Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 10 Oct 1884, p. 5

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?UI TIGIOBJI Wa8PU, UWNAY. hNIPAT, oerom i., ISIL El e q w .* t d- - - - - - - - - -. -u-d l-- F a m b u a lor la la w fa« m P %M lmomm iBoemfuinor, mi WM Il 'LBi aeeslemsu asy0<LIeI7Js bouttelsbssqI'P y ibvabs l lfdm uas "E 1.11. ls osisues les ite uul lnumi viu 1 Ils uM ' ai oie v4lu lteud ouast « M464anego tut louF mm bewu a ipdb IfflIj M Up apdeuffl inu vm «WM vu abom lime PWM«4m ubnî<lm, ou5.U.Uoma ILu.u&- Mà abp i* f mata d éo M eon- Io am- 54hi elI.is . P- jI Isev.u 2I. f1. «-o~ '~lm ubu dWb md âe *Urlsdmi uSa égs e dn 11D leudo lm ~~~aoelmI&»> 'LOGOIII FOR MUERD g-- ~ ~w -'1k 4 9 m "- *WI ea ulsI.lonipililIIluI.iFI FriendiCitizens ani oun-~h~ trm nread thm ls. _Rv T ea ru eté id - lb. mdb~.~ w c ~ Ns. 1~ hFontb b m v k ad rc f Vié M y" W#*# »*. Md W w- mon is. ê a ~. ,*MVdue bamoPRUW w «w lu gm* W 14 m*wg :. l 0-W-*- w U U ~ffli wi mâ bou 1-erLO&O- 'puaoe 4w #onte coueurd@LU aHWO t -0 Mau k t 0 .oe qio. mss auvPlume a-lo- <Uneha 0 & Ov.# omm eas th# M W n u. H hf*flRw e mya mdo z F il" ve ue ýlu q own m#w1atbu u@ope" maeadq.i.4 oý ", â V% 4 mrm n ow lm m W # » e vt ff 0fl o f # * M d îu . Uoy f w o f « f er 1, bu4 Mer, 5 slm fw 11 ibudl ta LADI E8' NANTIES £U18'IERS * m wUa a J -1ff:t h ire A aI Iii j;uv iuOUWià f. ditý(fig A 0900 mue ! floi aOf017MO umtI. fwi o a, si.v f w m& unwtua Imiss ka enTm l * # 1 &Mn$ tgfontJ 10»¶ mOOmuit f«ob 'M M a. P « ~# swfua e WMd1 Min* v t *leAma U w ai# .<4<a e4» WIII W*$ b i r#pl m «?Il," l puy dususlà ..blu e ds tw Om u cEwb5 l I boV. 15 *h*ilWg d 'tTwV# as$14 h woul iod M 40 i p ai om.. s~ oV4t7, , 85 w ae. a b*#l* mina" i &Md ghffl " d <1>vu (Ooq1s sh mm..This.mu»utb4 a mi roue mhuieto. hw boss. les'Id.sly 0 4 '1 ' ' 1fflt q @f* 01»P«fiI t fwil b oldA)vdsll ol des.oh.p susW uuof nWiub03~~*I iMelem Ma .w*V1* tobuon Oti S#Of @<II#P".<Wé bM* 4 hm b"110 e b la #M fs., 8.11 no !cm G. Ua. wp, G. A. (,*Il à Mw b hmf.w muai b. o&Wuout If W# on,<If y» ~,T..wl. aseus. W . l aub "M à a Vdv*5..a 7'vsow ws IMM ou *7,boying 5t rou> et, Md -" s'- la'm tffs u1 tilrnwhm» ,mps eb*.aq.#W god w yelll b. v.iy abls, nnaes, @ - 1itM willligg to do s rs oyW.I1 "lépowtl gp *11 ovuv n '11iig W 45 S sei.. ue, fW1ILs . mam #0 w*Muie b. h sllg lu eavMy aohmitu#M 8h M1i Oii.'d 14 migbt <oLo A& Ba W# d ve w tm yonu ain MY@<rom 0,; W vloU ie b e5Um *e .1 rw Who bwu in" hmr g.v I'o 941 IdW#kW 01 *fl Mt»w.W ado@ du ffl op w wttuis ue.py la à* f»Ils *0 W " of *9 içlpw n 3 w teIs Uv 4B ..*I ivIi va'ELCelilswhugs I ui si«4e l.ssl oei b M. ai ivRA R A #M4te- hWoua b. ut= a ff i eu ' eil ;J.ea& rui>a y, w omble »4 în.< amv le Ob- Intentionaetu*4 te - bei FI# p W" , 0< * l , Plot$*o m ~é gaIsambu.utpew it Sisud.M *0 Id fow5i- p»Ayt mstles toi IM.. uni, « dw Mot u eshoW#& ytiiiul u ai.hiî11 ho . e l i e " d5B1, bi, 11N EIIM " ,0. ~ .i 4 ldbl# ssieis.I = Y~OM ff #MW 09 o9Wcuu 11>14 14c. suom apvclbl 1 LOCAL J pte lvIqXbAumeeoMd #ht," os bu" 111101Lel lsapoey5s muSeet iaI 08 b# lilia o s.M bu dawm of b etisff *1leu l i lu i<i .w. otli.Iolr0<tisl lauaba;a ue1y uu=%hmli'Ild ylb t11 a itdm île l.ilu I. u*tou < The. i pos otu tW o b*fau72mM00, .of"aaylut ua redmi ~ ç ~ rUi.IuI au uday f lutaIM' l misi e facIltul uut» V 09a Sa14 uMflAsi 40 1 b.11.1 ___ I iesvesi fmis l bIg to.t.ivluleu upu u4 sloulu un u.uo~*INEoUdvalva ~d a T..fy ai.ms.4 eout of"fr«is rmefsdt f u ll4sa t .1 lw Us te1064aaulmbevo. *5*11 wbonila ftMliE46 i t e d« u e fw ro ubs l., ro nlu eales va lepe k. 0.16. J I#W aiW tsyVI D aa ouut;a't 1 .n fdmi o 6.us051. 14~vl.Iuo< IS< ulf ii4 I W go IMS & llM&e iii.