Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 26 Dec 1890, p. 7

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f i 4' ~- - f Sp 7e - ~r ~Iuvu! - - q 9 LdiiatmffiIv.ffs. jour'. E tiartra jnijrjirit.mAm.eamwtJ I - - - ---'-- - - 1 t 't- s frr l 't vs'Ii 5 'r -lU' t 't4rt' ts' tus' r i r- - N. tx-i- I h'uitft - -' s' 't t 1 lotiS 11 t r--q it '.5 s' - * --r.,' t.. --5-s t'.,. N~- - (t.. - 'N t-- 'N I ' 5 Ni- t' s - t Ns. I. k- N V - Vs. - 1- t ti'r.5 VS ' -. -N t- t-. t"- N t-, s Vs -. 5%~', .5 Vs V. 5 t- i t-- - . - 1*1r5- i r,.NNt, '5 - s *ts* T "r t ~-is ,~,. - .... s. * t .5~' t-r--. st stîL 't- S Vr."':'S s r - I \V '-f jr-s t-s-t-si -' -s. i t V . 'r st--t Iii "-'i t-urss- b..lt. t-te'sr t' N - 1> h hi-- s~,". - V - t. 55~. tris.' t?? t I .,rj ~ tt,*e -r to - 'i5-ss~,- - ~N'- ~s-- 5 - r - -. ~ S,. - fi.,. ~ rt~ I i - ..-55t5--.t- '5-5 t N--rit,,-- tri,! lits -r W~.s.sî 5 '- *, 5, -- t~Stsi i 5S -si -- -.~-' 5! I - l'Ut IRsç 5. ~ -ht-rd >5 14451 ------- .~t- t" il-t'"' 's-il Il NN.U~tI~r .1 U-î- '-l- . - lt vtît ei's s t tel--le ,;vI 5teett -'t-t 1 >. .'5 Ik. -i'- 'i% - \'- e - ~ t--î-v-s-' li."'.i- r e --h 1 .ih5-i u'tW 'l é~w iStt - :*lem ' - îts* tsit.itijli -f ~tuI il T.. -- leev i 1P>SIPtif thé fiunis., Vs ~ -s -r tsaIMar ln f'Woraltwi ote te-, httmbl itlttnv-est i~i. '. t'rit'y(-ctril ----ler rtIller kti ait~~~ -h hîti'- ir jeyî'iî 1 v.aak. i f t. rtis'eg %Vlir t )sr tiyf i l"ba.îtlwroft heg v tb a t t144-1 Ii i , ti-'ît. t t vt% Inl- t - --t,- v vd ouf oftitati.ti% q,. iý-îtiht -sî titi-il' 4 t îiti~' 1--tt N- at- r~î sNî.sîîssr ti'îîi'îl Nw'saîsl yc tss,'îî-p' l-»sî. iifyiîîtiirt l bm P NI î'-'- S.'sttît ~rs't. Ili t 4b goe, WMr îqt-eu us-'V. tsfW .fi-S sutprmI amuldi-lu Ieow bars mnSk~ eh. li i v. Mim A Mi.,Iq e pli%~ê "au lif. t -elgsite vsA Smos bew li pvtaOUW Sf. li.4St. sp lirsi * anssreis oit, v lave WMyn n-ave supuime mt. fiai fIai 'Vhs'AI ff t*lP5eAW4.IosI M tima fIt ItIMMl i. o ?flgo ber twsi <n. ti ot lelw iTte týt %valitOi 011 1 >W lb. às r tey ttanolbevodlo-anpnxmt aiiiyeî hl e tollow?'4 ansi Agdes>h [thé omenu-f be bUS ettwus.haetê 1Ilw1 1sks."'o w, Rpked.Ietvi <etilt - tt«. "Ym" h r lTs. At tofvney ON eal-lMir aig Io t ltxmli tttausrn19n ly rnla lite helhm 'hho ict' tfs'afihî. an .1. helpsi i.ho si t e t% l sft, eisdl 111 lteouare ft iiby -tirs .r t'sI,'tth«ti pmitf1.t1W -1-4i k ew v-1 insf e. litireinsI i ,ads -lit tht' onI> 'Whitf lli Noniruho idt v's thrlý *hlliiw4foir ha llifa ey <uof I vZ4 Thete Sgr. l ay ~t lt, Nvlbowso. he i a.e shë%vitim 'lp it4s I îtry <.i6-..- v1 a s er, tttitttll lite AtîîrîOfytbcqU'mtt-ý e u tuaS'twy mas"as IILLSm ~-MIS. th" l ad am* likow-W m. lame=cimes WAvw.