- - YIMM a VWIIAv ZUTUU fl~ n~ ____ __---~-~-~----- -w w w~ lu Ou mm nobmm&e ýry yoe - alermow,-eF- & hb __ I et tu *9 IIIIIIIIIIII1~UBb u~uLIM e~giUtu i b"m. u M IIIIr t.ti èlf A 4 il' ý Io"£cou> a w*w» et1 h*k:Obuw ufld et. .W ho vsàhw , off Sbgh m S frt>'i~ < **#r 14 i e tl l'll». .LttN etlit ~j~4~ <1 w fwu4,Mdm4w 5nIk *! .S.uMa IMwll -Mdkw hu*0 ~Fn1I~4-PM IIIIIIIIII@IIIIIIRt SmI (Uhl b.01i4 UW'S.brd.l rSe0nnillhmb a ap. .<U4Uâ Sug Pwi*hero lt«i"iid'4 Ait sii4 fr4' pI mlu'w hslI us L- .up.ýl - wul.obje«t, sand tim*SpWa vils ta j"s.P14 < ' ""3etwe1ilnv od shag<. t wmaa pltr 'dwnI in m ~<V *IJ*¶I4Iî *îeusthu w~Vd" 11Md à""SeOi7wg *0 qhbi ~hw .pair the vr.raimberl d minmw«Uv 1*? oui5oVsshaMb.nW I tak kauslawmat, ad hW~ am s. vue leva " W w« ne auvwwuçIaen. auta*1mai LI*0oeeth e > ult olin ~ .,. ~ , I~ ~ .~ ~ ,,. ~,- pwtng At hie urdtzim but ihe us 0i< W$Ie k 11 *IIW *o elw stts vsmoU<' ut cvbg.suaa . ir et the j jeo et cfoemiet S*àmight cmm tu '<t w n0S Uw 581 UIUI5 h. Di uflikandj l rm u*oneo, n h e bif M admeuflycandoahit.he tsnI.ai I tUw IIc4w dtg kt M a W»tu gk> HqnVr. cm vu blotiu ftom hW. ___cmo aiL -Licq& klongb"%e ge et meh. ba" indaoed h Io promise Ohat hg "'Il;"? j ould neyer GoS. S.ay6ung cocra hbit vine eStaUble be "sad,bu h 01111im l W il 4thlntov ilom aouallný*Miqlw ID.e__ ver tb<gt fOe coinnga Urne - gIw o Vi a"g86 Piw p 0 a, ul *11MRw S. ehinseîf would uoek coeaolae Km fmy iêrin num.dow ôrr*.O blMIRO PYIS 811111104 * lutheglsas dmeka up- iquantity AjrV.IE'~Uf'W lhl~ If"ban n(b: and 1l hft4 M d u44f ou M *e hmy y .anm, <dS-wia wlce l iooi srn.H *hS yi lfit 4 . x a*w n*q a h ftm* M dbu uwsimpatienu < if ail reVroof nw, aa d eouApw k60e "W«I««&e W.1 "ChalOvo Masfrrut tt pmms mmc on otS. I- &T wonld listen k> no talk; but eCN 8 et>c4 vnlk-atne i a ftry ai t the rde, isheconu heur hisque»-ye e mo-me er a b hM~0 k WuIh, 'Vn~.w i. osr W.vg ,vva, ~."i OS a ,WA SIKN s esooul ladmit ezcep ut such tîâMe.m Ain" TJ>au vo Ic* th* Muiqul I ". y M. veu.Oh, 10oh. WStrueber declamtlon, ad. b.hsved .5hm whv be ah uS k te nnihmaa Ionawl fura 4e.peuww k>I Hofrc om-Uookflyanti wt& ah marketi distance Ni iie ad i k>tu"ke1. *.1~ Ar fuse Iauppn u.'lk%. H I b»u Iamment- Of am Iorth> Setonlf hi wvé Twowee!Ms taeir arrva at War- fat e wrotu ( na.eo .v *o- '55m ovyk u.b. .w. . >h oitàmirnmedlaelyrer the bordes of Mma. Rayn&zs sony-, tim htquyuL > -inndy*ate ui l 1' vb oqpIk4 a h . __ S. dinue, thà"the caloziel quISid à Bn Mnigba--ws: 'wliat - -l- ri.v t~ ~ trUS~14Ig>y o m n tmùagaivge .M11 odhsiy:M et o fbe wok M.Vauit., a i e ol W tbqI V4 nit liu iýWU14lt.Wiwhpoyo as tiUimne ne.u One tlsouor