Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 26 Sep 1890, p. 6

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- A~*AW h 00 11 -f- ; aFa'P~ ~ÂV.. k_%_M___ 1g,6 plim m -À ~~ --~~ J ~~~Im. '-~Nek@ .a &OfM @a ]goum Ibo .1" le MW scau byUhW 10-11410à, ab- « ý>11 MAI1),111 the 3wmt Wo u1ovusSss~a ImI m misws Vs?! b IU V KN s.~, rmurtestetnlos "C___W" la liée tu . .T oucix-Io e IAkIur..J13g1 M ~ b~Ny.KNUIMIIL.,, taisam SI i tvsoat t ont Sm WbWr. IL 141 te 1%buff a la1z 'i 1eà Manim 15 SD I 1O» ý am Tier ýýu I 91 Mr 3ai ,.l . -W au ~. bami VoitN UeiUe Buah M Abr duo*#, W" mulàuas S âzofula, eop-7 of S 1N1O2M*T1O Wb!TD-s . e I E~V .- .E , ~ ai kn . me oS lll* -m 'Ait m .s. n élite tw* dlx by TIbgWANwM&TEUS.0EEite Ul 2. Z ~ MAV. ... a lb us. M ssslu. 15P181818. AlaS'aboi SIUS ~~ ~ F~ ~ W W"ism lthmLlyeTamcc", ys4 ostlenie ce cww wMW 10su, wmouhmuIk ~u m ali. . *bo etmuaWu.Xvlim -Nbl.el oie r fl Imm érnm e ~~ 5511, siain d M mslm , eits t, u i M ark liCM T eo e u a ukftuyPOTS ED1QIN i0 W I?1 N*O O malIU isu uo *ms.& the u -ès.1 euuvmonl"lbduu * ..tour. *s0' 1. .3 .N I e ls . 1wed lalIre00trik, MW'a r.l , .~ t j ime,, î.>lime PtXiby. et.p14osote lui oi, amm aomoaabdI:ob dom os ne m m» WU hao iaai at wr., Glwt sha . v» a e.stiuo"md B"imeaipas ________________________THE_____ WE lIa**hi*etTe os.t 1 si, ovdlMsus0C Mbddda.u thbeem JHaWKrt" Oa I~"%ê.-We idêct*i. îma M'. <lieli ai . ual py rn-sit»bt lan e 04. oparb.S y lim mmiiSvm vii begai b abs à637dam or th ro ki'ri f <JiLv!envi UhSt PM-!>41'k'&&iI<f&lMa ~ 101 of -mi em mulot * sacpN M oWm uiieii -la i Lu= <f 4om e d aïsssià"usta Meb.y. vio vil c111,iiyâtlm ourlait. a pat o'mvOb affifei Mr. 5, £ lme 1 a* IcoeeiWibu ffe mld otim le ecohocidingM th ecmfieetli.- a» MW u - £ O $ i - -G m raORag r h . ' by lm m p ie.l u AbsU iM O t bav aeuf l ft -fPU U t m mI0Im M u l a t heeft audirt aninsiat bf. f l 'ft X la W..Acon. ilccn.....q iA~ ti ~, ~1 UL1, p v dlg Métiers. C. MLT. Havi- Bd omrreft Pbu th. b.ll.i hhobuothe othe ar Dor »#,,<U (tx *i- ut f*P h4 M ,-' Mr. RJ.Eel81ll y W4Sbgle. the mffl of the t. tii, MMid rtciiI Who ai neethe toPetac1httiil h , vdo t Ml* là o lsUS a é_______ heM by .u Pf0M~44"'7 baerhl It.Sadytm (item, L.Y ,.. L$.Pt sPaax.N P. c p5. Srk. ae.ino th e a te e f thy v iii b. .EEUsu c-blN e stiaIle-a Wla 1 d Wa105U0 et Aims. MT. orala osw.eda e t a mi cr5eGATE0558. Ilid jaMd mt. eze ci edm imer sliMébss 1*hoitIngwtt fv; lu m TRXEIÂL the> 5f en te oay d 5 pu5 cae <~ I. o e Se l lu 01 vs&n theur _asta wnu.. r JJkN E ~l ~w041,IIAICefiUttl à1iA W" eai ou. udpbms gae boiaiwlMe bistât a, ol. R hof , ceme51JaveMM asGIe d&. ait t o wn S9.mtshi o inde. la t. î~4i (~U.