T~ CAXAMle ors znm@AroTWAVERAY3.1 d'ý 4 wmmmi.aai md.L m& m fen, aube bot VI~u ai oi mot es ubus" - -lw i COUw.bo Aff efl" -e aff nanbma et *6nb. tu te'Tba 1te MVu. *M 40" &M pwt ........ abmRonnuw hnom-emg ~ vaIg~u'L ,a ii.~FA~ l b..els:,,:Iui n a ou wm hUS o1kst bss ff.ta1S mS 1 1io S»I.I li goumg et. pg*9pI *0'E mui - w. 1U. N m. me m. W au hOhlem - ~ i f I 1 0 w u h y p 0 l W h o n 4a > à " »t 5 ti ti f e g i. K il e l a b a nt hes . i .» tae ue Ms. Puem Iu kmv09ba Mis» t. onoi eob a%" *64 t USI WPI'S@ WB flIvsi A ~ U ~aes ld ~ epnul."oea. smailismai"g moomi.. l su... Seul 1V"Mo-the 31 Is ae. è4,MW la" ifeu Mr . d le u liet mMok lisM peuplebe.s bave ot à"u lUava o ta. - atis U~muws ntey us' dwasae. .aiI»su dmsg.qn l miea me tali5uhu m uiD maia mm..mG tê bsamnee .vry Gey.lmati sbu 11lb~e à misai Mi sin msaAm IM"s thêta --- oa..Mabu uat 0. 'vb#I: Ltk.mPM" ze r owi «»dtu n mieeàaalmue W liait au mi" Oumlai ai ousas u pgr, s'mouos"" ~~ and t te i.aol. a l m " % , m II. iisva i , C-T IN N - ------- suNono@. «atheulbims.n Wf b thdrALMA AMMONIA, IUE, HLOT, (iëAf N OS i ya #i Me __wn"W mm uame 0 ni £oKiriatroisf LT ELme Franes. lm th" qauee etu. thsls se maa mi sa. l£e»mons bons- reim eotbe o»se a m u i eae.l.smlma X a sM udaatm Moeuat. aeensou_____________ -il f14Ii0)rsaitss e mil D,. 0 -SflUagaetoaig b ple.h aefhaer lthle "Wllmimlin douli soa t - jeel. M.. issitk,~; 1hte. oua1 SBO s.61%q bu wu gm155? slsO.g Mmesaset1publie .daactio. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lIsow$0- »Ch S is l nslt'Olui t ,1Sa- *?thelOtaifIn 5i a .5Sm Ibs- ~appropdstsi by the gon-f011 -~i.hvu OM I ~ a U . hs h t m t a i s f r a o f e e t airt u t d th eis vpur c i s d aetles athed g ua sh" ui m h. wobomblesmu aituî ail" a W i l t a i o m if mat. inue.olart of.W,, ilolsu la AusatoslaiMvasàsalai, lW"atUSeg me W eofu.=. Ns. Dsvft t5 àkiwvuêOlau.c'Omoda _rr. x 'rage o e; %bat 1 msialna.7nId luits vmas 01s -qus basaste tOlv cw i *0 ProvinceUthe. aufORSL.sagOeo sitte i "svsen wi e mIe sdmenselto ii ulvs' p oaaa o i caotaImsa .~- ~ '- .#"P li I f oe,.a enoe hbti Unes m. yaAmrti.oWfl d h ic5W#'. e sdssa lu.al.em o avSrie m u asltiammeà l s an o1is . î sase e vt. m i t"»r "& e OU ia e. eauesW"'uahhysu C ti r ttheami muS etbasiona@i vsee; Lu ÂGN5~ M OT e ahmvy tbslialu nvtsay o qi~ampoine et frCh rointrt te alu orm v0ise iere a eW W asmie s lSS, mimbulmlt tmi An l sest, W@ - Us e lS it a. d e. ai eesa obsi .mb e ora ats, MdOopl incaebonmmag.u âivp*r o5, Q& w.s lêwtghnnls.ea, us brs l t&%il ps .avite u~WeRSaU. Et- ba relet s W rdtblI u "Ailes mse UW me U Taisopa1bs bs