TII VJ~a4 ~ ~mit w. - - ~ -. hou uulb*, - ~bu do.wai halbis s~ e* I Wl ouest .LAI Ta. S vs. lu hua t, LmWmIoe.f~ * e.tt.'<~ *~ 4~, SI ~t. **q ,i~ 14~ M~ '~, ,~t¶l4 A~* A» B4~'fw II~t~a f~l wufI l~.e i'~t lu ~4 fr' QI ~a~t 1~11 hu 'c a.mf ~.-w.uq I ..e h. u.h a~ au bom ai »M am âme a bu Wbm à"ê..Muim 'kz h hW laub bi ig>i. *W and lap~ tgqu-Im - USmi ~i uà* te. uifbws-4eD I9"I.IY siqNOM, M*11 bot lut. d&moa.'ami t ud., mu.- 7ulb. As mi u~ymm bu o In - ue o sn 414S% mi«-b.uul o 1themfvàm eue,*y duulm à la dmrneà@. bu ati"& ..vwPI-m : lm~ f ..~w t wtyw Md 1 o, g.,y« oui* item» bZ!'Smt ,.hbtbs.Iwkblb.... amibo y. s.. --long4Ib. The .1v puq Mmi. th* Carl seat ~ ~ j- --AL-mtvSba lq ZM. a»iI.W à"t b o l "Id lte lurotm on û L b.t t mulai dtt euam h ww.êterlabesa 04%01waI aoibsebrvi 14 tbemî tîoiUI e.h".1 SUddOfdrE&lY" b.outma Alelys#bv= soli fl le a»=it .v.. rionautiomieutsebu. 1 @dtom à ietee bu abum fo ts lmua004lvtousle uw 11.bu athma Jil =009udlm h Mmd I ne"ultrmit .4«1!lt ume o éhi cemue cm. le ebuiuuithat qu.atlMly " uy bo omantif âO =a IL ta d M v b 1L- po ov~~aaq,~i-ASp ~~ us V ut' sue u~ui, peut' nuumy uit Pmue~ $r.oai. il Amomt isquIrod WCure as bRoya: On T.Si am a. i l!pufy the emvdmq aiuuon « boît t1. th. Ms maligasa f« fume urd.fsl.u n. Om a 1wu evae, bi ouumg plezI~fvom ousi, smooth oui the vifams nmaiUng ion bnlzath, m»d vuuvat* lthemmlii'. svpm. 0» ir. Two 3«1&» u eue or.v EIIoumua»dmibeule, s»d a& iRamoi sc.auWg hou ieqm O0a 70 Smx Eo'rna, by echanmmk muabime'4î.o4 .wm in âne$MW wBé, mti oon emmc nu wem» liiiSu, sh.ome, - lb. eslhaeps, coin mermu Pnd U - debiq~. 1l voshaha#ma auils attea. TIN,. - COPPI A»-' ~auhiiv UtpWha.é A«dnmy mi Ma~a.. smLAGESOC IRON PIPINO DRtY ]CAMITCLSET, Ou ftug Md au mkIadet I. WOODSS * -i M CHAIR. FMJTORY. 0189arÎng Ba..le. Je .Ré BEGLEY Vwe bave a a qXiCk .1 aul 1mb .5t aitur ehici ve vi eRwu val«blpc Coni sud »e.our stock m9 N. w ls el vanS rooa for lb.ie stockve eah Ing M presat. Al urI amura, gi e I Mi k"id off RAIbWOOI>LUBMESta"cla am- Chame fo erun Remembmt îe pgmo,ojpuit.te hdbla ai UiF station Lud5'. Wuyiôen buyUp tbisv <Aungo, a" amre itou tise tAhe bu, tl thim' lmg0* ltma mute M" fâê A miaU~is. w dm rclause taê l u4t la~ ~ ~~~~~WW dmnvuail*1a. Ieti~e ~ y. ta41 st ul buNu e.I~wu.dmoii teW va e ua m E of& ~, ~LatImlu bu 1 6sbu".u Mv bied' 1IMil "f w " ol~ g 0" b,liualhvto f WMIo .wbsemu VU. Oote u.?eafto, 1 ê4~i--4 ehavot .evlv.fl< Ai . t84aMt. meonMath a m tte ii~~~~16 h.*W* her 1 à* Md.4 Nc1Lo.uo "M *A.laeut doaY" a Oaé wesê Il te bt 5W4h e uWtraiPEi IO 1 t 1O41utS die .e#4 SU" foel.y ,a~si." 'fhm lulv m okl a.