~b, 111 le 18h5 s0tSAAbOe shodeS7 li. buma 111 whe h ctthe clodm orTh gapl u.B.A.s.L am M sUealer nt the0I1E)Cappcut1 c at Pn ,yudniv an bore » ~ ~ saeOAAsiaoeips~ e. Ia >eutt Dr. meoc là. iti. ROYA RAITER, IP T shiflca i lasr dt th.0~ O P'me . am Wa r e.AP -axuiti Misaa.Twe mfl obtet 'ot si -of t a" d ' à igward. ho dad onMoÂabouCtheRmnR 0o f* e 4yî, v, # eteIm lwt*tV wMl t ...... yse ASttfus t3 ldsai UiM, tbi rt elov uiAfers 3cflof. thee ai th sa No a Ill sît go h lb.a ttest b ate pmd. of the aunr Mlthed oL I-L à A H laft!n . lt CïlI sa.i4Ate1 DM u~p,>y qbv toi 7i»s j.rt Con:uw. iei,-tB ID JR ..N)C)NT ' a,.4é "'I#1 UMM>> etaw.ul>ly ectheaI M ot Am Aptatic rar uia glifîtyPea, ii f 1 dcead.Iei Crate 'c * '4are Oneteai dili b u *'l ti b 11 ty I>st'fl x? rFA c L as B wl.,Ab f in m r uticru ther dais the dcec ~~ ~~ hbes twi sty ý aat ris i u oo in .a kr tiai s simcYa b. CaGeorelEle, amint1:Ire mo bst uEre ecuvit "e u anT '" 't>Q"'~*mm t<U e ehofl b*t We *Wdo- e t Gô m ud tX o r. .du VMi y . »=M- » E o n Mlke d r r h eld b>- at a e idhKr~u theclâme t: 4l< tr<Z~~.vI i a o É t ro u .a~e m . f is 511k of &" d h * 6 " *eaV, h 1* a lion.. AttTF lm RM s bf e re thMe m m ey ou<J c m 51i uv jitl T114 e v Sth4 ht d is ba e vaff eclr d f.fistllO sW iru n I R 15 -ne *hotlz,8S flaU wstPâthe a d ear f unu fl. ab prare HSo ircz n pi bsitdof4*»an oto.&SS MM*tMthe freon, bemamgAs te "e cned lm ~ J~S~~..A L ab s1 it .u1 im1 ut te 14 a e s Uly a. o u a %lie bU& ful ha h cffdaZ in l. Ae . ± t . = &or adjsdiastonaMthe sldC101or0. jar * V ~ ~ la .v>1,h f w isî46pýb u.lKa imiiJi t u 0V. ele-h bedl fs l u arrai ibuijTI e JÀ»g aDae ah" t e d. 3 er dsau,>Y-W. SJUJL*t e«d téotýlbit it "q pS'..1ooM littt wcl k whèh -tuMP ,liidhe dttt Llsdtsff.tseetlot gon . -bave b.om 6 th!* eM0rdM u . taDRb a aimG. oX. GILBERT W..-' W-ob Ïtt luti f 4esouasous1»» . - it aw m alnd Avegos. o eau l itic." » 111moa " eb. SA> .P 4r litAL 5LIiif. *wt l qo4>>nv .V t4% a1 M«' pu .m# X tewdfsleimlThetb.r'î:lltodabt la L > F R E S « '~ voe1Ihhaum&' sUu. tuooy, av* blAimeSourai son mm avojQmd bit 1 Me «d aln effl î) l àtforth e kS 540 of ea ttu e t :. tla tid, o a e rc l e. IA Èý'&ut_-o InE R i.. '-.lO av ak * a'u iteih elbow out 114 M E a. O.. 0 the odtoo f u e e ira>- . laie t the ?.Ir ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 W1th1, lt-il.ioê b& "uiA LuIofa $hl* uiliumlà tsse C k %l ~ esw e tbc so ehg ______ _____ hu' lu .ukat o as wui. î~ i ioiwo~îî:ueofettDeraîsual a b * t . Wh. d in, ai -%,e etboooef. PlusahIbis Nailes. tor - *"a.is&uvIue a' f>v oOtoce ê~f'> MRIsîab J. £îi~~Iai ~.. ~ r. -~t.