; oeT. &Y.. VKERhlrauv mm m~ %ME ci .tsu Ito@ emo êod.vn dsY&, f vm l Iw nWk4» u t bsedapeed ftil ISUthe bleod. And f tms atmegmbmg «Mettloasud facîltl off hébody, jMelit llsisd slow tale offthe lo. iPo se n* f m rhavee. 'n ltrnisltIed4 fiflili.~ ~1is~g~.r nrvérrfo11104 any fhlng te heIp me tînfil 1I beg<n iaiinq Ayora ar1lJIriIs. Ilhave ily îus.( lIetd lot fronm my troubhle., ami elialbled M ttf'111 ur.-J. P. ctbrznnU, 80 pmtIIng rhyll 0hittilhe swè t Irative amiulbl. Ayers Sarsapariffa, PIMIUX>5 pWUD<C IADNaDVS glillnf.ceff fluhe lright kithen aM iwhiffs offletit i- ii-htf'nti4ttgau.airt urus Guet'Mr~'. Joe luiuîlit iuas's l. au 1 fiuieoluuut'laîu-lil fîu iuuc i. tlixA 1"m ft ifiida mcîlulr iut' ci trillav Ilght. if oih ii's-i ë mifrurat Fff ipps< ~ing ynol.r. I1 lîe i'o i lacsrit tiat' i'.Y, cul uui- -l smc'fa'vni'sa' 1' 'fit it licitaitin à o~i. - auy fottitai i suiula..ital su ,fi il Jrutu. tf i ilta'iaa[uîo'-4 îvuuiug itur e moy fiiri striîggl.'<i- '.-ti'r. aat ht' vaalaa quiet ss .-' <if huoîisiuwas t4 I-vii'r fi lit'lirst finie. ci gra is. h u:a'iuu t'ai 4 ti ifit54 i sae<'uul i'the o'f I, 'rsaîî4î.~r i w- ti Iut flac'utauîî.lig a'ilt iinn îlsy ved iahhuit avie uoffiv'r inî ~iav.s'a Fin"Iih o rut 'aaf up la.'a 'î ia'e'uî chîair tItitcfit ataîî.suain li lii fireliglîf.Ai t f la" riniie'ttcota ner.viiriti Ivit tit I 'a i'rt 1ue iatNo.I w'scn p l:qfl ha itr< ialsi t o- i I hasaf i e :t 'tliat'i i I ut' fli'c. -hi'igî li' 'haar i:u w:itb t1'u ls'a o11uttht i ~i f ý i itat. rar. itaw0-0 - ". i Susfeit-îtas an ti l Ie 's-ra 14'a,,' .'aic' "l. li f- ý le \ vis- ':rn il uIli-, i ii scl Fihitt' iuo*-l-iah '. lli 14a i saluimi l - i ho' i'is ii -'ukug liîît.I- u tîiig li la. i-' t- ý I Iitvdf. Iuî I- - N a i"i s fip D i ls l vua I-,' îau - l'a ia'at af.- l ii If et hel aaa'if la i ei î!l l-'uri i a let . lua iu <vi uauî- i' f'i"i li v fI.' a- aui -ia ' if i '-11 rr ldt'a i'Il . hi- i s- l Itaii <liî lut a -j- louut~ t i a ' , ',I îuauiî n'ai t'e, Ille t t~î.a I' o -- - k-'lah lidl's t'iu , i u. n 0ae1 .'n' 11rif I-t ri, ni t 1i ef. la14 i - i z ..,iî' i l ( w lîit i'f- i' jau th, lu-r s il i.4 ura"v tfe .1 Aî' fu'ane u va'î-io fife. l iait .11.-'1 Oi . 4 I - 1al a'w erIlyn I1.1 * illia i ovr'ali'iiu1.li ai ~ 'f liii atuu.-r uoi vîtr af l 'ia.ibi hit if ltp* If itu l li 1ai 1 "~li- icl i ' i i Ptilait f 'ilr.tlita'u' Vlai -i-a lkia' Cliw' lie lim-'i 'va' l l' -tut-' h. I,t'ui I i4î -i fl1ic f'uat '. ut,1Wid I.u 'ý' 'a lim.gir ' iii. gffie..f - aislaaru. 'a'iti flia-m.- if, sltigont' thcfierus-1'l ' iiuil l a î'v ierlu WIIp. tc lut'sr: clw t a bo . uuasc'r i sud in aff.