hMaleROhmbut see. Sisor er tliat i 11't, 1ni4.tI<I.coubi hCpaneu faw. n. y a, er~raider recail an istance -r l~~Mf a.'t i,# lMntrm Lb. fim l daS "I rdgaz<,lg , cu wgoie iJm £.Of ., orady.bh o e udduxInDg Sefvarl geTebeocatquyw 111<' n hë IVlIt On rOt UM PM i gtrb him nuo«ho, Uaough. sMt aa cnprm.d mffoted,.chffr7 mancer. He Ikealowing slave vbiseruag ever andi oniy, Ma« or ," "tp r<.' mf r,.M ht'v, owt.n hai! 1 wvfýtr.s S. nlght w euâo»cud ajpbk. , Iktuw.'di6. th.ecounWMtbetween beranoit her sRita, - Rememher, Soth on. twu," ila afine saPek>uçae,~ "sfisWe w.' Pt*l.I>dily yot klous tha#youliemI m Apy tpm<hS. unde- but Mm .Travsu haîtlistemne isilence ta figum e ctempb>la~-t this remote Sue& Uam. tfgigbn4q f»' dbta n*m. amsii t h oo.d%,m ,gfa way* 'The ;jc hr iteia emtspa" of vliàlber man- da>-Bv x oti dnaeiS ~1Vlitiè i wasîtfnw rlntflaC <'IIVIy. 3M.. Van Atmw-> lmia aIly rtth«04AM wus leadhrng- hlm a Ilvely cSUer u be d 1.k>the colow ndash i@ wifeneed, uuMhgd tk>the .lsfiictitnBut té' iwied o Wwnbwtrthe 1 ad OM flaa"Mm bea the' met " . as brtglut BrdUives Sfee a vm wbvo wv iii aditat dqf, M à .'f si -, te (bit .t. hi ry rime foi'ewdMe>ior fiait b h t.! a myl.,.' <14WC& uhis, wome. '*1>. clonestiocelandl talked tube needaany isatruetinas en wba.t ber >we .4 .444 l iel . PtIuV A 'te htl iwrftt'iion 9wI tn MS eracon llly. <'i eurau krepisgr yu&. wih ber about ber father, vhom à rhée ~ullle le~ e od e h.~v hIl~it.f;e'tIf 1v uWe 1e4'wm vmàtnos >huaveO rm-àdipleaso not valS. go viii finit, me conlal memger only vagulY. but cf hurtsaawma 7IzveaS ers a %roman ~~~~Iii i '..iir< rmiî thtua Dy f111. < h h Wla' hew on jWh=m ah.eer Utiof tiaating Aa who, sutàuitdmne becaisshe cjnnot es- K, ci.t'd'r. V o.r >rMr. Rib ,>'. ja) R fvyolluMl, 1uol M itte ti n uile fabp o.hlm..ptet f.fsvwl ohrllylyoS atiart enpged,' vil sot rment ithinlier IîéreifPIvP fit altt,-t .mie . Ità hafly (ici my futrnuv lpe asmyh Iue or w loIidtI'i»h fI.leroleadpsbyeeglo. u fit !,'cu. ic-&.s 1j1:i4 tai Ibis.hr. ¶' Mit.ao: a4- aaklng two kcusneje, na bm ycuam mo f -."lil.1" 1ButW. .en 3Mmu. Eyner hfard th~at sl nhoeaonwoseod Mi-'4;r~.ur. 4ccv.I.beVp Wls.gwc pay" ia'reing pffawy 80 wi, anethngh %7» .k>dlae wit em, ama i adil:u- . eb w cnSe, ber i nt tes- ~ ~<>~.~ 4< ~ , ~*:Thhrng h.o Van 4hfoniwI llruNtalt la r-rriiv1n fil 'p4ve bler ecice. Coultiah.viit fl eShini two Of due caalrY ,rne.m-.-tbe cause ofthe abuest ose vi esefraat&n a vonan. .' nrinièý Waèh.fo, tcun IS<omoeant eirWiveul, As vusincensed plumelfur ifaelf, su&.if it bave even faint ~V, ~ w~,,%ntf théfh acijth> h.frr<' lsaitAndon11W .r43'u'1f iv, ei :,' e,..' itiiwh:yt4lyhpen ixtt fy ~ ot4, hie lifs v uverl i on eaup- lb.andl Msa. <Waaonfu'.dad]3n bljion. 