.~ e *1 ~j 01 - St... SI P., Âuuum La t . ~ LivnDSÂt, ONT., FBItz #&.uo, so, 1". v'oieXV-WooNo A OERIAUNTY. ~N'd TIîvît' ~n4 1i~rv,#. pi,~ e.. ~ ~ ~ Iltel. fEdeli ami *aftI0u~ F1014 U~ WUWV ~ s~êfWtu0 ~el.<b 51 w, M< NODSON'S~ bi~ t 'w rtJQ4I*t(~SR . AN ((14R II) A IAN ILOW kN ID ogmmâ* au ewm. w ât 1I MAI'KM. MOW% Lui w~ kil SA ~ l<Imaav, NI.1 t*b< 51 PEIVATI (iSb ww o îlesI fr.~,, ~, e t~ tala ?41W1 Atuale té aI W 1 wlitMI 90,140UW faimu t, Y*uU fO mu £aA~Dm . I 4âmuthuh1 1%«le hi alIu... neI ~ as.-r 8" o bflem -m bedw *a tdw*p tu AUBlm a Winshlm eh. 1,. w ami ate m uno&lbW, b Mdi mi m § âd o telb. uodth. ih 4in a i tb mw »d ta t ' u et,. Ia e mwot.u.aJlla.d» un mw t"w -- . -asa-the- L7Om %v .,lio.oe uupw lu*. m-A b.nl, am dtoý 4 K Lum.-Tho smeua yuu cmi t lu t lmq in ek mitai in oft. W. tm la Tam h« P& Ma 1 -m eCAILApt ulmdin. C«BMÎM i mmd m y te wm dd»b"ter» m tequhvIL. t m a-t" ab. veut in t sam tih.vui ast show.- The mo emhm. i Up o hie no lhethm bem aut ma ite meie 1bu LÎZ00,t a 1 .- - nEvhst h. d&&: 46flu in b.akM if Kr. EuomÏ apàa have the umedett MATIXOIAL-OBM.day, 2fth bnat., âfr Tev and m nSiom w umtud te.h'ly bonda of ualrmy- 17 lr ev.,M. Lai'-'l The ~.put lut for Twuvw m tlb ru.g ermia E y~m alarma baveku The isii uarly au - ohé.du in.Zin . ,ai th mmii.Nov ~ te hm 17th* v tWuWset blé.« eto .. rm y mm Mu. i. MpI417lge m&10 00 *UV jQu- - -lia 9"m"q uauyM 1aaluh p = mi.t ua.-Tm M OM. a mtà 'c âh on or tMy jt" d emt btM.rmybs tbtqa 1#16 W a> Pse& nd eumt pt te tanthro.gh olter tIbua p Sohmlieho fi"t. rate. uiD M t CEd*0 a v u d Ili te l ho * ormms lua uMoth. &gow BwOeKAM-Tht MM ihéaÏde rWibom m. & o.V Om-tmMcDuiaU A ini. W a vathin of tep. iaLIltu m in ,trU.ut Wd Imm P& . OU1omm Of uStieskl"0 "M thela& 'edmt ",ra. rtb engy M ehm *Muatma i ieSbvs n " palupont 'm" blb S711 et=wàot oktmn ad h. ».towKOV5T. ..m hm.MW l~ u et ly 15 foswUam h ee i- I mm'tr rnlq i Mao" h anitk.i oda ,UM,-ini" âmwC[o ta ~hr% lb. iûei ou i:çlI1» frêtIOW on of o»im ou.Ou vMr . . n-nau Mîýuil,àMd___baâ__ub_,__ u.u 0 b-"-tat" " k. hffIvue»et ai «0 teSqs..hm wue Om-bîmm vý -Uîî, . &b~ouit ma.ilmout rlima - -onu-1 1& ~ ~ w t,. m uosb. pumai I.. mbarw " *&. ce timjoud t mt t theSèm me armtet 'bpsul uit pSbyWMf M" Uli OMMh pt ga ba mmdl pha by l&Wb a ph.. au Mmy, ipla I ia 1ev ai. ML i uIlmiraekh ~~wqdM it 8 p rt d0." WTE<U of Mî 6la a bthe -amt àtl Wh Wiý -n» 3«I Cia Dm om.