M ai i sa sst 'd 10 0l1os si al01010 07bus a b y a t a o is th e e iM o f w.d iosn p u s a î sl S e bo va e ju , o a o p ne i . is u n l îv r ush . B R Â N .mSKb Va.?' mastrtamtiIovapuSD e W 55 aslu sell siuethlle a i eur.sastsIl.MvT, te l, a M - «loemi sluilek.ath& .ussuth e 18"$14 issuevI andtuil j. j' raodlauuiaiab masOTlà w o~ et~ t îeae l css beLîdmbae eSsai ta Sele.. u 1ii rvnc ipasl ' l» J. 1S& andmomlgim leeralito cuhies wgt tnani mam . es na. tho W%_I .A-" - - ... n. omes * G tNSof iatn pa dtif 110 o. erse.o useee la lis e Anse agrnsaie la-retawsls Wèabotil aubers. Tmarteol. ofto asibc .7:,. *,îJ a lté4tèth, *é e» M atti e " ihub s.Ds hwth st dpmuii18 a oat e ponld EON M ,E UIY fAI .-: - ito~neus ii.saqlq otibW-it adthé 0 s t bo0Mug Cmb Mmmýhat*& os.a. iutn e P1050 l au.AC O aemnl TePaiV a 4 st aS vi #ihi tb out haliane ta ubu. b imatisat uo6m as na ag naTheo na D lm sdet "d . ejls Pti ema~w~ W. pssi pressionhfeb vee. Feu au ~ ~I> Gm~j tlsas aOIIsgDU ,018T UqtiligvR . t w &SgSu pos aeti the îpla« 'Ms a*w *ta- lbt - repui,8Ld ~iV~*WtAteteiAt>... . WICY n th o.ote o U rpot te ud mto s dob t&te 1 u omitue Th o ae vDoli od u i u allaI gh..g'LoT& A Nll let nàppmedo As isi Taunsso-Te etUALtfe Và.otrv~41......... liV m itysoussao i m evsvi uit s eepo ate m'etgb. a litslie "aT*madia sn a ho at vu, np abus 2s. MpIropl. aIai ba'vwiurugoiie feulas. aMode « Prcédera. Athe s aue s h oaire ashesr aspaeuwmer as u hi S..........JUWHASUV1mi sgotseouNa a t.wsolgna.Te dsrbld l r. se is Md i te abol li e i tiMeanadra» egIa da p1MaIL&nulefve7oYae.4a ~<WTî O'U.5 .. .. ... Ut.«AUIl~#OW5se~s tlt Sd aldOplsdB IPUtnsll te flau' o*: agvlsarrtas av« etek w g e vr tuta mlin dzn, gE O(m ,Eakws abu s psa.. *<W Iii *a<w ..........< n up~. esams UIsese m sit OlI lo iili ian.G I . ata ing tO b$2.10,510lb. vao l The iia» TH O. . I DDUAJLSTO 'Asam - frua'i lu L'aI l 3coes. m cauuý arnell Oey esldne iLu os.d s mibta»"re saIlsBrlai i neTii. ; maCaain exultions IIIWwâl 4W tue$v de u"adaoteb'fo e im ormsln osaeOu m saudito l , i. bol.bu.bnh hbvrs h aie utewa" ng -- sd rue sse. p lilldmlo, n.'liIdocumogent Lacaif u. va î y .lued baveea hi@ <> ustee t edL .vJuâba 27. 18 l-i._________th 4. GlébN ette *at@allaeons ve »ie tel wou tiisote s s paiigU» Aeutes i lu&meTht e be t pust e itcao 1he,8 a mt ael w&m *2I 'I!tLCmmZSS!P. %îdlroilri asi opa tlavle t ofodtaS 1188den BSanalauoui s oisbaailaoos amadm if hen Sh atr a oediouta hru Ielsrm1rpoette .onCvr.a ulVlilas OÇdiàri ~Psy, s llan àvtenrt M. rbabdeliaise. P !!oli n suuios naro TEW-%TJRO GteeMW.'t a W Bat lrosPare ag rht viesmodernupndrpai