Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 7 Mar 1890, p. 8

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~AAg 1jD ÂTrom. DT.NUK~1. w VIW0T iANDcvu- les 'I et1 vanda Ob& ONe ¶ lemo meIsa mir. 075105 we 1 ...... .51. i P*rOvvucu Tam pAf --_ -T EmR NE S OR U I" laie a h la Tmbrom Ou s-w, .b4 bomou B au some - OOlot a e-. m.iu mDy O ilIÎlheyOb bn - ~ =Imm-aieL ABlamm =1 humON INN ?AIlad làILLItJ*6 hi. w.~~n Me son- Dry Q____________________________ GOODWZ'8 UN MII uD..Tezlui __ TS AM)a"36 W.15 aSmiOr, ]L 9~ W:m buT él noma .ê *_ _ __ _ _bunon9salynt D E TO M M ais mtntalala. aos as a0. 'lb. u.mShf*aR e Xolt.~ I~4. ~>b@ ~ as 8AuTv>m~ ouw. -K. CoY. a BeuTheushsis j h'uslis. U - t a <lajd~ ?h~ku A Me?<4I.ewwmlaoe~fou e IraWordogelul. B s 'os Bevolt; avg one2 1' juc es to S in heai A»Fêuteu i:u L& f Iýte &. tUp. Juns a ud on W Be puonebh'ohbut*wut k oouruuos as .6J ~~seou1oritril ui6M.W0î A4i. 9A'r abpweoh ua. Vert te *f0 e~.ian îlspIt , ad an u r wez i s .vçc oy . - - mal .~f.MnWhosudledwa Iwo we- propoma e to pro it orn (t* ____off vu% M WII Vv« lui A"iIWU«ul case if you will let us. s.gx>AT pJl~A~ ~~! . illO TONJTTNf. !51sisIi ,;upumsnb We have too many BOOTS NIS I~,DOS IOAt.Ew 1.14-r #»eo Mw aile8l huaslv m oe~u'~and SHOES of al kinds. WHT LED SSH mmomaImmMWo u à bliiurn.. O w b.uWe wish to turn them intoPANS KLOMNBUH . wx. >'s.h III% l15*A~hWiW-ba ,susdih t Cash. And for that reao Pse.,ia -. outel , ~i ~ tfSOâ UOI. 4O'S f suuau~tous pogl)is Vouhm amUssifithe eh agat,ý if~ tiermattaek of -li wiIppu.ulem lfl ouuelhou.L&£.VU4C i ail in witil bsqq ré %ti-i Ny. P. 10. Ie*,i* -mi'. iâw Imaum .et wStoMeCsnar ' f~p sit.COU DOa UIPH0Ulit your favor. Prices are ýof C A N )W O iiwbiibl 0460 1 »% 1 Mi afitemtetai o. S »m. m u __ma lasaii Milid te a vn g s Nb qWO«,d t no acount. Boots must *iPl"oopwwuuof115 -m « g, tehave always been HBy fer'Ml. »irQàaty j<Pfé#1rn.ý 4 !"W au a. e.. I Oms. xi down trodden and oooress- oltîre --dA u y ~ o m u . l s m o m d ~ b a a I . s ~ . i . h & M A P u e . d s e rv a n ts to th e h u m a n R ~TETN « pfu t t gi U h. ?4' i W i Viid h d i '. A ft 1 ' « p o f i. u h ol e as p« "aM o nr.a p it go ~u t rai 8 8 a. St e zpwvh&87a4S 40 Ivu41.'ae-ba tWaw idSéeu l. dbuelub ldk duuluttem, s . ~ ~race; but now more than 1 iiiwe Iy tUI t-)01i5 Aits'toleei. M i " DUSu1,l4g anever. That being the case, ti .VOI01 m t o t he libi'i* . II*lRI.N VIq i ofmilk B eh-i a . s*u t%-tipi. 6%,. PIM mot . ais jssa, tatiomes e . L'1 , 1 . 6 .along y ur money _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "gli% ri. -*e ontilath. o .'tiftk~', rën'luue e u .6 m ld .mbuoeBem, souM"0 OW i s, e_ ~bigv u am ~ r~ îîîu'î f t'hr> Mmen d ém.n'lns buiticie, £wu& umle monff dle 15& SOTAL and thie BOOTS, _______________________________ rit. l*rt'6 %llrtltK Ieo-.