-Ila at&u "P m Us Ml deusm »thet eai u lr se afi Mv. mN.Athqet mas 'B u ouu maC day a M" ab& f 19r. Mark SIR& e laccrum thuy lwIM.v th Md el b. l"kthé mb. o a POU M- dveandth i iam S" vol1k oiveofetthisvu Wb*avilag thei 85ma cbatilmeswu Wf W7h MW 0* t a!vý Te ifi twu MrU. Juew. in * fa:b- ý dI ééeotms m e xttue ffl y"bad uumlusabr of votm=vvs~imUSfer Kr. w h ak svu rk by a e0*04aPos hie m ne t.bx ýIL_ à cf uhhh ah. proM ' Î"F fer Ut. hrkbdlUVWi prvO. bl~iS.vtm. bro&# hm thé IbeY Woe oqN0 e <gvo*. etl ieP'True, lthewvo enh2M *ILvvu six shxt- l îhgbîm d mNWd obis .oeUM.M j. UUW M J d»s ~of thst giveu. l*Im .,but more thm __ s ai. n o& prn ot. murly _tTmSC L.T dof o apffls ".m inw.luhlm lm t ' M aB udm iu h. mmkm* Ig M ML L W.0<ou oitb e. mab. ...t.i for Wf wv I purd ht.L g us Ouml* Gan sd m d t lgo t.ethepoils tbuoq* boue eti tu 34 or^$ n Qa'jr lr %Wn ontuMAI i. fahW to pvéeslbu."a ___ua_é__ a hed téIfhn & h.latt«a .few 1Mj*q.djS s attelw b. edj ,,mm l.i. t _ . Km a et u uu Mh d thela. Mm A» <IUUO tISSASMYS»P. ~ ~k 5h t hi.vuwa andALMr.-bu WAUte &qgU.Ultr.apeigi .1 v.t.. ~ ~-- b.nm tn Uimyand ot.the pliioI vub .the Ilpain W < Oe Wirasut»"$ bumMote Zuueh*néré De.hsehi te o uUe àuM»et q mTointfle t goMttb a" pt dthe lm"thel . 'M-t. lis ,1U f te aisu*prel 16 On MW hFKana ais ~ti; s toruiltam . ru bgwitoaw tWb mmat . heFaa UJiith l atg i .t fnau P leu __ le~~~Pmal,!, Belei as.ehll bt-*N li BO d7SUE 5TTdWe h.nbor et Ofvota mouthe nu- w'M)YgI) 'a.Mas ot.bî'.l 1"W*#W( à* oet trmlain iba bat. t."aalgo @jriyno l. bur btwemtwv PAINl(~ MI LL N.tweug qaha eh.~nme Fai'iM Mf W e1l uatsl vithian.ot e u theh i t hndraah.m ba, eur qu lw,. blkà»the la eh.. ( r4. The ltae;__________ wife spa t înu______ lu ge to me a leto puafr tsf ffl.all. Te arbbha a ur1 eh. scbutIa th hmh.m va.a titsaarri es -ube f conte lftbMl HAK~bulldg .4 h.«Ki«ouatla a< -mut, no dh we~ osie Mcmi..' Md..th.m te »oha ecl îmi Fenelonan hmkd e neth» ~.tftIpu t.eaoroqh euaor. en s .W.4 onwuorn.-y.1ouiix uàthI teIkfouuabo .1 cati. antheioam lmé eio rf t17eh. tty f tahip f at attpedto, votS% mil Itot udttoe fvthe .unt ta e. roon. IPAIRiq MLI-, ««fl th *w cuahmty of vicn. TaPu.nT. e. 1WeilBrrn mli, t.i an eortoni theeshdm dte nj 'M .qallyUebl amisheui b.oceuhut hlmW yam etholat w, ho cvu..loch t. h. r ia them ee C B a sey, ofe tzelfow. Muê rai 1. rcodallo .1.. certo Idut w tadms.y.,am thVia e-e ofr âaewth.