~VV u~ Uo,~ _____o Imm Mhab-t G»MIMI* i so f w bwet'4 f~ f. t n - *- ~s1 ' 'o a 't -- - UuIâ poeootwe..do not eXPOct Our a uiawumawain 1U8&T< MAI., S, IUL lIma I. mol. ~y ai U*q~ k * MAU~ROOMPOft C-' * A * SPRING GOODS. un Ou loelanî80 a"seciIml u *~r oc~ur T. i mabmoeu forIflg molU mev onhe*0a"74Pat"swlshlg b avil tbuselu a begi i i i ladW *àI am zoellet OPPOrêlty. Ail goo de hd ladIuu. JEUT STRIE!, IND BAY. MW il &W mmd -tbiuk CALL AND SUE OUR 010880008 la e m" ds mtériul, wut vufy movoly M.-timo w"Y of idammiq a tch. SE£ OUR I"ar m pudin the N2O PIECES PRINT To, uhamoIs(Im a a «m- * t.vUyhtutl WeTigMelud IIIId I0u M * W~XdC -7Inwo 'B' rc~ ~ tom *o eau b*ir l th me muât b. u.#hd 1mw Ce APUIL Mi »tule up, 1Lby tMdatil. -au WOODSU RT AID LIQUrSTR - cmon, hué.é.memd ced Md "8a «»M îe.oble fir - mMskmk ,v.b aud lfau toi f . M " âmi po*oehq. te 1*1-si w 'v-dg i ' -"t 9~ A a j' NI(E NT ANrdO E..-'£ i - I Lindsay, Ont. Oaiub a«àovverlauge mnd complote mev.ry demu -t ms ffn psudlimaCY GroooeioeTom agars Liquors sand Cigars, mmd picsare olo.w b~a 1h cIsosE otelkeers "d the. J*obbing trwe libexmllydeait i wMhe opr ai~noo aJ8I7 dmd if mo9Cstifory do mot buy. Iodrâ %OtÔ ]tý and.Xat Whi8kies aIways mi stock. N. -A- p«mie- a o GJApAku T«Ajgmst bbad-. great bâigai imit," * - UI4 raeGin~Glasswaâre, Platod Ware LA ? 0008, AJC OT aitD, . --e - WAEI, FAlOT TOIL e.- V ~ lesuliful fP~4 ~ $ e~4 i i i CHINA. ~dit1pâ~r quoi 1 LENý