6$ t, ictoria el Par Annuin ,AAv.nea T.wnU«À&m-- -- -qd - -- - --- -- -àv IFA-61E VP.. ~ I I I-~ -7 ----V ~JA ~ V.LL. nMI.I'dOama" VOL I IVI - ~ I A W4L*8t 7*8W 1> Wl la O. 14W aôir -4 *8 .f x M m ymhosetoP88ubt1' imno% W *Mote.U»M a~09oom e msnom f Md hhneqib le iesr.w e pi. fuvm w dtp Iom f Ma ue, M dIIon« U,10e10 suiS c TUl»-Pm .liai.- a 1 am tIin mse h« hou 1.emomt ii lus UIO lrWa111u1 hy sa. WILULIr e5508>1'Ok=o ! o. orI. IOM&. urTk¶w&y.lo £VI"¶< fltY Ât 14nIV, AI V« ome MUWoe lo tê~m a l alOt AWU GA«on (fflIOfMMLadRes, aSeo Iuiei p ly te J&U &GA- WUVUV cigo, A.hIIdia3. 7 e.-raina, caesYP. O. -l"a 9 o .o!V laapu ô, "~'~&'1~&~tmuemin v orn; B m e on ____________________________M4 Mvao oehande of bihy irouaf tai. lWu U¶IISat)> 1844of>19ta loasd paiteofIole P >Omy W toit. iii' flw>i Ouuafor4 vit- lOpaol' usi..About 188 ofie, st«eqV, M»4 0.ut Is M41e« rom L~' des.e hou" sMd stad Shm§ison Mtou ai ia-o OUI 10.Four serfs MW ae u lpaous- cloue. *p"1y tlOJ. GAQ»lO, Wasrd *fOfat Jt r.,on tisefarta, unm<ot OMMor 0 .r",. hq., LIudo. a A &MA"LL PA«.-of 5') evnef lthe ?oWpiehip mUOSiy umtobsJ Q»lam.Dm Fmv bu@ ta sMd frou tilt vo»ea mabs EYE,EAR'1H ROAT viL au su ROURSON, LI&-C. Pt if M..iea Oc la s'I hi fl d«**,p it.s.n7e' OaSUIltllI i tt S ie m stulfl o u BiNiS, N mf~ff4 uos£, faes n fny, Jtf. BaON (Of the im of Sitton Bro.. fewel- Vo se e.. « vidOns. Watches I A wl SAUle loivdea A LunIe v T e.n plac»I .* bay, wa fruit go buy aMW 4 &mm ieave 10, y Wmcb s t 4i rou hv toum 19i. BRITTON am'arra BROSO vwo 8" a fvell Iwolu mu ng pneu*r o =gta of as vl. lu 7Omone y ligas au w hmou l ow M, I a VaVnvute nTMy volala b. mpe " fuaiff liMe!s/ lïo% vubaO » sgee- o!..: sh-tug0vr4uo i a A1ve Md ahatll IWcf in4my. Appf te J. GALLWV.Wsi'dul aSe, Lndms.-4 n~e 5.l OI« con 0( rlew.on, 200 os Aot l. n 1 01M 1 t fVerikuanmd lot #, m M09 don of f ""Lm * «dg 8, ln An Sd (on, nMd 9 W jka, in m Omuofllesi lan, 160 Aeffl $At 06, ln Sud ff 0 e UhZaiW 2 pâril ols n Keel PMU. ideay t'os Io. cuti cff .-Aduuy Mm gn stish, socs e! Llnd ilu., t1wo dWeolitngtb.1'ONli. Aio a lot' wth bilssls GAiiaVathefeofi, n tii toWil of tifuIm Lot 8, tiolth QSpuuteM510, lÀtIdsy, è acre sd Alqo IWo finito shrlak hotiiqs--lmu' deiu uublîe pmoeIIy-'I1 tidm* egeffouth. A ppiy l.o ,AII U1, t.Wnlvf ii'. lneY PROGRESS AND STABILITY --np tu- C# BRITISH EMPIRE NUTflÎAL "Pt 4»qrfl , Jbod q e op, tF (nvd4, iIiartfea $ ?1.4iq0ir'N. --i" gAfeLMA#AOUP. 1461 "lilial Iireoi . .. ......... 1!t1... ................O 8,0 Pus...... ~................%,1,0 ............................ 