~I9~M~ ~W& ddE.ma ~.E.LWA .U~EJ1&X, .U&.EVH T, I~ A~ A W A ~W A W ~ V~ A W Nd% U - - - -- L * P~,**A NEYEST DEBIBSI I*gSUA~ ijwv4os~i w WALL PAPER B. PORTER'1 P. C. Taylor. lantoba, thi Nrti- trest ad mdgIUh, fu, temugnele PRBR V. ART 2JIk a,.d toi.Un nrr-948, ugo f» *ewrAYLOt h., W'FE CUN8T SEEMir <b. (aubian~ost. LINDAPRNI T M i 7. tFR O. Nveril refortn fitari nmoebv Inneanemlyende.avoring in the com. Mus ts aesiou tot, btain annenîodifl. O&tWn- of the déceptrvi, N. P.,. sonie aligM trelaxation .of vexaîlous cui$- tome roguld t me nm reinimaion of trwblosmo dutien for tlw vîîonuragement. and assistance of îrnw agricultural hmethoda leýndored neceuery b>' the. lo puices aud pormàrkëe. ltuthis z(nod.work the. bavé. 1a, tiîu hosut>' as i&4auceof the ehl.rninpartyï and tf veornra. Uv or. TBut slthoîîgh they voe* iwild by Mbr. floIt'w hat, for instance, eh. duty on ougilage ckru nimporîod wsavery einait niatter, the reform gnienbrs have aot beê3î ableteccr f rm sauboîventntaoiiy ad acold and cuilous nîjunistr>' 01W sinàlooucsin propoitions; îhotigh lixid t lieprops bcia for tii. benelit. of the distillera -or Ah. mAopolistg un dmiht the. reuts wvould havo beewn wlaolly 4dtfriît I l th ta ail ti *Thero lli <> lie thiâa ;ù$aaiin, iapprars.; another révisionu oh tI1q ,taif-anothe, conidoabi uîreao -i tho taxes Ievied in hiI. wsy. Themo 'ta xes are ulroad * es0y onoagb. But mlor' m(,ney lanr. quirtvd-b>' su extraivaantî îliius.sin * su greieradvànîagos are domauîldlb>' unsIfied sud gftwdyunaîplî.Oe excusneisliai tli et ri if îwott- or 4bo- jita une -m îuractuar uby tacxi g ghvbin.l 1h 4.,r -1, vo aior smuauafat à. W hat isn oe 1 îi's 1iiîeaî -lîiduthe1N. P. becomea anitiior miiai' alMio.,-This la prechsey vhat wae fouttold jeant ago ini tho ealy ttimeusiii oxf the N. P. by -its refermi criticu. KPxlçrietice lias over uand oVeraub eO aistriiAtc hat protection dfl ot lprotëeot; thatIt veuy Ofteri mmmn oaimportant iiiduîsry lin.e ert le "lproto" anothir of po0 baps les. couse. quence. The. N.. taxes gré,7 howveoa, en eue protexi oir annîtlivu, tk'hoconsider. abuy. iaeieoed. The iieurotso wlt hall moSt heavil>' apon the c(olisîiîuing class111ese anti 0111 upo csection imore heavily than on- thé fariner. afor Lthé uea*<ît sIt the &mr% o caticàbtahi.nt) cou.ospo '0n beneit.. Tieiem ofeesnfisaunf hbispro. duce ila-déteruiied l in aîkotseyn thue range. of the S. P. The haruu airs #laeady e h eavily-buuytheneid Iby the N. P.. taxe.sulid la ns- eriiuiy handicapped v*itu thepresbant loy puces sd ud aI *mabets,2 that Îhe Moua)letary Times oh ?oaeut, comecia îuîdfrancial per dévoeo te busiitsa: sud. inufaotùarlnu vaniang ugainsi auj hart ber incran. W.- dietti Po ,aiattention o a edr to. the -omplasisol remarke and. concu. looseoh .ar coteaporsry: -Thé Canadia "fatmers ougbl net to bo callel u1pon lu e thoir promePt cndition t b ban unneses. esaunpbutiiens for fth* beoufléfi eas*Y.t u~~~~_ aAioe..Tevpofite are dovu go et the- miim m 1. he i '.of aj» e aiuulnes ii p9 -cles »afei- a. àUol fet addl itiil &nU.a piosen.o0 a.w tAe aM ,n.itaepedwn esuon-p la et mule, noer evideno f thîe oûtie , Ooose.lls iuementa ma"s h1w poopl àg »à old 1»,uim eui.msble or un. WAs98lfia augmeneldlles àIN&al te ý I mms là mnnu leg a' *Itisiatgabine. &mloue d Acowid il (uabfe WM fotuS44W, Md de A~e banda. -If tbsy do not sot snd actinu ti rig ht direction it vil! ho their ovu hauli 1Tle 11oppinrtu Dity yl oaon prosent ilsel Tii.7 oai sposi vitii ne uncertalu soani or foreveah toi they.mua keop maint