Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 1 Aug 1884, p. 6

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*1. oel be rM . Oa uro and Ptffeol.1 v Pââ .4. iRS@eLV -mer, rco.irYt I;zl> luiU q ,u a %&I J- gy gluuy, - Vi wS metvov.Wu mebqu.e u.li ' qk The rie ug r mhsw m a eautveun. by i i bu * Mal le ra ..on to aa pue tw booe mo - cS.haumear iop b4ureI? aew,"6rote M., lutI am ufmm mrîmIhiiwu upeg. I otnotbramuit" "eîîv àzwim AHusi. ue," b.udded "hiluhu lm S11 b" o Me rotbu Vm t' qi~ky u ro~ >w u tip ectin"I oldt it,9'o teen ut à$ nne ta eWI -U h& N Wl WtTq lm . a bt be thoéher=US Dai.IIIr. fonnd~own te OMS p. lt nght n awo 118. Jhr t M beah. o f tlU tq riun a nbu.frm wu wn#na ve : oet Sge roètok pace, catcdr bhrd ulya ,iop we albtA uiN borodthrh. fl l ammnt, bu U tfdusfIf beaMtI wu. rie mk= adflMgta tW"g itrrdht avebee 10 is our, 1701uai7Wstl mee ofkî ~ O ueetn1,1 tuel,-uau now,Wgv t M buram brl.."he tu whm ho ulasutoapthe r es a-" ~TE OL. ~~~~N~~h wu béavroe o pk wlet~ild. ow ah.t >o¶ ile e l1,pwu m R BEST f frtn lma tlt aI tîln a 1L 'w7Lr"'olu etomommd_ sbd me? &S" l ~nar nhitrlnonnha <u l luit " I'ifl. hyo1on l em Iwora, àlLDUUS aMe ynt eTInOhg rua ýPli r 1 It * Sie Mai a so owurd, met la t-," rr,(bký ace, that deling lrdlybu wli o atte a mment -01L iI ihbv f.-, tnmhre S S YMAID n t 1 wt te o u "s aid teTho, o odnu i is iiul il bu hswmc a afw ond edbdbomutl. rw a lts tonm MachVYPI~ wdPuBie Odinowl.b, ilmIIt n le terl o t of lrI wulagMvalmduj ujo90, o l*RUI'i b Ua," te NI, îe i ndewani n> uW worlet untuedf. i.. toc Tb*W1,q«ctldtubertla .i u, lu ni ou bew ck 1<> r R lt mmd gotu up 48 W wehd hlpasa lnbi __ cmt iem e tht& er- - BS I TMWOjD ,e d )0 cr l roe oordevd now abs bSlmve ule le TO, m ae r m e _ M r.CII ii m~oow Protr to ld , 'lnand sawhltlbaomtihl phimmd p1nlt w11te ip.<Aitho:nz: 2Z o )wnd lat nce ra eeonzdlte . wnk, a er~lah offourteb o t W othand ylin o m ansor man Whc he dd 1» w nali si stha l y, b y g l n à ~ ) blimu mrtlî lOUl0@ 1181 fi s IPEC&C. hot fromtinw.coldatid ho a 099atMml~ay fo S8h.pres" d Ihsweam t,"andhe etdoory caeoi ik a o ' ada titerendhMga eeng mi ho '00M--lIe tat*6upke"OTUES!15 ou lamw mle ourdidm. woond ln te, oré Id mmîbu e Alon .t Afd "ae lou hate brouMit hlm CROTuspfglms H mm d abor. .yw t buthi wtch ad e w g loebapusde. flOI caom t the rw Mbnk do? Ko , "orbadPoruv,îIo ilm»P u atc, aa d i h, iod am l sùm k Cher roittl hnof i ig ngvaluhat, out ato." "f aeked lm& obeith m e m, §dà JNFan a«tl os OP uElU nWom weenou .I ddfo nW atm er 1 E f d hl>I1 e. '5to ta se.mguAnlc nmeed mdjI