m. .~ - ~ a ~ *%. elle -~ -. 111* - - -e-- m~ - ~, b ~ ~1i mu Ru a~ IAT. ONT.. ~IIDÂT, E GXEKEK am~-W ly--- - .L bU» SEIBUIbIL w~ms.m~ - s. u~ -~ ~ - ~s. - ~ - -e, b ~B - .~ - a -, *w' - ~rn ~Uoe~k "w~ - b - - -~ - ~l - a. m~ - ~ - .~ ,~ ~m - - - - ~-Ue M~aBrngupa. w ~ us mien. B ~ - bleu.. -. ewU~ s. n~ ~ SALE t ecdetovisi our Stor nd inspect -Our ýMpafcn - - Winter's StocLk».- P~&RT TWO. Noice unpaticular -ourUnparalelled Attractions. iL Dress .G0Ods ýOf the Latest and Most PopulaiSyes. P~&RT TEREEL Gv ca ré,u1ttnion --to Our complete. une of Mons1-F3oys' a nd '< out.hs' Overcoats. In Ready Madc lothng or asortment is. làre P~&RT POaR. nýlspoc.t -ou r stock of Manties, Mantie, Cloths - -asand Hosiery, F~A~T FIVE. fleemerwe are selling Our Furs, ]Robes, Cooa Coïts and aps ýat M oving Sale Prices., ~A~T 8IX~ Copr u r-Pie and Qualities withlothers ~nd ter pOceedto rmake the m -tof hi .. grandco potunity w - ~ Saturdaja, I te 11. - -......------ A F»'teelnIn(e okn n tedne w Lrntsy' Lede o Lo Cshpuime. D~Y ~ Sgawrq~ mi.s é-- à -~ a. lbbumat l mous ~oe a.bwudt as 1 ftie. ,au My E Tm a.u.mat spe ewIofta.m Mau à a. a% Imm "sen ,am zbw amu ma. bo uftt- M le«W eu"-for lmi W~M malpa~~man .10* totm leu,1~ l rudm .i." Win be bidd-. a e&tbs. ie ïà&ii .b lb lu i mmueILP et shql orumet lm, irme bmmtat a huomerM ouma. - Vekw*M U mu,~a ULUU. ** 1B. GRAT. lwam - --- bf uflI ma@ - ~-~- - ~ - - * - ~ - LA MOVING lbm ne saa.um h iab« lot et a Ilv sar ue. Te mmiioe bo lmfeS.ltht. esi, m ad tango. humH. W C. HEL Tapper, miniètar of mmrtms, md Dr. Nomlaguedoen u-te 5nlgemAgent W.bssv, Wv i e danu admw w eeoc tire. doDmin a day rom thme Public Paue. fer hkm exertiema. Boa. JO" ComS cumme te 1tow em iday uori-mng md remsmlu mliiTuomda voami.go Bedi nos deilver my public tmiaabu It t. auppesd oPlat, pu M smquie" Mt.so.ary work. Mr. Cochrane, IL P, Mmd Ur~. . Laeofe Oshava bave boom vielng wlth mach olimer in au cU be u theoa lemord aI ale bai Ic> orgaat wleulsrMd spouter,. im.thme waq ofrecilees minlato- 'ment md limpudent alequoitattom, md have n.avly succeedmi. But th. inIeil- pu» cth Ie farmera bus bc oo anch for thonâ, mmd ait their 0"i meetlmgs timey have rma init.suais of one klad md moalser and have bora hmdly wreeked. Tihe Wardee>mn ntRleck'm school houne vas caugimt open-handed and -expoaed b~y Mr. Bain ln au impudent ettempata odé- eive by ositting the worda "àdi Other vool." a aquotatlos heva peeteudingtb maie frons tihe tarf eulations. It vas nearly as bmd mi his expoeure b>' Ev. Clou- diimalna and i r. Bomes sn au attempt tb decen-. maid ilcad as the -Manill ent-, lmg. .The. fanvwe sqickLIY Mm up a spéaker ofis %ii Mmp and atlech lte valme ta bhm stmlements, and le biaigumenti. Mir, Tho. BiWn, M. P. Sort1s Wentworth. hem.returuscd bto theriding for »verni mieeting.Mr. John M*màla, M.P.. Iluvou, orne of tise best farr speakers lai the bouste. in down for 9ererai meetings, ansd wi bcliepkoîfr more if