la-., oi 1.*61 UdBsole MafOUO. s. 1I~IIT~~ j tom à te Slevp vhere. U~ shoWs. t! VOLtYILI XXXI. wnori ~ç<>* la , l W5 A : V 5 -- A -- A -- ORS. TZM IB & SON W met Umm v azurr 5.711 affin er m rmu i a a"o w at, mdtfUmlaiare7asmha f0 fotaSutrIrpaa uh - -~ 5au»Mu& a la aWlo 11mur ouSma té MHair einfadiefavat wlth Pee u EgFi~Rafe h opia zo~ 'THEIR NEW STORE IN r4ssaluoBter. lièht5 ab i" &The Prso* Mosbr oamNTIE r~oo OPPOSITE THE MA KST HO USE. ~ ~j . WI ihi lUsiUsabouWbleue o k hu m atu ste eh. omsit rea Sis 4" t isam l 8Ebas6 z àis &a ntc th ssgo u y T 16494Mvu t he lb. n.yÈ,Bcrafty = = What th e g m m ea o d Bt h. n x me t g bi g l by .n te*~ -~ hsbai Jas har=,whielis homus tdm B ot put- fats a plaeinhbol pookeiwt eletedte tteîw Al1T ~ ~ ~ *mWMa m" »grael " ho. tshoue steas Irstasfvearegard, Lt a s slgatàpiitt - un III I ___ eg~Beu& CI6 npr miodmes the tUmme 8!r Joha Themomn'.propi, aakdx atmeigbiglsb.a oag U U U III ~ ~ ~ ~ n.m~~oes se ~~ ~~ s=u the o prpstahm et old foiaud s u thttheNkS he bp he akt y l w.. r «~~U 4 I W =â e e u g & r @M M " weu l & ed b t u te r Ibi s i t i m carne n u n v n o b ~ o d d k v w S 19ululait, v iat tougua 1t d a b at.. su d proP Medinge Peteap srootPèrtbavpepow erotherrtlanW anar 9 l uhSit m sSWhoSBe lVsBil eduin t hs end pose mhéal . hosaerraiof.Dni.esra o oupoericmlt burring o e usally t ths ubuiahMuu.. ia R& UaamuiIan i5 B OPffliOaem t Mtbua hat anguse te d et h. rmt b adaeuio àIklyb rumt -~~~~db formsr 98R.1MYT011N1t=4ofybu;tisa cld r @all b&PMSè,but 1hTb 02% »mat» ndep. lpw.Tsheoubjetlrn sv mTme - Ndu»W" dIls thau pus er, taaIartheaoio mn aoter yla c e~L.ZDÂ 6O&D0 RD peumit_______ em___________a m dW tedmedt E risblvas nd S athr 1emaditagae Dr ONa tîe0yend arm is whator MM HoM NcoTu.ssld odrivehm bw 0ftmt but holrd- Jouff thé pearr ie tha atePEItT N.'A P>I--OK0 WC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . M o cr n e l o e rouipthéb. ciusS l.c m ld te umtsthirfois la sur&IIIS l~TaMILSIVC N ~~--------on-but--atis n tas i x__ 9 k esi ttepopsilgsa Vinn. M. Mc art, reo tlb, LEJ BU . ILL ST tF LA E NS uE NOLS m ke t p ontbl a d ess £ads maeNus mus-ýeodlaeftscoa ~ o ee a ider up 0 b ,aned the alléve oaoteDii agnmerrmme1wrerert TineiSde bill boasi buemot.Sawammoerenu dlahatviii babathek. anrbfa *~r if you w i le t US. soibedNoribveet.Ther tMe tre r a up ir J onTC méal sMapTTE s pone aonie h aadn' aaoe psropose.e 5h tai. iPIvir 1ittatffcre Bfadatêr l. innua repot wa nuseed ai5adptmi "vsmndmuterfat e mt sUmmiL pole fr5 uieeynuema wevea h searea. TUE PRE01 the S ÂDOI1E8S - & 4.5j.m assmsac~ e lb. lufoblnguag. fa h t he éu nimea oft e roposat le. ela- wCOM3oe MrCAI ....fRPrtU..TEhyhe bea 1hcLg8~~Dadc *flavivy T" .14 Sedte iand stckofEPH IVItrtBraUns DEmR. vvtac Wl u t du ito pt.vlaWse sithe ommal nue f miimes " of r. ttle tola. uT tilbilitw bave nthiOn g bu tIReZ» iIPLOC rd, rprt r rbfe Cash. ete ixirti ortfrcare ný yhmi Lney adftatblearneeuss am -g.mimuftl 50 Snqt*àe% brkloatWe ixe amoTEofte MuaPPaE*V- GL,,-»s 1tlgtep tunl f9 1. saillI tBLveeira à1sTiavo.te avatg s al i i . k uIspeho oae o dition of h o uatr dm1 swttb t t uîo bae e OFF m mtUEu t a x *1-1 -1.. 