uO0i nG < cUGmuid UOCHTI09 S IIIer. left~~~~~~~~~~~~ df&o."d »uMeCDIIgAbsogthet h rdY -y mu, re 1 of len a dwbtlen a l in"b. la ffudl *Mr5004 moutp "Yeý o won ntand ltaofyhfhelUh h os e~uo aa»M«1eRrCa nwWIer#'«&s , hi ôlimteru 0b bo=.r o$ Vit thoed. sAhi roo Cst r "t gv u fuue4nmJwwO d imd swn-uIb owdseri retbWbOatB*enFromPuder i't and moeUlW wJly y umieawlh sfundO .orne nUlly a«Mnwas le ber. But Sd inca Ptn rol chat?"1.4hrme tuasd orhidw b mrvwn»ots uà 6't d~."wu 4aiU hreta sgt b *n e tu mdyewln aimuud Mo lb le lmyrote agîn-wint SU 3OmPOU hnD Sei ay Fg3RnUP0Fon 1'*11('er t oncéIy n ot; say at«ou. OIklO sof 1 li hl.o W er.u i rtbectatIn o lle iy w I'rî lnId a omete UOsterl , 8.4 foU eIi. WSj l My lmm? or b ld, Hme." e wa in)rîîIidonptif1hiitsd, ubieU fuadokber tali 111 04 Raye mse Wm neowtWalemp .q 11eàyou iwlm flm =mlg 8saîd coueig l ieewoui nb Tully wo 1-d rIve edaylsent10a 1 bsaborSfr wflb~erusfhie bove dt? hh4 l far the mtlie NIddhU _____he Tort, e cmbet o â 1t , nd m <at théve peole d m #Q 66 Ii u'dnlido e10?D thé ormhîe(atei we uritly Iter d-wOhat m 1 U intr' üm- -Y&WOhIsf1 alV oWfubtho ldhe Ut,~~~~~~~~~ wa odda lh ntefio, ItVI pS1UWI shle lAn h"se ",)edf erh omv ou hl aso of Ildokeau iand r l. so. iiboreit O D uImndomi faUlng o er ne btdhI~IIY resytih enid lr ml ooluIy dô i uwGO V0 IS Lllh do 1trustab, . l ot uves ra t th r aynfo fthh htti h h lb pê>hli sawç dheIh tho h mtW CROUePSU bis ove orbtiboe hv won1 rS labovesyri Iea wrnlOtm nt U" goolnm11 giifAnd "per given b d -1: PUt 1810 WOYdu Prompti.; bejIn t»Id Ifewe confmlet Eric»IIIothe 'Tn 4atiii a ight n s. h&,wIfld nota«bt cr s rld do? <0 ,Sindeo1 hvefo ltn mod'r in kud rauips La i faille tu Y("' MP b. 1ltn l t asle. n ln ot rigfld fnw.e 11ace 11h m te rose b he fee- Iono. 1 re dti flot a l'o f l.it l h Sue fy thiswge a s »d St f a PjPnte buolrn l d a e e d y and lxe f-ui i' èGsn. i U mdIV Mb>' CMTIS Itfe ln*t :î romr ano ye dberae &W« GTOpflrsmthinln eoIi u U.I ere ole. oay wmitreofl mîgqtatnvowha lay ducs the 11w>' »dilt e aoyd C .oug lB. aotith t aoomemad 10 hlm ofe bittee u* ptyflJiw 'Id Vbe b l n pe r li, 10 o ld g e pr blnthe us gt "e'"'ime bomt U81sl M y#tB arqin. ,~,ar ,M fooduvMt trom.the e ha. .a f111Yposibe baienzie S. cre n. loi helad1vodndWoh~~5 o1fi »&d ie bsbote gazin oeWa Ieierfi é y h t5!J ,lo l>y eano tr ni the fAn bis u m1f ui borMne1611omie;f r as-i d e. Oxie, kore ioril vre r ot 0hDI.mWi& l .ei tSl h Id W l a mere 1h. Ibo reirdwsl"th hi 4sc place for -aubî re fthel> 11VU .mn na 114- "I rn 1,f lazd ît I ai. onb d. lr~uIordr thU~ e ~ t Il" d m[1,~s1 