Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 26 Sep 1890, p. 1

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hi~su' Colis. 8051. mi Cassa Mis. ses. hW svwyvb.w. Uss belOte 1h PUISEN. w~. sois ~ se M'lm * -- ~1DI~.e ~ir1j~aLu~ ~ - 5mW ou~ ~ B~UI5. TUEUS, - _ *10 PUE TUAI. licete Sis ibuLth blM 55 S 1 - %a - Bis. Jasm m s"w»m sU#ba i s cautoe suilud 150V5 U'#NH d &*irad iàm 9 *bs ptle mu t»asUe laetl swumsWy siutesté..A3 Lott ttllEy.Lotlaît the dia Keui)t and- lme ku'ond. Výýrif î lvf 7t'cr and tPs'o4 i . l à b uffl Mou iiio t leay httt iw. SetBif6ng ailàs IigoqeflM ussPalir M *ub$Wls-lutisus 9es0Tiwsap oslm ad istaue osa -iihtpolt s emh llsgu A g h51lb.euesiOS ti onu mbmesoo, *au*1&ll& utheusot'tsi usse S"dSIhe eli5,7 baudb7l.t aste âtlb 9SaU4S vh lit- ous aIn i. ltee ut *lb. lia s d5 'dsu l"" f 4 uos Vthe omlo a foi fa.'l . m qi<' tr.i th-%Iole sud omesce 0f4 îiw ledo tlb. toeu, *1 aim abosshm, Msud hy l>0th$ Jtm was tgsmiu.Iub abou tlb. "bomol. lthe wusuad* o li. vloffsl 5E5lso7 ud.aits ub asliedsIal s. l1155lI tîe to.siUla tftwi i. SiiS te suf abau vuwlBu bu O. wmmmu Imi*bu OR" u ."@om m Mqi;msý .I b nem-~ml iom.mm"» -miluôi uunaus l.east. .ÀIS. imam" au"U*- Imm Eff 'Wu u iaaail" o=a"aaisu~* - ~~¶. <bu*" uE mmieas 9oN »"Où a émlE.uemab MM" * oui s h m'~1hsvsiaiessss. taaI lem lw5** bm «1M4e te amr 55 fa ubils mil S" tO=WLSa" " L#»T.-L-u". th* oU cetSais poeena mm»E sbuais sub Soumismus SIi issus. lut Sq f lb veilfd *6 uoisiue voa. lu9bIoas 0" Mmd tally SkalI.is "0 bal jus W o el14 =Vit*54 WaoOU& f Juis"0 as lu. >ladsoyS IMMm aslsums sami umbes tiomibtuMd ami e. oiomp. sdete mal ot- f«e. ageos, si su ua 0", I is sIlloais hig les-m. TAi bMey lm .154eg. adm ý"msset T"El..mgsma 10*7. aE. AgylOle A" A. lasia4si &svu. vistua, lvesali Wadslo&.~juageem ceveu vua i. aluwsys sa b-A-thl ls x.4»n m W*hi.Oss vshmaslaf spumatl.ai m «d aOUM-as bi la e. lima ~ ~ ~ ~ i le saius sambleiàl alvays mals. su o ami s ousi Su u ofse tehe n EcLm Ilu j hume mie lv smlsUto Te *tpleusl.of vW m st y asesil zilel 18»,wsmuled, l ilg MM 1agmvegWo udsM" as lAmaanaLstylsA opmm lmr cux~s it orbluseisiA klmmmailhe. QA faaoy ~ bu :::e mie teMI my au lAse Ptaéiuoe upolsaly i osss-eu le l la . mi Md s. issu oImm lia Tilea msseros a -los enIl -ja' s .e.. l sS Oms udA.A J Sam.,S uEEb wumS maceS *so, .alheu.am b hiaht, b oitoiOEs ifaiducri. - -Thel To l 511 t, m e edd~W. nul liss.i I~mm-e b eionat. à, àim- t -&., îwope" m iii NIam «maeà àm a te*0m m bar" - Mmed Md W"e avm mionm -imasll la.1 ue w.A. esiw15 -lu as 39M.. U~ ami Uhmér iladude s so le le: go is au sa»e. *0 Mm&ot ,spaed 4esm v i abols w U ba et ew l ue"s ais Lai1 se te MM n uaM asSsely a a mdima t vituM @0 a as-Sett lutuoi Id sýl bm4 M. A iii~~ M unosas tol ma 00"e mmoh, 4maue s d. vubaeaIbu Ouseté ait- .Amiamis emas0, e. vil- nou o, Je s vasy aum valua bad uinmd*bal4 .N006- JusepA Nasy, set M, im at mdtusi MbmaiM