1.g4W000 1418i...............4810,000 im5& -I5,A48 lf l...............110O00 40 00. Maeo 0wu *04.0 tc, the acoumulaled it, rieftdàthe cpou.new hutiin@e e- Op"eied thnt Ott env <>1110V Scigh tffio«es 6g Poli. c-iss bingi I4siffl for l 0,1400 aofiidupeuSc. It haq nevpý rt' nted a cIla. 1tI Cnstile l,,ve 1lM1 l arvelend s4aie autlii 5n lymtem (et amui hnnuî4 e gvsfyppil lionti4em ptqid eer v lhrfee ef It lin' pati dlfint the.31 yeiirq ofil'ewailh ment, ovel' 010,00,M lit I leMe aniShonues, Ail medft.u eioln0th4 p@iev hoi4.r,*. Sfi 4 Of>ulItfif Mid pl'f'iI'ty in Canada oie ehonit mthe reffiaIf >of the p*iui Yee'-hl Itiff Mom'@v ionnfdun Pollle tof h e arnoluil of theif 0041vrilt, ltt<in*dlttn hw'aCh I. Undo ciNadin an R$î«mft, li il.. m fafI*-'be4idoe sr" M'if511 froin pnwan4-Wbnt invetd in ticuty un olee f 1b.uold hefé, Md IIIq oStl ais ~lAUU (ALLO, Fe. UAVMIISOI#Y, <lenef#lA 'efl. Lo(al Allons. MISS %D£I4XE 14O pealftfi lve Iaeen la foor nImmS esi inmnSUl rtilOiet ai Nf# ftfidfllie, Lnuy Otre.ilo Io00Meéf c tinfi f« otppi l. T-rn'., nitmiSanWf on sppl1<i5Ii>f.' LANDS FfOl SALLo Vie iendmV.igOwuoe nlk ewohol00 P'FAIROS ww' ini vea 'u15TOWN PKOPZKêltU for §FORBALS.gi -r'hatYmhl f= litA# b. own (f Lindear R4 wl 4î,-M, 0 u nsd Pior 1401" "fN-eê trffl OnUl 54O<f Lfts rImhev Owil if ui a a"mdportio11 f Éai ;v Nft1 fet atiesl .4160Miid aof'T'wqk WeR af 'n fifin 00 f u u!'IÏ;ef loIM. sMd fsfli MW On tht'ee liss lie sftfwtI arot admS60.1- VllThé ntiîlff whll"' sodc pm Absenle ar &i¶'sbleO sliSehu a easy %0 ommst. ILi haffét Lweda. ValuMaFwfSIl wet 1motf wLm i9-t. 4, toi t» 40 .so6E cf &WnlIv, WeNlihrltai iii ont tg &r leia Oi eotiÏvmnft, 't wuot i'e "Won à orIels fwiinflqMsd s& #Md (Pm" MO5 utabla, MSil, a* om. SeI# 5tua)d W W mo AIo m Ws'a oifefl og, le tiBhf OoeEMés. of %%0 l'tw5 hb ofOnt,86 ses NeItMd lividr 0 w«i "ôfsult llo. mo indu Vry*ne f*iq onthep IA4fl e aaft4 apply Io Sm OWMW>~An~~ LInOsO. bf, 11hM91110-- -ulbuth affAt s, l IDOWvilw4o09ge cf ,de tilnon tli IVd« oAest oohoo W-4-Žl l b.in*01tovuslp of C And a" fe&kl l te mai %"e pMMefUw 'Ir low.1i ai' atky iwedur VpR GL!«S 41il 0Si. o JOUR'fl acwC eta *Coboemk au t!eftlo(£cgueý MU4. Wenibeni Upriant. Mante d k.Camurm evet seondai by Dr. Woodt laJase. RuesiL be p«4 t h. uin of ON for s hom .loa by bita tbroagiinjuries MWeVus!ilu cwwou Ca.uiort, uns!MdIRaIthe neye grant hi. arder on the traamw ti tIR sema - car"lo xi; .AtelUIUs move, seon"es by lit, Camaron, chat sU huonu.meat. toi tathe. m d. aiU/poz at Victoria RUAib. dwfrrot outil »at meetias of 66044ilforflirt/sur tn&$anto.-Carnled Itr Coaon mowed, sWed iby *Wr. Atciiimoi, ct & chmity gueut of Il b. adidtl avai' of ua cdonild, an Mlu digont, Mr. HeaShp ta tapendtheama --Carrieti, By-Isw Nac. 187, 1ev-y-tm sehool ratas for st 'Wb# vase& r.Nr EiUMIlP morsd, uscondesi by Wr, HuM, th" th*amof 1,612140 be levWi s colwaetaiupoi. ail th. ratuabl. properey- in the township of Bezley to mmu auty rat«, iwaydbnture ILoMe lmutlova. shp orngexpaem for t*0 mr 1884. -carrle Mr. Atahfuon more4 msec ondes by B/r. Coameras, th"al tr. Rom ha sathorfz.i ta .zpe dlitammio! 