V tc m f lî J<oww A rl ile hntoda a 111R4 . lymmi iidrm lmqiis ~ndao-eytdoyu ow&rWflwleeanlatyee wlitno te s urdon ain e- o ît4Ïinthliî, thanf feloor I'1t" ftOO hl* omthflflgWan "Aubrtersy uinerfmeastl ie a.SL ' . UVI fin ha-?1)0Wodea knw anone ilcould Ovlng An thsshado w of0 U i ta wiIl lotdoI' sie awed be be? aIAno<ma, nd~ e tuOu 0,9 bu 10UW I. vuoent u tog «h«t, an orablidef ho~ ~~e rdihno.woVsomn i 01 the tabeSSSOO, 4 suove b mer fentua ti1)t seemeto ry m u " 70ou141do"u t th#-oi M> ahni Cttltly, athoughé hod usigting f"Wf0flImlbis>W love r bl koeuibaet-! bnbdtXEoEC wfn aofl"Iftmpa e ffrlalme d e M PUMO "Obutbs WM tlbdhoItha 10 bUsh dit Eric e wedefvlWlr 'am IWll.h t it y aot. I en B MOeVAua OSl l diue mmd be110 tl ho tivce h«oig old i. lJ.C AonA my W. shaigoMe l ommtohailng oc, Ito 'qgld ae ot o i nd rom use e et>W fomb. andg bum. Wotn 1>1 îlip lanpd V1~ Idr n~n 5n'VU n ' Citlewatmtr mulclblmk."' n-tuum"m'evwy* fl he- m l*thw DOlhum" I y, tu i co «lé scoosly bo a re i r».ibn Illi*y nîtit mvCly , lai n m bis; md the w i f .ac Kbon ertle i, u bar flWii.e!,Vu Ohr 19 1*8 . w r » hl u re 0»-cla 11w Ifr thtimthe klowleoîce qulveelff bofflt»Umtgff' eeedit o d 'i lakyov, MWho Ihi md j. 1 bo i zml %I in t h« wner re merrmt &a mi . u , m.i o Ta-m t' I nhi h im h nole g M frft tbuiMMnb e wl a un dw» du' ' ber. u* for tdher, muet1.11 go Stsrnlir- lb. mrl î il l bt f or MnX MU Mfbr ibe "Wity , n otrordleh n m hut le." 'héParuatod. s lt mlf4 e mt ma uiflM, ito< he bwh e Oneloe d ole alu el t o reh oold or ha.' ô t - n d fe er lh ait wltb o H is. thr li m ob ail g»eeill ird 5 thâ o înosttwnerf e t unool< uahmil Ai VIeteIb Va azl o m 4the s. cbMWhu ;Mt i li M t «Ove eia'corrta>'n5 T- sani m, wn'#1 a" e tnover he ahn' knd Ibe itms U) testnt-a frorntoedr rog tLit o mmm "who bashe utdond. lrs V IDgl m nevhOfd; Sune , mtyu f intbbo... moi m"Ie l 4m ' m e-ont." 5kww 01 wi4 tw bede i u WI 14 frs Guiievyoundilalb. t sno.eéw, io.- I1ari i nh e a p Sd dIhd h@M& Mej.. ln &.. boul blebuteilatu. ecu.' s.tuSI..I bol hhoîîh yetin be dresInj4îUr-, "And Humtleir w00117SSl iinynmfSI do.e M . U U W!IeAre? D o o now 'W e t coldAovnolfi th f atb f pm ;l e b<iUi, .4bi I7WEVaIboS hb e odee w10a.ts lol S AI o -- 11Ou<i ie"O-tbw il omua .' Sahe a mo 4. ~u~ z .s" mihly brin hlm St tIsAs ::.