I. k.na hm. h TO5L of Watheuloa.quit.riuehedde tis The mAm ofthe ationset te dosoit e Ir: e bav-Tbe Per! emiatth aséea ou ombaePmD-ay ATtLeASnsofs aie wanrupHurnaup.saond"btTha£iht av lm- atiiOfiII ~ sdiaata19, 1pblcopalnte usit . sud Elmnr usea a d t o me eta bilaier ma ktim b is enhàlira xpo TIM Lrulnn.dnrlalcrp Ttae wu ans0fAont-, impea th ezitios a" te« thg15aiba u xt"th amnd ài pri9Ipl eauistaeoe ilhem ful entr i-&oe nihed aeai. àww bmu-Th=uuUsLe extta'en h I,.iota a . Iu sîit mtwOial u t Sa npb hl l m sâ icu ils supsortitU t is.16,seelea ethmfealamu oenn:ry tisonslat s ma a is <noas adot t o ui a n aTh-lieons. tma the, (Au esll et , uthe for teCmad thegAad isa ogeusCando pi akalt nuianee7i, l04M ad nelatilelbybs u.vla adsou yPreàwt elW$Io«àej M* o Pak RKNGruih "bnlIeP& etre . .... .. .... a Witi.- heaubwî o*stedstomaî1 soi abhltpua tt i tà thaf C. gW"us l iN. DsIlstis p ut P" opmon the m onotiutfonrFCUl IPU Sa to aaNS tît oul ~as oao1,ad e iis Si. u' C s otrtitmo v'aeu of O 5 aModylva anblub- tse.Ife h adi" e. ess eoflf EDI!~" lb. docments ong %0us acttinxoUlti Jegss h auo but-u asthe 042lefflA8038, .d Pipl, il an Ioak 1b1at 9anntes Sr o u am lu aet îthe cmifou'oae pb.orte o of e ýgr4 Canaaie a sh l d otr ou.d ofn Ou & lm .pjj 0085 Fa rlsam= 1s ta':a hfw' battite1h mssae emta tc puo , mai ra 4tto a stl. aud I amso 1obleate Lwu tu f~r 09et.hem arut ure produh a a vs mhl îta ndex iill II'HRIua îhcmo op, lu a vt. êlIe as ho et uand .. see la is om 0 i i t those at e a tec oasey uo e m sla Meses Proü o lspop rie e nrss e T i s o s U Wl M JB . l mIL ut. el i tewdk i. domsIo n ocai s. lio» boas sud M ieau MPaimi daeui.wOMiastnof cinnon î t uret doeed'N u. tai attain ct lLn uats e uaLis sui actei law oi te adhbetîsd hoI ie auît ons à:bail th Ore. 0 tmhe apotcen sdt boul hpmt a îr111ie01111 0guLMOTRAI. oranr 'som<a Vla ilàCISS.btalot emd~"sou@i pt aa,'sa lb. rs l orw isica fores . E&asi ebis dentale te irus f h ltptawmft~ , hi arrg et. a. bege847 ote tat e o fth r a Ilundo»teg no.be ite u rsfng v&b aainhu h nAcelt nteIbisa s uppssi"bb 0.lloss ýPaaul eMd unt sawld.TesemecsesIQcam estmImbl7aalnit rct;wh b sppot stais s. a. ke wabsp Thes.Cl riamas poarymyWâo Thoothrs Bri.4 g toPar aeton, T P ool mrisiiro b * givi beseheUvis lay«d OMM te(. da eui tre a ety ciîthei.L e!t.ey aiîet pu., nt R~flicmis ailDlIo, at wea n LY rfeu , . D ai teolobten. glilbe quo nol Ig e it credat o mtiit ve tu'mne fpoeît dp..Tuo tudi * tuto uloMoo oe eue a netda'frDvyhdfrh Weto li t iîrthe1lyoa,-th e l i oll 1n5 u v s Itu M. fl a nle n, tis e . Thism, R. T eouchngii e soft