0 la top" a t.crouevw os caunero roud, an4 t/ualhi, uccoutof e$6, pendittrs ait Ind/ien Point sad Ceanv aste, be phld-CusTled. Ns. Atc h/nonmoyeu!, mocndet by ir, Ham, e/ual eo. me- 7floe pistt lcte r 4ta ca/Set tb4 r«0t884 asa Iyoid'OU. A by-lav couWintg ubm emot/eua pwS. r.Ram oved seana" bW ~Mr. as, ehdmu«dm itar h gession lIR tuumr as fallooe--mii-ùpd de- ioawy, S.'1; E.Z. &LeRy bS d. se/ay, 0&5Conne/I ublowu&f4tmouet se viobqa RaSdSt aI hicllOfthe MuVe. NAY7ZTU C.rv.spo ofna et'2'r. Fo TaMavers cntatatoeamure c/ilinde!LiSait vinho/si tIr ou au . une mmeing ou lnlu' uesM«40& Mà les", chouàe. mimbo. ci/Ihma b. bale, 19loeat tdmua huemoueWu fianla m - q, ý R. G.pu ihatvs s»t Zr. Iues.Pusse.ou SI» aogmeve. Lat lien blu b semadmos, W it1w ibtatof Litent ceaunul ly, rom muc orelves senior. dt& La issi. qw lt aMy inthes ="May ouocellyewrwoteMd a ou08 divwalanlong ootuti e wpmnee IUZVWI]vo opeugt eu i Mt bhg wsesu thRe crope lnpuoral pu«mdty on vony far. Thes bW FetY cMoPviima beaàial sueily as utty, id. thoug la e- shw*MMse met butte ineo/w galieu lvue empestaitby Sem TIRe fa/IM4o prlng vint m pu- o"a v/l b#.samu ellant cvp la evey n. Lifotl, hvowi àpd" & div/mieso! 'u tuI admu" wu vilitech-eh, vila Ue owiuo dawm --?stdwt, Soau.IL T. ump.., mt«e; vup bai, N hse ý hum uub, Jr.;seey Ne. Jus.ê us; taU»MmM v =aie ]asa.b Tht un MUW n - VUl tek. phea.ou n deM in& 698"«prab mi ]BoM teo m» hoday mlm voLeayI u du". vitk le eJ ul lurLlime, cist1e cgf ne Pmv lu âbit.bar b mut W» bdu auN ouaîm n vas ormnm n.- mmai, M4 IRlephrmm «»W» lwDe dea hop 0(hkt#ramuvur. dur t/ma population newcillathesusmuL The. combtntof kv/a k&a"ee bm v/ia Wh br ÂL.ymiemuWihat o' um.n ai/er islbsulée ~ a oum.ITne M" bt a àv/uitilu but vil .K" tupir outy. bogmat L .Tous ]pEu-I~ 5lw L ichmm Inmle m- etm Ome- , - Tas IRni e o ull, miny. l.m Nr. P& 1 punir, Ju. »uVWMÎI CMy.munas ---hm mill v bmr WA ForWr u~i iapt lab. vwy pigwfutin lm m'6i ÏIO"IR&w "mi t lit àlay's lim tW" Il b no »met matae qaUmm.-Caiei. MOiL a Ere% nom" et mm AbaU . i e sema - t e ismam te W short Eba60 M"Otidiré oappewt aIla theI/ U& am- almtmt Actli h. p mi un M. v/claMdni» a <psa u5ro img - wu*umli m nai li mat #am= h. m mau&h&.svide- ta e.~ ~~]u ~,cst oiby Mr. à en" b Nalyul etine.b omuff dk i smuzsteat i - M U.om& meoy i. bpa"mentM.- GaralaL 10w J. cMMMç%, oec. I. 1 N AI.s AUGUW 22.1884- 1 1 %lth lt-, ck Simnd i , -n<? et Rf t A yzw Ue.Lg-Tba eM rpa sâma *0h.W w/uerwIb.u unet i kiL àra"fmmervh"bm agwnv/ut mmpt when u .muetKr. L luge Md Iar& baitGi/lai, b*viii booms tmas .1 t. we an wem hn.W.of kW& Mdes on- I -- 9mbsly umougt thes di* q. m tbs /emIIusj /n àea m intesuithwy hmve#4a vue rtors- Kru, 9usu-- a&boutm *i41 olaet 0 ] auv «mmg lal.'ut et onn» h& 0 ai me ~zrul mmOn rM u dtesavouite be w imThe fhe.I abni «&tmc poebla eut m la Z tg wm chiw . 0"4 hmb«"uumiRIny or spoutmnu com"dos. he m w U mm te np linsbotuea t Mnd tuwu hund ibush.! oi cht-..' tamina.. iii'. £mmhvs uaTorisaI.et the. ahm. 0(th* musadtot VM& omLm4a zdmms ni ubu lem & s m mE M m ail4,s&amm mun, Who w»vues nuir e h* b.pravlas of Qu.bo, o«Idetliku. Aàumm vw» let tini o th#lbboom af lb. darLCI Msd,, ms it vus o"y umay, tg drappuutdaviw saddssIy, stlkblngeut/a a& t/uthest M&id thruwlng /m oves tha e »14 adia' ophaaeuoouomaeiha#n»Ver m- Poicubot eIgkma vus st=ra mm Z4 =Ohwrepee&ed by *0 emom villa hoh uit At Carcum (J.sauv.