~. ~ u bfea h, h i eo0chtI iualg lu Ns, S #e,h 'lwse I.u1a'. W-bu9 x aW "qwl ki" #m i bale l% WNmaak o #& 8" ibo tth**M Wc~ 'lhPuf~t 04 4 ff skt b0eIsV am utl liM My th t. '%»0 itt"tl WieIai 10M W îtsetit. l» «uevhlbot mm huîi4lte btt»ï *bt *aehbo i aud MMualuuase dm i stwa me «W Imét whlo tirîta@ou. o kuee AU tetmu 81l*ue "S * ea iitimom WM . 1»mo àa i «dt a*" tateâ« mue," sq en;1.884%ut* #*Il amêitiritec*iTmS1 am ui femau14 eh. ah e awgc.asi ls.e a *5 sie mm l em c=w,.lm bervha o4" êîsIa* w~t gout. mue pos1 b*Mdee,-M MinVd Sm b«.ios iblgt?#b wi 90018eif bled 0#1 Mq« e fl -0uiau o m. S de h6usavhwtebse u ie lam mc*q li la me0hty ouds Abomi am"«b« r , w l" A4ouoUm oa ueet Mcf metmg Lame.0#Wilg- Isaue.. due <l'4r MO. bM ommeM" Qst hues Îh eR& peut nu Mq 1 - ernasî de1»i %~. deff tu si. NmWIo t ebo tue.te .aey. ~ euddseweo s At the ""A No. i Grocery. The Vory But aàdtbe .V.ry Cheust dock d<Tem î&i tovu or c-19atyb. IY d[SUS Farmprodmoetake -40hag SOOrEWARDi, ve *wlIpuy tii.abc"ie refi r»Yr Sseu tLWOJu.himt.Dyupqi Il udache, J, d4pomîf1smoitutzon or Co.tVemmwe canu eue wlBYWm t*egetabl ivS Pub. wben tbt. dfrsciuu.am, suietty campied wuiL. hey a' puwe&y Vlçtâbleý. Mmd neyer biltoi give saas6 - w or t. o1lb~fdug1t.D~ mi.hmbul .aly by JOMK C. wuT & CO.. "Te m MX*k«%- 81anMd saKing EL Haut, Te- I " Vkee tt âia pakageUal b for e cor Ul " m.Fo aee ov« a ours.anml aftoelhotuandaof tesb t f mut ecapau" mamuer" en"ve cou,' £zýwe hi JuMacin. 0" ocrngte SfefeilOn Tbasunul iolnmfor M s. "e rof oqs caai me lIg»aI. lntucusu, hoaxuepeu, broncliti. commmup"i n qi arlys1ge, vbooping coogil. .md %R l £moff the t and lm*î, exei- Aflh, hi uhlb".weonly chau inegtaI at ca% m l sure vitI cotwCou h pve. tale 50 amb -, wgebaIlu orne doliar. Geuine via, lues ornl lamNb& SoU by a@l droggsor mr JiCO;,lS agUimiRaut. ToroutoOt. F(r HEAITH lBWEAITH. 14 b& . ihmeW s SM" à» Bam Tue, 3 Zoevsu P oiaud y l. - dahohaerlibns abmimanM m ~ pecuh cmmtin Meuh.rc.k" u lbe ~yIlm~g a duay.dm. i dsl t Pae CM Ae, ~uu je" C.1 iaF àuce .qw wm o ntlmi bmti.st Fumage bm omis T- a 14 ameami ni fse 1* rab"Pm- t aBeu,âme mi~idauia vew ~~Som ~~sumo Pl, tw MW%$ a ..*.~BTEÂB. T.EIÂB, r ,~4 ~I t(tt*l4~ t'pi -. t d t I l . t . - t, t kt.** IDM .Laalénuà % IDk TIN WAX% COA UU~ 1 M 'M sL si byiln Cash for 8hsevskiXsCalh&is, Vomi pIleUmp, 0.8..Mi id, ~uA[iA3AEC E Eage; Old edi a nomin st àa L RIGLNBOTHÂM. LMBE & _ IFo«OU ..d Young, 3l anmd F.m*.i.. ifa M"% fiaierib.lu «d l u- z ff!ieItl3%cuwmeomesm i ilustiagea. dO la * ,1< s air mtuboeaýleuoorbom. smmnalvelnem~ami pueraIo,-,- d lre mm e n .o, pha.mamp - Wkke 4 Rt uafmw .t tm uiIT. M ph lseul fiee b e50 ML, per bax, or6 boxes for Q2.5O, or yl b- Ovis i hnir mi un ea l lt itI5. ~ tià o1 pwaaieouma en b, Es LEOKARD&SONS é Bg - wl E mi! i a1~i S H Tu wmIR sehi WOrks, - odeOt .sPamu .Ar~ls'clack à - , ýk