Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Apr 1890, p. 8

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S . CAKAU&K AZAIL 88, lUS. i "' ~- - -- - 'S w¶.t W boddPwr owB I'îw lis Nou 3u3 otsmbu Wat 1fuulI Ope s-cl. A. M.. ot % <'ifS-1M-se ft iqenan tmporm té Il il. o - j. ?m.esel't. &-ie0 LsIi& o I Liinfs&V, Plu »A Y# APRII.. t, Ioe. ý,nTOtWOlcd1Tw tlen haoeTIhssd st b'tory paety la VlctoilsSotUMd VIctrIa estwil' do. tn tlmIa* eoflii ê»Mm texploit* or UihIr thfrf ormolu4abd s~sue1, 4ImIll îa1b e o1Iote ,bWav- 6e.TeAtteeke or that lndltddtuai Mms ioieoltve Party, sud h6oit *h ci* mmeêt tarkomare.gibetaro latiU ltv1sfte the . iktignle fîteidu BAnd raillée, et the cos~urv.tvts vfuv ddd!et apposete elle' leu m e tii. lo1aéde'. ofrb.pat y flue esu wwtjr1n4 for Ibis îndifau « M11e PMo th lb. derb tlte i"otonl Md far la t o e owhose onlr crime Wus iahMhey bad up orted tUir pffty 'Se ~bslybot % 10f0 la 1. h t eîema : me.setimesh of tue laltel' Wus te Bush to., mdly esoouftfd.".No.tse. 101 ie Ord PDI?-iiitact, t*came the, moto W the V16;Ilb. ntorTutocratie rie#- <fOmtiit delêl ,î<l<.tP%' etsobwlahi isft l-tiugeé "140 for tiiern i vl. Ap. Osa è. ae tronpY n 1%o r thé nI 1 fenwb P'<. -As the- toisea. ort jor le, ,etyeldoàtly bave vory Ill, if gay., mia#, teés»Y lnte . te ti6i gt e Mat0, l le 1101 lot baovifl chethor tle pnql.fatheledes, f l ite ctons wtf e .tWdaviliotn r t her 1batg w <liii bre"od aun' os; oli ormig iiadfIlle tee) ahôtt lhv ntiultonIus belef t. îes 10dplè. Buit shaI CII eOmo of the . It inmý'e of thé. oMeft upeus anS 0rpatt-iX~q wbat the wI'Ô<Il# 1. 1Thé dt*lbYàtoa la op: recnrL tb M. Iii. sotttore belpibr>tci hixpharllnirnproporty md milea hburjiOt b.d mon'lîu te do If,-*tea* n*t" e entfflly. eg~kI hntorelia * ' 'h'.iiIf la0tts 0 atidreIO~0 la, Ibis WIull ies tlt,.g 10ri poltittal drarna. leeeuo.UBkst iU. Tfflm. Ina GrIll- Oavwà Chale .aom ey Itthe Mlie ior et 'ris.10e. halkmasprovon.t hot eduw"p facorties lme etbeltkftettl te îrfavwfri, andls t thIie aUy #wu" whôo i mme but or obeesetr liemaaa.tftw sd dmials To liii. eslesI RI ii4e em butulab bis weepOp asef e, douetrequn oea *1 4ev. noisel hreveil ta 1ms? M Ml 4t fi i nu.' hvg it IIr blhitalament* car taloced 'tepo aoothfto.d mîil k be l leoett".beocas#rI1<f hs iibdued lii *w# evlve àfetrwatîi% ela vd ,tt ealie Pis I.rn~a~Iif ne tronopef tomu 614111041lo, ho lu tited tlit t îst 01 mil eeril71er tie usertWasate us Im f-tifuss e ud eamOWbvete 5061 c r. »j>1d bmfor ll malsuaetlit c cod eef ae to telbé ?be fdic1n tI. .labou fà .Pefas # mn'Pftin l& r.1.1 & fe l&e.3 1:-i 105 iEs he.'datellAm lit catîtescioun b um a le bjm a fd Mes' prodtrmtve tarai otlu lsa anduffitp e peaet udsi -~ ~ ~ ~é trsshe s eb. u meliuah, a p etitbe-foin wtIrt#, utt erîiii*6r of:. cin ma. m ro a sloo h Aus-of m w Sfs~lfl pr II. mreasti. ffoemfl~s II -Se I iieecam tI u l 191 astir. heu a tue &Mo 4 t.55 ls 1y ~~ *epa*16 « ft48M vu1 lcaips5ondmmeorThe Pose i WalDno aU.