-On Monder, Au& lUt, Kr. Liýr. Mu,.., o!0(dp- moitIR veut out (or & traIL. Wbul.t m slinug Uwaugh Gu" ano' Woew -hie' hocha gPt ceugU 00 os oswhiug. B# dio'ed dova te mtrlca<sthaM, sMit14eso doili u ash/mu gi!ohz os Ihoke. Ouaof thm mgt"tbiusom, wtt IRo hlm raw atl hy vgoransufforr. khopUVWIa th* hooka ooaithea lousla vh tIRe vote sltkisg.iKr. Mayet hautheii place orchhe ok remoevt rou bhi» nou, sui no doibt ha siatauwati&epuai voant. Immà bfI m ~te iteu& m usO&V ga. mua9t 1 ht Tutwm n O~Ui~lquiet lut M4amm Iae»F eff . Ululme M ni ~ ~ ~ ~ w orh U ~ St ~ ~ ~ e w.Na Wu - a Cm m oingbama t l/ amok. s.e gaiI. te on azde on up. tghe m i TrmU" le aTor ha r»f li the' .jgu tiea. d ufm luwi Mrit uiU fu» & P pa ,5'g oms.. feen-Il tvus as. 1 W.. T. fotree fi-mu Mt e ., çanna ofKr. g. Paokwm i J lu, PàiVe a am am the bikw W m M:bergia.ow tugm OaWs"±MMp IV tp W. Pecma" US&ru ic. aut u IMig hu i ]E vis vs. wpswot b be snkt M4 hast. Kr. pagn lacaZ h« la hi. arm-a"d applwkn m .gth* ary, aMd they Damrwly naupui cilla theirlivms Wbile ometr'abu" fug s. unma ig Iwv aaaut by .u ms tIet thet tcsmis!9 sh.. tht e ooe ary. Tb*.local. piuce.vsrw «me md sçide..Ti.b=al smilla /umd vetby Dam.., 5mi acca- pleud by le.-Euiglish, »ci Ellotes'. hit- mng vers buned t e oiulL Relu tI S wtms.voeqm puhe-tm out in te. asgbeiug cW"eMuni mr wecriati trai thRe b"y. Penn/n'a lm. <1500, flSease85-;for'. Ilembout #il0, nummocSiO, LliOe /n15,0Q, wmmsuraui,»$130. Mn Cmufs au l heVavnsd go loanca.Mr. 5lis loues eock, Doo iusuvac.. r. ihe injur go e hi. bUldiag leoure-eLby inor co,.ewndks.of 17M. Wa*r. T # ainlathe Hslibartou correspondouca ar the. Bobeap>n l dependeaoruti'hi viola ftiCIe w/h a"ev"rY effot should bu anadato@a tblle&alunscie ey- InaM et liii.poinft, it bu .vsy quadilfca tien.,'i vonuti . te lin.a that ha veulti cousICt ha*popetov of aur manier muort, thre talmis m if a guaibur a!pattants o-ui4so mt b. e- commodatatbtmr. Acy paiuts viie thers vusa &nbt m as t essi mity Coultibesmat here, san .ite ar after theuy havo ei em hW o ou= i tIRa the petut blockhue!ofa adoctor ch un a b. fou ntilaontarlo iii dm, hava su troubla la dedéltmg chuthieth"e ami uai., orsot. 1 umy s/sapint out tu 1fr. X lv a wuaIvahaua sufficient gov.rnmuut @a urateudtug humeto aa thea afar, de th"aIneoetfa xps»nsmuet bh wo muarls t/uit bot.Our Oustet W*guau lUt/a ta o nov b of!Wu ig t/inlaDaota looting ster hie farmiug iaceresbthare, col tst u Md itexaumim e i.Pa- um». r vrmmatluan nt hemu coud rathg minttuion. I am sre .v.nane viii gr. vltk a" t/ual 114 le juim te mm fertIR aupeiagmt wuRi ebhity la beymu isput@ tam OU du "sa tuaile.1him te do.mt/ut ha meutMy ho wutrlmg tomeuathe warg asbay ha nov drame for selaweyda noth1ng Aise Mr gasia .i.. S. of bu/M oset amu ey aimaiby M du v8.W -4p me O UvIR aleu ropi n itb .bu tepawpa l Tdae Mme lai Mrley, aita ma t a at nilet Iavaselng is MW lafmiLopedu,, mi anuoeur .as ~e vii ha h-ni by â== = u, tIR. vastier oeuIbadry. <wàz».