1 yourfavor Paics.are of .Msdîy, Syl.oeuodeml cf lb. lu the bol o a dtee d t h oileM «dreular meeting c to vuftesbena1 arer lpopeîyc h W. A. Goodwn.___ _ _Ne Advert1ae~ enta. raonsatiBotsn o =B. M=" a or NM Orns. a ac. I e otbve ta mate agraa.ahcetr uaieabln aanunotcntn tru hi 6.EÂDQOÂRTZRB MORTOAG~ S.~. go, he i.y have alwy en usabl re The Ottawa cg ie non"l Sub theNiai .Th tpeudohSOCOk hr.brprsaîtemg afr o 1 ice byvibu c Ie avr f ia~j4ylany Mbied a.aumaiemha"lamtheNt'ji. LOC L au l ulgte be er heLnra or Bel*t MAI an d -VTUI e FI the b'ý¶orouet i Im in oàaie c e d se va t ohe hB manTS rma bl"sisfr Ilsm"beait-hyami" ni aa .vuime.I olns - a en aeisecac o h timat ImiMd "mlitm mkouid for oive y muytllned, ,haveurthbamagone Chrpw' Hte, he Vilae f rig lo g ou ne prone voa th ros for à ment e vas ri ::: forillwuou *teudily institution ÂRTIST'$ GOODS a Speiaity'. Victosia Rd, nor»,an Eaglaîm apaksng apts- tora Sfasacl c0a cImmigrtin t 1cmING 1eT oversEr fZI O.LLic ma Àc by Wlbi . Rs CAVÂNA, Aa aucelfs.e.ce.ras"ad h BOTS, SHOESsin am Mve oa Ec.lsbapuu. threamet Th that tisexpins iIatble. cf te k!ndOFFthINpvince th f u eit lb. bu propdent î Isho ld eferqtesteias mel fl A010 i a teLmca's RRLofNtheda ts ma 09Slongue%,a h rhâ f nether uhorityIeSghmnmriln-sc ntbe.aeec ir sl iclcslnc - ------e y. OCG ASS oPics re of he d ulnguthe obit.veonOfthin otiony et aontbwe at ;tec» i ogrmeige h - - * 0dW n Nejd etam x ." " Gzte et îg tclco ofos.1.eMillewlof TINhany-sen tll e ai a. Pwrom M Dc aîj e teat, eCadl ni~ o~h onb ete sud. et Rchmond-at 1» ah. v*WMP1OSt 15oë a Saut e5àol ÉuniandAn ha b*fr, l i nent, beltiisuaanotnea o RtoIs ft S4l Ai L . sl. e id m &Slcoruntrya mi m m sm a gia y a m e a. te oq e s w ueds ete a li metpi.avl l n ' y s d;r aal a csIn A D C111cf1Aagors, achaveag 10e ma or pan Getbsor e jlni: hre vasa stong athasem.h îo oe h n e vasfllor e-*m nirve et yten sud frein viitr*oryoather mendtar, coulofdhenptw cfaie or ioesand wen ta xd" l cIz..nq eMaytrseitI.Rceaas.ll& rame buse, teaine atress, smdmd wo thet idatomplmbmt ldml*hs ou Ne . m eusolll.mtWihh eni f andr i sh erandtugue bjn fanwwt C0k y~rn7!Lur~n RMN PIPER ALiS--ePIpar cenM et5e rvants tftft ua bm magafo 'eliesa llistyesad mnt m h p sftlmeif opotliaS 1etY EUpse ,~sdaaoo ~ caine h ii f~ a11e4.ttluATltyduAUM1ste. ArAace unw oe-tafttLALVM th u aeTu rnm-t tepoitusflatdo h alr t iutso u purclaso mne1-o 160-A- lasala amiofh.heabill, Md I,.UIIKKIIofhieabueofFe oh.t uébeandai mnt