<'tlî'tMc heum f-fl 1«1radau tuunî t fu iolu i 1<alg.mreroctame tuc!lt ici atm oe~ face.0 Mait 5h tLa bmadI Ne ud te, *ml bock b b S Ch *u te h m bs aeu, bTmh à~ windows inth. .veu% u g *W*l md dbs sleL Ti t >n he road ail daY',inu Ch ai. htwu 3<5~ mm r ei h.famllY mlgbusChai*a* phltlU if ~ pin»*9li t K bu nilugalin d relief sud bitberrsaàg le is th IIf teask rnitdmlansb Ouy jorludu ando adUeh.mol ev«of ometicnm n d - " or. l..Mt.tg MIW "M, 9h Bu" Lii ee tIOIEIkio utm os ut uaulalugm pw m et biseju lh-t4llu fo«». inhie'o0" long failm, h ui ico i odCa IJoe's sbeady, modme Mt. u D t.alaatrblc:flusa gead Md madden hlm. . ipad»Uay 1- bu*. MbahiattU as. o<or hi ceseMud Ccplan. for Winny o o:paulm me ale in u .o ansd lorecoold into morbid, sRonfl o q 5 hW u<d wasu mon e.mma vemmobrauo. e.fai hfer Io hlm wusnw fle.sathmda~I namrwed down ho sceee-.4he hblddea shasuge Cht hilluaiMmentetu Creaar~1'ê itiecanW o f aVarice 'm i o iSifleaiber, ausuiw1 which in the boy-il original nature wmeuas fore c stî oba*ccs bia.tt'etp- lueenqitipmlble ap the. lepious spot on th .lrO vvepsia apv adaley walaioftfile 'Jowls dwelling, hegm liisue bot gChaplad -ho b. d.eu f0 slowly est it~a deadubo yng ,dStandi Ihc, cuml. ~~ sud j hie toueliab>8 &ut Tihe danuesa, wbî t lie a history whlch we hbver noMinM" hie lglit duly bik.', dosa bebind hù 16 follow miuately. Th* lad uw» a h*e sin i 7h; CluofItk, sui bra&ve, ga!lacet1 candid lad. -Tii.' lovec aUUgiilt C.brooficn mony ceea o may'sucb h ., h k. <i]umiMm .;-"hoirof darkilettasd col a prasteon strd hi., eahngaiThm twu »no af ult basa'.basting of) henteafh. à poisonntand ottn.Ym- heurtnecy wlth whlchC.oug eau findm sh young mni nin .'v m- "P -haDo luSvtoiy. eoroiwa cm r et.Jnard, chut by hie Io" roft1 de" at asevery mnove which vou diramati.,e fef'cC intn tua s elittuderfeu sa bave hrlli d ith iuscrlpb. -quir îl ctim. For the tiret yearir tvo ww baynuoi e usd t plal n bà 4i@e _out.frete, Cime brickes liaving sunk into àeb lu fb.'Ù) evenin*eveh cf imeu . segropud.on bisvy.T mtuing houmai. equlntac; but the OMS lamiWel ideiba oenarow rm. nt .1dvî'ntutre encanpalhed; whén arngatoeltp aa buit al! veyto t 1n.ie Of 1hais4ewn tige. ie igray beerd and rSf.Thmâ*vi awu skinolhu , ssndtreble Wbern.' oanieM i e su ý o«' rrww tihabrovn az Aisgiisting t6 him. YeC h.' could flot 161 bl)de olora! funiegh»& emlh pu.t oe t-hein of. and o surrender thte sUtt -he. lamt.'iu, bi na Cum andgi tae ~'whîiruChut' en.xt daýy mlght ylekLd. C. aj eeai ute u o t d Fo fil(th- ides cf h.' tresss. ure leew M&'ê lhiiidcewdn g gro'w ike a noitions living thing' vithin s Thre wemeoablackleteers on t, whic hilm, devourng ail heslthlew situri .s" pou lowhy: Nft ngtla. 