t I. a s -e li u U"u.- lg, 17t6 'est, Mr. êmtsoa tu, Jo»: tai. 14. tddyW -M riea ta'tilt Md o th ie Polies hù attouend. Thc- e4, th isi bf9 baug- m'a te, ,ahete ilu >t*S >kownL.Oo sud th*ttmevee Md e- *ioâ. ItodJrw» 'Pst nVsu iii the e the dow tui 13. ieume shroot sud 1Mfl'-I'Fiiad- lu- àut-tht e t tes. là t»na tise tint. Thi. liv tcuk plats un "i7th test- atartiig: À lie isthme u»Uice eetae'y. Pitre '5 tce at tht.jrrti ip "awed I.t,' A t,il tr ' MYfl PFOLIS. i I i t - htu i tnt» ],VA»A '44 sItt tic r tt4W1~flAY ne. enti ettf* sy.a~ t4 40uy. *%1%, tv'n* tetti tt44utvtYut'iIWI'êie. ~nt~ b' -,nIvNt lit INreéttI. ris O t t. lOti ni .sus4 11%-pc. î-uÎ~'%tro. vis. tirt? Il ,. .1 :si; .tttêl *."tgsnt..iêvet#ntt 1.i.td*et leteut, ,sw49'IAp.i*t 't."'-> relit. V.~1nt4* Ittilêmv toq mil etit fletee$ts.unSl 0 'w.tiAfl&'.mnI tefi *sAiefrtoh ttI't 't.$h. tis o'm on80. ~ tn ns net i rite 'o iw IL ~ sit tht 4t44y$» t'~titte *1! $5..' 'teuit tt. t n.nrl'uh t),.' tveth th».,'~h h..' lits »t'w90pe1 *b,.'h fret ,.nIttIentfi stItqent'v il n 4swtfrs Q tê litS 1*414 w Ut. vhi4 t 4h.' ¶fl'tW I angle te. s~ tise ~4*fls~ ,h. h S ,ur boc von ta thon re filbhe Phnr) Ibsl i*'tla lw *,, aStre bis lb .35f Vtiew0 y. i irI 'Lj' t r.. tt %: r 1 1 t . ,t.. e-s il l q ~t-'l;1z1 t1EtM ,d 1a - 1.u - -,s - > 1 - t'a'I.i.*.. r , 'r ,: , x t 4' % '1rem i Os't"..jt w rlie rt i '. . . . - amr là;,t sf . . . îàtgiis. Llýd t"Q,,yj .'-& >t o e.lt 514.. . 't be .c bo i .t t . 1 . .6_ .in ->4., e r ..' " 11-14 t. ~?i4i 4 ociAtw s\ i~ At5&4 I i lit liii» i. titi' ~, i;4~,,,,, J 4ft~ ( 1 lill