e nie ta i ie ofi.pheu- fruot ot ut isa» St nratsIà alae~teoaN. is g.ssî smesî boro lm t « K. OCcnnoe,J LlsnnyIalt a bau oat Te ,a imc. BlAe rpo- peiars èh ot rysun i.l a ie mart -THE& "I I dymamilu pollcyiti bai hoteu iitnkshly odlest r Inoutinwhnc l oCe. hik an fllov: aocluwoma isSa bj ce dla he nsr ne m.t "M u ldium My, o. ue sm ~ion" buoIbrliet egsanthaet o ;nh. th oft-t*if4l ébytt"o ,Mef i.iten t*»lbtie. «slT ls', dos ofaW.sit. Tii. Wmsh-Ui s soven n roBoft1ei gGuarPOCH U RK8ILAHRI et~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tj)ag pn. rit5d mmies t bal il rlIy,«civ »ripmoreP J.toavla lfour. seos ou. asîg mi is h Priatsa IlyaiJ. orii',mlslg uat a puvlg la ieaiîp ud ht.lailei foIte èthoo*àtil ti. ieonSPOO fl lii iesbeitbo dieuienc I'tasoudh maomm t'rtét@ýoto h oisitueotfbll uaw 'w o r oa ovh1 uàL % .D:enr. h isan -f.the lflufaC. N.baet lusiutossa ble rilie&Ulmi.br. ae earoe R »I butwa <adfia .msetlü&r. Ofel A lu mo a hmi ote e.si failli rc 9Pu. le oagnea dulby ie amrosu tth or e - " 're t. fo avor tions Cf pt-a Timtn .a et vilb Mci. )avll f llhe miJto u t-oi iithagofosefàligev s ariy. ics. O', ICasuoa. po s i enIl jetIY('IY. d the<ati eaîua attin wth lme . taMilas. paor <taz1 niel rmt.r. iem oiutsoe t Iii. aiawi qfltiareodules for te nuce TwiT Ri Nmkspv pot lrrt la tresa ie ft thos Mc Pfon«t iueojuopego mMetssrseaie,,ersmtua, yoouiow, vasie hs howt- Mrkn d ata ard IOta badep'sdnceotielau os ceamae seec Tbemlst4o& e eue of ibatabuootsîg tise iu. abia vame&# ho tian imens oofionsamong t1id noio. i oneacfth'soeur15te, ofleltS tysiteu thoogi hoflaiâces ing e is SacïdLaeonts cvl . h d iM Camuag. n h ilti1. At'het I lbliat" . lte Jh.sec oli e. fsm ostawîlh tthlécîs eOmto&s,182 cs r«~Be eiPr d ea urii o o t Caadien motiS W uPEiGE.m OT AL lilin Wn.<ItlaW.tsdeîd J nt Md e ~a'sests: ais eliiotan lle asage, ubu " T ret01anthmo*of nie bild lunaCulsd rinOmj1,; W r' .4àliti t th le N'S1ietl 0f iayIieouf 61cil psaig th Ie anior A'te. vioam lobane S bam mnnud hsovdeta 9 nI DII hABlE =vryotàr SYCv.i,' I~ (nd>t, .. t JC5y, dauet the e&O M s en i t l e pousvtehce ftg Ib hor lses tlist Poaudet i qwid mati tfrossi hone . wîWiM NU cIN 1BOTL D LI U R O go 9he ueid" T e barrbon, the.boyaot woevéideuce. a voulcôi li se.le. ttuio. hue tiiywud'tcr odikateyoi mie ~n. tac b a u~eaî f oscin Prasî oîmttt iraI lWeevos aie t ils s.u.6.e victtes Iâgea arl tnt. Tseei aIre aL n. OYB arôt*llîîSittecpu, oc las déeSftati t Bo s, aaîaîlmie rin.Q*xtw 1, .1.131 nsuai scrhat oeme,&W u imarice. we he .elit usqtam uow.aN. Y. Letter. . W.aah 40gm puef cfottaIt ac 4qutlttr sta te ouiiTb y ouf$i tnm fl I c'eio Dbri sse Te ee van ettin. 