-Tkwb s. qmemy beoc th. volit Mdt lae gut oen -ae 8 <.u.u o ?Mbec mmbsnrl vaine euh.. Thi e yvu bop in bu mi t b. bridîP.beiugntMte! et -Tumier mimdemIsàw 71 ma or Obis M r e Cpilt/asem »!c VR gecm lr dby fr the ubi tu~~or hmb aaàtIR. r- et suype.am Tuasmr. Thte<aiuda- Ms. upnwunt/ug theadiffornlme n vueW »=WJuV be/i et tioo e dkm& houM Almt 3~ pl/os. ue Mauthe Mr. A.MI Clair ta" ly 1. ae. lt teputy reea. ituteet lutuotg ivalmi upprov*L ummi by Mr. Bavas, ýmoe"by MrNa WuitIRetthe raea r. i ami/w autIRe r -, a &p ur et L igoa, fr the maseoft83 for bi/i t2 oi*levy m ide/Ime butvoeslits 20 st zI, Coud IL--CntML gr. Asdan -, eN toraitandt" teela l & av.i by Na lyrau, moe"miby Mr.. Bovmi thmi a cetmido af the. m1teroa lhe ath, cou. h a lit, avortll ithe nut hni mut Bavasbu a cemm ntex t- amine ait raitsiomeaat repart ta, thu am enslut ils nmat itmtlng-CamlesL boue byWr.Bavesecondait by Mr. Va/s, in IR.rom egive bis ardu onx t/us rumun la ftwor a!fVin. Astan, for t*0 «Mount of e05fur rpligbridge oan side/ni.botceo lotae5su= 6con- 8- CYmmie. Navet. by Mr. Bues, secondei by Mr-.Bru.d, tmt/lh. reragive bui owd/ ituhieairer luta or of C. D- Denrorbam ou 60 as perseaoant - hy Mr. Drot, tIRetlma re". ehie or- jwo h dirs i. mussa ufasur 0<Hector euieay on t tawiiutvee ai- pin aMi Brook, noitia ofaniu-athe mmcpality or Bock havig expendati a 11k. mun-CurWMis. ved by Mr. Bavas, MOcudetby Mr.ValUa, lin the reu" ge e a mi/ara tes uer lunfavor of lhumaaSaviuac, for thes mmseoai13 for cutting 58 rode of bruali belvuesalots1 "ads!g, cou.n aa Seatsper rd$4864; " a76 aSduofbush betvoulslal5aiti6. conL.7, aIIlentsperr te 836.-CArri- et. Novai by Mr. lyres, secondait by Wgr. VajlsthLat y-lav Na. 312being a by-lv 'etanby usommeot herate- ahi.ý ppet f ii ovihpa ipos, thasan o! 12,05405fr ii ear 1884 b. ruai a dut tima.-Cerried. Bv-law No. 31 t« trP.eng Ibr ougacxmit vas reand a thue .t/ue Ma W i vs lnly pamt.. Navet by Mr. lyres, secoudeit by Mr- ViJia, tint by-law No. 3/13 boag a by- I&w tg raisthR ne MMOSBy amount.for P us hool purposs lin ttonusip ai Mampon fortIRe yet 1884, ha runaaà=n hime.--Ceu By.law No. 313 alter VnmÉU thnuug cammuttme vasriand a ti/niMlim utflaly punsi navetby 39r. Baves, secantusi by Mr. V/Us, t/ual tht romvegive hi& arien omtua treMSme luibver af J. Vols/ontor the mmaOai#L- 92 for 82 bats of z.e at <conta pet load.-Carriud. MovU4Rb Mr. EYrai, seonaddib aValuse, tht mmve ifs a td e au ua er La favr ot I.. Cb&dIy, fer 09 75 for eum E e £r»egmie on tIRe trrar in boe eofJamesChid/uv, fur SlLTS7 rnu à -aS th cLo. uins oppeit lt 1I& vin,: op" a,,es .&M.R Mdaitro&-caam i oaitby ~7i~v~ eeo" tby INa Evold, *t/a t/us rm vO g n Sà«in aut/us tz eoa u in ftor daion bus/loy, (or the mm --OretNoabyN mnm- -. eili . . s . tC É » a - L£ýll ý1, ý - d ~ hIÀHuLlobent iahaî'. a se la ulam, GSo. tkei& et& it lm 1a EcIsy bouno lm intbea 172"àtocka of - ___e Mddoflq à xùg whaat, 12 shesves, ta the stook. Mo" tb u ___ à& 100 As osocks are about Sasmany SAam r Là L UMMx-à & Mmegl riy outiby ons mila in a day WM lup Im lu V" 4 t.Er. Brc= hlas rw.son ta b. prouti of bis Eb]M et buè- -W.Wood, PIZ&Mi&e matb VU"-«ePbau. RxTN&wk ACCrnIç.