1fl'ueanî'hed in ol bnocks for! TI odedf mal estatein Liverpe ao'oxut.i c rto'vcr'd uhtes su uhudol ueonglng tu Cher BeaCh famly. "J baver a plaS in . ievorld." g&%p the ElRnglisil law en every point tht .Omrd Jk O .putlng te. old Met. soîldol e. aîlto'retfher.a H. t i -the! hio ffoi masthough ithlai! beauait là»iil t fliidltiw. That voreliy, bon- 114 thing. <er. iafte'm' the eieond ycer of Urusucc fi etfort, aîupeared t-o have murmeM's ail hotiutu f s lire's:luforwarded regu hnirly te sniu-1l su-nu due.' ,He Iath for hig Of the lilise -a uni sufficient ho ko.ep uaiive-bîCowsd te even iuquire as tt) thl# Proagrexs of hMis 5.'5ch. ln a Iblaetk papier. 'lhis t mrotance' sfmîgTecuaarîl with, a. cerain terrible' rlin. f iidliow wnsChe' cly m"sawho knéw his ro'lnai ne. Them. querherhy. k'liters %w-i li(f hemfew words inside ho Iuîafil heCu"w'rtbtsle hi. Ca heltl hiq le ni slwif l'eute lie fellnw fluen. .Nouwtfiit wsclit 1loose hé was 1k. one Arterrtiant t Iii ank lue could nover have; h4qi .1a f Sda nta' man. tmn entirCly titI fil lit. un id,'Ca ula'tt4r antitranuple out ut.- oitl i uttru. Thére w&q, howevevi îuaêttli in bis înaolneea. The. preiema IMI WIRs>i:ki.um .:TI.m NI li1u14',ai kauî',w la(ntI been biuitjthe WIIBmi PELDOUT %OWLY. huifaî<son or uxeazr thp original Ha liesi Ho turnéd pmeiently' ti tnt up bis kin haoau'sesil.'lt' ~ot-redayhrmuc, hee-t«»..The Ba" èwMs dniven (oit atuddc.r for* t.,fouil(.' M.cret vaumt coui fot b. "luy a rtush of <'nd air: timer. vwas uaaail.' a(al% îî'uuouvcol froni it. Beginning isnun an cf dLitnthunuder. ThiewaUl iri tho calu.' muîujeo'ed every- foot tut(if the. tunnel 1usd fahhen hehindlii! hi irca -iHavn i u ar re cf Chie hlieuse e as burléd in alivinig grve! -ibrulbing.tîacl oigging. Tht' ground vas The o'hurch bt'liietaegai oning. Il If.l.s ix)uusihde(to gima, h: culd xar theuu,' ollled anti sweet, thi fIa' :ailag îîisou f-ît'hus.Olilgetto nmeoh hirm. Butt it was worth rerdwing w. rk u'orthy, andl Muueof i thue C n.' i hiat hronghu the 'final polo and-olutrro- .iiht. if- k4ui n wouilr hat ycm passa! of the, night which *s.ttled dewn u1pos wif l him tai'tk yat iiflnishied, .hlm h.' heardCthie blirds twittaering ini thi A lllld'sit int tothe nature *- ta'eeaerhouad. hm.rd tih graeshopper (if a grc't'dy, aaiiîes. ;polypuis ah ontun. hirp in Choe grausi.Threwere voire Ilk#.mufiill. Tiiere wo'rc Cimes vien resched hirh. tirmavoirea which Iii( Jecinuud i inthu ramue iup eut of the plus longhec-n iiient.