nolio "i ion '~ i RCTI ah .. wi STIOWG TARE WAGOUB A-SEIL~ MAGE- W1WK*- -- T g .#51.Ihhs' e e;iI -, lu f WILUÂI vou. 0* kd bsSefalot. lb# SIW aie wi omh W o 14 Wr ê0 ti Oft itett 1 *. tti41 D 1 ViNt homte 16.OM MW AI ', <Io «" wbw TC h.v# Lt hiftM b(d pot 4M 101% S ~~~~'nti, wui 5w WmÊ MU A oibocoy (h~ ~ I tdl d tIktt4 t Ibo.t < tf h i b.t ie fl tul WAof t.h lb. ik l'y ti or thf rq0Ittl I 1 Mw. - oiye'W1 a. . ôu Tho 43 (v. Am .,4v.f po t .~b o fa i. mu fwltywivww for vvv~e. R PL hs' i~s~th.~ Id.1~... T~. ~d iiOMMt i 'nf thp ' gofIbo 141 m w' b. b. O Af14 1 1,jîtîùi *th hf w o f>l < Arvit , "loto réi~ lu iet.g flrolP tt fnWAI,*hi#* t tK41rh1 Oeêiton04u enif(>W is w t' 1(et h M 'i t i is N tOt, u't"~tv »btht' <Wi tt 4 i th# ari b« W4v ai thei' (4*lotçt v, if hov '4I dt tot4il(U. t ltItht' (MîAf w 4 I h4fal ois~c tt I hi * k I~I th # pilir iI ntltbu t Lttf b o ll ~t"lh ftht litsfà« AI it ,uowk*î'h b Mit4ît' rhtm éimtt t i fmi édrih 1 l l fi o t. <4 lf . oi olhttl 5 s,' IihsrLt ~itt t<wor l f>4Ath itioftd mwh iei ft'AtIfl* th*III». »ilO~E 2 je on". [11111 lUl ENOLISI a -FRENCH SEM Un.derta>kîng bhWd I*bP"orE.. TU»lPxCARROT, AMAN- IGOLD, CLovER ANqD GRASS SEEDS. vmorRs.siE ESs I FLOWER SEEDS. cr~uab O011"0 br Sprît EDMIJND GREGORY i comur am Msd Win"iamsu, Uui"". 'e 't nP<IqtI at lb, porI le BS f5 'IYf' Rf' l~(W<~ ~ Iw'41i M I~ le ~ ~ te ot~ tb p#O~1 *< fINI 1~ fi --~ 1= lu(i'sîmplfeons4rutlt.d ihuii. ese leu leeMu. ma& i.,h*ttt vnnalng m4al.. 1060 Doieo, bha I.vot spae n. #ho l.avm, esIfthreading nhettIisgolf. *s<4#ig nadIf, IM adjtslabIle lna*l it wm'arug parte, vil) (10 the a"61414 trange of w.. 1k, îleiithe nSt durable, bau tilt ooffl torapISesff of £tWIbnhntog, te nôt osly te h hmudeubtisi liaboat famili Seing ufh»in ithe' worlîl. Thette «0, &oilwsov.itSb. Sos. W.W. LOGAN. ?K~Witt MakoLherweak ettong and gives thef.W. lei, nerv,, fsreî' ar:.I uInlitir 'uVii ifn sir a rty appel ft rtiw.rNutw.1 dip»ttîoîî. ~ 1 gie .'i',;,nnnd Andl litthe noitt 11 en.i Thgi(1(t.ý, licrfe)îl.î men the wne.ý îwadt t ind owg4lre m eih. I4 'f 1 T4 iCflf l V6*4 Ift r3f 1h L t inf u v4 hM'* T rrt i-W l ift R A1, po~~ f ~ud n ertUs ubs. auome A Md urw afm ow id mv* bo~sor eiandémb, Itau. km~l.muw~A Imm g m*md e-0 Mkio;.tm eh%". I 1,$ l. lm-m AetU~I,1 rmwah en *e euenmt mmioe, at the wu mpombi rate&Cua *est ne" f eut-dahu ai.. on iY mmderafte tes. Shr.ud Pu it.,e éýp Md ow roo, Kumt us, opposite Yeitch's hotel. Of AUlUids of J? mfture on.hand, and for GyessUBeIU e *VV.VV d>±1d>Ut, AB BOTSFORD," U 061 Ft" BSRE3OVKI> TO 1UAL'S QLD-STAND, 1<1. 16e ,to Da id Se a mOiue %tin% hf1e mdî' E TIIREE DOORS WEST, 0F THE GLOBE- HOTEL, KENT STREET WilIand#I&. <3 i. 40.>: i W ()AGt-NT FOR SEVERAL LARGE WOOLLEN MILLS.17 f.Grubd Dam, chaaSoe, Vgmr IV iniion, <3IIA,,the 'Ire bus * wstis te wInn fte.Of 9 &W P. ai9N910flobIadmd Augvletmwl itoei.y» hw aS Duamtus, a" "hvcalotwrp«nm (@ Is.fldo m e id Demie, fiC. DuMsX4001,,0î1). iii.dam 0 IO~Â~A»urI, fmrd. o mpinei rsi il. t mi. iad ad r r-,) abowon ..,w CHEAPER THAN -ANT ONE IN. THE,.COUNTY. ~~~~~~ lm.t Mdli w»oy 0504115te l m mutins for ROM4*» .lua80. M& (~ds ANB» co& ircfor. fadteL Siktl Rt. om. "I. pffl 54 u~~~w% # dlifrs-.h.*M 'fm s ar du811, .q#rrlaisr i1M, Kbendhilg la 188, up. t4senuhhi lm 80, bomms ~0e mm1Md Wu # ".qtt 0,dm.. Cash for Wool and Pickingts the year round MaCon. aOpm VI *mm M», »M .wbm Iblau me m ii be m.n b, "#«b d vofmsmmt. 0OIV1&iug 'Mm m ~1 ill tele s mlly tbiptin a Dy CGeoda NlongsS . c su ît d uumd " amuipus, ~s soRu ie Wilh a<7b"* #0»MWUs *«-& dt1ý WMoeUMSIJLac., Kmbroider, GIvu' ibbous, etc. ~~ ~Calam miim » pds d mipnsiS %ke ma ur varN pnhcone. LJNDS4Y f Lamdmq. Oui. 1,US,.-13L t -. - - J. W.- WALLACE. CHAIR FACITORY. SYLVESTER' Oleanfg Sale. imponn ahn * Woav. INDSY, -ONTA] 'ueO~$ob MMuU~I ~ g w w- RICHARD-.SYLVE j à%AL Mau. I - ROBPe'., Mowers, Sulky Hay Ra: I ~ Crushers, Root Cutters, Straw "W. t.W-â.. PiowGang PIowsOn e Hors vatoM.,Steam Engines, Sawi Sbi~IeMiii and Generî - LATH~, '~~'~? ~ t'. t~ . .~ -" 't JQt( L' ~ Y c.~ ~i -,-e~weee as - a J * P 5 Works Rio. SER Lkes, Grain rCutters, e Culti- v Mille Iuqkatar Go. 4 ;1 ;rt e, JO ANDERSON 1 àwv âiïmýà 6wàm, 1 dlý qj-