an ioekly bear vbatever louidi and taxes th innpois hfaon temý. PRACTxCAL 'WORK FOR ma tii. letter. ohfetr correspondent ."Cana .dîsun,." vin vitos.fuor Assiniboia, N." T., outlines. a numuber cf meioua griev suces tunder vliihthie';arth.v« et ttloî labir'; bat bie. notion Liat Mr. Daitoi McCarth y voald adrocte »ea mesures bas net mauch te, go, upon "Cuuudiuus"louter vasvitten bloe M. MuCartby mals uit Colliaigvood hi elraoadinary deelaration oh lealîy te a&W of bonder regard fur Sir John Muiodonail4 Practical guievauces mach, us "Canadisu doerbes, bave, no attraction 1or Mr. McC'auîhy.. He lovete, stand lu tii siens, a political picador, sud bailie missiles buther sud Ihither, toe oansd. 1 uney. Tai là bis ide% oh atatesmas slip. i Io h. inbusaest ho vill laie ur the reforma aigod by c"Cu nads."IlBut leo yul1 be, prevested fEin doing s.,b lie "'teudr erd" fhou the olleismn, to vhoii.. nble.policy as u sane. ad. mbisOation may laogly 1 e aturlbuted the serions vila deuomibod by eur corespondent. Mr. Gladstone madle Monday .venng a poe speech- a $trou&. gonrom sulyn speech - la the cemmous o0 lie report or ,tb Parnell commiseo - r W. H Sualti. the tory leader, bal moredth e adoption oet bm repent,.sud Ni' Giaase. iu asiendanent movel "'t-hutheb.bouseris- pobites à e. charge basu os oalsmmW LIbat have bepu moai lune nhera ef tb. boue.sude, vIl e xpreealmg ostaWa tiein et the eposuremaiete vîti bre, regret. thi engtauoel sud the. sue. ing anm as esiebmo *m h...sot Ohflera lqltt." MIN GlàdmIsse muais 5most cloquent aes la vinilu. lto ice , Mr. Parnel, ud u noluaio plaisM Y016sles u TourIl poiten posibl fo ps tale ia vthou bellu tIse~ - mseelgaua u the adveatages et over aie &Mpepl.sad. Ieut farinons' institut es, eau deubt tlIaini the aie or the, !U408 vWo -lunpmiug nl;dmrab fittedfor the ostinThej~ judgment leres Oeut of hlismconai4ertihie-cabinet Aboya that Mr. mowat ia the lie. .1-ipotan hatsi. . a~ truefriend of thesfariner, aindth& h dogM .unjo' ansd Il.unvQrthYy 01hi& not h. uegetd~ ~ n disinglsil ~The -tory- Teronto Telegam remarIe W. notic vili nnmethte offensive thal Mu. Movat vell repaya thec 1offlen toue of the Byseuder vmiesndoWlgin ior lie.farmmrs or as theciday piper rather ime bitter nictius onm Mr. Biaks andiflippanîl>' Puteis i, hie Winger Meula Lm dw Luiylu ounsotlosviii ithe libeml frOmeint evuhli. H13 la a"t a wlilyt kmmp.Itor" astt* . i stravauiit goveamt. aspremiercd udesulip. It veas ru edr ntgm Ontario Mui. Mous et svseatyla *W - 1t. XraBeaMs rotrau htiesenu lnM- sonînlavla 9» 1« tise ~ ~ *i dtngslepoiinu profemsesrecelie ofas City solicitor ce Tomats, to 0a., molution 0f the MYM0sin buTueuurer Codjé salary oqusalila etC E "fsw hà iadeà 'm r" o r lv iuendila eprovineialtreasuurel lin te.mmiiter Whoi. lppe t. difr fM a im." h of ubtio vorke s upaàl.OOa jar Imm- uap e pulhpug . 1f. Buis e smul. cisyo i neercf arndio.Tefa fiii . oeMa '.ise mtiiougi .ms mtho te"W 1 lupesos. «n. sIix "M ilm H 4 M nt rnýus in! no.et la in. %are pe'amiwMUR~autlua" v salarim ees leh.ikuJe pmier kego li Plat ~ ~ ~ ~ od u'eiurGe~ e e vIleys iiader beet doser' f . ~ ei vi'The mWh« sa»Oet shImmv~ F d ,spm0 ] W " M^ miuilsea u 4mi lie v.bwe- m oiR O N te & I. ai. ci t. uu amhe*"Mou un - u tsm uusd Omw lof mm e , Bs ua* otbu a bul =0eN IL*& b.i Ti.tira foryuing CotmonAmlOMO.corne- O. awiga hes to bu&Y, -the oat cduantageous manlet.=== lisayMg Leader Of Low Cash, Priocs I 8 - . .-a "nu tfa Am d " N,dOi u ië- "dodoar s v"»uNo déé asmp,«o f d 1 ie pieseitowy govbf 0 tlà" hqvi dSln e 6%.uol,".s ýx@@y 1M Pu- ti %0 Pw"vy dam" da aty t.e he.