l # Ctg 9W dlii; bu"I hmtotb .oupi f4s s~r bw nwflto.& seVM vo.u o« i' 1osthée il ar'iuneotth"lk i~bkt lefi4m 1 IX119 600Eor ki ' Mokl l f0 f4 qI? yM d ailmtltw t 101b#o ' 15118" Ili l bwd s"dr O"n>?d 9flý r71 A.u ogbm~f lhinot s,.bwAM«'$& .-. icdhA for lowi~, pfftnt+ of dths old «~ it uhiq dsu;ý0*' fvfwuomîwul bi l told'vth boche b.u'1g on mil' "61UoU Ibm m athl (' me Samot» If e le eu, y m. ZÎ m M i7lo ol om Oufen lstf A" fi1~<uà, .*t# ~ IVu Sud ,154à.pmuoe~.mi0 l autoiq««it. ro b. b.vw km, ebMI Mo d Po1w Le*lb. @ wlthwbli 7* W 57Mfd Vêt qqifi# Imo, Md *6 e.so a" ~ sMd â»o S#» gd*mwj 187 1 6 3 5 1 467 177 a" smsm 56liqS WL5E 4W. Pt Ift a 38W170 55M Jt r a dumW.Pt IL bfobp 2 94 I87 461 im- m& 1211 190 1401 449 m p Ir Pt391 2r70 562 io W 29 I105188 1211 siot - *l -7 om jl 89.1 a&pà.MA W58 61419 4p11 u a mo 'lm .9 « lte 3- Mirja 2tJ I M a vv A& àM ComabdoL TCBLNot PBVL [0 -nobu à, imym lmD 1434 1 96 1 3 nt ar Jrm 2 a lm 085 2 12227 not pa- nom wbyk afw1é: a m 252 234 3186 Dot pwa 06 EI V24M 4 m 23996 218M531 8041nerf896 13 Ma MM ~*p et la 4 & S 1859 206 2b65not pUd M*m,, k l 4 -a »gu eâSk S IL90à0M 1673 202 1876 Dot pw, __________________________i Sla 1214 190 14 04 not pavé< =41 AwlàM ow2 9 m 994 1 86 1179 op& 9 %"vamp r le19 0 19 41 209 2160 Par In In 9 8M 2785 5i8S SOI 015 la 10 8 8m 251 3889 911316M ob t EtJ" l ID 8l U 209 2 33 31 42 w * s a a181iIl M081408 195 lS08, mm paw< &Iumwi « laMW 7tirU Id n«- a in lUS aS21318U5 pv' tgOFmm0&ou a , u msas is[ im- lu»" 2 M 48 251 m la »««a ff4mi" e ED 9> W MW r*£ « m 6669 310 es 19 not para * - 4&, S41 W W ýM" S bi1 1I104 2031 211 2242 pa*'4 MMI BMd 1« OMM 1* boe.b»a 1 1 a 8 1 755 1 19 984 ~, au soi a73 VU& Sît 21 4fM 1544 1991176 15 e' 8897 I *tgS a aNoIb4.hla 83> 56 369 822fnepatci va* 8 a » a in ~ S 5 209 1P66 574 17140 not pat>i iOEOGOUK ID 5 m se98410 408 10817 rot pa'd g. è &M 174 T749 4In 4 a11912 20892120 parad m gant, 411v. m -I la85 690 250 se 40 pava< 1615 18ou o1bWe» U 13 a 9la 8439 246 3686 pat' aua afe m 97 94là a 17 924 1 88 1107 POW& v*1wb.LoIwt. . ou la84728 1 u n99 386 9878 pwd' lKmiaer lu 1 9 if1if7 S a 874 258 4138 paed. abab on I T7103 80MS 8 ll %26 put' ixmigm 7 EIM Sn*11l a la4052 261 4313 Wpad ffMl S 89 BU UW 10S 0 2M*8428 3 71 9799 pat'd uu~1 1 îg M U Oetkbalf 84 S 102447 221 2668 ,P&t< 9 S9204 4519 273 4792 pat'd ~W WOF D*LTONf. v* NEumbnl m os si 1 6spI60 a Inhit» flsulUI! 