bu « r famsb osbe&a. bu@" ssob et.Lab onu 1» vueB goumiaqla b M l, esupadsia tAmime me- m Nu min, t Msh Uism 14?RID STrÀNM S VSI. etMUmu'.5a'h- MWt m Pe'ms. mm" m *0aim te avit*0 icim a" a ai gasof van hm uadm f moeussm tLlmiumv.am.i09 uw sw zsasmu.Molu e5sCdPu% hvaDm W,1s su ae mvisl m. As lu« ni&, malM-, I ,e *min aSuwn ~ aie. ifa Wagu midplum. Aie 1hàs basé. mi s pThe. qpbrnase. n isu vemulesMdslsmapmmmit Oeu Nj the mok*CepS Smsmi Wb«aonmi, Nayo SselbNu. obs obe, COI. Des. vmau. A.À" bé.N, .e Ut U. 31 Dig* ami m al bau lIe loa aig emt -mu usia aaiai ABUsumsm-mi 1~tsEl MuI mi X&* tUmm tulle aviLtAs0paipiati u Ohusaisi, mi slu Gpion cm»elmor d Semim'bue Ousmafi g sW1 a psae. * su - assuen ide, mesasmas"hIa." s -b *0n Imm or ULady Sam oP, R Lai Shamiu' ai Lay Alls Stalq Rosera atheat, "sOb. nja minail pan ý« aneb.. k ms gS uue t -m-saia oes i mfa muaueimRsais *verur bIt etnPmiet unaslaw mirme tn Vs ejis B&Laj Sul'bu bm gis. douais~le isunj fu@mmdu mousip ami sut batnai v. aéMvm ea ea t u hmes Vin talon guionassCimiaimumm Alm %vmise e zif& wumamai wse. e aus van e lsiasy Ibm ama baaatimmp bau hemombd mat eisgsaI w bsoduasls uasvsi nah iols ismasise. omaim- ig aimailem e.a*@me mi pIMs ain sAs oas hi .busa leu ismm= aiisis m mpsA.(Aa>S tlssked l ma u M-M&Si I boa "-mu- - dan - mmiaIsboue ce Iw- sowl aalm lb mgeomat *0 usmmaaa e ing"lfa mm as mu--s1aIl S e qom milb plsbie.a i uàmutl-l uis ie luis la am vi- oi bm .?tis ome.- tb**.g-tm= U5 B S elAn isé Ilu umamimei-Md une FAT T WAXLNT orPW'II- sd m* Ksboma Ib«M a «Mm ustm lsmdt usset menw tu *0 , Jg am e ai e. h» m mm> -u uwy ama tas e.mvm asm mi *0 uly. « isem ** o mm~ laý Mdhm minisai5hlimeusew» am r s . u U a u b - - ais umasmiatblabe h u u t uum-e .1 b& M mmetai omat e m tem ~asy amasuseValaie. dtb-m sai vIsmm anivt& la bm aimuâime vase Ris tauem Imi SAaslq, Boa EivuiSmlmEsorSptbsuit. eba fha smawm*smetne aEm tn "mais e m e. 0"imaru Aiemslas ai . a nodmasaa ean iOmoe » *@Wselu. nuemihofaui os ~ ~ ~ f Smtezmln. mi~~~~~am 0-0 sefa eiuamlan Vila"sbat ie enhna - -&M Mivn LEn ou EcmuWb" Be ni. i mSa mnom" oesay itsise 1 f9ikmu4hm a o wo ia aisa' aah m mma uae mg.m~ e. ~ us e.Bn am~,lanm~ ait ai bu - - - mai - 1-N» m th"b1sdo 1 l" 4% a atiel j tir< ma et.A"M~. maiamas, m bu laeb»ul 1 mmm Mrs me lwsa bém&tmeai *" iami n" =Pm- s r. m sbewbu " mm& Mum t paiaiveW*a mns paS ube . P.m Idasbu m i 1-- p~ m ~m La Se -va Me Me. -- la pa. Us ma *MIns le la Ses e îamsau mis im ssS m Md.s hma hfs maa pyme biadI ppmashai Bs hqù». aemw sellai-Tb llwb" SaseUs9» hajuâesieaa gsmlaaf town. sd xeng bis coovemvlîsé the =o »vosd eer rre«tbe. , bis e lsc mu lIte use orne mu seWatbovea- us apo- omeub &erat kit tbu' M àafor Sm»b. chIA ,easo.oe le puahlis egmasas a ime toma lIe mu=nmeutr. B. molé. Mess, malyi st omabise me * tom mut lauoi- es m e. gie mm &l vntmseosuatbm ima on""g emidlai. Mi~ u - k - -& -M- --- - Iu.ma wi.a i~ in. au N. Db.. - et MD wu OMi~M M ebm teu * a -n-, - nM.m - u Wwk mihez"en et*e=tto seie -z ae ime a et mnlia Ue. ve =1 Me aaa emal W*t isho riemb accon ané et cm -iimuate hd-a th resm e e ase omasemi Mr esues- à= e M entaoslbOMM $W me petO u os loess uw » eur ims 48 mieanu e l W*lam an musetsmme luimmi miutbe non' set Uneonscly»d ubhume o- Yom ai@Uai lb.W.uiy ai" Un e ha se ce mse seasse rnEseorm uniesEL hluesmu 1 larewa Itmou Md-Ibmgjo ate anstise am euw a X& wamMdiami et tmuai a.m la r m carnaassi mai 1»uOar et hmis -la m ulmw anai a wuleUr. ndes i tiue 0 tdh us have15oram mur sal@bu- a tivam mishu1bave-av"a s- m FunBs eml m sutbaubilâsas bcola Uft i j da ouhan aBe Daal e.fa Ibm isletv ai(aIn. l m ~ms='ams ai bek bnyomsua te *gléose iset il«.tse Maié Wuet s as ud. oi s aléeailen mm au an pmodes ~~I='Y ;ai;weus ubi u Me eoseor hi day iMr e Meab - lai it a i hMd lm baauiSi aon t=mi abavesibnsumsii e lb.t M tumu dam mi mmuvw11 dhuare hve g mh dvmmom Mfa e boem a .as uuM M lait acsmm tou "aloi ud s us agietb &Mm Wb"ois vse r bmumc.aba blusas ai c.aiasdobaas hm jour elaismc la ah.Fou ts a b osa. massif etWb"c1oavehw tbt Mdi S lisae a a ullu@Pmissisif. U w» OIUYssmuions. me"athenumlm . iame o1aiIm a vesls umeL, oisahssui sfabemmyiuiss.w pleuminyl!bao.Mtlbmubesus sgte Bm~~b - noma i birme&1 onayamais sus~~~ee os y msqiatneaula u. s va ufles tuSqui Evug-I.mmoe. Sbortly aller nime o'elock, lthe buma-. nnueu a large number of eur muet prmaent citimena usas meated asA*lRog tables in &adburr's opera bouse, swslting tbe arrivai of, Lord Stanley aibhW son, tIe Boa. iEdward Stanley. Mt. Wme Simpmon, proprietor ofthde ueIl.isawe bous of lIatnaine, badlcharge of the owmugmeaisforthAe banquet ani bad laid tevm eusr 150. TAie hall vu beautlfuily lecosued for the occasioà approprims mttis pasé tAe vailsa and doorway. About 9.the Governor-General otmom tAiebail, escoted by Mayor SanyA Mdi other municipal anm1 county oflielais, snd use at once toises le hies eat 51 s nemi- direular table ereeted upou th.e..tage taeint the lody of the hall. Au enthu.dastie is- cepion vu accorded him a.&% he pamasé lova the hall; the fine orchei4tra pensait sruek up "God save the Quen." everjone preslent joù nang iil miithe roof ranig -ani wjnding up with three heaaiy ehvers for hise eceiiency. MayorSmyih occapied th. chair with the distingui,4hed guetst oet-the eveni:agon hi-4 righL .Cul. Dkacoandam M. Joha Dobson occeupied the vice chalm, Rev. MNr. -Mam oh-t S. Psult'schurch mwu at 'the chairînan.. lett, and Dr.idK ' tP P., MrJ.A. Barron, M. P., W n. c Quai., Mr., Thon. Walter% , -AEr. J. il Due- du sud %Ir. Geo. A, Cox. Toronto, also oceupiesfleaU&aout the board. Mifer grâce liaitbelen wssihy Itev. Ut. Matal tthe attentin of all pre..ent beeam fixed upon the followinx îempting bill of tare ehichcm.. cl snd pruuïptly served by the staff orutteutive Waiters Basf. Tuter s»sd Crsmb.rry Sauos Chivtee ilit# -d C*qraî .ely. PautOue sand B-e-d $eucdi Deon.Uc Ducksî I.atb aend Minit zluce. ChiclanSaI",t&Lobstor ~eab Puom ,Csulttowira, Groon Chea teuPool- llàsrttv. Apple Pie. Craubýrr' l.pumàpha Ple& nunTait DîEMaT. Pusse Grépos, Applue. Orme". Fnl .u las Jeig. d*.rry Wiae JiUy. Almond!i, Raiteins. 