~~ Mmoment l u toFort andfor ef ~ k~Cao usl ~ ~ U Mbornn i @Mk se ofn fl t» wn&r i w g Sq6'o danieod mtofMmm f -u-t c<1)tin & PLodon i oWRWUUp- SUI5iS gP Wgo! T' IUUIUS' OOi ae me1»M oe hrfpt es 16 " 0R v ù a OTks fha<lols Itloiee 1541114 1118 >r. rbugMaa imi" pefM s9 adapeSBIISy et& gntng back lto - oabi0,l Shie tarfted o0wa-d0" Pliip ppenéof ô dili o ef IIbym iea fnb» the.room bt t oppel «" ev'yomtîge a mor leMs1*1tuer gos he obeervl Mbl u WO a m O-Ii Utuammme IIIIIIIII#m heurII 100 me butasMdé *'ebr m S vrim wl - _________ hOIr or WN n à ." maMMÏEMs r 9o %,MW L ~ - M, *MW# .fMM' mdr la -t t LuiSiT - Hadqua*oeste unl or trude ylo th. hIIowing pri GreyYmIOL. . ....5 et&. per yd. ( .Ô m 11 Cstk .....Eet& per yd. Twee& f~m~.... 4 to 45 et&. per ywl. TWKw m&lJ uyâ. wiwe fur- . ............25 et». per yè.- Choek do go do 2"ci». per yis Ail Wool Cheek Flazui........25 et.. per yd. UmuCheck J'Ianuel ......... 20 et&. per yd. IILLS. C[r Wool, or have it male iutocgoods at CeS for mauufactnning: Our Celebrated AUl Wool 10 lb. WhiteBllakets......... $3.00 per pair. union Ait LmbIaeé.al u wd -0.~. .2 te $2.50 per pair. Gre , la ft , *m..$ .$ 5O la$2.50 per pair, > StockingYarn,Z or 3 ply, twiated, 20 cts. per lb. Reeled Yar, for WeaviDg....... 15 cts. per IL And other Goods equally low. IwiU alow a DlWISCUT 0F 5 PER CEM~. off the above price list on ail orders booked befure th.eIst of Âugue 1 do tlùa ta gt your orders early. so as to kuow wliat to piake, andl also havé goods ready whten wante&. 1 wyIL puy fraight- t ia ai on aUI ota ta maaufacture of 40 Lbs. or over. This does not apply-. if to lbe Card"e niy. 10ÂREtDIG, F-ULLIbIW DYEING, -CUSTOM WFJÂVING & CLOTH DRESSING, DONE AS USIJAL WOBK GUA.RANTED Lindusy, 25t11 April, leu4 PROPItIETOR BAIRGAI.NS! -HN VING- Purchased the stock of Groc, and Crockery of the late f Plament & Dwyer -eries, Éirm of Teas Would intimate that he is prepared to sdil it at N~ERYCIj(Q8 PRWICEs In order to get it out of the way for other h.eavy consiguments on the road. Patchi for price liât next u'eek and in& the meantirne eall in a-nd see the -goodsq. dz  c d mFz Le Lindsav. lune a6th r884t. ari e f Th..ks 9. CORX7I: ?lee cove'te tthe dirfc- Ibime et heLondm u Nttai myt tbualm pyig br e> dieIhing mouof blutAcom' idsrot" b.'a widow, 'y -oli hbrug beee oui asatm mu nt or the imi RIT z w , A " * I F ^ nu . IwhOd MN Cm hm u VIad MIk Fada. E MCFEELY, - n ne 0 au, avlivaisM i G.A.M ETH ERELL'S mmse. M&kand Yauzcy &" ds torm AIÊ upeddamoe of CA'."ADIMN os~ ~ luliilp.sfim e. aroA p 'E pi.a ae wlan sd saunA, Uubb.rr BadIl, Bom Balla, Bab, ec. Aise s tuistock of Veda suftable for reum-K6 . o pomi etheNngiIk abu nlvh. &s i-t5 , - - --tI PItW i deIL ,IhJUL UMAM, oh S 8ê _ _ LUMBER, LATH,ý Lumboe 0f a" k="idwf br bnsal BiLLSTUFF mIama &t1âmrL Y"lwatwOmi5 -4 1 lw _ _ _ _ - --- Doheny. block, Kent St., Lindsay. JOHNMAKINS WILLIAM STR££T. LINDSAYf xAntTÂcTtU-U or gaws and Shingle Mil MaehinerY Flaur Mill, Stearn Engines and Sta&am Puimps. Ravo a LuVe assortmefll of Genem-i Patterns f, the above description of t,>rkj. Llnday. July 27h lîL82.