%& uhetsbthebut aoioBe @"athiI Wo IboSLIPPERSi RUBBERS, ovA l.tt Asif t. f swuatlvlM. IJ. P. r M t h@% sai. of Aiila rila b s'lsp lafbw'o u ffomsa,uilo MSa utl seII ft m ~ in-vrtfa 1" rg ubb MOCCASSINS or any- l au. ia1are I& qon ps viefl f ai«.wthing eewe hveare f('Oe~'( f #tf'o Nf 1 = 1, il One. ih$1, sloul, goPm& Thé lfa a *Madeg «~i~k gn. uu. à .w«Wsteu 1) ., of1. upîatm lafra, OuulAlv D 000114 Z e by boom litpe p.tsGh .4joiqrrno11, o11- M.teâ folou id oulflOMaddwu "mm ~j wsautUsdffltadchasItaggteen,9 Attentio! ig:g a Sr. t> utb uepeh.pe1sm.m tMarmaepi1 it ~iithr,% -blet heidi&k ? réW % th X le flaaofth ib.as't W1 pmSi clUe. oilb.e barui. nHue,i fme s"at.r« Wnae si 'h IàtlSiî t,qi- -- - - - 0 %db'~i~ u aW»i4 mi UU e teswededR..- IN Mmd tBe s*MW& At os o fteya aCu aleH&rnw rv'o hadrL~ ClOUtaii.a.I îsatu i t b o # . ~ *1 , A Ope £OWluIum aui itsa. aThols a meîeuuli frm m W* h D P MW et D o %7tmeiadn-ri.uIwuycth f getet!8 uo. mýd Um pse la aed . lane lEpa~ofCatatul, utt.h &U its dlaieaI danoîaefcs.b tuto uraL e! ceî.qt fifs f ..<vmf'Nî w v *vio. uoetgIratbelalse 0 ore * m tUs s alurw. lutis'M' Noagla lase. ole l -m t gO£vln s: 1~I74 i 1~ ~li:,le<*~ts àgaob saabu. oomus cuua r«nw. I«ïdl l reeuaneW Spring TaiIorin goo AlDyTIROWataiamTfUoigtmmJfmarc hu~ujl ir~:~ ~ kI.Wpete 1111 .1 y2kitibes uuue ére*pecd.1o __ until the store closes. BIaItetMhaveshbem fcmwthC#rhof tdun.4 il 4V Hl. O& aI #u Mdpfinibufa UiIu Iug% t mp sed*fimemTe éieewceaugt ea sau ml vryoeilcbabea 'tI e . uas rm eai - 1a11aho k-obastIl .ee. MI 1114 eeal eeruthnimi ti..cir ortcoud o -.basti auhi a l . t..t;;(.1110142~od.vvka ~. atesria MOW ~ be, us as <y I pame a tI heddrcyoer t l shp cfci.hcu s.anfudno u. muomimeaias sas libd buftbé 4Ma wes Ce vr .gscuTéDo' Wf pr017ruîcatin frm araeoedno a r no'Nsa Biu.c Oii cf&DitSîuoo . r Jamrok e s oie'toalis esaite o'lem'I l~, a gât ei f t or w sOMMe sssusesing d * - SOI.fo1 f0a lco:ilu wighM e --j wu w»tmmaao ..,«d Eauh e nuatwmtamât Bmor sgrsbhd git tIinsu henteicîeDonttc eaertbt shs - wafifis it,~<:4II>f4. 114 amI Jae KIII è% efi. omdsi 17 N omm.dusei aMu c949~ d Juuow m al; a deta- * Deefr btanm: noeemî. h ae Oerpm uhrsu~e ihsiîigau ax f<OM;..,tpia't ~ '~mmnt..r'k matu mi P. lOaiAs': uss ouea.Nasitno 0asa. .oef It fhIeB o,...go tatheet roat cv tqem e sabwlgsd eae!lyisî~ tri.., ae ota ~Wut.l*~-cii fa.