4,Withthe Sitem1%Illktial flli -V. lt-tlt. ime"3Ly noirkmw W tî 15l St led me XMn. ERyM rrefusa10k>SPeak tO X3,.excelflÙt eca hbeen ruine1 bvthe lil i .v if. M llttverlle. forva Y',11119woianlvIS h hemu ltak.d, pu-me. f Waldrse *è evenink-.partyygin_ sby injiuâekm >uuzghiga of a mot.hr; but k> %%isii. , * 41ee'. truhfuewcmW 4 u sehs1aahardly knoving lov ta MM.Stanawd la houer 01 ber anal ber.talk an engagealgil ût iy, rely "ti1t't s'if i>yýIqI4ý isoi <, ,, ,Iî kagalù, t wik:litea kiîfIl',t en~rsand r 1 .u a suter. Utwu& " itbat brouslit on S.on thS. infuli etyoftwo wo.men-s <c,,.c r.'i4 u -. î! > . .yt1 lVI *frihng .Ps Ti --, Try =4 !guer,, hslpumghe, uev.risie. W liatver vwumai!beiven tSe nuarrieti sâser or &aklidm ait. feuiIII4'.a t- ifit Ill e lnaAk. 1 uî . : ý 7.mtitelay ntttnt-%ri.efrd fiuvhing <mail" usty. O"(tut yon cald!.t outdo sot, MIM vas sot tldiu Iaj.Woldroutandal J u vt3fr. Van Antwerp iwould ;ak éèhçýVi I V'llwu 111tu I"4.fe i leII'1f i..Rof4< ~know nay sanie.It yyoa otn aS inrbd og<~<u~hvsicud ev enteit- Pi t ikiny. ,at*tgt4iltam mlr Ltn -o ae a ige;anal Sey took mcone iautheS.r confi- 'ins at Warsener is perhape impossible U hV .u-yoncn>IIhobrashmtlc -yt)lr cdonc.;but Mm. Rqner obeed ber hus- to predict. Süstwuhat h. dU b ai- wlats- A ~J roar.'Ir'wat ui rvtiua nuhrnk evas m nomàatakie abis B azd, vent k$0If«M.Waldrmiandal oI.out qeeing vais, perbape, tSe. moSun - 0ýýJ0I m ltjouai douIlit le bai! vincetiMntàonqh glusalfor ber udenes, sud Sem ent wise tSng b. Coutil have thouglit of: h. fbt ftit lck î. a'wzw no- ipily. Ulilas g ad as,,.j vngogpe ivwtb ber uuar nlreturnea th. cml i rid Mm.Rayner > keep remtinding 41 Trvrv~ rntît'dquaâtly th. don way cl hé< âin, Shdiin hi par-> thSnlouél'm viie; but ahe chcw:e a brigiat YN1e fepcrue H ni Stb fur 4'4 aindi Iokesi hter Rnanr in os'l n negn, m eraeae baud*Itwan hens e.knew w.ellelady i% if. cf unm=zcdjov. ne vas nov ..'< ~ !3t% ftitI ~.J4l wattb"l!pleimling Jet ihmùy on MA earnL .wàà l)5 t thome- e.fliy 35, andi desperately In loe with a ~l 4adlgiv î~bbbcwni<05( ..M~3r. layn. a' o.Dnttln f bretired fkom tSee ontest,qxS pa retty gWrl vo bua sinl bwtc h< ny w'.as* ~tisc ie .> 7t3VI.ihol ~ >~~ ~4~8 ~ eslyas ia"h" s tal i, randt toak mach hlm. turing tS. prevlum sunfLier. 4 .ee.,. 