his engage- ment» wcli permit, for there are few speakers n'ore ellective mmd practlca in 0dm dnaungmmaudieeofaifarmem. .r Preston hem rendermi havaluable service by bis. adumrable eddressea, which tank weUh Sisof thle best parllemcmtazy speakers. Mv. Hugh O'Learv lesm mdetelling and eloquent, m weU an practlel, edires at several meeting% . Mr. Thos Stewart hem doue. excellent service ln the smrneway. Mr. A. F.J uryihms addreused severai ment-, lmin luNothVeraiem, chere. v. ÀF. Camspbell, X. È. P., lield forth om thse tory side. Mv. Je.. Mc3ullem, M.P., Dr. Lem- devkhs, M. Pý, and Mr. C. W. -Coulter of Hldind aire jin thse, iding . sMme for a. day or tee. aIliers forea Ionoeer psrlod. Mr. Jury mteoded the consermvv meeting at Wylle's Wednesday mmdcam arrons Major Sain Huighes. It in S eless bo say Mr. Jury u-ouud hlm up. dressei hlm dovu, uopped.lime loar with hlm, Mmd lefs hl M nobewlldered shet lbe ctually editted reclproclty vas -a goci thlng. Ovlla UvM. lugme .experieuce ln libel llmg lie bats b go before a Jury, or oves bo coule mter one. He. viiihati t .1111 UN"DnOW.. The conservtlve meetings ntenn muid MuXphy'. were_-addree»sd sy. Uv. Cochrane mnd Mr. McGfli'irsy. Mr. Prm "o md MN Geo. Mcgffh were presal fer Mr. LoWisbouim The reelprocity dl.cuslom w»es1tened b di lthe deepset laterest, »mmd judging by tht feeling th.. Mellon. ciii raWl up a heavy vote for Mr. Lovnbrong.ttthemmdeagnNa Mrphys. MoMneprecicl joker vut somme vMd »epet ou ltse miore, wchl lid tihe elket af eurtallmg Mr. KcGillvra m seh. Tht. wme mucis te bo. reld,,for the one Uvr. NcGiMlvray spoke thme bellet Il ce. for Ur. Lown*mvgLh. ie met le to ,b. uomdemsed. The BmpliesLimdey cone. penant (lim oi bb. lime Waduer MM) Naue e. Ucfiuilifér 15, but IUv. Me RugM hdhel hig tu do weUh le. Geulue Ueaý " V eUfA .J Ouue~sMa n «mg ufl&Mr . ovmIL ebuatge wmNad àt.a.m Msa imeus Tuui. & avim v. mu"thmum n~ e dasupe Uv m ua br oue àcure a a.m2sa mm - Uv. W. l) d R. Wosth"us éu émubmami lt.ceidubistu a ., acitr adbi>c. DmAsmmtemlgem. nbae tspasal ammt u cemb m pc PMUmag0b hh.o aW W ilm go, ettrmmsBmai« tuthebaltu eauot vbeefl m u bujsaoa a .&ILdmu e taais. .eï ania lm ghamm ba l sur ey te Sa am Ie. th m l mStmbt ould Wmbaobab timgm h. bua. trmare rom-b pneu a.. dimmlimU» h. vs mtm tiemedho .ultlasaly l ena il imtes bfr J. s eLnamebo" mo o i Uv. ui"OL2-y e. ,a lngMIlt udfl o hurantmume mi s lilMt th a-c »lo metst. asv hou"Wi> mpleés.r.aevaM. L amaigr 9»19 Mrelam usicett Ca"" mW"eda Là"a aie lI uISIb et aim i hki ami w vlbllg t te a -" "Wb litds .a"ud *i Cernais. R. uacrmsi lisutM q» um unl meel bMvammwe t. bure wu*mLb CnLam bru m@p*m riJ.S Lt. iSon MrLt - Wi bimo tue e -houW 0-13 aomage h.buatlar.ami h. mti im U emamt caid ol o enwv te us ad. mo o 5heie a ?etue leam am m bW Ure uOmRCIDÉIae.U.B ac ma u * eem t ium mwe 'wg lu aierelu d*lauhelurtm I, i Lima -. - à M »"oui. moi ane tun bih'ar sad.Wm -mwwcywu Me. Lavis fa -awave uh lsaamh