- Roc.. ailing Coi hi t iellow, <bey ini wbhie é.diîg, andi baby, NWiimmy tsiing atiniod Scotch le m.f'os ~fanig il illeot eyen dcown Cie ment of wikh aube. nce vus found.l. .411u1111%. In'qs or grme dotted vithu golden knew it, vas but- the.delirium- of cul tlauîlilua'.,Or ito, flacciduasicy lhes of thounghu.ts tnnclainepd. iunruuedh>y lis wilI fortce. trtc'e. tluiî httt hlm in. lié hâd But tihe aus net his eyeua four h. trw iu'ver. in ii as li'et uiaaiii'tq. ben a nman tii.' for many yeau 14) é it îutiit'. or eotgtuia.itof hprsecrreto, - Three <laya p&vass.' and Heath se yc'f tf-. wî'iglîca iluAl linu nov e sens. l4veol. The. candles -h. hec!hrougbh Or' b' si-ffer hivimîg falen l PO% Chie n<uurite ho'i m fer a ime. When Cîwy lit» ia iiîuiauttal Ly sonm unkuevu ruile- er'm- .' e to>wn passiva. He *.'p wlaia'h lie <'<'ixd nev'r regain. He held the tCëross n lu lits l, Cht hoe dtm w 'îhl wak elily about awhile. as te h!i inepcrtl h.' wcbuIbti li . e t auflie xit Il suriiy. sait vrept huaek toi iis dra«e hinmfei p and rawied hoCthe dle'), -1as114- tionglit.- te die. Soiu' , val! frcam whismce th« draught.raàue4, interituatetîfê'vor lianit nappo'd ail thu. Tii.' eshnsai hgblY heap.d; h. oteaared (,r'ugîaili a i lalu. hlut nuu1e Cia bin- 1 eySId tmf d pasae.1hva, la Mouun aipliîysician. hfic hélong. f"e«oufh COP iW Ut lstIlbua HaCh vs Cc uuîgiailit' h lait taiclfor Winny and Joe m u fthe Ji -'losars't.ol hert auke Ce o ttîr 1e og .nul lu huai. înt- l flue iiuuing hi. parjius o.,m. 1 flime n vos bt oflmetreumin lu 1f- Mbmsy ma of bhgied vina &UMb i i wpnhth. If Chlat vas ouw-whàt M bblais fae *. C h em hm.iie msss lgui dmth uiitte? aummmn*,.u u..,.in A.. . ik.- VeC. d 'ia ft' îning humitm er, _ rid' hit fvs'. ftii'e in iL4le nd eareh uua-ceI to mitf for hiiru'alxithe sun. huait maslep-n l ii. mran in truarl. If- vas luy s"'ii.at at, Chatsucccas mas' Crun lini. H."sais gropiuug cune day im t lif.e ecîar toi' <'cutI, wheu r- i.Ql igd fti Ituose *tene, ant Iltat cf coki, dauup War meët- luim O*n. u eovu'lg Pm u a m h iair iermvîv bfr'ked pasae vasuv- l'ti4led nnnin,«uîulrgroum&d kut am*U wue Only AhI.' Cc îw'ne a sfew fret. uhper Chue motl t ti n h&4t kil. in. tnd lie wm t k ef ré @aMoid wm of rak and -mil lx harae efr haw A, oes'é tory« ls sru'ne hbelug Om, h nu sudCh. c hxui vhlc'h him lig h pinugr#ma. l tler iluef#9- beka hie ferra! nà wny th"Wg kllamujr, UWitb'D e-MM M "IW Wuj me u 1i1e hf«M aiatuâda i nathm&eS., -IAenssI asChc1pOU t ct bamk tu U thbo.ka.4 aooa=iaquolut ad- Lin!5m igh o ul h d A , lit. ru in à* C W cb»1 0 1 M4- t vm a ovluc ".l teP ui aa V a ' m d n e l b a n o i p o idn.flCrumb abery' wmr Smi Sbot* avi gw*n. i il om b m dlm e du You1»g yuS udkSw.anTo m TyasUVUEIT 0WM pi ad ou ae at orp ", lokWp, bo. I Ta yle tll "i n bnd W matoTom&TyerAtfU&aM m. &bu lat &t fr m wy y &, ug ~ct Il, uid tf %IWOi yfoun anmd egily "YourUmmSughto auhmowzmmy m1 i ed______ IW~ ~~~~~~~id ff un or ltewul h. iue4 4Yye . ]d'oeft