'V'narcno gla, h vllehohl ~o~ia~nov" ~et al rti (n4ifrun onsLautek>erwsIf frum tSe vws s"eaity ta>approwcli er, tien, -h. f r y~~~Otttllickipt. ~r~ u~ i a-tc hi tcgat'aefe fouina, for her uiter ksps vigilant guard; """ Kiutc. <it %l i la(tg).'t.q a'i*t e >c h h at bthII4go eI. hacj e e lr bythe tcnt <baWt uT a eekomre CzcuaR mde i ~~~~Xte. tseif he s xr bii o a'egg hma. .h!te . mtrhl vsnga e c.u>s A-~t>.iao qu» .iig u val tliglhandslf kwarulI ayedi! a raper i oar mn sdm ci Ska nsm 2' ndntet uuee iill n glabtbi olirigngberh he fo cibe tat alk about hlm. '~~, ( ~ <, ~ #- tia lar7în. advee<spesaie andcr. ieiig h bue vidt ms-Wih as.elgsa.iuA a - ..Mot.Rai; ne sUwî oo moent "'Z ainnt rlin. e ia.," h. o tw 1><o fhsae *leoteaar no~ukuataa.Ua - thugh c*'nr.esI:thentehe 1ev o iiih!% MissTram veoaaduaflthepoe cf he Lm rý Viet'1 a ..' u<' u'isu ekv'brauel ii ierga basun i li jdie uligbnlu iw r ~cc'c~ 'e.al nî e ett îin.n ng' ,d -nlerI r NIofrve-aà h e nsagne. al vaof thecomph- bY w» IiVfeii'c.l'>eg Wtnep.rE&t4'v"l, nO hwall a m ieJm witIbm.dia.har ll c esOUhee.iS ~ î. ,~. If ' wai Ise.êig' Wr~î nd 4ae~crltoL Mal 1114 vis lasiig hitlamgh-bs rhlvoutighve siai.vbatah. ouuland es b 11114- -,focs Ix auD"s.»»«M&. ~St as l. ltli iviy '~In~ I hcUSY'VSlte har~. tkselo "_ no~t Nov on'couty7ocevn ooraPte.k ei Wla leise't Wh.h4ud ~f ~l~î? l'fltis~i n. <" t'i.1.s'~w>ud ft~s 1~e ~ ~ ~ ~~~>u Mm Traversit haio I hmio*n..b y usr.lcsw ofovnj m '~<n.~e t...i',..ss~.u.lvauknd WoairUits.otIs.a1snleal.tl uSaratreh h.!mt uvufr etigeseellmmi!h'vgureIadmshaeaoaaumIeuun tlîaci I unicef. )a,à'aTherBU hutiMm actraingiaMal. WaiafluiVue" M..RrAtmg umov stornontTib.& qt*f 9imtisa te.tp tli t ot h gavr-m"Nl>." sai I le. ba41IY. "3L'>. wal- cSWSry troop4 ocMu aMdlme,veut Btbr M.Tat! an >ler- MS OAKLT okeilv a t Iý 184 4. hydd-) < UnIevî' ik.Iya »~< <de'.I.<.<iddo bay eo ff W abot < ealeu te a.umbai,1.te 1ha ner b eUty, i evee O tiuraReol ilwM> IfI haive lUefi ri avutbj ah. otuilowh»i< t h. ficv0Cp ovl!aUoS. er>5S.Md adeltlu evereythug îCafr >u~î ai fa'fIaa~yanr't'f t>tlsah Pîkly , tarted, hit ePoke In kyw, mu. b"T m8aud.for guavl mouatlngcr.C ri . SeCr.mdCvcu a'aivI'iI~aniIl. I<'fflf<4 ut huik11 <~' (ihiiiAi hhhn«n.Vsty attractive to aul the yan <Om s he biH u s Ha-aiel.dU am à 011 aimeais. maksa mia urs. sa k> <îuuky ~aediu.pe~tl.Thua mmt liveallin k>puSn.Gshaiandi Foter,oet the i *>Arah Whrsh~al h lti aMUTtogutcudgtlaouh oi i 5al0 k lj g t5 aalry hmauat et e oduse aSe saa UN"lte4xt mit vms .iduslymefor t b IUM ay k> ltheeukan.t mmurcfhor, ui h.eati bd <ou waueh ashfom. trt niti ov ho b. np nal hont h r wonerdbSito e hm csave <osvlo» f. ro emt om asni m ut Ifvf lt kaey' rh hi*finm . . c hiî ure si 1rotly **m fMsTavrlitS rawj~~cltseboey MvigRa E .to bel... f mmb Wb s __l inim'e Ivni 4La0 '5 a . vantmalaeTIrvt hi o e , ts.1> 3and uIto u 0ve bt1o or breer hopgasSa go ti a nd f vMShem -- Mr»,ktlerMybg vointlà*l* b 1mahmeamls 01507."IP<St DuB'W»O tht Malt@re difflUit&9«M in1 ev er véryo dc beloB, n tbe er m ma-us.