$%Idet W30 i.," s d h ér 1h M belltho* è may &%gge udSer h.burêlsu la a question tw eqD,.ts the famesa lsrgly sm . osly tisa it dms cohue a"ssThor ousaeiky.bai em.dy. Theqosasevrénsif theyr end b..... Issu@74127very yhil. mornpol"tsstenaIehefr ez'.....T .Oa ýtoil sud aveat sud complalu, sud S.- P. eud the. goverimeat adda largel thel, burthen of tules slresdjtee hos Tbov have no Vrouaid for fault-4ndimy T.>' refuse to, adoptaà very plain sudv simple remedy. Like Jauscbar of old farmer il. àboved dova as the sta'ong patioet ai botveen two heavy buti vhiche hi.s brevder brothme have pi ou hi.. Doos the. poor furmer, toil sund origal the. day, demee çympaty if h. -refuses o okfoi romody but continues blindly in "o servitude. H. may aveat sud posaiw liard.vork and poor pilou,* but Who i h.lp hlm? Thi. tonopolist manufactur Net mach. The manufacturer demi more protection sud ho gets ht. ge sista upon higiier dalles sud ti.y ase once givon to hiian. Bat Wheu the fan wants the. duty remitted on soatheruoo in virdor ho may go into'the raising groin foed for ensilage purposes ho cbouied the. mail concession. Wheat raârme' r Who la feeding zmported corn' cattle. latteuing for expert vanta te, piaced on the saine buis.a the distil] Who l& exporting whuskey made hro. ý ported corn -b. in tld il caunot b. dom Doos the coumervative former comptaî Dose ho ilotermine to have a remedy1 thîe -intolerable grievancel. Somns n coînplain, and some may determin. ibtain a. remedy; but 'too mauy i snply bond their noki te tth. jokb.as pationtiy bear it. Bu t .thore are qui enough with safficient independence. a publie spirit t t1ok aft.î their oevui toreat, sud te refuie te b.o maide _t b* beavy burtheus thâa slw mal grow nic nd fat. !Wlat- the ofriner vanta is a reductie f public oxpeuditure, a retauru to siuaj raysand te tth. practice of economy, i %loue on bis ovupartbat, on the. partc tiue Who adnîiniater and expend publ moniey froim the premier, down te tb 'vl.eut.clork in, the dopartments. The ,ho farmer wantu "e(ual rights" undi ,he. tarif., Ho vanta tariff reform an arif reductien, no that as the. largest col wîminq clam the. farmera vii. not havet car -the biggost share ýof tb. taxes. bMai Dore reforma the farmer vanta; and là in »eCure the. ail if ho viii not ailco dimeif to b. led avay by partisan -al >os or b>' iodions! issues. Even nsc kild religifius cries will b. raisf.dlte diver ho attention of -the farier f rom .th lad turnes, hlb o, prie" and the Lbi] axes. Tf tho farieri are again deceivi id hambagged they yul bhave tbemsolve oblarne. The remedy is lu theoix w Vues hl""u D5,USmdsr" oI. Nte J a. . Xi Glude vu Vent t a *0. VU WU5D7 Iua* sutuk*tilsé ader cf th.e oposiim yen f , vii Mty. ite Zn s u mtts *m ithe PWM thealv Vaine. t h.alu àemacmmti» r ia i8sno, humam ,., u« n: fosOhly .ith * &* a es u m u " h . .Aal.ia o vd d Tii. hundyin htise l." Wtis its. viandsu ave more iiâyuig ~ed 5' ~ ~ ~ aveborme is ustual resuits lu Phdatm 1 a ' »j thd V<Pl' UP h . hedestiaiées0f th. eunr .N Fe . J1udgmests iother usttsus. Ne bâtes MBi&4' " uis àAste Xx. ElBue's usg dii ie l1"; ha b"ute1he jeva; h.obàt"snetisai"my indvidu- W ve an Pm à*. th. Rom' a tholWe; and ho b"steshe publie audieus.bave flufutlpadmih.j 'hr néac f DlimeL Tàisane hope for ite pwer . i n& o. a 1 h th. Rouas Catioli.; the Iulh.al ay sb. ý iigh.i* mid ua te ussat ts IF t tolerabsi; Wuth.e oeaun r eyecé M1r . aein iî. ho. e avp.y ~ . M Ti» BYiMidI, OtP à vie .ns diSffroc ieuhm.Re uap, it i. 4, i bsmmeatble vesinsu il, nevievilaug mm -m»euadwes .te v"lsnome 101ite report of 1h. PaUel eU massioha public men desend. 