40 roe not em oraub agem i lli8 * WIaspriWOIUF th' k Inslrdê va>vrt e>le It. ltag e X.t l- il Te t es ts B.ac ei tthaiîe tai kma ti e tla thme I t is________________ Suv..1ua50505.tl ouiluWin te ia l to ne. èm Wb bbr V tfe . ond Ir 3 A band"ra. jagoBm'ayboadlst- z1 oMarkTwain, hene is entl frthoin.l dt;aaue esli stll. iy ba IghL AD b atick ire liN4 Je e pro ehimgm.effl dyral. lu 1 e qnsor tr n, *&It a vue, hlg h aS.t CCtatiIWD.sentès K . Lay, .Ibe isigu J. as rr?, desiicTe a o i. n prperey lnu efrmCl. q îmofp~ l uotaoedouIr 8 ail A lion 1fer. W@ ldta ?,r'p't a .0.ve1us.15'llane, 11100. Clnîes .Tedoit, M& Ia à I . oTe a pcie chavilet ciîgs af lir'it y fn It lde îulueltion equalliy ioasplauovî%. Whftia loie eMas 00OOfor a i vb-erfeopajfhul I can. What yon au4 nie Io do as often DP.USC1STSUUOBIE. amu ePuatkuag tw ite Pt a"a1t o <i.t'ras aiweliiva uprts.tu «IvMudroppp' rtt am batli homods Cé the frf5iàUmaubt M ~one-haIf dtMeis tines a week.lsree 174 IM DRZ.. e!ètr -it, 4 4:10 Ici 'l'ttapau lale hu I t to 1ersai Sla Ie fz the houm es a otmao. <Ttbus attev.wA FITO nuaut. vas ciiilI, bîacin aiSsit e. s.coacencSed btwfe.he e aramtu asfvbat teses, bmo paîd tliaI Kv. .rneîî bu.. itndretijetteras a yens! One.impulse us MNRA. FITO l~taa.t Ss to',ary. so olcr the:uscases of caimes vue not dus téo1l11»lte peatt« tes .lan.oamu.GaPtécW ta- l ey consent, but auue'aatisme anal ne-.......-h..r ..PuLI.IMRD ït We tun i-tti a ii l nraîand inewst l«_ is et estg 1Iela aa. tla î esasoeary occupations xii! Bot permit * SORPobl P.ifa tt a tib 1 W' ! tial ai a.the sirse.aggvatmei uy es*1ttm as LCiFa% mlowtaalIs ic eý purataaTeel oa u oacieul ei pae if(til<fihala taiibllon Tieroalàa ndoeuil liai vloalleus cotributl- ven 11ist Mpi we. maigno wexceptos, atli i a cill Oaunlaiuuî feh.térîa.' a crimes, th le amapamtv aat aîaîeakgnoecpiad1 à M ,,Wu laid tI il s eeels ti a ,hoissi luit tie demîtnsbassue vas lie A Bure iBnalwaîk Agmmintu~- gour attenttion tua dt lgwhicb Ias pro. u shit Étlit.Oilbr rpant iaitothendaloai, dw iseUi as'uv60"0&ttIsofe nxuo.abably ual occnrred ta yoisand tisai i%. -Toif liai -lat ti clab<%tu5t (oo vasof f.' e *Mt:,ThatI no m ntakes pkosure i lu'S BV LU E $ "qaec thit 'l *li 4'axs1 oti S.vitoosfo u fusgewutrp &se.ciitM uie aionthmen ituld a: a lec. er Ol ioct r, Oen a UtindSWt% i aPP tii. W. ltA". i tc llagsltfn ii ls but,1,0$faet . viisi, lis v h 110taliip lmdu« u e or y or.au'a puerwai M rtaiy l I, buanfd 1aed csithl et -l E lltodnt tid pyg eesn aa te la Ih8.1Wamltssee' a11, shing ia ton iemo" g i pian o lan s ecimno uTonehi. isudivri, ti %1ti6 1 txu'a: tonsa ti. dlsbappceîslthém vissa a lSi h e stctsi, nnlsseedsgasud aunasse tù seeno.. bsas- ,.. $80»itaa ild cgbutlu* to lfsoedamé Vbéom offr au. c aawucorpn. t.