<uV. hoban eMW pemas<Uau eteeh boy utorsmehe. jSasw G.DoT., tR. <lir ~~~ ~ ~ qo &u1c <Ida>.b aiasp1 o s i bti unit e a9"smet0»iv. L>c !uucdh sigîc ;>s. îy ?..Ttl u'ut.wa< lur1s esiTia."a Wholi.lis iuo iesa.sa aeMsaupetheu 1A.3b.,htvn,_________________of___ bti; A ewlt i » q hpà ld>f * Pu -1 % #0*ual f ta*yci waffl im tmnlu tro. st*loatn . cthea dcl Is ustèn adlg bis the laB Y, W H RA T, " ne A.#D e> t'-ml i UI 'fst.1 % bi buutîrtus- d.ciut h alrUsymi b esiîltorttufucr eaturb j Etlmato fnrofhed whe damOhio: cf Il uandw es wt o th middpt'& PeutChie. ti#5. i tiu' tvq eau. '015« lb t a t mieht, ho t tbets>r f i it atetî.su saeeinme ?~~~~.t~~1 Ob'ii' (< . l<' dj oitui 'h lti-ue4b kbi sor ir lue of g it pue-f Absbu ipt dtttheWmai crcutâruofiAj et t!i@ wierovi b. 0 b'tSifît~5 >~0Mr e. p u ;À hhvo<kiyer c!ada wd vha an A.e%. adBth L5 ko-tus. rlebAàtMT 11e55bA. 4sl 1. , J B. 1hat -aasulivsa..w~sscmusa pe ~ ~ î itui't- I.4¶rs ias ~imcbeeu,,aue iofC goâa ednais une. idie pracsl Bs abs finiReillte n* ____________________i____tuo-Y e s.~i ~~ <.l~~ u-~ tAnce.b. bons mbouoaî ah homdWbgot usab oa be.A et saaii t e and AI.,. f- . -y-. . Hxenboham *<ttu" î'u'. i. Ir Inr*' -0 'i g rî.o»it Aittu Sboni alieciela cSl ta tu theetutiy a ist51. unac 4theoproter nonIofirne S~I'4îI <ftI.M> 1u<I '. î'uiyat IVU"ulg eae » lis t t * dàtthpta"detTii. 'goti' elq hes es" wte ai e n ot brasa- 'I Uexecisthe)LD EN C ' dst_ ut <'u- tui î'« ..î~teu .* , guae i 0 ou ; et b ii siie 5 A- S . t v~ -la _ bthes. Aco -ortheboul amyT -'f ~ ~ tttl t b îan»î4qbTb t r(rot l csfSals.Tot~ hia l7acp' tyî. Do.isîs la btS toto. e ulrl ssuia- a VVA5I/AAAVÂtuth cai O -ie Rtf' >-N<tt.~rt at)d I.'waoff hip tuA 15SiAR4'?5U*0 5114M,,So let.4Ot' -iaie a.re.Ltunoxie a dm E But & wu..o 4 %hA4l w lui et weI:teuio n tef Sa ofm latheI. alie-isci Daust eb.3,tLvtmrhabip his et'.> Jpt q,4 " *la0e l ruttt 'uu l ht sai mehdea S sn abs 141 h-37 M Abs t 'Ire*wr4ThIO M1 tthbos. of hisa ss oonf. by M. IceIJO OIAthCthesXa Town e..nfetlu.adsndh *tflubtut t C5ui< ai launii boSIed t é hl" 16U144al'et#%? l Il ista Whoby»«io f I "mmd wcupcr Ty Mro ~fmus.asiines fr thA ce.o 1 U v - W ImpavI- h 4i, ~ Àv Ati-1 â% 1. 1%6 heveb, t &i bffl W UPa p nc*r.ulP, isi* U pléeib d amyoaIdehrmaltloir. a1ar1lietl, desirs To le m theIhim.-:mu.1 I iS Vauesblj l ueuwa 4m . ésîo t la. aca weeslepis ositi bave la e . asasi lnt!bsu yat no î la te F= adeipbl. Slantmie3f¶?mYf~Ol1~f 5 C~a c. -- -i.o a-bý, 4t%.;».k idthpldla & ir ml us t. ? o dO AbrhuilâS Pes AhDetovepie panAm le. - thvnsatlbsaalI em pr ceu connsmecered rre»eCiotao dam t A lh4 eZt o i eLto, s ë fle railtbcB mtesolWbOiIc, Srado %bit p>Lu -naealbn for vsYflPOUU vaby ha orttfuon Ry4jo aiamb -H 13 NB THA , rL «; i I<irte th,%sre 4 'e ' Itaeblgwutoci ut.At ausAa a atb sens oSéme, fui blisa. uawinaansiSPIIIfSt.yÇ àm etCler gants. Ipbareabavt oandâss', eptt.a'9017. - ff __ _ -_-.