13e dounm t 1 te givelWeapaS te ls .ei»id nm 7 UiepWàm" th"lia r 1ChausTOppo su opiosftagetugihlbrlledr eirple ilu quadruplilg lu eider t. hmu We map iafeîy say tht -lad lhe Pigot OU the, maritime prvice. wia.. v dle "attera Pnoved te b.puine listetd of connaderthton.."der Musse"o . vh ling aafSpgries the Isu~ of r., u Gladstone Bystaie mystexioualy reles, eue may auj 'asdli foevusabou t-u.PaUM eraps &W mdthe.solution cf the singuls, )r a ould baveboon lItte cbsngod b>' the influbum by vhioh ene se iudepoudent ot'ddioove.ni" . Thais . 1he delibeuste ~ i~ sti ytne iil ril opniooloneloatshmalupobove vat bd toabsnd he prinuiples of Cob- 510t faction sud psty, sud froin isi. lfty den, 0hvhichhhiisdbeensnenlbaiim. ý»r panuebolef sat7 P "es""sPâmstic disciple, snd te spread sbrosd viih h md ju4gment upou msn& , nd. hore a endorno f .hi. distingui.ieDame, in. tory journal in Ot.Briîsior Ca"ad Wh"atma»enovadmittesite. . N. P. ,a et th"e liasprintsi a osinderupon 1fr. hernsie&.air John Macdonald in asiirevd ma Gladstoe o e atm" tiouathis ii. f - dof 1mon, sud ha did net appeulml SO the Pigott loetnvi genuin. Parnell vain te thon distinctive social tendencie. 1 o aidod sud abetted tii. asuasinatifonee ihbsrmoslu nlih6po tie ofeme. Gazueneawe tic. lat ea .If type"'hsd pierced te tho av. That. the te g«uiýum«oi thse leters ad pen Ped of strange hitersry servitudeinas ~ .ssblshe do. sy fsr-mude isuestbDg of the paut; but il lias apparnîly b@ suppose for su instant that Mr. Gladstene lf a sveeî memory, sud oui cnuls sad Uer cOuld for a momaent breathO the. a"S judge, no àatere sud ezacting vIes ho im phare pefluted. by the. Prononceo f Parnell? pse upon libersi leaders dom net d a n ? e ! 0 5 t u e B y s t u d e r ' s v r p o d i m i t d i ff i c u t t e b c i n du l t t I . " h f sn tion- fsucy Mr1 Gladatone-,unden sutain. fo cir wmatanc addresig te the. lousof "ne> te hie faulte a lîttle blnd, comnions the noble appeal for justiceasd Be te bis virtues ever klnd." te lair play tuai viii miêkfàluit Munday's And oves tue Bystauder oea àha le h vill sesion ever-memorable?1 That 1h.esine standard. for eue aide; sud a conveuientlY aid eritic abh>uld expressprofouild confidence lover eue for tb. other. ,The. By- ~ li he"itegit"leurity ohmtie tander ia vorking for the. disintegradion id and the. "patraoti.m" ,of the London of Lb. countryi Mr. Blake, Mr. Laurier in. TMues, and thai lueosiieald declare. that and the liboruils ane verking te, build up Mr th people oh Euîglaud ove it 6"a debt of and cunsolidate the. country by the. reluis ich gratitude," vbich they -vil in- snoete aimplor, methods, by thi.e xorcis of *'b1appier heur"' yet pay, need occasion greater cure aud ecouomy li adminuisa ion ne surprise. But h im i actusully the tien, by.tho adoptioin oh as sound final rj. Bistuinder's Sobor nv oh vhsht eveiy; day policy, sud by a maniy determinatioîî teO lt la cleuirly preving te have Iuns base live- ou hiendly benus itb oui neighbers oh intrigue lu vhlcI a groat journal sluiked and te Liad it iL hem as freely as un b. Iic its réputation by puhlhshing. s cruel sud aranged. That this policy would prevail fr@ covardly calumu>' for polilicai effeot. if-a .free, untramniellod. and.ungerny-; on Tneatment as 4ceuapicueuay unfair la by mnderod expression of tue popular wvi tr lbe Bystander accorded te suether