-bwMld sam of Mr. JmaSoROMM* wuc-s Umsof e gdgaim MasS.? «tuvsu<Match31 «, mohe l es dm « tb. mwisps eofhie oslY daugbWt9 mis Kiloé. wteMr. Jobis iwsal obfUiIS plae. Ti.w Seddl wO csaW, q" aieSpae wI the im5edtsI5frise.Mdu VéslI ior.m w Md sgott iseWbe M" uT" F.'f IJF log W oa ie fil i aise1mi mms, Md1Ld is h S X"li uel" mili ,àâser. The bilde cat *0 ftPIOsipiOf pcsl imere btaemof ucSo rlsp ber and.sel esos et lt". tom cs»UIl cly w MU#$Pro... . ýneiuesmIIobei 0S00OS80e Dileville t taite a ouf ias ithe115 @@uiia uit* SI Selsos la missel la the 1youhtoaldrueM, upsai aliacsl...em Jocur. 1svMd Wr& JamesLult , Mss A OJ MO)i l; Mg-M« xo li rla km M 11.1baw of b cui~sm wSas Mts Lr.aok Scis ue n.) dupte pa" ca wmm.a »M 01 lâs VO:: M asuis i# la maa lie Toi ats~uI5s m F~~l As a S l18i. ms hm aui e Reos blbâ.e 'm amLes,,vuc"w lois liau MV boa m IVd« umu 5 i sa um. oud"à _.& s mnl c lm pts»dte s b. hoerIMl s 4 'nez@"adl tUa psta .. .E Ohbmu i~~~«a M -Muooe -e.suea 16 Md iS» sec M.»al & - 'nU e asp 0"epasS sd as oeogll»tise my w ke o~M as.-Mem Md dS t 1e.dmehaimaEWdOS5 I es liIyupsts tauaUs Ji W car e ma ms u umsu - %wey 1.8101es teRide mm Ii i~ ~~~~I nom- aIbs 0057cs l p r F i I I M -I. Il- sousW imi lmad WedoM sk. Y-, olug do«4 On M4isie1 allchm LU[1Sh Ilwif metel1- um o SU îum WîbmWMced dedSerOhN sleW t te lagr 1.5poo pneasPr"««oet aUt, am 0f5w lacon. us. hsIm" b«Ot ed I-sud smm»ahMa @ze carà le he esli bleaialili liS un- wu s taoe - lq SiffuMd ai- iselas dW.U. eS Il v.lS'.b» WMlO cebmW cll SolimifiMe d li bMs tbuismsbaua làa, busomi- MOR Uci-lsai. u slr. Clm aïmblgi ssaiaSft ldut& nielles61& M Onmm" " Uris li bMpo MM hm M VAtunlSUsoa5 ut ' lldsuUl clo semm 1r.'ors uamd ftoies tribu Mdy mm mt.ww.. le rmoms e fllgmm tStneluti oss* col Ir = USE The Sl of?pulauity and 'Attractiveness hmas beenpLaced on Our S/ring and ýSummer stock, Profuse with Novelties., great in assortment and UNAPPROACHABLE IN PRIQE Everything you ..want in the line of DRY voie3,CLOTHIIU, CAlRPETS> ILLIIYERY Is WArrING FOR Y01UR SELECTION. BILÂCE ILES. *To introduoe three Special lines of Fine, Pure Frencli Sillcs that we import direct, we offer for the next TEN DAYS a Special Discount of 20%. off aur ordinary price. This of,, oIy uoves hth.s. Ibis.lMNs ai sin orCah 1y &a FITOIu BroI. y M-il __ _____I_ .&vch. ua.mDbU. tss'sU, t Ise au.p"M t iMia osilomsuet Me. W. 15w UaLL-Kl m lSmo asgboss lu JoinseuM ACMIl ld et tlb.mavriloset bis cMos et e ali. Tii. cat h»bas bau cevS busgm, marey Msn Me.WMiVb, tu, atwishv £d , u557 Iumau B eam.Tii. mlou uties a bave lme. lE-asc M d*auruplwo tuva afoe s, jouai. mo ste. Ta.' bvelmt asssd ofl sie an -Meas0b t& O IO. -m dpo meVls tl.CoNalles [uwms-'lmaugie*sla umysein 0Oet Olfsl.cbasbeau foesloarMs .~t'~ cI u onmbUg et ubeus fWey. TbuyIA ZS &s m vm and m m eeTlUiacol Su. Wrnuo.