oedta& las ouy f und tii. f atan o pkS abocd"to»SiMont a"t.AuduatW Nue lae ud d e re Wm y' budclie f t he fo h , flot' mben en blu bhis à ith tlook il -l hom M ouyforth. le&»RMng±l idIa' hom ito h.quet atrebUehid hih " 9 w8@M th tyou «miglit haver lot00 iV fohuan 66 fm woeU yoaUd feflDo wiNRFLrSPOWDER SH *de________ me waa str an d o le t MMe TL»M ndhedewT MY hn OltBaaybutI ee ou p hae no ntingt N HLS ARE WE ce h g si wi m lroin u t r iî theiuQ flllG m ftedle. 8h i. ikelt fla a ki____ __I__ _____ hointo theLuit nature LUhUz ti pt, upOt e, forail yourcmiheuhav Ith EWwa wati* ung . lii b tout lierthi hi neift. ybonba lharhoeetweem Frost SGU ashRIDoES, SkateP s.O *y-EARLA uaedasszage Glasse-o ~i4 WnJ a iddHe. Sto e abruply, dto oowr uo ïm; ý bout, 1 suppose, forhi.ouhec!,ifor 's :Lkilg the lothea. IW tii. ere a m tii. fam- plyd agMter werecomguth ewalk FOlv Rw' a C o t hcr athc's b.d eng.tI .bavke t ou lt ilier HEAQATR Jois d' o usa.l , GlsIFrst Sah' Do.s, Sates. th~ i Smel Thay r R topped in , mltheupe t ü. 10tm p h lon an 4 le ' eleafr Td aTy ler u d .the fr hS"ad % .a R CE B G rid They bothe loe t e ! e a ter wes om ifflculthefor ti file .!rom the potato fied.ne dowingthe radSt ofti. llaesam-R DTH X T N. ki .Olirfthe eKr , tieihe giredflat.badbeen FOR f biscompany tien, tho ugh ylt he - r c r da ntri w wt use B r- _ _ Suauelttiind, -thasbevn on mymidtoespet" ri kR ly ah et annn thosnnv lnen the sla»wg ~ u eare, . awcnM. yr ee bu Md .neansfllngo brthaply ferlE yul Deer gme f1u1yrthecbueReD TE n d othyfa e an siingbt i k herir l ouo w ebo att esybave scood be- slep toethe-in tu fi. i ng . inu n d e t ]l ou'e n on my m d e ll5o to,4 cM s g .D , . 'u b o e kitchean , tbey wer,not o>nconfidntial n fuh.I arnlot a isu fé ma w od, ut. terme. am ne Dail ,wnhe batheey onyn O u ld aivn't t e t h ter cihce. ~ W Ol8 8 h th fan aiyfwad snng black w auitry yue nft w eehe buttlv en, ave . odber- olthegoid ng ays t in f ele formpara- day.wee yu t ke e foam ehusave tive Faringer, wly'4he.it emed lowkelytCopny ogethe vrsneIODn UR I L ul d uplat hum mordbie iy sthg ame "LarclayDe!!" arm.d th g rWtaJvIeW IJ ? ~~..J.J K_ rl'the prevond uier dng, aned a- mt ee Taked you foamh and, 1ed $1d, gerokninnatebo i yeexs of ar n tooyoung tkow mary tliong wjlle o * » o b age. knced a teyarinr ilarncoay s door eaiL I m nI ont n omy wodi4 Dry'. L4q, u4nnbg r for> The f arrne rat huon til-heoand fadI holdn't e m.ateyoaudt up « there arc Cha t dnnyeraud when hi. wftsees c'hesbtt1loer fo thofusie ho- M Ca 0-QC, uo a, BUi za 3O dl n Z , ec gza'te noth gwaoting idhiene f opra-' es- yaWile, sud"- jmfr amaLa soé rn. He aa Sn. t o w rnfk-a isH nerutdhr:'ui. aae-y~'~ needed spateh