0CoRse. liI1ack Tesi. Gi->en Tea. WVhilc the banq uet wF&>. in prtugjre.. Lady Sanley snd a large* nuriwbr ot lad"e entered snd îook tatn ini the% reserved gallery and becaza iutert.4Led- spectators of the anhliated ..cene When fuil ju,4tift- -lad heu-n dune tle excellent meou; iMavor Synmth rone ami resd letter. et regret at iualbility to, h. pre- tient froua Vi-ar I rier&sl Laure-nt ot St. Marv'.. chureh. %Ir. NI '4-loydS~ir JoepA Micison liou-. Joins Urydeu, 3iini-4ter kit Agricu-ture, snd bir JuÈn à. r*acdanald. lie then p the±. fictir.t toaw. of the eveniug. "Thé Quet-.r Il. l' Il. the Prince of Wales. and rcruîain.ker of the reoitl famiy.- whi.-h va.. receihed enthutii.Zti- callr, the national antheisi b.-ing agala The next toat wam that of the nue.tof the evening. Ii. x?,elleney the Governor. tUeneral.' Mayor Siiiyth -an ixtrodaucing it, sid the t wia had b&4-n thozt.eilbv the s-isit of the Covetror (' eira! -anul tady Stanley as it neyer ladt heeui befor, . and it should flot be, torgotten thaithAe vinit nece...arily involvi-d vuikaetrouble sud fatigue. anîd p-rhap.s the? ri.%k of neg. lectdng, important dtxtie,4 aw-airig his exceilency et tle, capital - The liiinio ld boen fortunate for.ytear.. JIant inau ees*ing the s.crvices oft ..one very able .4tâtesnmen in thme v *.ce regm pun.ition, and ilat the saine good fortune wa. stili in, store for thie country wa... prumtid by thes seleerion of Lord ZtsànIey' ur, thee Rugi .position which hi.4 talenît', taiiide-.erisce voeeceli calculaued to attorn sand bonor. Thie presence of Lady Stanley cas a&No s matter for deep toustratulittion., Their eoming vieultd unute mnore eboluibtan ever the bond of affe-tion si hat 'united us euth the. mother eoantry. lie îles proposed the health of their excetlen-4i amidst loutl applau-4e. L okd Stanley. ou ri..ing to reply. sai bis servis-es were far too hi..hly iauded. As « thie representative of her îaaaje.uty il 'vas hi* duty to do ait in hi.. power tu acqjtaint limsetf cirh the neei.. arld sdvance the laterests. if poa..ible et ail portion. et the Dominion. iCheer.> Regarded froint this. point of .1ew, ik va-; lbut natuarl i taho should accept the kind invitation e4cnt bhla froin ibis royal county even et the ria4k of belng guly of smne amall negloct of duty eluehere. Ileferring tu the -iýit paid thé exhibition groutd% auring the afternoon, le said that tho*e in charqe of tle institu- don sbould lay their bt -ad.-; upon their pillows lIat night with the pleaming. m-nviciion tint a great .-ucce,4-4 . ld een

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