= s$vs 49 f Sl &e cs 'ah'ww t,,ul.ouuWu1 lIilfai tua uilan ms Iw.bstu su eoouIaq- ' cusilu le 45.w O3W~ Visitors to th e- town will iy stores, Nos. please cal at 3 and 4, Hamilton's Block, or- their Goods, whether At be DRY GOODS of 611 kdsi BOOTS & SHIOES, GIROCEBIES CROCKEBY.  s the Dry Goods are the Bankçrupt Stock of lKelville & C3o., and tibe Groceries of Hl. J. Keigh- ,ey, I can gîve you the best bargains obtainable m Liday. Be sure to cail and, see. LIàpdsay, Âng. 25th, 1884. GROCERiJe. WINES AND LIQU[ORSO SPEGIAL UINES TO HAND 1HIS WEEK:: A ipment ofmes E.J .Syh&C' eerted elfast" GingerýJ0 ana Doube Painsoda direcet fromli ve poEgad., 50 be sold in quntities 1ut amù hmes sud lth. trade at LO àow e& ~~j « Comensdo" Prt ines secialar"de bottIed ini Oporto ior Feuerlieerd.BrmS Cn& Co Gu]Prt me30y. old before bottling. Recomxnended by mnany Guumted 30'ýr -sicknes.!ITry it. e$2.00 per eminenifiphymciau» m k;sli powe~rin bot" .A*k for siCom)meudisadorPort." Obmu7 iuportsddi&et ex lbhe S. S. et Brcaowl Olgý au im de Ua Creme, Osuva Back, Green Seal end Picador. ExaVàluein Te»s madCoffemS Gooco&"m a aWoets mbxsted NWhiskies, Clane's Champagnles, Native,.Wines, &cd 1Bus k CG% . % ., Owius' XStoul, snd a full stock Of Bottled Domestie Ales. Je- Lhgdoay., J=ne 1ith 184 GRLOCER AND WS ECAT krabe pnqmIy speahingi s a àU yiit, but ivrnriably draws first blood fr winter, and Woe% tisnsoth that Névember shaxpens bis te&eth ta epare for the task before hixn of üUg the unyuboted and improvidetit- whbhave filed to provide themselves with under- a" warm, ckytbing fcw their protection-. Mas! how many delay this provision, and the y WWiced by a sudden c ac weather often resuits in the first seeds f consuniption camIIy suinudden dsiWeed it not then be wise for ySu to make an early visit to :ity Store and povide yourself witk the armour necessay ta repel the attacks of 1 ack ? WC bave the goo& ntoesay 1w defy Mr- Frot and the prices are within reach cf bdy. bleer before in the J*ISy of Canada could yo'i b'y good eliable blizzard protec- 'O&s t uch reasMaube priceas So00cmU to-day at The City Store. Flannels, BIlankets, te Sd Dzawcr.% Fur Gooob 0f311 qualities ma immense quantities. Ladies' Fur Mantles Fur YLind Ulrciija is as usual with us cof o< ur great specialties to which we give special stic.. The-City Store bas go thi.roughly gab.sed the reputation as the proper place to buy Fut antisad Fur-Lied Cfrculmr that frther comment from us as to their excellence feoeblry. You eau alwuys rely ou getting a réliable article froni us, as we take special ein the quality of our goods. CARPETS AND HOUSE-FURINISHINGS is another department in which we take à! iuteret, s and a noue but the best goods. The fine Velvet Squares, ail woven in one e, iutroduced by 1us two years ago, have bien a marvelous success, and those who have par- wd frein » are weil satisfied and piLesed with their selection. Carpets in Brussels, Velvet. «"Y, W004, Du"c Uni=on d HemP. Euglish OÙ Cloths and Linoleumfs, 4 yds. w~ide, cut e ,nee ta fit Yom banlwith.utetr charge. No extra charge for cutting and rnatching ORDERED CLOTHING DEPARTMENT FOR GENTLEMEN.-Our Mr. Cathro, as it-ckas cuttef, sA.d pre-eminent, and being a partner bas a double interest in pleasing and iug Ifis patrons, whle ar sélection of woolen fabrics in ail the best known makes is superior aywe have bitherto shown. We are showing good heavy Ali-W~ool Tweeds for less thar, CM ofProductimU These are facts, reliable ficts, which every person admits on examina- * Von are requested ta act suddenly, and protect yeiirself from. the wintery blizzards. CITY DRÂPERS AND CLEOTHIERS, 0, 2. DOBSOUI'S BLOC,- KENT ST., LINDSAY. t1on, ~Wl k4,~ 0% il is Do. 4 fl t th 14E * ion a. se lx 'y fsm "à dê4*6, W ~QtMS*< uI~Li.d~. I or «Wffl lZIDS 7

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