OPINE» rn-a ltC L u~UhmUht -~- EEEARTHROAT !.~5!~f "f .Ei. smA R su, k f Sd.ft PRIt ~t t% ~ - ~ hd~ .~. 0mr~ asaus. ««<çC<(< f 51 1< (<««<««« C <(C<C«<«(< CC «««C «<4 «« «« c<«q «<c «CC«<ft<«<* (CCC «CC «CCC~< <C C(CC<«<C<«<«« CCC<C«C«I«C««<« <(C<CC«C(C<CC w f IuI*isfoi ~hw1stmss Pwes«its, ~ ,1 ~URUbKVU. U.d.t tw~NB TAKE 140110E. 0 t IuidI~ P ~cc~ I L.INDSÂY. Woollen#4- I.aïi lu e aimd te RZDOBTEE PRaICie. 0rAmLFACM TORT GOODB. 1 WILL SELL- Stochlng Ylare double méd tuisted.............. et* YSIU.,.. e"%t le e e* et* e .. .f...ee..... Plain laid Wide Twilli 4lm0e.4.. 0 e.. Anl Wool W'hite Blsakets .....................0.. Union hit. BIaakets........... Aul Wooil GTi" BBImketL .,ee...ue.r.e........ 45c. per IL 40. per lbk 371c.peryd. 33r- per yd. 6m-. per lb. Se. per lb. 35c. pet lb. Sme.per lb. AM4 ««g«O .hla Prnpotiom. 1IdlOb@ " wvm in the - -- M bkwo " u fthe goàOdMloudke, dIwVaut t. do l la su hai o eSot v»tmg vbe pem. d Po&d vllMpélWducomt BtIv1siàto b. .mdusood tint the iMdit %"bus .phla.dcul. It ueb t.. mucia I.y ybook- au.up ba lhb bal dubte. 80 lauuteTJE WILL Ba noCMIT lvur"eaiiteetsth mor atthe frloy1 dîd Molbuyam m<tloIdgVO& " we à the georj " a u.iv . 1tlmis u'.k. - <ýà*rdlgml maug ud VUiOU Vvudoue on dâoskss bell. via have yulin l u mabetweu eag an sd Z1it Paitl wb vhs . o Strade tieirwvomi vil oblge I hi.g- lac Il t. ua &o1 - difut. ley cm. them gUlt h#r gSoo uir at U» fgujor a aiss We, but wifl my mthusbaIb.of han&- 1 Lomsy .t"ey oollen fatodun sll1 iml jje oefra tvby cMmea8s d medt tv euie' m Hqilug to e m m y .Id, ommmiasd m my »W010884 I s., yourm truly, _ I IMTêU, 0ont. DAViES £PETTY ftrme uu""u.byI us etw*1.u l. mi.bulum. maým 4Wéba beli; l Amousuw*mV mo -~~~W mm mqKOl - .d W. WALLAGO 1 '.MURRAY Fai sud WinterTweedssu CALL ON iu~~~ OdetTmrI -~ ~. . (<*4* - 't -~ t - v ___ hàT1 -ubm N4B ~bF-LINDSÂY Us win i pys 10 Per. Cenat. Dis- ôcot off on the followmg ~~luS~ orthoe si 10 days. ]à SedS tooomplyr ctly with our pâw wOf buneamel y. b»"y o u Mrooda aI a eIeri ha"Cr t o Me t .a ci ea v.m;m of cenrmu inanwhich we are over-sboked i backwadness of brade: owiugtthe DTeousBGoods, 'White and..Grey Woolleu Blankets, Flannels, Winoeys, Ladies' Ulster (Iloths, Ladies' AB'trachan Ian tics, Ladies' FusGen tie Bdy aeOvorcoats, (Gents' Fur Coats, Gents Fur- Cap&, Gents'Woolen Underwear, . Buffalo *Robes, Fanocy Bobes in blackj.Grey and white, 1kws liberai re&sciioz on top of mai ,cl plaoe U*<weu..e0. twqe, -- -%p--- I. You ilb able to buy a good Overcoat for $5, a good Pair of 1Wite BI aukets for- $2.7T5,ýGents' good AUl Wool Underwear for 70o, a fîrst-çlass Grey Robe for $#.50, a Buffalo Robe guaranteed gount in every particular $1 leu than elsewhere. Evoeybo dy s miio lasmamimollisale., pi>es, i"i e 10 per oent. oMf &sk for these goodsand note the Bradburn &GCo; NEIT DOOR TO JE-WETT HIOUSEI KENT ST,. Do ast foget te un ion ¶ 0 iUCK & p Wheà prepmr j <~;mn anima Ir 1 ~& f, the ng for the sm~&soi~. Our. quaiitv,» les *0s 1)THE. 4 A il SALU rr already low proe tâe rewh of il. LIMIOGI 0 4e,ý