te Uni- Im. Qc9k- wi--l-b* e le C Ment 9 AB ou~ OstTw. Atoedurypd'< * 4,' *,y L~T MtUDT 181., 51I~MWU* *vw.«iftw4V AWe4 1 t fiIÀàmoeaL 5< l 519 Suoosoi oW. . BOSONdGaolmm Md Prowovsoi a WII~l t.swte OS~ til w:I Pau a- à --- -- " WURqffý q aie HI tf 7mai ÉM. MUi rn r~uue% Ds dhs beU.ê, l dAlweemAm 4 (MAÀIN & IWWj1 tI. *duuigdu Upq lb. IEiges ash Prioel *EIggFAT, PElA OA AND WOOLI Vu. --, - 1 Ms *md. Ê -1 --1- JL.LOVE, GUW8AL um Nutpg. md Id. b~. oequ. O.Ao~ Vwdp Nmq U~&~ I Nuq Adinud oe oI~. *1 Ni~ ~ ~ t. trusta. - MU.m ~d.eVlem" I- -ý 4 NOTIOE Id Tbooewith mpi bl.Oef Bcut of 188u p~ime.s ma Mdttle without delay AnLd obiigS, SPRÂTT &* KtLLEN. a', w CITI GRfiRADLQO TR ~eu*btm a auKE'ONT AND Lindsay, Ont Our utook is uow, Tory large sud compleom*e i vory deparb"et, sud con"itsof fne P.m 'lyGro &%~$s, e«s 8ga Liquoe ad igarsyad prices are oloSoe;han the oloses. Hoii koqers sudtii jobbing trade liberally deait- wlth. Compa r uipnos sund qafikycfgod 01 % ntsaisstory do not buy. Gooderham 6 Wort'sa1 y e and Malt bIlski es alwayàin stock. TOUOHBURN £MODONAD Corner. Kent. md smbridge streets. N. 1.-A speiai lino of I-APAN TUA juattehsud-s «great bêrgain OKOIGE GIeOOEREB, wIE & LIIQUOIRSU JOHI7N tqe . .»w tigM ush.k bus meus bea -me lI0 bm at p.m4ýAv019 us»end! larg .Muwnmtset au lbe @bd"agb fs M ei bvT NvFuis oreatu nr, l. &Lir, Etc., Etc. ~ALGODPS -NEW AND FRESH.op jeu COFFEESU M'y stock is4hIIg' t . o8 Fine-,OId Governient ]a.hgàdB& mi S"d bWst. t vabein IDtoWU Q lava Cofee, Macha Cof- 1h. Bsts, iasstiaduIg APAN TWA fee, fresh and ground LOOdl9gYOUNG IRYSO ,.when requîid. LB7IWBS8 Vlas-GUNPOWDEX Md e O > SRPSSGAS MISo b~* -L-i~ ag stock of sgr Otaqo#, *rýi and- syrnps wlll be sold Mo_'l 4àbuy..sMi Liuday. One car qui*.jr.Jms tswok iana ILia surs. & vo' w. .~ DOBSON N ;î,.f - , , ', - . '