in- t lg èoave ILLAMtheruhti nu 6<'vo Wé 0 G OD -te metlaetht, ltong tor mae Cmdiu t l lath bit nteennterthecuntye _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _ F l . be t bîucî cure vagit et abstoutct Victoria Road, b ing alon - yl'iii .nmo ndoubmbebut utd t the xaaîuMtwu 'mrouie te thoda.thwnt, ts trr inlW . . BF liey.beepa MrKR UPT STOCK MAN V sr'u i ioicI eher tg à* Sr. EisaarTarants coln.u for tin of ltreea ouersoelslUte ATIT00M 3eatyanthBOTSO S attiotaetfa nda thatluime ouseeau ga elaut .cmuictosb efrt vsIu u:, tLasa.msmt Theprce ar otfO a- lmspechLaabulalalllmesezsp fo0104hn hopaa mmeFrontctrrd Thor-am tisBail, loncarchiotnuart of5h Gan XX A ~ ount Dont fil t tae fequat btai 1t ppiua.v1891 bSLoloPlPEimaenR: TBBERS ofe the fFraua, s ixp:a înhcht TrnkhoIi de fetF<buîry A ont £11 coureslny et dsllv.y, m onabataâri l sb . e xpnngorde al b. theIo h ealir bvel contc'sed et 2 OelckIB heflown alal OCASNSo n inaousl ugmodsbat -&enca ed otaionlet aubstîut e "Xhax1ehnds, o Prte d Shatye :îuewr, ao od ltc LI h' u~un1at advantage ofa prpffthisl. op .for he ta b en a er d . h trime bear. bv elrd or thee long conatnuai ua t rva.Lnsyelbai ers a balc . n ele ndiiso utPer;o'tecf e Tls otb irIo rc o edadtuintywhle w avite l r.Bakt.5 eatonu.lred. gap heiet d hla Tnrenmad naîtS <MCnaaam ,hphrît for tehece po 1.pas o 1eow ad cfreecte1T and. 2nla iaotnn aeuhe. ia t woî r ou ladthmanteuoiu nm odou n 1a Muhtld fkmdmnde n h Ia? t y . c aiptionandb. gr Ian e h u l h w" hu yor eiht pbl. l Intmeig&o tLnsynî unh vl O Tasnoe ____Correspondent:______ insesfuml er mii vs batr ng tuaeaogS. Se ozl tCaaa r G. E ima kn .oug wnfre oncism[. at Il G odsat a/f@ric. ni:uae ofLai fnanmeaW oi n.msai Psso apicenieohl hS s b onrn ti bue ean solibvelets lnsalttethapLe the conexinc asboski y 6 uth rlt aeeet ataeOM R Aabol avnee la dthe cre d nger T e rt iision ook apate tel n- ayt i dng nv m t nen a lt 0e5ilrl bog cran _________ hrae relgne strableedt aidaet ShrRA Ialnt h itur an d Mv. C s omar mlîoa vs heu' on M r. e &~Sn mi propermid frtClyo hrmaè,ce Lie " y, us ib 1 - d y T heno n nîpu th e au. tro fn lia m an iale et ilit m au l n e n pT at BS b. ar n e urnh e fis ku l ie se cf li mbe tact. H h e h a e l h u a s r i e e h luane o eyonitha e du of txemie.Cdthebl n uhegeries, ho ity, and w n a.n elovok» theiS etsuire nLLAs t ho fxisîgîw.î.tbrb lir e I iriai ièce i oeuat i nd a is ali go e i4 an .C & B ra fimo e ta o wM r.Subisa srt o etêt e a: adnla othes sh u t hice a sfr e t pa 3 i s- ePOta ook muu the WATerR OM IT E sat 5 . o e mal e. or h c e 'lu i, UAL W~Ier fne r p*,tiCm d elt iom iet egomi ,a.o ooxo mlaiuatu ercet Mn. canlgip'te dr-mete and eerfoerlt fenla Ce u. CgnoMStouK cartsn. nree hagit iasein.Ti ite a Opblyn té P. G n. t 1 If nenilst.B t o-nnotob vd s .ma thu s em e eeham Il s àmmma n Ymo tgeer1. election e the rech em iber e oets iaefc ia iecah he t ot aa mmr e Hn fnor c tm as 4i li r eus, , LA A I RD.soulit e toemlo es- ctrou l enelor ,onther ro nd5h pocedirnhae tir.asen by, a&ptM . ib e oes er b. efar re bl osHgab olatrgnrl ----i~'v î'.