-(Geiami. WObSSUt1. atya uTruo ote . i .r ibb»qbt reporine wla n1 pw..ue ho d Fen ovuingtomm b a t emi euLs comaty.It vu caimm lçvwr».-r. ghvrimM eohn.ffle Aunicbraofhcttlh Mde, ffl l A0E~~i * Of fer N.pr of h et&bl hat town-tmof liv.bw a d-kou .t i m i #ua*v . ta poastite wi mtiiirethe MintyFin te mont lu mbletifà e i t witsî. eatyfI"boIrall t (Tas I nm-o Royude. s Brown vet eh. t Che ri an ynce 3r.F et ertku u M io. à bosia oi* i d <>o41,mu àl ama' e v «the i edoyNabsk.a' >ois Pol of eàium kW"re to the ail ay 3MrssJC. K Fin, ft s ritowc ut "# e Kev~4 .~ 'in..1eh vvm, patt ls.k w hvlg h.le it .O ' M' .' Who W N. he Credit thle stilav e bin bmeu& c I h'~~toehb moid. Mtown uipa ufeh. il.. ». 4*usna&ye d , an e.l suchex a es.! eomMp Curf« -(Giaz hete-oitimnae fui oton. ~ aw* of tbrf~i d o rs m h e puaI., attractio buas Ieyuv Cu cir. î o.mbte omlans v n gto teBymoaaa U WeI# and i gojTh0 'riI) ia oll» a aaî p tu ontdu fmiiriy it dffeetpohos so ekpu a emtd, n i t ea«n Haît app1C b for N ~rr.oug n4 d t. â ot Iy etertbea rov, u aleturw ahngo 1 £ the, SI I m re dtr Msne y bch in am A. lanE 1bSUSglfor. et mereme1! Mr.etshd u. Bos wih a aguiloin wuth ht it*ted. E *du i d het tv1ed h d oÏt ii. o hse io tdlao! th n U«Sthehi"eY tMr.P. M- serue sitra senvîe~zis.u f br of h burt"f the114,tiounhoC o soba Id , t.lash exeoyed l ta M.. ur bl-s fata nit M .. apoi e aae ftie.pr" o h ~J Ch. vidp boh~ up e.Cwatoe are get*s!au agent in to<wn. th .er1th4 b ite. av. "of01ihe v elie îgbilleth gvpgohri pj m et4Wlà» in 1 be ride k whll i n ci ft veweof 2nb atche amby __ ar av.itdifrt ties d ay weekpusete, j on exa the e tc-i fiY bi<'Sh~N.'t he Iwt lw bavmi saà sm-offlihe~v u h v. h . s IVomebaiA AeDeR i vf of he sudit aJieyrawt ~~ u~. OW~~ *1 ,sm.. Se ho beii j*hmd. TL.chr.&MîueoeofatW . P to fr. mi the Pest asalit~h~ur nOIrhOkM ek~rtO~ 'ath 'U athw.t q, 1 atsyva elvy.~esBIud lh.peito W. Jo hBin e ~ imia.Crs u tian ots ae. okt n r mwt anfc ~~I. 51 I t lIm b y them eh.up rmit and er U. Md togUlgtai ot t b is tut h w a ime0 ;a . udrl h euaoc ,u 1 witr %IWExtuliaut OBYPOIi 10511 la*bisows tioé n b îiîin or n uu ty tp lin o k. sms~M terigle eiecnsigc h lko art09 turt trertîO" nighorJodh 99 oub hoasatoyato.rm-e, lwkth thhmbee i ne tem l'Io** o th* #O"iP Of (4ow6Y- bym A t. Thosuntity o a mtheijaa eubheh.