-_-_-_-_ ___-- -__ ___ __-_-_ W~iiIitiNt~..~* , .~ Si4l~laeua ONAICI>( CJ NT . m éé ésU basiobaorektgsa smoiei .:Leal~eneral f,.eUeg of ebility.t f U Is eucQved (Md COur Grit. the M IsO .<"1< iihs.l',,%eu lmAThuat AanWOIA Ti~u IA>.EmI7off a ,tppr ho ban la&vasai. A ceohalee am,"fIeOIilrud7mtU. I tolcm e o! bcas, kueur As saAfer - inth isb . m4k 61 OéâgdMü al afbon.4NSA ad fB. rue i r uinc là hm'.s so kr VniGril was 11v iip~r - Iol l *e 1 lu' -- ~'t b îit. 0 1 soI~e us Ims~ a i.aao husadtia.'lh ltfsvi simu- aî!4etd Mlsorin l b esa n at:d- ole-cd tul h'TP.oLse. b dO da 3tBes ttagr iOrd amI I h I A L~' ýa l4lofgli slffitt .* é%_jx. mimgt e% îauir.fl bldpot eAimabtg"Of »lm. aP11 0:. i adatobt bOfis 556 bIs cel8. Charîsendc ftLFOIB £ CG, UuoEis lE, î? uam fSYu talueatl. - e jc i.1liMt* ul li .î~.Ar" a% th--u, r. Os ...daua."oa ieva «»;idMod Aboiih ' e B tiw l iehtv ait ___________r_________sent_______ d. cma l ag -by tulrae»mgby a Io aioua. lime vimMe Q. 0e th* hé -01mMW% ,f g B aU .bM l Oc uDsi a tc bllustim lie-t Wuesle. <la-iît. - ""' <t 111505- 0ec"3.uCharge*e seaIs aà oie.ct im.AUnlimenarmai bec sud Malà?a liais as iaha«u a auguustismdlm 'Tl - hS». *W. " .I TviwaspId neMaIr aiti . I Te 'WSBU Raillamtnu KEEFÂNa"l16e asO e me bs reatiy et by %hme Armatt8 as.tl -s .bIewm1 wwGa msimm SaimeSesU51ae 1ý -. oSboCdtUCSi Abe ba-L & t m Uterndt « ut*to tr KtOu bt .. c «« b"îjme mib i UtesP o W pa i .lo * qg*U hep. tsMM"Ooe.s il e Md CSP timtuu baa, ia it Iis»sdstmeM13wu*e bUISUeaaw-esiiùl saas leu" , ftP e~ ' -h..n.eh- rn. b.lebuS h.flSmce the " o' ~~ LI a s- la ab" " et' a 1 .wudagèurrM OIt ~~bw à Mr* a owu t' iia .e sqassti mes las eylm a sI, h5 iliouf vbug'm ua' Wrd o» It"LmS ii. mitat gr#numw f X.c Io: o', sohlo a»bor à u osvp .a le mboe howe.. 5h15 bouge wOi Abu »« ibo uPmas. m .asu0m» asie uifel«nu sbe a "04me.SimulhIE bus s.» E au et ý usma. U tsium.esemmIci. ________________ I0,l4diadii wffl W- W b. i M? P. wmica 301% dithemm" Me nAt la - li Ut 5* e' e, i4 ts' "a teits egobAaer ue D.4WliTbhm* . . .. ho m fi r f tss u Wé daumaelas sMdi.ammm essaM ie~ AT E S ~aT ,4~ ~K '.000e. '.'"t' t .u~.~gI~* :fe.v"pie'ii.sulie hovu # ISavaUrWmhImS s mu vIe.Sxsul IMl. ' - s o.scd.ra 5 "-e us le hOsSOS1h. 110 nia as ]amsaso.ua.s n.op ýv.: . l --i.Ir.'m- c.ua &.seba bsseii m amg mu i --Yo -tt- £e bu ______________buwua__ Zr t, * 15tr e w kb- Th.1 w m usa om bu mode te um laSee mmum- teezalVec, ml M * -W an lhmVo M ea é; u 10 ,. "i <i iw,$d s yia u 4 0a batle 1 1550 ne et -om- u: ui s-Ou &44 u'%- iostottp& * ..wumt un i* 4*- j B R O T H E S il iIOkei a~4 sosa 'eu, Uc sc ssI immos *US. -g ~ m. SesAma.ce- tkuuI ase us. .-am 'N

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