nifo Ubus m mak mia. lasm-b* bmamwk a ras. ta ectWeal, n ba Uvý. Lab vLASe thlm te aiefpiar. h p w am eswbat Uv JMks «a.thI eenUa Lawk.lld outmae b. mnte W'-.6 H(Colem Ur. LU". uecasioeiMoulelr. amis ua lbut audsehat lmIdae vrs _k d "s.It u haus . u*r a AU liait r. ar laa s.bath. exmm à bi rvm bW MI »iMt r4domur b emi lit Pti-pisvMau lai et. uTbh mMImmeho urn lmad dutil t w ra.la ah. b bam Oenme liata ce voud ts livol>i Lue imi h.brun. .1m ilpamb"c*0 ns lima lae eogh i mi t 1h. ooai metWla.Mtl am im . ull etiy SUh.belm«baSas*W tei tsoi 6olr.Laimetemp b IL bmdiàleUv Paios W f.i hà-- a W"enm I ~,-~----w - w- - - i ---m -- m* ýb l-M aiea. a.~ ~ sa.haset b~a. muet bu ta b s ~ ICo'rvmmumdumohut ta, putt -». a»UppeiltmS*bb>tbby th ev.J A. McDumld (aot S.r Johis a o Theeumm gcent!emm vIli prtscr%!.e.Et S ýbmîah lth e bath* h.- wili havt. ici. <et rocs .7 àosIbodIete aaoto bhave au!tivswary éni ie" el? ,:%Desvrand M;!Uoy. Wa»ît1.< BLLL;5- W. t b UW N. IL A. MeK;iao& eai éageuate agent ai Tur"to50 t. colinu gouit ta t!.ke Mieri Liae GLu-niê aae> vtti lm. Who usez, t 3Ic41C1PAL Màrnaas Tntre la &OMO tm" af oppgOswoeo ur Icemi cou'c i. 3Mr. Stuart mats a gooi rtrtve .l...Ir.esd ce boi thatihc.ld cuu-itara li&- k> Le bi -teLâ aitbo,»th t >et* &te -o-s ba o wuuid gieete iu !'ber Pisde" if le th ugmutioee es mn> hance. -rillua HlDAY m-r. erebbsxs 'tre tuily Dveoeftd for h. hiud&j. WiLà goi u&able for thi. "-A. B SA VLI; r. Tua ruzN-1î c t Theabat lieTl Brothermrui cMib. opt',for riazors oa Saovdmay utni. Cmowvuso MU r--M. C. T. Yoaeo bas vumbeias.thle choppiusa mliiowatd by Frercs BrQa.. mil le pa-epprel xo si mil kîidé ofchoppicg at 1h. -ocest p>bie rt'eM. Pmasoxêlç.-Ur. B. J-aue ut B leman. Mile a ia ceei vti frI isla talle :vidmîity ... DCOee.ve Suiecce c the G& T. IL oet a dbhere ia, t ve.'i loklng Up msettrs regerdlpg the laiebmuailry et Jemee Blîchie. tor., on bis vaitn.th bte KLox Crnac u. - Tie coemafoue Kasox chorcin: end holding their anuel modfal on Nec Yara niait. Tas Gaamu MARKaT la reLier e uia NKUxmxcIPj, MATTk5 bl thevlmae ame qutet » jet.-No deubgtise usuel nimber eemaidates ciiloom np la the ceepat Lime, mal vo me> look fer a boss osasa s Suýwm Yueu%%. THORAR MauNiçCIPÀ6 AL Màrvu.-Ila Levuablp tia eakma Iob.ta mmre u touS te mete a cheag la ths ro.voimp. Ir Mu. MeRme dostraIo b.e. eelecasi bis cha-mo. re g alagames %il co m e [crosadsouce orTale POuIL Ost»ueua. -At lie mual moma et *b. Glameim loyal Orage Iodm ,boUl on Tbula o mmg.2ad tuât., Lthefelow Dg oMem sct e eedfur thuaemsalag ps,- De. WIIam Thormbory, W.M., b> ecel omte; Dr.. DOasbi J. p'.-D .;I. Ronald Mtefaipa, chsoîii.; B> iub Me ecoordieu se.rteaar.qq ByeCoitu N. MWC.ýdfiatai4al *C"rt- ye; Bt. Johe Curvrime. treemuer; Ire. Job:& I. Blae. ditreco ieroaolm; Oro. JmussBMut lcue.T»se'olîngbehr*n e pvttdommî. brus..w.: Bpodl. 1>-ai iLr u m ol.