-One dpy luit 1.K . ýThea Yi<iodiauzproed t»e w.ek 1fr. WaL. Daveyr, ar tisa Boeive = mbm bc haï y' ilA aandi euitjr wonhSm, ernLim, $Met ta Of'hie sons ta, aubmom *l ~ .fatel home, a horse flke vhicli iho i Qowx Gaxm.-ÂAumbor of Mmr lent te his »met neilebor. The ehieat4 villamher.loft hS» inr amia dyaW Wiiftad vw»ta ride. and his brother vas Campi out I.L owia and i , ta hou bacli the rake when uecesary.a IL- T. EL au& Mm ec qove, and MSgra tis a fesu on the horse hatino brething. Wauker, Harry »;»£« an&i W. Wood, Whsither or net the youn& lad neglecteti lef t Weimaday gr gmy n& pgma is duty aur informant could mut say, but laïke. mduoeerning a Yl! on the reed werou *&Vm> «My hm. ~tht e =tke roke m ona tIRs »hors%, le wVnflM acoir~oth Batna Md vhich took friglit and satitorffuat as he mumea u mai aliée, maors, h».'t cm"lgo. Tihe dfiier utau"i hi et IF- ,rma m h kte view it fra cm embi dî m «dtugp 08013 . tMi t = - ,1 l mmuly ac thRe Uniâbat M throva UMM* à* =~-- 3Tg i IFrtuxre &0ha ed *qins a u lil"M thérsebf Vllp hm nthm b th reala- uimpeit t aa Mt of bars in hi. pâth: The Ir abmjugfmàwn et te s ommi ei you3 nas, vW"c&ýaatu thé. hous.as lu~ ~ - * _mmfas te.brother book vort of the sa- tlim &n "mdcidttsud a mambnger vMsM et fohr one of thRe Bobcaygeon doctors-hi& stil U-dgi x.attmiding h'm. Thang Le .ha&t no e~u~uoe t as » vunde Mdanu a lbsboumn v'- euWimai, ho Tnx Nomw&i.ur lut stiltien ea- u-asbadly hurt sud feaamaan entertained toi» M erim E frnthi e m<of Mr. 7&- that hliu nd Uintbaky, Lrs rata* vI ma ~ throw a a ll. more continuai his career until tu a right -m.The bat artile uhickL r.saod sMt of bars, andti i uver or E[clatack nom tus.MunIR trahi. te maka ibrougk than, lsaing tip hahiat,, yenu miars be/à,. ttsseW«v. ntrouble ho camaiceitgrann as. ? sif à. invm wae nthe. main uet ; buttR a at thein oahi.cancie --[Gamtte. Pproruo m boing somevhat at à-a--- - - distna e t the. naies incorrect, but thes FI&R'LOS FALLS'. bat e r. Jat a tbest.L The. oet ar SOi.aOur.-OrL Mauday Mr .&au vas te achurch. collaiMmIonaulIdBrooks Salitbis IOtelbush,.. South of hâve een EUs archUTauI9athe bouaiary tbe river tu Mr. .joeph McLýAnghIjn_ frain lins OtKariPom and pension; asud thae Naae, vho hua nce bera in Pas- Vohiton"atedita vWM M%> Lesi WVo4don, a bme atoà- etaiSt. Lh, id. whe mi iii.hies &hWâb u e SW-i ta* RniovA.L.-Dr. Love bas removeti into, b. e t by then. Surety a causare houa. built by H. Davis andi be v.sk et h t e b.bolatoeetiup b, oui= sme timal goby lie Josephi M(- W" m U t i plby S XF-Arthr. t lin been fitted a expreèaly DoS5IÎl_* aufis Wafor Ibis liseandi a Private offceandi cou- a&af isa mma iy tisa uS or m ien surlting room. hamebeen added. tru& à mas gulty oif fsehoo& as ha Who A COSTLYTIgUBBLE.