ho nudoe hiva th' 4cou rt . D alu e"y itear gl wit ng N GaE 8< R Y L 'Y oan Dle 0 ra cnnihceai er, t il let sean.6à oer ian arry bady wth too isH'pt Cu farnîl&« e ! Tayu offin a orh. ouave n.wn e! ->s030EZzZ -5E md x ont tcc'w man, bluistjoko'uu. f.1am long oug t lar your sonw mdi 7 .U5St.IL..M oeWIlgo s jCa>.Ae. hnd offeld t sowehuiuwfor he ter.jRU abotme aysou mattae Anow o f *Ire.Z.amgr Mie arp wtok it d. wjde aW.-lI ake fIehow, uet lnt m g. ___yon____a___._________ w 1er ç;«u p hat v --mi he hi w eancsure yen r for e thofg e o ea 4 b~sea h e tk.t lx 0arn o a b ourB xd ý o l i ts e c u ta t 8 ino. He ai.'smartlvthe arm ra.>nmm ent Sazneliaer:IneerSprise. have_______ rnte e d le word-loe h i - outyou, aud yebap Iwi o ngr-i.~ i Saue in a upon the gnint ricang. who, "ot l! lit, seeaithe a ryg M.INGLE & P REL e i t whurth a bywoutl et-aoler hg ongu. beng ly. afte r oin mini"" Wsei b n ho fwer riL4un Ch ie ehri n atee Yoarsmuât tn ae . arl SUA V 5 a handuloknhigodronle'htyou goustplme flehtoo.,y* AIE O~ln Af , ar pe rmrt« e aw af lor w,", a Iarvamareyou ane fehear*o fthre f. Imenid ainerB ng glance ho at weor e Olié*'sh îwn, lu ng 6toreys no.- Fl Srngh vry f n atton *tetht'smple c ottrgrl "dy ohI ned te toit!? uhave n'igt I~aB n« Tenw h andiuue nolessaungeor 'n Chi eate ince the ay Catin tIIR0 nrSE D pno'. res dngig ielogles ro h. ot gnamue .lîer' Aou.? Ad b.. ESERBEOK P[4. FFIC SC tht' kiteen table f haxis I trust D leIn, d th ouglî youd Eoyrqils mCuiFr(ogw - n tht' M en-onk even in he ou knw n eCilogt .tae lha .T9,ABES AD PADt itgftor eupon e gltnn gees flew6'cmer. yn cxie a, d t You oung FORN LÂBE L C GI ahS Cie waxrnp, an<l Th oaHo T er atr om btery. -Yofae. b k eep* erted*in In refnk .ll ofatrusng the uat froa biS I tl hestined ! na BaSHOTRÂN BOKSare E u LaUM. Iinf il oth mi ning a fip memh e ej a yIOT bjin pe.Brrdte tliay l arlier dotluesaryama o n y eado t e mmh"ard CvaL mMS. f8 9 18 P whie Sul lewen o lan ho i - notisag PtmCOnàWpBOKSetou Baby.ipdm mi e onWhoprh.eeuwhatunuil Ns yoas. ras goî a* thk ma. QFII6?kifi tran t &rgt m"8mi n w aen. itharudol.pn cit e aj igap £i .i ovoa abSi. ai na i..( 1leMi-anhilerowin 'e.H.Dale siàmp" htle u iedoU. Cin ~ctdytatma et IWRmmurheDssJflopst i.Efl e F eZNIEE Torh Iri.tdaginr aehxai lo'ep iiihis fi byin Ciitlcf hurAd. . T A. SMETHEREgSUPLL, Irthre ugh-inal. wI tutdyuMadisgityudLMPAteFcaohs. __ Onte3I I eêig hnou kowmse teyo longh ta pts.ttake it a v I. KMi.t. piTA B Nv'oeor 1)U ch iir s t t h e tsnso mn w.fu i pon ewropsred t.' turuisbn Luniher azid sjed« lita thl e und e m r ye r. te bfr m ey.Yo fal75010 Joueai su 112R t«oeBr.iIItII< "nie. t wnLurner "- t r fI l w a n t h o > k n h o rthel o gedou