î rumc< titx .e s. pollU ZIsUaîreonS.Imusà poer ue*an eofmooihgamipu'stg ba. bi e bai ut a coalti nhe4 a bot Igt a lhrlm o m ran e et ûtIP TKR Nov 8 eaoe9oie a iea, wwr.~ sangu laa lt es amreof. thei, but pJen egre., àrnM 1dp td uOTedaetirbly. Hoou;aveopba eldntatsadtloamilcik. * r..~,. L~~i4# f*MI ~ E c. iaI~metharwsedircted p lie Tooi mint-elctsO aadt th&&ithe d oms ie rova as est ILIae n at eiobulb rre a be;su lia pactam her te a msto,1 55 0 ,,«,. <~ ~apspaiftee tsted.I cha proesi t eeUlie hie01auth as uM.&"catsym e i is asscsefr i*oh,. Sh lm edaey ie e iomeatnd tlmy bapiolt a i medso. îeti dsrc scr&gsu tn 5oi t D n fi o t k lar dt'n e lb.rse Oort I uts s upua m d Ofeu re tov Nisgana pnelanda oueh taiadloa l dr cfvins Ueto Trs aSdbr baeagd tu iy w iIbt a t . 0 te arsuisi nlght m ndtba u hCeful. .l oeF ch utrong! lapo-Tre n a a nduis he ag nit e lirha l. aun .L c Va ou pr ld Le h, i>B ub u. t'yJian e.uio, msauaeoofC6eWE NTYOS CO RI A . nguvn. it Ofpe*epl i m alîp b. a foce taste v enant a b.cmd bs a nt b t s boom ed thparest e u fyeaP as e pset enoiyo h ruevsBiktn ll WUEUD UWW DiV sSlb Sk~~and i Ises ghu @ad e mame t ubi ls PetctN. S et lb. nosuare a he d.vb.lrmue te mtli aim ides. mdBcbn2 S buyonti 1om11a01onhbora boom bill m a n&d poinouelgviesdaahefmon aI h. iaovets'~er. a 6eDai umeSi Uhd a tise4 ofti suSl ormna o sl. iea c haas d st p te d imaoft a y e og bçaa.teo;n e l, thugkish a eplelb. Baste Wlla adI 5eatc ia Ie savuse f Ib aue aim TO W N OY LIN»B AT. n . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vnt on 0 cala mu pter m n thwu&babaasa Jebit'. sPeech ou he epla o efa Oularb o, cat ee b eu i cuit 0 o ebn ta.~sme tti ilnaivs ~ ~ falb. tcs et Ias felIngwbieh eCar.mpa m rim alu t ii. sud lohe To ,hrsa h l fL d e rer fW ;onlar mdabl e iiiiec pn m y Isa mI ac o te mraimcoe ek seasd au h a e e ba la sageb ucl amstmotnss b nnhr ill A/ 0od t-ayPic ta" od t h Cur oue n h twnO o teet b reand. hee wuiamur. of svvih ermina sis t al has bust a . i tn t t etrchlit torldere.-- etepoic B agAcmit TuesdayO te 9- dlFfeb. 18,ut. 1 m-Is890 heetugtl o il-mntair tecm.T te h m Witich. avlmtoi men Up d the Tramperof-th Conaz 09 te futre t, li a lb. uleluageeb Jec houY@ dame Ilb. uroinand tropune, ae m vaSe ' H AT 8 O'CLOCE.P W, o »Il:a o ber of permis et was thelireasftihemesso1 ope tadeyau gedup1R db.oGrand Tr *i tàndstor the ful amIunt-statlitesué th _"eps. ws DM railnsistanew importanceaethât a enleu sxoe lbdweoq& idu nbmsm ues bmus tn.héul ime e o No a he slisa» sl t tase Nh rscbtAscleabbgipnan uoatarf