-Mousieur andi t"lla a elealie? ]gr. l.ii. kn.vtu Madamue DeClair, vho live South of!te wethecorepodet efrre.i, Md qQriv«ler a afuse vith their neighborstIRa vin pensm as Mreffarreti ta, ant Mr. Ntticorubs, sud ou Thur%.d'..r -'tnu Mr-'» pvesarictiomme sa muebbo h.had. ta nw-- riob)ert McFarlanLd, Ve do mut SAFros -k ffl -tça j. r., va finel esch of theni 84. The Mrf dmor tue propeMil tratmant af coats vre rouglier, amounting iu eacli -h -- le; vabee. in cas. t. $5.10, la consequence of several freb andi fuir play but n il-usaqe. legal processes being necessary before the SWYinry tlà u a" ge people do~ couple couId bu got ta interview the ma- ant réqufre ta . < <i f the préc~ets gLtrate. of leu SmithI. V.abouat tnk th" a rFL';Zn POU AssÂUL.-Mondlay a Young peIof iueiof itheir book% voulit ha man naned Davidi MeDerrnid, vho is sait. enaugh for sensible men, butan Barnui ta ha af a quarrelsome andi rovdyiab. diî- mins people like ta be humbugged. 'position, appeared before Robert McFar- land, J. P., on a charge of bavimg. on the .rrFoRD.prevausfriday and Saturday eveninga, Co.ivpendeuoe of the WYsr. innltd ad.assaulteti LoauCook. The Thu aor.-HY.-lthughthe. h&ay a&ce having beau fiilv praved, the. haset inover yat it is not too lia ta re- magistrate inflictedi s fi--' '182 with 82.- port tht tht crop lu this locality bas 85 Cosa. been a geai aveage yilli in mont places QurST M.c ~ ± e. cDougall TIer, vwu very finewSether duIthOI~ Brandonu viiiaimait immed.uately coua- bay-unakung semon, no thâttt he cropm.ence dise rection of a steam grist miii hma b* ern vl, s aasd. ith the . i am slogt yr v e a mi s nauyrig ay I sd. alour andt eed stor, on the. landi pur- WiineDot:. e chaued a few days &go froni Mr. D. Seuily. BàRLr.-his rap wùfh i nowal-The miii is to b. a brick veaeered tfraîne Bà.nrzred .-Thms cro.hshrtand Ht ahstructure, about 50 feet square, and Lu ta mue ptarsi i, Iasbie shrt ntilIgRIbe built under the su.perintendence of Mr. un aSst places, but the. grain ia plu"p MAlan. sMi heavy a"n "iijeu i ei lalupropor, tien ta the amaunt of atraw. Early ce 0"Ors iSHLN.-Oa Tuesday afternoa b.riey viii h briglit but that late cut Judge Scott, of Brampton, accompanieti wiii b. daksumds by tIRe recent rin by Ii& twa sans, ani Messrs. S. S. Smith, WmiT.-Tbe. vsstciup vhich in now Josephi Smith, George M Furby, George being cut la affectai vith. ruaIoau/av B. Salter and W.Iienwood, ali of Part lanids, au&i in some pluces very badly, but. Hope, passed through the Falla on their iii general the wheat viiibe vsry good~ way ta the, Madawaske river, viiere they andi vii over-rtn the averace yield. intend, ta speati a couple of weeks fiahing. OÂrs. -Tbiscru- which la mot yet ripe $mlous Ca&nG. -About a fortnight was very lurpromxsn in the. beginaing of &go Mesa. Irvin & Boyd'a valking boss, tIRa easobut thI. rainahave made a vSranseni mrovement, and shouhdit L Thonipson, hired at Fenelon Falla a not ha affectei by osI, bida fair ta b. an young m=a numed Hugl.i McCutcheon and excellantcrap. paid his fare ta Belleville, where lie vas PsAga-Pea v iiihagod, as tIRe vines te work for the. firm. A very few day-s me weRpattai andi the. [ods .iifilitd. aftervards Constable N'eviacn, Of this vil- Tb"y bld fair tu ho an average yield. lige, receiveti a telegram-which vas fol- P&r- .