Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 13 Jun 1890, p. 7

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--~<Jêgw . ~e. E ESEITER. - wloUe ~iUr lb.psyluiw pi mm*hq e s U M uwsm~,u . qumeldo REMoejom ewm * hq IIUW 50W*s Siwf.v elnt"9 e -be . 8~w«%a* h. 5ammw e__ __ __m *WuW &-K. a dg.om ý__ --af. s alMb afIotsU - - ~ *h6~e.5 W PW UUb1001 ~W ~ w hpbu oom sksloa..d~b. JIao.7 jmw~ _k__mur&,,__ Kdioigw 1-..A ----- a"___M te u. :-i uum . A.. - B Q5. ffliemeJ w.us4sbtI et I.,e.<su~ i. ~ .bl *A m. . ~ .SCI4ADUTFE p" e Jis .mthV 1e.. __ UieMdfrea *àma505.617 im wi l e u b &OeM$0d, sué e. SaB Uàu k-m-le h"uioeuS. iéVeilY admireci -RPI oemi pel a,"NrEIs, mi dh> e iu.toeaigh - O Wiiic&i 0fS. ls ~eaIswe et lg l crs fJ1J -~ hyarUis. ied <90(517StU UP _ ~RPERIES OR ALE. ~aR Laa&. E1usat lm effl a Md Md Ilde. h.iwtrt b1 ok lied mue 'V onmoeB. B ~ ue~s~,sur k v. n flblh#m M»z ..i. -à 19 suu~..s~ P.___________ ~ vngsiww m~ S iW îmlb . w ob anuc4fae5sbeaSomas MM BBlt1MWib» hm&- IUSO WARD 0-M Imm go wu I.gg 88 sls hei, vIs M«dm:iiazlitm wimm 14.4'4d; Meg~, u lmet~ e1,a InsteaIfin thâ W eMe. suz.-V.- __- al.. i nv eaotr-wiia"iz dmcke à wu : l* eie. MamM a lisa*à lhey lied bOWt, aa Iii i as~1l= vs ywa .-on. umsarpp id.n &i ,tte $t504#& ]wOcue AUIN 1Ik-"-~UTFAKLZAUU r o. 88U.PI'PISW ~ga o mm& htta mun it i'SOt lUbs tIU «hs.oubldi.g a la Muis, PINO VOiLMUzC J4 ~ - _____ t bs stln.trmm lS -1 aShIfse~ ~ g 0mw im gg, O4ATLslu atsntmmtalngthm e.r. luw M' UL »_U bupbow lOi anuuek um~ ,u~~~b Be g- kshe«ifmn âr Uamt uioa bs wi~ Swg MM mm.* hbom va1um Ye.pL bssI i»&'V" . a Bg Se u% laaumma r m <~~. .~,. ... .... .... 81 utNeit anger e vuldsot bM& uldbyN E 5*4 UMUdam~L. iL.ru w ~ vovsew vl..«Il%... 0 do 1îý dw1«Mu4, am*wt.. 4vas An,-- MW-Tom Amareeommau ...~, S .~..44*1ê1#I...~ * idêur.wossl<by h.E ASpm, h uR2hUt_ ..-#*,.e WbM ................ l'm__________ E~ I: l I : & ~ ire...... vW shd dnot nevw» &ded, but ETnonEE P STPesl. O z .N1T ~iWfN'-. ._-o. .r GVsale.W..." à .,IlHatM.,0>5 ami ....... a __ __~ "*i~< OfflUw ............. -a lnr*o f du mw wvIi Ihaionls of FSTATI Op LITI Lr& 2.losh mn, anaI9,"deuth «16mcoum&..___________ * isS...... . . .... . ..... .1r an.ntwerptossir...fug T.mSueo.nwt.lgL Wr gc ZTH£ POGT'WEDIGIÇI 101.~<oB caidi k«eSe....... s.gsbTIrf" Wvin 50 have zone 0 V~Iiwn#,r mm mneutlp'e ma fui*IImeare-1 *hyg>that us* t4i fcrtbdg# W - n i»"Anoher veeklà, théCity. a.- ]MW 5laWf 1.tâ__ _ __ __ __ ___m_ t mi f,«»&ta ith t4:sd ei ld not ir Whm ,.GROT. k1~WbS.35.oe 00s~a AMUaI?~.... . *~j4* 10 W le Above «PerIUeu5 ou'ruy ttnd.heaft wvaso ewmpped Up la lier mon! - taon nef w s Ma 'a. U! MM AOR TO Ri4.-5~~C~ia...- firwj1) hau1imoée1snibsl# t«Mdvaereaut-Ir nt nvnc.i AG i LTO col-II. i flOC mm* COUrLN8Â O 31, f(W115f5 a r c t4ead-n ai o NvSOZ, »vvuIselb. I ue10 Qudmà.ULauy veum.