-132 1[BUT LIN TARD Robt. Bryaias, Wbola.a =& stai Deawiei UMBEIR, WOOD, COAL & LIME. âtut uitabi e raili kinds of work kqw a ain istock. Luth né P» ami Coda.' Sbngle of aul griJo fron90 eu. per.' 1,00 pWa&ds. LAIDS, Lumbér, Shingles and Bihl Sluff t12 whOle- mi uUlOiDmBa atmucli reduced prte for caâh. Dry I5 muimd NBICIIOISLumber ready foru Le. D'Y *Wo f-- otai Udadoivcred t- a&l ps.t- 'C tbh ot. Stovead BlaCkSift' Coul at Lot Rates. U&abadUhoeet kinds ,f mtertl will be . eux& geiur wholesale or rtail, and wth cash ustomr wehhiycompetitioml 1u* ruua luge conigninct 0 stoNe col ni" It oud be to, the adv8ftage 'I elv o boealeuve the1r rdec ear .. m lit wl U0W bes-Id se b.tlom pricce. V. P IF à L sta t U DU KleRvi -'n confl~çtiQfl. i as'. lux )IUAWAD m T x ~ws .i.________ old lady." s~ her thought Most excitin took herseif man as camne what you -, ,Wolf barkin right shame awav on sucli -iflauId vou cried Janiet, Scotch when say sucli thin "Well. did sisted the ho best thing y master." I>oor Mrs. very bitterly. tested, the beart that sh stand upon. hepless. 'Sh do, whethert iess, mnike i Jrest till her "And, oh!"' . y Isobbit We dol»'l "Semigh~ It wasclears Fi.Boum of dt Me .little dis tu 0 JOULL BN [C womed would thought venge, -780 inap give a s She s drooped, said: "I kno let lue g lay down an dshe anfswered had spok terview. "My o mother ci a vow M Mrg even dlaim on Are you She t ie Stood ments, with a su "That Joh Winl. Ah might ha for hlm But hi to f'ight Cousin, ciok.and l'eu. now "Corne,' a 'Word lie garden, k trees. Li watch-do sound, an nane sot was quiet So she the garde in thtp riiDiu at the dar Ah. will Nat trie takes her b-rown on by the bo, does not Yet Su wrong? -' "Miss E rough sort ~'yer iný She loo drew in hie "I know late-"l "'Have breath; "I act. Tht 110w with- was fai p, the boat. How of gone out and bright light ng now ind hand with under the boat and cold wate day when s oppressed D "Did vou Mrs. R&e the next i er came do "Yes, I crossiy. fo dislikd to bours; "au the staire saw somet but hie wa -myseif "She ain Bridget. b "l'Il go an "No. lIli weiit upst tliis pert vo on her ixmst stairs and room door, turned. she "Poor d 4"she's just Sae s Il 31AKENN'S -tu la ont ION& ý irtop1-i JOHN A]RM IN6.- 1

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