értmen à"itu t dueaiha 1 1.3a, ThaItu&all alesy intglieutuifsylua ibis cites vis a se ho" #deiMt asor i.sou*m1ce eotu te M aed "uudcauioumll.pire bas1 iim u"othàÛae, Id GH 'A usa Il ý4s>tavl 0#led r imee mnus-"ie of-staése M uItea eue .t lsutc i waofh kf lba stai.n I ti is unni vae ute 55. ot las but e.îi l i t I>bSt.tie Mm U ososlaJ.u', d1,ve.gulo I.l t lase imaào . ypevnuli er gnln usrWne. ta à EO Msalopsaaioti met tsaes. ptsî allouWb" s9uM er o.s es so.. a itsia5 Ium ls0"< b u ho usM" a dmitot tolsu.c Luè tfbnt of iaSaiudé. oewai 1amy à,TMl ifeny ai ve. h1iutel soolitig a. îu*0one - a.meuasasvus èè*t>uoi4 lât»ft*to l - ell a use o i. we luietls gltévfumnvmibau est, ais bu hsa A i h h urtwoeo h m Pros ' - ys eduseld ils dru seffl,%Iù% W*uo«aoa. wtii té X»w m ÏbduusMvas 0.uuh%4 liM se e Ie Sigit it t.bisiMme. T5elsI a.~e MF. PUMmi. nep u. et ie tit. . .1 phusi, as tasijiloyal pur- wuA osth u wIa drîtdu. mpt-g 001w11401011usuisbehase<cf NpDsucs i.ppuMss au s mss «asaie *m uaieii X buwr r OU IL~ us 5em Sb*ie bail ausi em ,mI t asata.eells s g- 1901111qo,*ma, ~ e s ~ Nlspoy.îs,.sm n*m fl ufl i, chaslsp iii Usi sb se 14 isa.ol là UN SMlais IM LU.I n tNOVflIl TAUE a MVT W Um IM . C> m- w -. - Lltsd=17 .làan. 17 lS"fLeal@ ot îa1vs eado tsas 'ai 3ripes'or &maiooser Gatp asrQurte Icastia___ L u&ee. 91,14; t.L. idmas, SuadeMrsWmls Masila ui M. Wehst u~b.AcI-u a. la-dàx à1týawb m Tour ftal W rkom~EL~YdKiTYDy 3L VAlrESBAIU IF L , Wholmia sMd neiti amtu aSU 111E T u MM MM. LUXB.ER9ILL ellupir AND WOOD. -Soie Proprioer and Manufacturer. ~' ~seO [10 CONTRÂCTOR i »BIUI LDER i i ftqii'yMl&dt n o SIAME»TIENDERS wt bu toeetvsdtl byieoderaiias4et amebS Ina raz c ___ r7 i ret d a y of ;a m l n eoetFnT Fo w the aNeieon Bud. omplou de a£eeut~ L ue olWaot kt"seS""ee i y ateo. l gf-. The Otavtnga and 8Spaclcatioa maaj' W smn OUtC ioi Ls !nurcL=..c co. os zi. id Ouothe h.tiuasobpanta i lis ds te aueawîaed or a nl n uidema.ofa- Mr. CtoUs Iarnranme Ce.. ate. DNALD A MA DIO.Sser. Lot l13. la La ar~i.")~ £ta.Tras 1&o0na tener a b maie at atuuaicanada Por--.ent Ltl,& n a "ago ÇA1e reederam te " obove tie WaSu.ue EstLo worka z'o. EraaUegL » TasSas via e rooie. TSi D11 stahbmltUio aTuder a»d aie pro » o - >= t & verisot a wseat m «t muitt a i te. I e saMe» ,ua iterest. "ce of retdsomon mmilTentas, <>11 -*,-e" .~-ietja. crr o. l _1saî oMd myelTiTm.sda siTr"saeeto reje« ndrMr WM. DLWFU2, LfSS.Mrah1 V--f T.lnagnuy. VaS. 10.lIMS.