-., i~ 1»W d"tau Wrus-yq-ii zt-hm afl immje is oiak wl . m htEdix The tte u- e imb1W a ciS male. Wsbou--f 1GW -lSk.,- .r aothle lbo te o brk ieiio 'Witne-Ol* 'u 15wâ«..Us lu erAttony Gommai-lu ksS PmUfar er pdnemL>ttnôraiti The Atorney o- teq1i xe CWAWm M 3V i o tifs mvilit, m ou &uuz.Dv uow0, amcivm hmgil t e lrdtqt LuOûeand ho re. f att sIve oM h fe brim h lne OfIthe «e. ,D T'h. Attornaey Grai-OtblslOB 1 lua11-4hmwereuclo t1 loe' hawunseig e h Thtfora ,uau--At iifaitke cf tue08% mof 4P >l t miray (kmnï,m-Waum Ib mmblo. Tb@. Atturrney (Geuite tal he- bld j mae i iept trpw.o ut mitthetion? O Witnein-rhepcinewrn oebéyen thelun îhe sr~anm 11w Atforney <lemeràl Wher* m ab- i Thcen eAI lite comq"mthe 1prer 1*oîbs Ynigle t .aer inSurna berne lIs'aid.. bm&*2i sdta patil y * lly, opeuin. u aet-bom, bnw bislth by îhd hma b. -as ilecu t pioe tcas h.i- AS Fr i hap a urll assorted Stock cf F'uil ClothsI, F1ne lankts au~t mèud a ior exchtauge. Ysuerî~. F'ft~ F'1~rs C US TOM W'EA MING on short satice. Wè iil sfGO&d* as ChAP as asyonejo Cash -or Trad&. NOCREDJ7," as Coads causa be sold at rghft orices asy ad dsee as and becomiiced-Yomrs resftctfly, Our, fotu wifl be otite, ay- . Cali * WALLFACE &Oaie- P. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m &- oe& Pas& A h.usimso.uj in e'igf ,U .s otL rm w *W Onke m s. o 1 t e Wu g o Lu d ~ < s .p t fwwvvé%'s Aq~nt, fw'* t'ocre W.'., cf Fo, SemdIi V.~4, et M.ocus> "t - n-r use isar'i s-se i"<ift 1i15-... 1#himM 4 Iaiw~o~t-4I'e (P'~): hf E' Istsu,<rn<~. A~r*oo/nthin (>~ IMdÔPI. tbs' fI5'sfit'5st sdtrslts5hltt .t lits' abasvp sst(trn5.ewls'% 'stsaosI hue s'allai talC '~tteo- littit. Aas'V Sa? e-.. trIe-at 0enAtt-luss, P, iqs.ptiss i0a te- 'i'tItiUteIîIsf t'l.~sIdB. a~e -- ms'ss~ sh's' hîisst5t~.t t'ltafseîeitM~ îît taistie -'Pttiti.tt-5. e, JUS. 1W KSWWITT. WaMW. RIgu~m be~n~ 15y ~ ~ wm. atamifle. tf~.v. S. tut-S £ CmSL lOYAL OAADM 1a.awoe C*u.p' clc . b «aq tthp u mm 'h (o piSt t.UIYa io& CaslwSw Pl Nu thai« «M o-u obmSil taaya Iai mss- mu. m I m ~e mlIas.1w mvw.u- m - s~ W I am mm...uar ti*~mos mo . 0 epoIIS1w baroa -~ - m uW -0le imulm W-uns A UCTION SALE Fa armf eauw me as t" tvine as cfWin huoe nuac -rvwcaou- S tin ~ a Munai vuLe Emmet~ awn E uetsmL« tb laU e Sontintu el or i.. TIl pe I oumu tail antel ami la a mmwe 0et livagin, util a omwr TzàmS-o»mish dous at lime ecfie FR ES N *?'e. 0lIST Niýwcàï e R"àFsaTwe M IL F.cm M f - Prôperty. - ~ ue bm-mm m me et amu b. ix FRAK k StrIbM JuM »lth. lUS.sIt thMh du ai Daiembm IMUSbom mMvM uibr - bB dI W ~ . t n . ub utI co aimue ràw. uMPuDM Pm them colletim et ou 0"mati We.haAe. comml cata à" -Lu*b-i - ma.imi> Si MAdulaM"ou.mnt Tuanse. M L12 am I180 ILE. COLLIS. Oam" awr &9.ANDEEWs ac ca.TeIM.MM Ne. 2MLltat momly -ýa tmooaeaimame thom mW Ib teruif tdeul*ei. a. .ILLINE. xmmr. Sat OI JUS-14. OYWAI MAIL STEAMSI4PS Uap EXUMà Il WWE CAMWbi iU fe lmum e o em is .ai u aa, aS l, -Rm. sur.odUa Usras.l gco.erut a" mm OM&. aPou $10000 AmaruAnL oE. -AJm P ark o« "EU DO" ie ni vit Ha alez-arma= WW~M U* Meu MMR%> mmeM Umm ma au, momm. «. ý wi TE LWVERPOOPL AN<D LONDOBR PIRE ÂND mLiP. Bum Ioeuam imlu bu-m M hSR ~si»~emj - ami au". thbmmm~ rd thonlasa MLa Aîm meeeo.iwtb oS wtssm l a§et iaftrsm. Fxffltbmofpnealvm % ;Mc? ey ilan.2%w patoulan or taon au* te Ir. .TAIX&MO 1 Aflus a air a"mi taaW 0% WILL PtiSiTivELy CURE à O~a1tSIar*e KEEP A BOTTLIN l' SoL BYALL DEALERS.