great could be giron the, liberals are confident. néi libers! leader, under trcumatauces that That it will prevaul in aphte oh all 11e.. )n- in au opinion cati for soin. puoteatbow- obstacles tiiey are still hopoful. ,te ever ine&fctive. Tulbnte. Bystander'. îy jaudiced eyos Mu. Blake is, a personage .1lOL N E. h. more batel and d angeroas thum Mu. Attorncy Gencral Martin oh Manitoba yw Glasatone. Mu. Blakeï sein ome uiy huin Introduced a bill te abolish separate ýp iiold respoiuble for ail exiaîung ceviii and echeols lu that province. ne muide a M difficulties arising -eut of the dfoeno.u sec orhus ert oh race sud reigin u uacontry. He Mr. W. R. Broek, a teading dry Zoeds le is assailed Ilcnuehb bas net olved the. meuchant and presîdent -of Tii. Empire gh problems that bave' uin eufrein or thuit Printing Ce., huis been appolnted te the ~d hve on acgrvatd bytii uaa.adiu.vacancy in the sonaté caused by the. death .*. eo Senator John Macdon*al osn istration oh the, Dominion Revermeont run Hoe is aneered ut beosua. thoe eectora bave A London cable printed Iu our 'Newa oh bc et pprcitedbisgrét.abiitybygiving the Week" columu gives a striklng Uilus îe nt upprcuutedhi.gréI aiiiy b tration et the beauties cf Balfour's raIe ia t. him , a rliamentary majerity. Tiie Ireland in the suroît ef a -in ufor wlukingz f. Bystaudor chooses ýte fouget that the. di-ce at a plg. 11e vas ent te gaol for three 1: voes vica loided agai nsetltheliberaus. menthe. d It ignores thé patent fact7that Ivice tiiy., h lltnin aesoe nts he voesgorrymnaido ut of a màJOritY. important electoral victory. Their candi- Ita meanory don net go buck te tbe- oatly date for North. St. Paneras, Lonidon,, .insane euipleyed bySir Charles Tupper was clected Tuesday by a majority et 109, te carry the maritime provincesut the a change frein fermer tory majerltleq, public expense.ý: The probletin of govern. cf 200 and over 000. Stapley Fano, and Seneral Dry Gooda, Ready- lad.Clohin, Teesd Co tha is IISIISIA TS, ETC9, SOLO CHEAP FOR CASH. nundreds of People have already týan -advautage of ~ht GcisnOppoemifty toma thefr Bpring Purchasos ke balance of McCrimmon Brothers stock of Winter 600DB AT. YO ROWN S O WAENE PRYS ,ai E m RAS RAR GOOD VÂLUIB TO OPPTER IN E. E. W. MoGAFFYS. WANTS 1H OUR DIRECTIO>N I i(1EIVFR6211 IDgiSEASONABLE GROCERIES., The. zmothiy 01.0.17 EIi .ofthi erago *f&miiY là ]MO ma I tem.e the wather wiiat ft may the table muât b. k.pt Suppliodl Viierà, «IL tua lbe Loue te botter avnaetham by biLv1ug from A. lexcept a largo buminess lin dome a dealecanotafford to soU at the Closeut Prie...Therer.muat le a butsIness protitnlueah transaotion te make the. buiespar; the. dealier te ssii; sund the. Cutorgner to buy. Thelrê quautity of GIROOZZES 1 budi. je the bout possible proof that the juit7 of My stoek l.aialwyu ood and fresh. That the. prices are, suSoeuty 1w the approval of oustomers testAS.. IrF yen halve net rot bought GROCEIRIES. or CR0 CRT. or GLASS WARE, or tABLE 00DBfrom lu vo vouid liii. you 1to rive the shop a trial and beaoms aquaitotd witii Our' *&y e0doing business. We réel »uretiiat yenlm La d cgmt couvmeeeand positive mouer advautage la the. selection of oui' store. viiere everytiiing needful in thie lino ef GMEIES in hept. AUl G<ode delivereid promptiy and in perfect A.RCH. -CAMPBELL- 'M '000F TR NEW STORE IN THE ICALPINE BLOOK, bs au":e to overflowing with -a Bankrupt Stock of clear. freeh and seasonable gooda, bought in the west at a low rate on the =loUwar and consistizig OIVEM