- M 4 A;clàl**ect. F'[U L ÂI'(îLAND ùLON DON Proo.rieafor Sale$ - _______FOR_ SALE__Capital ...... ...........~!.. Opa lncr~.~ a l .. ..... atm2.3f ~ cm ioM .s . Rates sud o 1.;ns ' , X .s any :he.r re. ls tt ~ .105.prompt ! !ïl ~T[.rt::î..-- 6tLU scaxiil w- o 1h ;euzàny îaxiýtin ~~a~o uIt SURiT. pttual scurity aguinutbz-. W tr S b «8cu. 0ares.L&P~?I!!? r U.1 titscom. 100 &MMa,.Amsr%-, c-e-'. < i 1 o r wli hont Veats - ~~~polkî ha l.ir. u:'. It'.t-aih biUStOastS4er.ta F. C. Ti.ZLO it, rht U rd 00%nlr V--nrls e IlbS33rd co uG 1(10 - .M& .. .... Ir t SM s o. $3 0acras zzoou. .ALV lsutter et iu..jag ic=toc. bI~ ~ ~ ~~~~~M T£1 e.10ére(lic(ameros '*t. l.eeider.te,.corsas pi. h eou,124ace.GO~E10:LA , Iii Ti Oa.100 octas il of S kt fi. IStb ces.50 am'Orsecst sra M&&cm. K Mils la te 10*Mu 1<,0f lii r,-» ?. Al«s a lotu nuuus.ar et sir alobi pou e for maisoete r#uuL. A lm*@ 5iUutM 1N8A. . smet t., . tao iIwa-miramt". Llmima. Ot 1 ~i- le o. ut- H PRINS. ____ C m". " t h e & M o 'e utJ Il,'? " ..N pou Rit 'a Soavin Cure OUI4. PAVIN C RF1rl RR LX8E À. Im iL ginbe m fm1 )lisse r t. wMWu TEE ra z R AT omea,0 GOUGH A.ND COL» REMEDY Cure UewSfttfl ~a.CoUilte. Ce14. .Mmm mlmmmmm »ttlr e t,'.«. Uo=oc.u-ae.il S ELUNW1 .L, Nov. I Zn. Mrta.. ft» e raiseu. lymZen- A. HIGINBOTHAM, Druggist. -ec th. - - Uimm MMIIL E1m %OA MIC amy os*" fo hr bum r eu&- LSwbh To ir. SPAU SuWNaM CUsuCeream. bysUa. G:I bd ltmy ameUmylThawda.e lai jour KmWs i5. bav sa 'maly4vsbsnssja a SOLO Br di u amlim FIllE OLD RELIÂBLE BRICK «L TARD.-utab!iabad 1660-1 bave sow us Seu Whh 1 vl seni et lb.' jot o% Sele Wr as the Conanto steious r woir vieftas. ny brick fer color omd quaSl eaaitb. bihmu.JOHN WàAEElNC"O mie.,Dec. 3& 1M7-?S-iyr. -IGEECT CASH PRICE PÂI>0 F<) Thie usiu!tsneSar e rmsetepty ftae MMUT 4(AR II RCE !fr IwmU astm utntrcidfflbthe atemi Imprý"auv 5 le etmfor the manufear:tnrae t FL<>UE a" vS li!are I lIedua. vi m aemg don»aa l tlues.m USBN a CAmpatEcLL, BECAVERTON art WOOUVILLB Nc I.-Dsloehuie aa pecimat. M~N W4INW. W. LOGAN9S Sasi aj Jwp~#PJ ORU&ANS*PIANOS a"4 zzbea. wbo are tntatà'o ee ~U U~ "~ ~ lAmwfr jd b m akle ta tala. saI PalW. W. LOG AN, ý 1 1 rmm A BE3.t _______WE OYE TO LIVL. WOD rLDISOVERY. BrltiAianf;nCoy Suad Carefullu and Act WiaeI,. gEmi y.i..me LIvu cm b@ AIE PRfPARERTu8 WaALL KIHUS of saisi by a"s cm. CL bsnCortmucm' Lg Sr' GEANfle N D u) YINC AilIJJ~JuI in. Drn Good, Cloas, Jackets, tNbML Xe latersa!, Lâce Cur- fS 0 1"tains, Carpsts, Piaio Ccv- co. Muai.OnLSu j ~ ers, Gczita' Cibng, iu"Luu. eath.tera, Rftbcn, etc.