ýL ad isD . M elom i., Juaha M . Kau, Johs Grebem. Bissai W. Kmots.. Short adirm au icet. ed ~iby tbe eahetm maset, dep'l, W-*butebN>ai lain, broamur,6"mai lia lmma ab eau y, las apili> mmd hamerous sisoeb, . pi saethe l Iag murlrebagMr. Toa bau, s.mut, eraeedanî ai lie Ni vii et hitlmd, amIM. Spere. tie depuey, a North of Soot amm.Tise ioae ne umiersimd alt me ae»d fluaimamusils W"i aba atImeelse.. %W* hava me dauba bu k it vuprmpe ur aitsatahis- lm ~ u eaveai»mevmmb.re bave boom taImai d*visg a.pontYer. Pmeomaz..-Il& Goroee B1aei, cie lofa hum lea u e r otGrand F,- uia . - .ie muuloibé»otemsl. George bIan e vil.Mr B&"lmm.m Dm" a as .vas>' l.vlum cbieUv. RUlm me .vta Ve M111m Sy1aM* G h. re oue bis poreuslods. hall - fl as - -'-mblue lm mimosa. Tb* usbes et .uab am gofiha>pasubilm ofmob ù» emves dmius eiea. la lu r@mnda etaiem Tdurlalb vmm .Oihla» mmsaiseintoer veme basr..iho amI m5mp fag tis" Wb m -1aa fa wami.a Om m ê abaimu . eme baveà b .i -tgr ai mim. bela eue m»I mm bd.th" %tsem Wai.ma n aboao mtb MPr. Mas ID6 Xb . asasiet LIn Im tb mmadphly aaus bm lMsAlu bu ft bum.t 8mb adu dia N 9M. GO& lmmwb a * @dÈm" et et"ud*ol aa Sus blÈe 8" mi s is uN PbM" au*@v. P.mmauet lwpais t mll m A. -a--b--talb-g-mlIw.p and S»uye ti ~l a. mmeil. muihaseut et -be n rm as 1b qase un lmo a a. aia"mim W eldacsy et *. e t a. luSbmqt .. Ami abpb » chuesomsthe alu b m t ai.ea umea» uv.mea,» mpas hemlib bwaetMrliIm e sa duumthe t. l» a.e Us m atiuMM a.d w» m... mi e eurtue voehe t,> we a. ie --i-- rfe tns baab Cie W" *-WeU -s hahiedt b al.y t T8id bMr ohia i s. tme hmm e om msvsq-oeudy. . .NRmimm KR aoi a. byie e t iei»a ort mm salIl à% Umm tew IvL& viii lb. emta rTee jasa a. h«mm .. e effbla e -b-- -- -m--ý---P «- aiffl a volmau ehioas eU m mdeaigutioituterun. b caler mita tu b6 . mt e tae nie sfoe te v tmm nse te buby uàagte duty totte«- r.i avshe anatbabbchy at hlm meu mirei qemtta m. i.z.mhr ma s - - - - - -.- -~ r~=~ W. priaI eJ.sewhere thseet market reparteai01thse Buffalo. Chicago, Oswego Mmd other Amemicra grain mand produce mariet@. M abat fariners interested la, the reclprety diacus" m asme farthem- selves thsepmice" that ane moin. a tsar xudwae, Bas. SI Wbreu*0b.equm O'bser. cimertu dWSailf Why hav.a'i lie> urmai,mula bu h bas ui, b.theMam a lé.be - Thur>, Daosubot 11hlthe eMil. tau os Demamur Ah. A"I y« Wvohmur metiuaet acemldata-t. camebimeubars aleemvett«i" làeo unaemeirua. VarIer "p masloubbyou7 W,"ai*0s Bs.e a.mm Vau platal Boum ei Wtth ausuironi. amaeeS.longbla j Or boa Lb.equal nliî*àW a>MirMvelbU 0 n0 e la te il94M .but vtaiauem* te mm"ieM " e o Md lime lus chus. uruuaaim leusmudOrceui Dinionpuamea i-tu 'buafiax Oumequl klmi -iMêîl The M& mwm wouasmt umleauslailaie 'bib z&The »vlas vera. ~eofasablmImlwbe ltwobeia us.~tb TeqaNmba. Amase at om bué meZ e WMliiOsntae MI a. eUh a. l te . . f mvadtqmMaiasy cre paulias asm a.l nev.K.a M.Mf a Umm et 4@oomg bNu. bb vue mie& bu ubu s m a It Wns. ~tar ~ubyte aainien uhibe E . u. a. élum beie»mula, 5MMie k - oR W W- bm- 14bWb Nav la a. mua. l n m A" 9t igiefi Nou et lW ooem bM00.6blaiMla aba wi evILie The ua>' evasta au etal duas a.ho blia0quetmalet Kr. Iuagb, b' Nu. l, NeNuima N. une eSmimaet a. dune. lot éaet l bure 0 1aaula la emi%., emaue soi a.pum e mal grma PuanaWe a.