-s.soWM« . L@O.N aetisMM ar- undmd ooaIIrieSpic con Url. Sold If& 2.Soi omine m nseUosnlsam.Tu. oma 'wa.u.S1 mla w"spim 1sudet entoile aon am sam.Ti. m05ml@b> asewomd W Mu, . L MUpive steppeS fat 1-m.etg..usi wucm *0-t loot The. îi"md udmmdas IdiMstemme ay ms. e gouci ii fpem tdw oumot A câble , c di aas auIsfTii ommamy s cJ' mssai m be o buSe, 5u1 mi s, tâà ahvao, umcsvm. MM Fu sW Wb etIifl 0 W W l i s» h i t u m é a s e t M & M d i m m que T pu emmsd a mo 71s uhlOmo umW lad= gig~~-uSou bm TM bme Gemme UUo lu u.sSas dii "~PTiI' l a Whe bouti Mi 1110 'asd i'uluheslsns j~* 3meIpl. r sa.i.'u mointrsl a S o ,BuSt ik oleasliaeSruepo '- o C ....... lu ». i .m...... ~~u n.... svt lllI ~ mssim. 8 a . . .......... " ,da . . . . . . . . . . . w . . . : o i Sooea-Tbu urnau a .................. e es ,;MrM eusi te.270 te se ..as.... ask k-lea B s ~ ,et., orasa. ..... c c-g ~? h..... h.... 5 tgiiles s etu.c........_.. 0* tes *~ p, . SI~SEiiia'.......... s 'm- MOw-.W. tàu.Ma n~Ii sle s.alm§ 0mc ::- W 0 9U M W dOu m .......... . . e BI .ai ~es'a ~sew fa aie ........ se M t sas ~e mu....... s es mdIhmd10.., abi..U..-....... se t >~fds s ettr treared to meet your wanis t"a ever before. To House-kee/'ers we cf èr thse most Comp/te Stock of House-keepiieg G". inus tewLis o f GROCERIES, -nRY, CHINd, Etc., ever o(ered in t/w. Com.ty. Our Prics are lindmitse qual«ty of , ur Goods tise bst to &e selected FARD FER TILIZERS& we have sou' sioredinw aurWare4hose, (visk ici*as oey cvsetfor Fpg<m lad-. ig), tvoCars of tse wm-km" Port lic/e LIND PLSTER, and tv* cars of LIND SALT, in. Sacks, ai V Foy» Prims for Cash. Panrs wvùisiiga car or Lia/If-Car c f S4LT should "cambine" aid pace tdr.o, de rs ai O=c. D-41RY SLT w in . afôl. aud Sm&k. Gccd Butter dwsi!scma (air bicand PSrmises o t kd igsr tisa umal tisisseason.Oit> tM9 &estSAli s*ou 4É"wdeas fJd' quewly. lb &Wif-got tme Careci Bpmd of DAIRY S.*L ,. m~#W a MWM ftm '~ .4? F. 9 - A. OAMPE~4 w-y--B ARE CATH-RDO-& goa, Opposite INtLennan 4 Haitù.a#e" Store. Lindsay. oil and for'the purpose of at complishing tha.t- objcc with the least delay Iw now offer my Stock of BOTS AND SHUES which consist of ricarIl every leadin«g lnerc1ie in the- trade. anid includk' some of the best and iný Unes, especially in Ladiesî Goods* that can bc found. A T OOSTI There are a few ines which sizes are broken thà: wilI be sold. at Lbus tilail ost' as Iwish to get rid ofa of this class iminediatelY I would no.- Say that t1l public have an opportUfi of, supplying themSClv with good Goods. at PrlC6 that cannot bc alproachtý! in the regula way Of trae A.Iy pemsn can understW that Goods sold - witO< any profit niust be sOld f CASH ONLY, and h ar the tUrnE LMAU. se YOU dw ý7výwAýw jýý bYITII ïmm .. Wei CROCK- 1 . 7im ITE LADICL t i stTrimming Efek h Se ring mmd Summsu,, M &Immmt I bave la~s 1h.owilloore miss OIBRIEN SO'METHINCEW Gentlemen, Attention! We bave jàst receîved aR New Spring Tailoring Q.ood e6m a d «.e4e Frmek sadlet Trweeds, wbkick were bou* miIy, and ut a I*w smîrîte (r.. a aigeaFtwe utet keds. Couse early an it# chqoxvoa =p-Sg CiothIai.g -w/i/c th# atsk eneir; oaioi et s Nobbg 5ui. Weiltate and~a à lbat Fit GuaraRtueds m t à . re Id fil de ri bd ti iw hi ON CANNED GOODSp ME44 Tst w» n'il

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