~Ie 0a bp'i tI(.U,1ilag ha*a4f ittl 4 s.. Wm . 9. vli vhro 6sdh. sud" h. là" espoaieglytn tee«lm " or~l.: eyli iur t ~Irm u b eeaiiI xom et ~~ tluIet.<' Tandhà r disver t bt l gti l t th, e Mmd<<s~ , "I d m hei o ISeS. wîCM? ta I é<> t,*mle f h i unm r.vaidmamay es, mii.muai laes a~sa..*T OP I ham Mi. i oayne billabr kd rooay~ -> eMPui"1 th e r.MOb. 0 blt m'ab Me he etIf<hla mev al , ferpu ofiosir yh qp<f54 w < - t< -lWholiha M<b*ami orhm5 v.' vsry a;ml uiesa bsul avnia mmi tl*d. .tII*w- 1 c pa c . .uI>Ia. Wlinos mnb.bwma,&ber iceweranal tht Eyo uwbs en tm1 ff Sg>u< > ~ ~ ar.aTOLauTHE MI .s *m a wd W4 m *W aim p b .gatb lbegm <o ait au0. t M& 15 u mu law at, 1gS.CAMmg b, b ,msiith5WeSds*, h i ris <t mflhemt ul vbmWgte £R«, vIS .1! cornu. io huImer . A Bo .aaD o pusies~ao~ . ieo at.**UuSima hrIglWsu ln h SiS a .ave Mm*mh4vàm . nd wuif ta wml & wu whobe lonle' sIaw ba *tI~fr fu gqm~p aUu~ <IIUIOIOWiles aUIVwthe naI ss4 . PmI -tui. bu ayje r Mr ,. -. ~~~ ~, ~~ ~ gp ~S. W9 Uth Wa4eeIeiqtwum #&*OPaeWD~T * a.u. ..,CA STORBDUIO.ICAo WB AIRE ]PREPARED TO PAYTHE }u;Ii E'T PRICES FiIfEAfT iBARLEYr FOR ANC OAT6st aiaPTA TOES and WOOL SeaonaleGooaiLn.Stok. Eorne-tOOth and -Southern Sweet Eiage corn XnolCarrt, -anti 7urm see D tch SAetts, Potato and TOP ,LjODI Land Sait, Fie Barrel Sait and Fine irSalt in 56 IL Sacks for :Butter akerL AUl Linos Of Gooda "e novw well as. sorted for spring andd summer trade. NOCe BROSI, oAKwooDo Mangold, Pape, Turnip, Millet, i Clover, Timothy SEEDS, AT I GI N,*BOTHAM'S. Umm.A,, fl . RU-Sà THE SYLVESTER. Li4ht Steci Bindor AuEAO DDCR TH E L Tit liierbustaies FIMr14 m d Diploma at victorta NuestLi Ebffil hemtissBIIo seomu, ompetlrg agaiasI TWO à"ai ratod Tisinf the oune Eide the Tet agents dread Md& lfa the oàly Flimie Brantford agents drmid.> Thin fatiio ly gemulas ABli8ullder in the Xàrket. Tisi xWer bu -more. goot worklng pointe than ay other. It ina a Igitruang maeb"ime I i av eauy Operated mach"ui àtt a pedest woeifg muutas MmiiL ao moddy l a cou1Metruo. Tie Sla » pot M" atai ts comutruotion. Tei. NacithmStrou lafimaie gof thé best matriaL. Ti Nachia. fna-wUl-bM i Utii best sifet orkme ifs Nachîme, la buRt la Lidsv, la your ova -Couaty, whEtS yeu I lhuxhaejour moeée Tmoi ft Lit to Four advautgeto purchas. one of thes Siyvuti Bros, Ifg o. Clooe u~ oeU4.For wAicà theZIGU65T PIlONwiU b. PC& jOIAROluIII11TUAL.LITE STOCK Thoroughbred and Farm 8tock Insured at Vary Lau,_Rates. ;AS* KEITH% ~WILLIAM STRUEBTa ý. à UL 21MIL b 4 ý 1 ý7,% 5 ý eau: