Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 9 Nov 1883, p. 1

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fl~ - I t- S21PoeAui ImmAise -~ ~ I ~ ~ ~N. -, ~:< ~'~~U7# ~ t, * '~rw' ~ I~~~' haemtout, aùd huyoe, a-ro w I t & f~ ~t I >1 4. & kt4 ÂndýGlas3sware,ý The mosliegat Pgoodu ever show In Lindsa. These lgooaI haelmpo ?dseials.ndI rde1termned osoU 1them1in- or-. der ~ ~ !i tomi omfrfutth-ermptatiànsof Ohriaao4 now on - ayotfoithe odouty No lte This. FOR TEE NEIT TEIRTY DA&YBi Iwfl make a GRAND A~ Les. ~hsa Wb~s Prisse. E~«yoorn.vrs~Me4id or pcos. la tact v& have miroom b open oui snd diuP4.ihem &IL Pr- ohasn my e.y o paýýIbr d docip1 s ithey bave bom um-y = or ow v0»rneWho la dýe*drosc Savng rom15 to 20 Pe ent. CAS Do 80 BY GOING DIEOT TO UIGHLHY' 7o10 Âa mkUng lhi ii uiohauo The good cmpl ToiletSe, Tea St * ~ L iv; *$*4t~:~ .,-t ,- .,.-,~ N-i f~ , 3*~S.. VoL XX9~-*hoI~ No.1390. , 1 ta e N-f ~~gt, Ad. Numimu - ~ q! mdout ne s Voed uzN. V'mm& imw tck ai et me ~ baugit ur patm tbba e 60he ta m e ut ha.t aé-w1!11moiermlyb.m t Pum tâte bave uqpjqpqm-w, x * -' ~ ~'-M- q 4, 4, E 'que the atm Il Nil la m&vs.~ XCUM adeYm, M, e &£flas.m m. ""&S vue d.I ruIr Vilemcau1li.. emaie aMthe P" Amme & Mmm bu t. Sé 9Oum" .à .@Ibm how cu*m%à.amasun eWva. flas ue ,.-OWn m a m tes dU dL uc. euubnhv mre Ên lq m .11. mu bm iuuiiicy m bai h as fataa , CMMdAs .mLe%1 w« .1 yL "qahoe.am bm hrbaved - ta me cf dut o. f.me » bur e e use& wb hue Sou"ýo Hada lut Sutms .vcaig t buomsâgei tt .a"l mat camh r fa r md sm ey t WB tiuybM 1mcfJ Tmpos. bum dI8mliy aiwit bave m. cum 1ltmg eAsMru. Diu une vher hl . bMis asti m bou te 'yA. Au- elmam »dmmi cbom fa mthoirti» bu- WNvmi -d&'ut- bi mev iôloac a3o< Mr. tMdcVU. al, n a £Umm .aoe 100.Wcr*v. in vunmAf 7M V aalmlaui u bun êmes1%Md Ibis evcm a le 7W my à*" mnive u.bw eIb qpu a émet lim viiiyem, pm bae. Deuie me 'Fmhm. Mmlauq je. a.-la end nibldSmd vu tiMa .tM ml b uMtm v bi aleM bimd t =,M a tbm. vtbsMSmathastM al vhlé theymie W'..; abs Ibas ym mbae oa gei u . ee m.f IM 0m.ma r.Dmi 0(elci " gombls eau mm lW. lian aMd mm . comW.Ail mthe boue muae, had amoUmi 6 ay bcmaf a wbMmue<5. aUr. "ra pluS Th be olumet a blga Îimdî wal. u:mtbm c aIx« ba W.Xvemb EL va, s a= tlm, Iomi S.bearbmuW q» bvcum MBh Tus AEMb -ba cusqmdama xoezrn. s"meI. ubegframg tb ipoe MUM&Md, Mai.aaVe cbmll ave the hm&c liuimoidâ ethe . uo ting à infuniftiteL et..un..pumag pu lieo mom, - bu umlePu* . t" coatm mima lm boding 6theard puatealgve »eMWis âtudas n aramd Mi. lias et lm olmhaivm the Pablisa an p a nolabul" muaicm ha ma a e.l"d.la lqïubM, nt thenm imi "Iabm. - 6 iuu"e ff wuthm mi i cals ciÎ4fgl mWb& '- epbu veg bw, lim a, vUIL IL- L' va OAKWOOD. Sonoora.-We are pleame Imm hn.tht 6.e Omkoe lugi a" publie cbaî Irumescuhi e agpi theprmut atf tcuae fa w«mea e. W, mades tbat ah tuber is tebvem imue et umiey. This àSa edilabe et ouchra mi» me obe catouy lathe .rate- laya.. Ldum oSuNKi.-A Iroirdalmte l.ik placeti the -Lltey oioty lut Friay vmag-hmuiset et debate mu Wcmmm lgts." Bath *lum m of.o pua gvllbgme,-EL RobotUfami- do%,ouofeNi. BlelM"a, ei bur et te im me f nahlmy ,M b 6ej. uoddNb. Yi. Isagto cfmâ 6.ueli euit evin. Y. im op a t"Fdlgoea a.am> Us Asa~-bisJ busmiil 0 _ _ dz uW as balL Nuflrmu 1r e e tet*m& au" ti - l fb MbMi et Îem& , ftahe eumm a" eméw b» pâm.euaquittI r. ebmoi Ni. tbo m. im" bs Li e in n oM arnouhbwd umilci a ~i. ~oe~Ilchm& uam ~ aune & eatBali agli, cm bpa "h Visepemib urh at bisu& ammamis alut PA TIUta - r.T xqiug 6.1 gnou ose Uboeai u ur, cf b. cm-e M bdbe alaut»* hi bce "& bu e h. tie t i all e 6 mcl Ne, W aou hm n 9 au. e TEL liâmi Iwcusèas.uz.Ebt t m tu h ,&M a" . ( à" lm lt Ubthela Ev-6. ii paltiesolbavetou- Nu. Embtoum me tae et - -.5-.- mdlim ou oiMWmeR ofav Msvif ab" i Mr1. CEW da 7usar1k Jobs rero.cft cli ui.mpm ch. S li ahde. T . G. 19m-Kw agmofter bib oiaia geai mia hldi . fil.ta etlin thbe omg pa ch aecomi- ân. Iu ua bu tabatarbâghomeofIil la Ïe feà*. hesemonsok te lu &ams maak TbMIl& aatan 'mmm taleo. h lcuexmal iin tte»n enih us four c in, the t"avo me Cuwup.u na en . NWi mua mine in the aie. - 1 W , 1 »d -May, et eocl ibe aocitbu uer* slande era madi.ur u mimou. "r t er mof eck hh i e 1"Ay or ws e omMd yX.ani»heu m V f tii. î 4 en.th mmmc <Iausbalbmg5111tha - co ll e luvtek.a& .Ie vh orh amountat umob.dlathemausetimedu ofhioa ooi~yil .M1sen ilub. momaflof riae! hou or NeS. C.ehuehoThurailay, t. cpi. bdimg =» Wy Mi.-ary tif thteguspovder plot va. celobratt ne t. Vrac Loueur. upudiag haii.hmby lie local O.taagalodge No. 1U0 by 11%~iig'itcmbg wekvomi nlaunda-,havlag aun opter -uper, min, but d1. et lclay a acotuci. Suth being the catereÎ. Ik la needics xssruawasei-ha alegeS imbS of te payth"s*M wu ,t up in -Iabut mm. aI mci en C&mbea @Êatp q ppoato I Syl, notbing laclking. Tht vor3hipful the puOMM.iratr Ki.. 1G. Oliver, occuiut!the OvUchs u chaibpmear =z7.ia ASci the bivalvos bcd beez di- fa, ~ ~ a"d icolaym-b .1.laawP" d cfsp.ee1A ail tox m he ie r of theday, cr aight, ratier, 1I amut.1 alcle uc.hqdcai~ li6tIrcu- ould may. After spending a plusant cge-M61 butam d o. byth eopleand ejobe t. inmethe Conmpany broIe la lt. uolm, d m Mlv. mloveqi,. matuàgngGoct!«ma-ethe Qîzeen. ohmper tha mab.atado in mia. h U nf e . . E ONENER et a Guy Faukea, vieh th" burmeeta th ti meetion.cf King suMM XII mIet, cwmpaâaoe f BMVerden. hvlg Seatparaded thnougi the village. Eavà..-yialcevicosbave beuc. yta lte tffigy ad having a lorch hla t b ieliodiol cimici le Omsemprcmi faetpaalsokoc.. m beaou mwon athi.. UeRO. J. C. Vihan md BORCAIragIOs FIM.have loti tale m t i a .u UCIM r.T. E.l Beitir, uen tu ms tgimerof .1.Trent Baux coulimu bt ouie l adn, sd maimde m imapecliua1fthe laem Md camai, ma Piècar mn igi bue 'ae aMy are, on Sauda. An emmeimucotidiier ia. eur nmaaroisceaIma WU miiat bons, VotWtai lie botIon Of the bol, Md, Mdi bey lth*groueun., Wli m bue. rwpaulaid Il ta bu laa TM yb. oa aid cm. Imar MdTmeeuinrba iveasetractions for A wmnus enidmé happemc a horseTbe8 osigiloing off thteaproaci te the mmmci by Mv. Vu. Aisalua ueL cama a vOt his apdy bcum WbeNu aring aI 6theaas i. mlua néiouiy.the leanti=math baïk being mûeti tenuhan tk fnlgbt a apoun aguaIFy w avay. lau fact 't mau omly tmal, bis cffboe.gat b~ foot cmeb by thé groatet emiiu tant apring tht la sM-M ay rouawd snp B.abeïkai n the bk am v fleina mi Mer- fous il seu b. oulicahe 6amim" mu dampgeavoimi. Thtecmntmmcer bu dape dem demi, viathuer fim u am Ibis mti maiercoacislera liert md itl e £ab" imor tIbroagi (MareU Mot le te b. hqM>otheIbdepurtmeut viiime is W&d nie boem a àvala" mbl ima& laytumakimg the nmteuay apprupria. W. révI tatebave taesbuealle tie Nvran&.-The navigation in draw- déati of Mr. L 1mgibde loag e haimgtea aéluc- Th* steamer UvaL wMl lie paeletf1O:emo.. . hiot beau rllvla p mcxt muaI.The Dea- l Mgba tiruegi -aokieua ai- icgui m insltoci, vilcotimue cal eaâalosm oupellaite buper- hb.ripsn loagas tht laie remamme open. hua m binU. Tisa Urv. Seule.i ia m .a ie puai impreaioa cecs te butan da elm mumu, nuisiciby Di. faur cftsiopu a Md mai mter, e aet ElgibolanMd fer a lime b. e »»Wtânle prophèea"amimumlrats o am iou M, qaiiy ha is ula me etalabhoain a àpreditiose0,( ofcoursà mutI moult mpasily me.SatmdY. hem- bu cornaI . Ou thon glocada il laheu ero~boeemv~a mmi i tm"te t&~vtisvi ilIianopen m- dek &"M ammom iue au.ter days taler thon mm!a. Last year Ibe The funemmi teck plame to*bemBlycm. a nblsaemd t mtrip'on Saurdar, etery Tuemuand wi u folbovud by a li 1 t hSexpectcd, theaeforetht loag cortet ffmqueiaaau.mt!orandu- the 1.1. ilibu opet Ià year f511 about ing fiidâh42tb

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