1UW 1280 nmtred W Ibt8 l 81 0 8 at'd Sw --4 bvt7 10 Ica 94 m 221 26M prt là 1 a 190 80'88 Mr« W - 382 256 4M 0 pstla 8~is 1 i 5 sOUa LU9a 5 14" m "4 161072M 393a 256 4086 Poe&f 18 i14bar1la 0 u145.p n @ >332a 216 2688 pââet j et a eh We669 816 50u n pad14 10 ma de8la 2 80 5096 W %t' *0 howau26C, u I s *s ais e aiu à" i l 9a12987 282 8119 pl'td à: MW b~ b» m8»780soi MOI 7T1il2003973 269 4832 a' F *M41aq0im IR40 I2» ElapW 8 Il -M 83973 1sa 4232 pst' obmitqt a U Z 10 W u0 net 9iln m Sa8873 259 4R82 pst,& mm a10*Il 2MlU18in1162 439 11591 pava 60P, s1caI9.158am- i4 l il m e6 3 31 71 86 u' qi**itlm TOWNSEIPOFWDRaPEI scaï43ff a la lie36 n 250 3861 patcI is 41é0l ,8la8a 194 1551ad7. 1 Mt 458 246 8702 patd 1i4 10 18 700~B4R~pr 1 4 8850 a a le m. 077 807!fia t ote 8139Dw 7211 3 41 7562 etlit le1O0 m un15 m917ITaS usp.ime4aF«hmu à514ML 2710 29298 839 pat'd i 10 M- ta0U se 484 para 7 14 200 3979 e1 4282 patla mawom " e ue4]» m 1enUiSes15 il1a psViI 9 14 Ut 0076 se bWlnot pt'&! Io10l10 a aSS8a18 84 Mt ]"Il1 ~an 9 Id1,m0 aloi01 249 3441 nolpat'iI là,4100aloi8 ai815 4 W Dot ('L 0F orC02B0oeNKIN:oàmEELLE.) (Vff£â«~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 15I«lVLE1 DAI)I"O mzw pA à21 198 1719 pat'd ÇVI L* * 0 U XSso*iLLE 1 70 gaiPmEPiedTOW N SE P OP 81! PEN 8ON. iî,ea ong PrDwha 8ê,. w oit ta . ~17 a 100 3952 259 4211 net pat'd imnnsm07uIDoN. 3 M 1768 204 1972 pat:d leuhdf i817BI 175 7TU ed 2 I 151i981735 Ps, m 9a 24898 pr 0 26 15 22 940 pat'o! 1. 376 so a 3 ar l 5 94 1400 195 15 95 pgàî'di qMlOefhi#v .wt of w.sthonuW 290 1U0 lui146 ra 919 5 1lu 3751 254 40 86 not pat'ul 8 704e18 $e go14 ,"a la 5 10 1360 194 1554 pal'd - Lw »bxt Loo«o okb l 44 22M0 d14 5 1lm 5535 290 58 83 ntpatd jN" boa a8 S legs1 287U 2108 Wad 2 e 79 1787 205 1992 nopst'& " ey rlY ~Wea boëfUBà la. aBmB176 777 15V4 la 7 99 13 48 194 1542 pat'd &W dlud dIm b ulf15 6a3M aS& 211 249 para 25 7 48 49 03 288 5186 pit'dI lêo.'ima 3aIo'6 0691 2 15 24 31 Ple4 S 7 171711 203 1914 pat'u1 UfflIt l#Eb aIo 1 10 auto ses 1 Ua para a 8 100 14 69 1297 16 66not pt'&i 4I-b4Ifbu.7 9P.8008100 1746 soi 1940 parad 4 9 M sil118 2833 56 not pat'd hm1gM" o48 "m 108 1745g 104 lo4e pt'd 6 9 100 44 492 -il 47 20not pat'd ile brtag t ti. s.. u aiE>o 498 171 597 pstd 7 9 100 198 2182ilenot pat'd *m le. Au thum» d. 7 "O iiuIAD1 EDN)a 9 100 19808 116 not pat'd wllbya 87niuo 0 N6 10 100. 1C 24 186 1210 not pat'd *m t*0OMSMM1 at"Mue 6Sà625 1 73 48 'fotT 7 10 8 995 185 ll80 not pt 'a OWNsHIP op EML. Il 10 100 26 69 227 " 96 pst',, wd) 1 say tamake boby ggàbifJ ffl 1» a 36 17 48 204 1847 pwtd 381i 100 2234 216 M 50 net pat'd Ma he Mthr o a W Northh"ditlî 7 M 07891 357 M ta rs n ilî10 1742 204 1946 not pat'd 01kMe. e aun':aMy, pi». Townilp op vzRLN.o 6 U 100 1790 205 1996 not pat'd ft7r**bo«W.,ll dum eyI5.ouvt wes eàa 7 4 U1 713 17 891 pw 8 11> 100 10 24 186 1210 net pat'd Id is ag. I" -mapor a 8 7 lait 5 5 IOT wé9 il 100 nl52 189 1341 not patA< nmuml. itomipal 3 9 70 12819196id(0 paa4 