-OI*10411 the 14M. P-Aue, 0 swat riiir« lln. Dot. uzu%±.;c.emt of aud r aV la I& M, " d W Md kh&punlule, once more,' mIe <ad, *a-I b». n«»&4a1if OSe fUefA ~ O~oc w m m ~ ~ , ao bglupeortiunattrly than le *t: t i. .wedling zsnm. «W ,l. O- Sl GM- lt4# lbtimi% ng kao aar# t e n U Licnktenine off that v ywînter;but te G..va LatLJ.nm vmis l rt Oo l.nt. N.d1io nc*e mosv <nd ne. 1gw. cou&i noS D(NSRT>' ZflR T tDK U >fi l1tIi*PIi OV lf et s. die On. aove rtemwelo 1,ÏM0 lb. 49*1 bsetf < madeCIper13"thea ai us. 01- onI! _001MLit fl2rwa f tg iýb%1ii tursi el no fp: The rt t ~ I a iswaWidée tw toUMM& or lit .,Sib u u gua nanaenw1.811.peds , la No oe eon earth knew wftb vhat ou mu haffoonwt. vxeolm lnun MW . ~ leF 1~i~niîîonn<4 lefétg. a spvc>ft IM tno~403 fo eMin d iuui "M. hlhirgo. It *u1?ilitb Valuabproptu T'rnErOQULLE h4 i 0l1*I7dîMdhi rtfoahesUl ai e v onettling th"s mms. yner could Sewim.a, la mes milo _____ O Ft :q uil-ý, i hol teitîvely loy cos <? I.vlee ni tl wig-I)* ueoqeihe e t~ s. S. <. mVmioe e by vltoet -a poaye t M"a cou- ~b ~ < n*11porpec ." v luoussby the aversontoerm nion of the. arny =1 04a.ko9-sas .aorls rita a£oreabdmu tmes ~1tî" .'s<~'tiiiim@e WS *e j r osa .r~ f1 m andi cf lii.own sw lirerfuoon de ec or.wblh wl.l b. yrolucol aS. th em aks uS .e :no ' xLoi r _______________ tbno ul laoffdrent humie virma" ~.~>.fvuvy~%r..The eex .Purtnifmoim.n o50duul. frtier. Ile 'voulai nt51 i vn 2*det<JaI, Au»18»<, 1mwih<ebknnv.t a ommd ~ poitit -' netamufiI ee Umsud e a w - ' i'al.t.Iiifitilittitig'ii la" wi h ele, wlO 'vUS ntuW t i IIY OP~IW 4fvitUKtr U~ a5 0fpsanio..'3' tif "ioToa*lo and dioidpent rgô icf lier gialod81 km«% a, t l osa t *SIo ~~n 'Itttu'~t0eVcMul preota..a-mn. momiue r ti he sheslovof lian me Peak fin, IkUlaSJobu MéJatirc, i ulnse- 1Uao'lu cÂ.dfm7u? <ud o :h~ <~ ~< b" nuoh a e t 01i b eiu, q nb noite b1eedfinoifvsquenly ad larreai tlw ns'sp mntion cf tise Wyo- *e ,m.ess", a" Off»mcir m"ot e ]goum t a - m ~ - H a &.!I>D E o P;;c>aiir. 'vo b oor tnes f -luhs t.of a m<i.t < ithi tup g o cfk. mn Sr',wand ralcyte. lit lir.hua- s904 docsSfI CUSiS a vkn e .rla S.e Cbemrt et ms s UUB5 1IISuu, oemtAot Saveal ~ .e... ~bandqm e % m . Ms.-Ryu»r liaituriued hm *awe h llmf i seilo ' m STLIT ht i flae 8,BIItPlE hseu . abI.g. .iJ r t . PID'(4*~4 I~in~gelotes su.da l f~~tedrop hit bunt in<.rrt i h-e sprhm uby ovin. j&Y d - bLIIFM 'îUi.. l t .'O<k , OWifý + > b1o as oThe e lt s.no, 1 i rea mtninte"vier.fi son ett I i. aaiamllsts wlir %m .*1i an12a àm La Lamf!~<i Lzea a tX.e.s rd bralimsaaiflyRAy»jg eas es eJi iim iolraeo M.s;vllfno. t " aimU15115* iFI t? ~ ~ ~ ~ A» Wd Wt:;d4vn~cadc fdht hiim tu wfth.momant or usure l (inLwo e !eae eos moil wmrnrM'L 56Cli TIERTaýu Leu ~y<'~ da. nu- must a lie.lduttnay li . 05eaSS.Lldw ul.tosEbey.2mk rmM SRAL fie seo tv4e.fatooce P I yaii sîa,,ti a~laît tiwsIy '«' eteran eaiptiun i t ise --ts.a taniseS v.abk rsampiefgseusXM 'Voota y I «M1.V~ ~Â L ni «M11<V li p Oe lM4u oa&maum fr.nea okwmt lImb , Ua' o AUGIION ___BAIL npîigloti sild 2, voe IWPEb. w iMISlm lKMS ait. atnai<eThis fesiner is e masb la u M o.bvaai.v t j&. h b TÔ UTEL a IM A qr~ trc Cmoti ~ ~, ~, ~ <>M Wd et a » m m M peu. trsve , lu her dymvan tm vet'"' c- mdrUWI~ aus i m tLadmr on e . ~ 1ORSL.A~r, w-too ht la ' Medsoeplsh.us nti'ef ber mreattractieve neglbor. flm bu vi s.m iIllfli, th tU late*. 1",-saolstlyfnbh.UItsU e.l r> wm~ar.sxa. - h qý zepoi d1y, aiel 41 Tlb, etf nil. omd h.sa ir anvi u 1o f.ame s~ae issa' ,%rhu IMI S.thfîoe iote JI, LI. Moo, ----b.W4 W:4la ff ,a usoten e ire oe n el- s l Muel mm.'« rai Mnd gvnmvheu Mit arlgoM u-e - w «&b$WuSw 0U80181 ow*rdIB. aoathe hw 00 ghla.bccotcr o tctlachthe tuîce-mt L'aJaa sone e Iuevsn g iaa <o u"l El) Wu, t :.îa ,)Ui ntoi Dcwueja.Va *10 ettaioged j= tss aesoa votl 'n ht hmiudht~anuu.tml. ihe hC.'sp. cntthe Taisothf of End»y, laub thT.~ rise ms eSt aux- swolsm ccM wrosa-b bot .. m g1mIate a vatle, M ami s jmodur lar- I&anadt rnrn -~e ~uUme *~ " ~.rî,pniie~rlot "doal4, 'ârai'A5jjwmfap een If h. 'vert -un.of milesavy' bWence oe550SS. W.p.mCeandas sam aiv Lza. The-.eare nm trhe prwS Ww@89-4.f fa'l citly S1. lï6 ellate, 11.3 lb. 'u Iai .'w 'ijm . .#- u1 aleTm.versW,'vis e eeptinlfr at Lem OM ewri« . vw"athS. empwv wmbuseI.#e.,..2x5a..<o1P LEA O SlU.i i.nl.Ue, II.II~ 71h neîl Teievu ltton tnios"vlh griM ru. s lu.CO.t f t lM due 1lot a .LA.9& ùr; natame barn, 63 x &,è ft..la $ÂE off m- M, _j - rOtue- iode f*utmini o26 x * ft.w-~Ivuo ~g~ tffl 14joylug t imoty cfthee .youug fellows 18 h *e* Si* M. âXoeïmemwv uer 5511'"a MM Wou oAandl an al crohal.omwd us 'Iti'i ett1i~to4aei l~ lb ~evda.~ VA 1 S 155.immnaa.Iy. Tise bosoui ulwÀd -bave a ou w l ~ tco, le 14 l b iva . a Oth.ILe svi-nq'wo fL ~ I ft llaOu.i < P V4tM sseIJh" S owe msqrd ". mmor te»a; e OMM*RCIO L RI St isSus Ste ~~~WMp t aditforhe m o e ie Usqie j or, 5i511 ifMd * ae. a 55fb. *M n U.------------leo theeha hesnl age~a' 111 t « ane o* ywo«Séld, visite I#bdsueace vIlsusmr mb g vtwm tasiutotm lu Imm. as ii, 01.. ke-e &b. vooh sd e hIdflammfle I'h Lwu ftinng (e te oedit et lem48a s la mla mu "m ml Se.<uP a.r <eiselm .i uonasrsak ~U< 12 .1 el. - .,sitution cf ber buebudesa ittau"17- suffliàs, &M *0 et O<y,, S. écf m e a ut1gzui»&x ~~x~a n< Mit mqw& d~el on-IUM muva wWvd hemwbuMWI DX*at t Weiuht "f p~~~~e, bavl.7 l~ave se"Ilveîy Io l>obmcto o lé se1=9 su..if Sdm e ifuerasIti sut e seat oc" .1 i lu'qifet o %te DI <'u a~ ni~e4vii as elevood eu c isad ursssW vv g y,dapnheur*usuuw a~leb= a en*M er. wlm z e ! - ,u.îa o u . i s lme ow abswtq ti l i& M me reali m uh« lil<çvl#. 'Il> ted fa kd lu Ms.. (n Show S '~~ ye ~<7. 3 0 VS 5 5 Y be- (r he t; nad t ie *btN BaSSa I W eul Vie e "i"o el»sW la us. f IMM me PAP Mis.. Iiit Bru £&Cg. t SPA u £ KM&iAL* qum M'S.imsn.if Nqafin iff wMow*b orei u~l Ivmusa ashve6148E O~ W. W. Umm. ~!ETO IWODfJ

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