aie.T mv nnta h a- Uue Knth'e Vinablthat 1kleoTradutetdictura.eta autos tofald on Arinrniasim M.odé;Ibutq Brin la hie Junertioni et &JI the talsrseo. es ah saloado bp Lb. Torothebaparisu L E aan.. isnioih dnlaf fl0 abm ,ut su r£01 101!, it i eat ure e ohf Mr.pevU s. t Quebr - ea fnt cQ C a o wel rBte rgtISS aiS 67 theik u a oM T , r c m mn, o r a mits b v iaI T r ue s ÂY TO S l5êII'lc nth oenosoiehlme owgI>mwul& gmd fa liHefdeaislutratons, md eial -esn éection fDivhé asemsuasthe it rsinealifaret ecaseus efdsaues lb Xmrnsfoîiire Purs .for85. 9 ' iruumIbs au 1sfeb lip are s.uop Cmm. Bane. cbirmau.treeeuad sub cI vlora co atîtie 0ftIbi flftaued 8k lus, Eto-------8su1full payaient ofmm ut1trvssI r bo i.u h p ol i ic ft h e Mc ars hp ly, ad the bsS5f hou»t ose t he crt-m S C I t wb sa. T en uute e b t e 1.1. aud ~ thebite d b S ta dteaiw aiedeli cantese Sbsh I i and mev lin s a id chpu u niit Jbos t i alsd use fa ho p paatn t a i NOlifs. Nefeu as noticetW . W .mo.Iy 5 P et ru ION Tou , à PRiNi NG e tl s r n y m i e r vvi e i Linhtiga'-3 a, EcItt-aotf.......ul y h mlmuta.mut84U. a li um . and imui asu S O BIR'. J 5M 13 altCe. roi htl.cfnRami Dibal b Eue idpiRle tel 8la~> urntur.....44.0 ~ ~ ACKON' BrS4cACorwb iCs u t d aud. Tiim,.hoq aui"OurImae sba»soi o prvat e bmilrteumpa.aCUD.SOyapnnIzgf idttsus a Mm enabi i n ie La mesa Cchlasmuru ssa lie 1 « , mii t.d tedbl Imau l lsn prpr ertt as *Il -in ffrud-r( Ran y.tibf Auciolied A& oe i at m vuergiug agush use GI reorte teOtta a eprm s e MunmBqau& à q hp o b SldyetMrbn ., u.raS elb eusasl riemmsr - .a~~r, - ' la eau lse us tesotobevsicua agl67tm 5 ao o a *- ~ Ume is' ;u-b m fiis iwvuMWaV sliya £ip u si fau a bag5k @Mts su lmedpn taer us faut Haif Lotfie . t, g.. s It "M mdu ~slgp ~ ~ Iè see eruRa.Md Mle ~mli -TheMO" rssiye inspl saPr naid a mMbm e :9 t"sI la TsrMbangyfffer tsr umifMt 0& o Mm eva tie mlai oa s MWss Oluueu a ti mou. a@ m upo tc Ibt ai hsr R_ Wa e a te t s p s ld m S p u e u - s a a - vm . w - iy a m s m t - l a u m V s y O I a e b m b o u b g e smsi na u h e i m ~ J~urW.we vaB n M t. M sirow b e c..v i.n lelfse eams .misee osDnePmlat p fi â~ E i ,~k i 5_ mm u itu Me mdublu aeltu mi sevassss liismm beboslhomgmue hasp h. .is. An 11 Iqo Buu m zibuaCo Deam, Inomsaisshva ~BU U ~ imi te*s~ ~b. -. d ~ L i imi.Si. lu .ik UI T 1, n ýM 8" i i u m U 5 l e . s s sf mt hi u a i e t M . W . P asl, s. 6 glu bom i l me asbtf, b u m s . U . aiuUi i du5__M &. . .t ~~R 1 et lo eaeire" îe l.bsel.ailslll tmtm s. e mOlkw. t E a a w l u e l m s- s h hha s . e p sa pc sro o u lesrs rdAVa 111S A 1 pis~~ju * n b u I ~,t uk dl d tl Z» bm w mé mm î oit ~ s l aaIi elu ailsbs lhstlsl te * OjP r-asB S - 6 B 5 5d i .5i5 5 uap. LaevevsKO, ______auniJa i l'JosiusMw et O& sýi 0 ls L'm m bi 195 1 ---luUEruk--~e il' JK- ire lrims_ $1.00 Pim e