-T«ml alhouel visiteà by loveti at intervals by twao thers-frain the. bug e mkn ,dp ge4,Uchie! oftpolice McKinnon, cf BalIeville, show Signseaoflieing aver lan aerage auP' chean anti arrest bim": au a charge a theft. sud bttirt han th"y have beeau for saue 'utR vnn ie.6I cucio came ta thieFilAs. andi nert eveuing the Coum.-Carn viii net ha a very good. constable, wb.a lad heard of bis arrivai, oersp owiag ta tihe dry veather comiUi et areted him. Ou Fniday lie wus taken the vrang tim&e.TUrniPa are makinga before tva Verulainmagistrates, vha fine appearance at preseut, also bias, 90 agreeti ta accept bail, but as it was nat that if thorearen good. Primea vi iix then fartlicoming the prisoner spent an- time comtes va thin thie fariners cannot 1 other neigtnhe iock.up. Next mora- complain. ng, havever, Messrs. Simipson à Ingrani ____________bicone Iis sureties, and hoi was liberated. >WOODFILLB On Sunday eveaing chief MeKinnoa ar- OP LONDOX, týl#JLAIÇD. 1 JJJLI«u JiMALZ 9,.Uin W.Yr. Tom hin v/uta/aformes/y asti.two Wallace, A. H. MeUilile, -XeXtillen . Mâ. iy, hetes Lindsy andi Cobo- KcTavishanti John McSweyne, of Linit. oamev nskse but -, av ing Cubo- aay. At the c,)ncl"son o! tii. ceremanis Coak la liiàsemfigmiu&rning in thenthe ti.hall the. brethrec proceededtitatIRe ovm.Th. esus t afor Simpson houas, thRe nov proprietor of tri/iaby traimair& of ar. ste h=h, ]Wr. Jackson Reid. bat pravideit a stop evn- .ight. ThRe chmRCo viiipro esupper veli calanlaUaitto sustain th. bigli * ~t ieeneeieeta the "peet a reputation ot tIRe lotel. About 65 ast tht. ~ Th adin Ti nai teumtt wvo duen ta thaennaptaoas rep utlanti after lmg, ha*pue aner d on the rus/ha, il ha& ben dont ful j ustice ho by al e W oWU lemi Lrkflsldfgr lthe piset .the ' featof rca--on andi the. fLa aienmet ! .g thes ails umi vamp- of sua" commmnet ,anti vere kept up for pm kah.vaii. lh&ypeviia lut pasun- sovel houra. Bmo. 1. W. Wallace, mai. Imm In at Spry Iodge, offciated as chairuna, A savMsE udât oenre lt vuk andvas ab'y assistait by Bras. Greenfielit, te ing wy zE1s.ur fth is iû- Hart an& Jarx rv Theusai lovai andi bat iiiWdriFlg itm tân jactonpatufotie ostas vel nsothers su i t the baise, W lalm& bsn upefuirte the oceaulo% vere P.Oosd andi re- h.gmam.aon i Eik- i Mdsvtenapedta. t, peechesver. made, songs tu"e truwm I bly ta- ve m&e u nd. ma 1 pro ïeut e£njoye tieh ta *& M&"'me1" ivL al ceeoiv@is a = --naligi If tliey hai uot tIRer -me M âbd nmi e o bair voulm* venbo 1P eanyiy tud of Nak CeIae, nia& qenumiret lena- proopitIRe Intivities far mb tIR.h Vilsvimioemi ma.a-à' S. ahauts" far itvunaiy 3. 3% Masâtw MMNImsnamm thademit- a. 34v/ionthet SearorEva left te.FaUs..- mm Mm aut WMtu 4Mar vilth tevidffin brethan aboirL- Wu fer - ml-*ata[Gamte- r-