12 100 1892 207 2099 not pat'dt ly blilb@ mnv e h.dmintmEeg Ait 11 op 0 129 195 4FALLS.'d7T12 1l0 1659 201 18 60 not pat'd1 Du LeiA4tmeO? hiefak 2O 1 t 3LLSwa7 13 100 819 190 999 not pat'd 0c m& 0U1 m lt~l'bosw5.of0eB$ SM 27 10 813std9 13 50 766 179 945 not pat'T 44 4 S W les ses ~pu" 9S 14 100 713 178 821 not p t'c 0%Ir.Il' 6I oS7 ies 83Gm patd T'WNF OP notpat Mu tMW7 2 27 1es 3 98 IparadEaahlfl19 1 100 17102 5 88 17690 pat'd 8 2 27 16s 398 perd Westhaf 31 3 100 35 91- 250 38 42 pat'a mgWo.Ud 'Icm 9 à * ~227 l106 $os 1pst'< - emstheul 1 5100 16 87 202 1889 not pat'd *' u t n 4 w9 iit 27 les 89m pwtd ZE a.lh22l 5 100 3513 248 3761 pat'à Wit te m t. 8 s. a m 00 227 les Sot pede Ehaf 23 5 100 2121 213 2334 pat'd et . S 1 m 10a 356 perdI LILcorer etvo-thawfle 8 10 999 1 85 1184 p,"'I of w it whehIs mu P PU em $4 a 4 aUa. R"haf 27 9 100 1025 1896 112 l Pava4 '<hmwlelrpdy W. PI12 1 1 8182 "d Suhpu tvehalf 27 9 70 718 17Ï8 896 pa'd re Mda luion ""r a. W pt14 4pilue £71 167 429 n'd28 10 17-5 29 52 211 22 63 pat'd cOac.It l.d111W te x«.jbf, 20 j2£1 1 6a 417.W le 1,TKOKA5 XATCHE'IT Trosaurer of the. County of Victoria, as ditected by Md «« Mwdveli salli 0 W. hi. 3 80 70 6#1 W d *9.weuranat e uWdm e id ~Connty of Victoria, dated the. Ninatonth day Ir MouMM Who hbom se è ait 1 80 S9 a PW& or Noebrý,A. D. 1996, vil px.»M o, e mlleach and .very of the. above parcels of ~la.gf,9ao& 5 1 76 179 946 Pe& lamafor th.eameors0ta-esDow due upan thenarqouvaly, asabove set out, t<) ve I. bfllm# *&Wb 239 9 Pe 4 galberwith the conte (unièe .amanaofaitares and conte &me oaner paid), at the. un èê 404 1 70 574 Put" Cout fKua.in the To, aot 4ndy, in theaid Cufty of Victori,t te o'clock .We MWw vaime, * I i. L la &%m 230 1066 396 p8d zinlbthe omo'u, aonTmnmlay, the Tw.nty-fourth day of February, A.. D. 1885. "ohl"o f lbWb1g TOWNSEM 0? LAITON. Corwv Tàgmu*m's mcru, TRHOiMVAcHETT, IEasat ait 1 100 276U1 t29,8. 2 9 W not erd la",hNvmhe 18Coucty Treanure. bYà ù ote!orUihait 9 i1 l 079 a£es poW Ppuum McVrom Wamna. 21st November, 1884. *m 0P WSouth bdt 4 a 100 osai 327 -.0 os no patd____________ W.@ u fiaU 1 IM 102139 218 23 &S not pat' ffl 7 3 ' IM.1 10 5 M 569 16&545 sot pat'd waseuadw.hu7 8la 513 1 73 686 M"para Ba à*l 416 713 69lm op nt wdInLthe Town of Lrilndsay. lf*bu3 4 100 9 94 1 89 1179 not para4 -'a heu il 0 1796 205s 9001 pswd Tows o LneDsâr,t By virtue of a warrant under the hand of the Mayor and the &W itoe ska . ". "U 8 2838 an ie à$ 1 Par To WiT: fM etCte .*ofth TwnofLidsay, bearingdate MI «Muk là& u»yi..â aim t39109iB Il 14 40 110t' 1heTemtb dayofoua1nu1, mie to Iavy upon t. ae uda xentioned

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