SuijabI~ wY f s w $1 A1 Wifl t ut 0a OLD> certif Wi£tt, Li Iat £tc,@c~All goods Mdy mnd best vl cludùg J«M Itysoui, G*, full stock 4 the ver)? bès iof Wil Onecar of Nessts. Goeh uid.ovintaçe :S77. eBranidy, vintage Ër878, in half octaves, quarters in c.c, one star ) anti thrée stars X fort, speciafly recotn1ed&d for iavyalids. au.t prt wwIDefau1~#d(fin- »~!~ Il' I ~.1, % r~a Lu~ ~ ~J I AS thus .NIedoc and Fic A nd a compt fIS4.~ itif~, kaLbkI uaw B mt byJ * T of - -i '13 1~ i.j cro4.eiy Ar *- g. a ~L ai i *1 -h j *1 Il I ~ g i i i 't rtf <'j mýý tW bis st.ock Cor.-