sdt f ms < l c t r s . stsv sie .t(h s m I , jji t ia . v. .d' 8 R U i . K L k t c L i.I k o 1 . i- Xt f y t r. htm ha . vouldu'uaivea lxy seat i_____igrM M _________________ Uàrml;r Iiim risp bick en s, aswinetht C rrcy AR uxan i su . r m M W. e z B r a s . i v r o n c , , re join g tme Bheta inth e o <n? xsrx'.fsuryardhsllam k kt "lieh WhtistSauly" i d Ch.' ut o Iduspyt r fhe far-ee aur abli .ae - 0<~ y ean whei1g wih t.rt. Yo re'kn a v PlmdIsnihee t ot a noue kmw300 mou" 1.soaa e'Dler p tl n it d w t edn't ny amw »ho maries s ber.ui pedp eomt' m to.a. ani ' m bent a nd forl a mar u inhemoway wt*eheen goin on w i Cacen a i u so Unn di ems m 0 aau udI s .l e. iedllicA"114 'yrd.uw cm* 'obtln'..%ney.Hewb inll,.d . SUaI fu " S î' nuOthe 0r grvhs hahes idfi .. .. q- the.or L Sm Lt.n.'dder lot inouhd -%nnde lue h !à.t pice o lu e n« a ' t u mpe mr i.dotas.ho vU -5fitUsi<ton teWtDowtatio r geen yard sleping dewn to t-i.dw O for -- -sad h- avoti.IiomplaS..a .t Ola - W.£ t1595afli 0d tg reoolve trm a mmum~.s. Orne of mesuis ve nts In 4 ebu en5 u.baudfus th *.m ebank bebind Che fan liue.S1» .',oàsa uo amaI tm1 qer me. va cored by tilm voil m thbweaiai. » ns.umgh tamk wau cômpleted, sudtCime great.round TàiYWUR a T£YLOR, Fra, KMIma"m.o e urte ns D L b aket at lier kie wu eaperd igli witb. ca n nt. £e .w"ega Il (lSw a 015out m isa.. C h.' s o w w h ite lin e n. H e r c m p a n i o mi s n o q a j s I a P e i r s d p e t - M d - 117 F m y tI _ _ _ >wax takng dow thi.ie, whe h m VA n ipr2r8"v n t :à evaurc >ly, by a dfeeroUtmovemnent, lie Chrew a C amuho mmd vuas Bmswause Cam.suandhiaS us __ col over t he gbi hei. badh.' sld nà- Uto FEREZ 2101.W« o free %«be à w u w -plai" h s,o eo tuuus p mmuyd uft nbluimaTr s utia ZauN.MILm -81. P O W W - M,"h aseaobaubS«e itr by' ber 1augblinge blhubng fac, e, ami Ch. W ia azk Lutabu&.THE COGK' REeT « hW&- y t t d n m t i n c u i e s p l e h m e h o , s iM & S b w . m j s a vil . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T HEC OPSP .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wsad berepto. Chat "hewu ou&1amDo UWU-gjeev.wvs m Pr e~ l. ling prImoner in hie gruoqp. Thomas TyfW, A su . Rl5oLniv et à& Prsuuisd tiy ts _______ bcolding th.e MMsof the zr%».ia bi nà 1Lr1li-v AD imicL eawomo, ed bhm wu* .ablma ailà. 5 hV'juin rSowwmn*fle" $Dn.@"86.MINERAI W-mmmv laSuà"mud bempwgm sià»immi Muatl&dpou wludlug bisou 11r.-moi W s hn.w=â c bre6 . ciaai» that MW Md s mw-l Dets ntbammmueal e RËLsi ~is. css U thp b»' -crn-4 Z tWrN1fts b nftm -"m. M a 1» mu tir au Gs. a »m £5 u u .. mma ___ __ __ __............. . Rub ... ........ .. ri 11 -us m- 4W t a a o0 0 W m aUsum v ï à. i w Caé m16 mil»u-7= fi Lt 'p j. ?~"I