* op te t Ir itne v aiua yWr S buh w ..The à re an t- d i' Sr7t t Oes. W moiti. H aira h mn e. o aommees'. i g et e. ... mo ell dsaifat. A. -\Fat W. . h ust ong tei m adai > liJ.Pota SMt., ~~ft lielljia.êuly ~toiuu. h. rid ai~ W ThSt.~ tat b. ax t N g. i xi.eh. caTria TorbisU a . ibfd hOSS t She riw nwlcmt Il O 1610fl to g ad,%ba beq» hefam sqo rî.th Wiofe ami W. onaif 28 ach 9 . c ameieaygh lier. laite other ay a xed $2 o lv. m o xe~ o 10< nhi 500 Rfl vM jo 1«Stvuà utr on , > ap Wrb n ti " t tuer i te ie h mt IMyla ltW »r O vthlube'od raà afeunuWt te avJp.T#chi. Minues lt eein ek ad hereg &Bata i i e e%*u-f m mok Q* MI. et. h.mbwbr blb. ftd.D&n Brm am -lat NA firea n Millb ooSk lut wU- es-.5... elgh liab lehW. ta lits r.. Ths "dothmate oua&usrrs eun "a h M 18buins; . aleri te reî 'ccpedbvte is "I < tM ..I1 as th*buton w. h h»i . lum « ca.vullai.Ud by W..thecuat» asm-s o otM D a K.Th. o& Nd. se ib.sot A owb h m It Nirots ion ofMt. aél uiU900de 8 pot Ua wt- fudt iida » 1 b. vas morayeht e W I M b"ep (ermaLThe )&»arinal Mm %he b-lib Mtiw "»« Cddteoebruàls aLA hà W.B. Armtrongan M.w.borter, ha.ia e.U* ai LIk* oay.gas, t T Dv.d on W at tht.vm ofYTala. o g g thy e ... lest ed hotrwal% &.sha fim EmUwtnb"rifern ie U k~15 M i s ~y «b.mId Is.viln rntetht ." le thursMd W.at ha 2 vSu . 9,a. .wilho»400 t o ; th. wo , ma«S: ~ ~ P"Wàu 1«eb. uouml mi doed mi hm hW wet t w.é MUt Pr p o t n-u raat*lb roun Ua. la tou t Sep*the w .~ja1 Uia, thaitms a a Neyur287 $aiiiud. f ey & Pke*ta, e r .dWùm à t:.a.::2ý:N." the tam ift h 'lmin hseh slwlge is bu time *gotMd . .t -ZIS - hm mmek 0" .18e b. teoa htiim. b-. pul ai o.. avan e. oe yétrs e apcit tf.21S e.1.%e ampt n shwu mgb jéh* ( m i l. hbo, W 105 n. lâbg , ioN r ?bm ti pUIm aai u a alary tnmnt-%ad-q thota os lbb tel. D5S14UhfiSI P m K.bt"drte*M-etolto r us.u~ a ~. s rebiab IId 6.» oh t l 1ul MhdOI t p~~rq bgg, ?r.t C@*$,Mi k _u____ ibl bdmm "wà Ï a no ao t » s nrison f t ry o sbtter.~ i~,aib~iu qu ta.u~ butn ies. b.hI~ a. 5 e. ?wan . i s Umnmrg.Nr N Ir méfr s a 1 t e neothe u..anst S. t j w ikb- 01 b* kt.%e~Ct, teh. v 10 t r~hw 41 1~ah1 841 t(Coi 4 btt ~It yîow <5(41 Ci hie l. 1415 06 ENOLWà'. FRENCH SEEOs. , ft#~ i k « immum tu ý î