-. I' eoas Caauujiua .apoiSr Sgoasa'2l6KMaa ,Md-Lneau * m ui o r »L l lre swMe ier lbâtLtheawuelv ld aatateIar 0 ecinm o cww-ttttb IliS ,a"hl.rnoa pv.ta.uola isi cs tae"o »gau eh? and t. ei)USIIe<S Lftu l .t las t.k heB e t ise , l asar.ts 11 iee BItai tac 'aas#'dud aillà«vlos. tît rt. li the_____ _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ <- . a I.iîssajelu lslu s'la sicva wvaPo.lu AIW oa. i t ai sl IEmoi hT1 »îuiaî fTair«po "Daair th« M",?uarauteed N N: am ef tsLh cf~i-t41lluil e l.laih . ass. t% sl usouwesd L uv. . ., lvmiaaih" 16l mpIpva lllu. t lee miO IC4 ~15i uss.J.A.lIleâIIveseIollta aat___à#«&, Ma tfeA.Es ne f or; ns&nlyReievs ostiel Cre MmW ra, le di'r t i 6t'ti ut!ale 6; m 4fisnag m u rséDul bsugi e ll UBBS Beluit.el s 1M de M d51 IaituvMaumi mil awo, Umool( Ardth, i-ing '-. otzm O e l 7 8 MWVéi ilMiui W8 "Moge a mi l 11%«u . b.Uonfo Cl.F LSI L b M.'liip6u.rtt uy iîd SbP0. ru ii a mme g s1mai. Mdmaiwmy mMdk. LIhesm I heN ter oIf thmeelas t e o OETa iae~a bpOeiotravy.~o~ <o' 4 iamch t,1 C mt i o 0 froes -..Dosm s MMiiLennan'a atiN.al mamm, a...vueiviîor cta C OLnI Ami Ulm m pomu'i -'à me mars o bUit, aajiOUu WeI.suàghiM ý wMa l- ï e . RC.WCin ha asorwn, fhoibmmallfmotg wor Uiai0 boflolOimii - ~j&saatu ww.u* s Umblu - 5....... -e ii~ uesusgiir uiU.~Great Money-Savn potnt o h erl u or Ilie, aüAibw P .......ebsm a . i! liais, mot orle".te telIa o SOI .Iw.ls-ut MM«uu, t.êvu W u. 0 ........a, a IAOlm or Imm e a 4=1eÈ XAG SALEofWTEDY ODRU- - s_ e na ite an.ROBES, OTIn IQS h hl - vu W<J>P. f. PabsusamutMulsal vs Be*u~.g"'~~àie7Ns05a. Pa bemoemsslsa viîlaarkl eueqastee z stok beng cearedont ithot reervd ~ hsîs',.Sic wd's0ksboa visusgobe«"& Pm@& uasamut -foraiM dustoute doim êie ei eh ls S a. .. .. ...............s@4 &g u ms &u L U vam is b oi To l m ia -af rd st y w a w o n ur sL reete hi sM U1 4 n"B H.Y ma le à" ao Tocorne see mit mta"* -tàut>*W4 'L m M" Camnfligleotf a80fusfCslua ov. reeu mmdW tockadhuju rcs -dadue on a W eM Eeipellm k-q'I ommuSegoos on ~~r~Ia.lh eMusgc01"l1"~~ '~'UIISV r m-s Joae»h MandejAreILpositively W Bmsin So aa5'l~'sy _.___________ai lower pricem hnbre i3e uhl u sw mm-mr tiviii k Md etSau etuIoii n0. t BM.M_1_m______________ .................lIu....n & gm r ,u â e e m & odm ta ustir. ,uo leîusoms ~~~"~" -~~ Wu ...... .......... m bMd. dsw umf uhy aywte odsoe, sw wI eqieai>h j»..1 .. ......t. S WId l~I~u-i ...... m nmmt a Hh MIUSdBI ~uu a~J5a lit1T ... ..... ....... Sec s ... ... . . : ~ .... d wvml ut oE mi e mg. os utsveaeu.ogL..**'...... JOSEPHI Mi bsAUvi 4 ba hssau clsjd.ps e .~iL........ ..... ..........t - mcuva label uwm- imusous vis e. *.. ................ d le O uU 0SINM@MI 1940" l. TU.011a0111M , ae gngetavleh eu a îir. Or2e psuq II~~~.w SelS JOSEPH MAUNDER. SOc y. # om r eLrvieiaipdtr iefr4e Il j k il ~.4 - -'-I i~Iî ~t. ~II 0 k J

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