~a Mu e ezdms m. atel a. aes buml hma hon oon fom Tto6. D.i E. McGAFFEY 000DB HOUSE. ~mamn e Fm ni.bsia teth S ydA" inn 1à CAM IL4 Y. eh. bal ié. baiec 'deeir"« by iSem w vies.m.mne.4> aaelohlmiuaia tu m~umwesam sur Sl.M »Wbaie.... Mv. Umm elcethme Orubau oueetialue I«ffumaueet ?io PU&J proveam bée bas 6, a e beho Salua mrecmencs ort ie *tetwdltu cha"ài hbue. Tb* hoavy palpi a bbs om eoe, Ibo pafm a es buesseuoad.d nea9 theffe le pimb.1pet of Ib te «0" a chc4r&mmdo'maàbeblmd tis pr.cier'.lbai, ebhi lljbu flgUM »mue uambrom 9"a the ou* foes.aip ltuUrne. Pumgoua&. - W. hbave bsa bavie a pmaaty 0»1!14 holatue.re l.Am oSimersMrE. Goura R oretTavot, ms aMd anMac0le iMvWtgambu> tromu.1 linue, gr Cbilj. Thyore tm ai.> et C.a o. O. .-GUI ir4r ielizeNs. 1M6C. o.0L., X l.,ewe boreaiSstevday ovea. la&~ Dee. 6. bli a wt It om aKra"mi ceusez- or &. J. Wad. Whoe aumtaila glewta tUerfl t CU»prom. e t "i. we »d c2mmaaod al n ohvins Mel*d a.abel. ie. MWmade .da h.e hi aa îu t S . ici Li.ogdev chiei bamboue amenq lS. mmeruus me.mbère vns iolm.vrciiliseul omme,, ou th gobe. Tbe boy ey.iushid pleai, et mamie, moage md reltr.g-. Gimd Orgeim Wad tmecrOseolhimef uabmevea hala bai . piee4 a dîna la a.v lodge la Ca ai. ei.b.d cii hirà Cohoco& bu euf cls a.dietr.c' odm %o moogslb Coboe"~k on Inde>, Dwc. 1Ub b1»4 et 9 20 & t&Memtumog ishe dootvlaftb *"eUmm abrm m wu t ernmos TIseMasOUb " b I usThuemda- xmiel la ** takase t WMu. Loeambmagj'. *0a. w ru e made. v» mcinovledgi imy th les elactizeas sud ilft-mg ecser- vmties w ave bim0or W lmemssIner il 0 , urnly M4ipraiabe over h.' I hors.Tb@ Readum es ailva. fli laChe door. Dr. MminTheupsm eajlulavom ta ula." lIS Ott".e chair, chiche W.re mga uda mlla lime musa fmpuew m@=mis r MdG aulafl feu> lm heur viii a di . r lieOut.., wut bhi mbonaum m .aiwa> l.P., Neuti é mýma Me..J. A. Burecu flOweoi Mathmaltala.. geatlemem boum balà thoeu mo r a hmpeima o e î -fe tise fe. mm motxeuded mtrae vie- toG-sts thiaite d il &aeQsnam iwlu a chez ceibute rontgm.resut,. Tb-. large maiass memeil- pseibboundi cli- bai liaUnmlemm wcoeem siràg, anc' the lakiltme oumsrum .earet »w la a dtlbema aaalm t aLouaba anus beimoe. J& Lonnabroag labbs uvaîs aema bue h»ue maveia m u eteouom.- Mmeidtl. *pmur chau "l"imes am" «m5e- *&ama"b>UrE». mn ami. peua Ta-mki t he opera homme e public meeting et lhe eleetars of Lindsay wll b. bell la thse lmteresbsa tUr. Lacmabrough Âddresses cl b. gien by Mr. Thos Bain,- ML. P., North Wemtworth, and by Ur. W. T. IL Pretan.- Bath are abe. popular anid attractive speakers, and no doubt therei eh b. a very large etteudanee of eleelors Tise chai ciib.taken et iglutooci. Beau leserved. fSrladies. AUl arecordial- Il ;moèim a%-