- IR: Tur orýf»coSL yo vSoLD& RARDBAge Lica.a J.L»OM ,C u l i.I.Uiu Cannagt.aOtT. 71 MANALL.A. ONT. The Loum itraL.-'m yOur Ia Mlmtrmsn nnwh affeetd at ber nmotber' withfl-ç4he alSt lost ber re.amon. ES el r1in?.o a lever, and uns sarrely ex- Poe"tablelire.lt wM weekâ before abe kï»Iowd-qe uofthe ccumne.b mut youw misson'enggemes usIthe prisonert Wtnem-Sh. uM S. y mucb in love Tii.Attorney Gmouea-And h. uîtt .ber? WItneq-l doe't thlnk o. Tii Atornepy General-Mid accordinq tyonusrvatn1 sbeing Ina love lti hb«, bo enum~d buimW to ber? ATiitorffly G erai.-Waaa -the a UmI kbIokng woUMsn Wtte'~$hewOuUm nogenerally h. The AttornkeY (eede aitiai a fairly pood i1keireme ft ber? (Pbotorajh of the lere&medprcxuccd, WbIr.h4 after the wltne m iexamined it1 Vie bametd to the jury. h repreMented a woW:ir, v'ery phuitn. ulth a faice whieh As.o'tI ,aliaamjellrd fie. jrmetice, bavits Mdhao p:aee mbus amis bw aM fa m A mlutmRU7 thmformula 0fa impie vmu.e remMoy for thb. meedy md ponmm escue of 1 os.uuiitlom io,t, (t m 4AmbmaMd allm &"ui m Luugàlkolio.m almea puitive A" mdil eua ure ha rVon DsblIty ai ma Servous omepatat&a mter battemdIctAt wodert um uaive pouere la t1bum d 0 mes. ha. féeu 1: hie diaty'te aake at knowu te hi* imlftng eulowm.- Aetumi dytbis motive amd a d*M oale eelieve humas tnhII 1g IwAt cetpt. la Geruema treurb or fgt.,wth tuA ditWeoloufor p Mdpitu mtg. -$11susby mail by adirue gwtt stam~p aitt rrW. A MEVC.81FOerDoh REMEMBER 1. WWrmeBMTWS% DUNN'8 B3AKINO. POWER MCM R- ENCURGEHOME MAUFACTRa. Tk19 aux ffb ,sta y the Maiace f't»e zersutar cats dû Ithe Ibm etf riflon ham. Jeumm 'E IE POST'e WKDD)IMJ LXVI. -Ill tIe 6- "t pzscgmîe ramh )R L SALE Vr *I hluIma~ced; wuU bu 80I1.ruL-Miy etit, . tee. LT P1Iu -Camin mb thepte. cmrn ci tMon. In the ouï> pa'r ;.t Nov#%Pt, or, a amuamimx u@Primm w.; iaatsue u. Iak- abire.Owae' @mn bave >aneb> puiwlautteIL mm u~ ., ~ene.. â1NJ'IMIS JACK=%. *VfOLEI. - r. ai i onle -& M rin' t e mmu»necdU ci)wk, m~ea u. b.. ebil k!"ocm tou t aa mf m lfe-L Au>» pen.a MU t- in gto ehieu*' .*0,'M ntce wil! beP-ooo. eumi J'bt;PH KENT <fiasWaeLamI..uy. THejiD l£1LI.4BLI£ kC lNu' J-4*itah..';1670-1 býe »moWa btbMmy jrrL a& Caàningeosacime i My et BUkIL SwMeL. 1 ilà ~ae mi "'h.«e Iaéafer al the Caainulon nal« OL %oe . m eMM emosbebeua. jOHN WAKEI.I. <la. caes'. DecS ETtir Thembaefber bhm for n00e1ba tuu oMm gr ab" hed BrickMtlas Iy*7d mouetlai.. iabam. or as Ibe CUmmhgsnmwag.eawsmo uho k uW i ust emaaaahe ru»ila tu"b Ou 1w i fmmer stock. &A* s JOHN SACK VILE. bal ctabmll. Affl à. lUt-d ~wml Ciham Gomh d 1ie JE Lu mnM "~t~ i wen Aui 1à -, .1 \N i,.. t -. Cam JI> G&JL "oi;Fp J6" Md op J6jà IU%à* 9; Ya-rns,. Ete-- lMt.p.- - 1 e 1 LUEI - OOL en mmia eab t &M&iJ Shimlmetvu m M R&~t NIEE. W" OO D -a 1 1 1 V 1L. -7 Farm 1 1 cal 1- M"

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