Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 7 Feb 1890, p. 1

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w. No:hyh I mmxs W ip £E NTOTICdAE S a u e e e e t g ei b l e l a s S S *eîslly imîtet presîspSiy atome. IOOFIIO ~EAYE1 Pori, t Fro théiiPla>.. ipposiTE ITHE BEIêSON '110118E. oIt' m t 1. nil e Il t liîegh 11«00t dieitax auflI ttripe t utieetteto bnuine tInt wp lai N untB955 tVU 9 0 881 TTDN 810TIIERS for yu $1; ta-Iua't. Fîvarcno 1#1 .Iaii tlrî-t ' itî' an ttd 0u bit;' ti Vr-~ ~taü: tuao :îiiy aî<l r. ÎV i ; rid lltu ieêd hît if iCi o' ' ;' mii -etui uî matif, tot for ru'îuîAMIt tut,. ws~- '-- a y ili 'titîîi4l rîîo' Oïl Ytuia dit ) o -ý tht 'y dou 1 i'.~ - ~ iî ythe ht ?î'1.ak adaptei'diCo'lif4 ll'aîrei..î' q' thi <Ial is iï&jmîr11t il Rital~ ~ ~ f( *uut. l'tt i t',Iong th*< ~j>~y ~ ~ iur'vli tflht-t41 hi lits A l aqîîirée s ti an'd ft" O lit.4 04.46' i~ti» uîv' itE ID1I o ki&hudn tt CvkMasd tos mm 1 geuivaus, GeaI ami Juan ifeselnste. iMmdma'v. liant ~ t5ê9~ M. I I~ )KAIITOTRU 4ýf. 1z RO on itta e*M Plafa I fOR tii.4'0Itor wet lbA' Pftsb mn 'w o for Ch Idbbvio. Omt I'I%# i4 .tpias Btoe Mti h. " hoS # 1A o r f V tif allaI.1'l 4or -WîLW . f I9, m MsUsi, c. omAua &Mme 1.Vu surn"m m 9 P. R6 .. lalu k.M uh - -_ Te h laUs~gu LIRATOBTUS umkIDY ZBVÂY ,m hi? ImmI ky OurOd by ,Uu& ~~.e.is Vihoapun" Iorl i eWu1 raz %1 tes, mlI wn 'Mr4,. etc bairWou 0" i t sis. tel Ion? fftim1te U P. dmoi tig, tWVau 114 um"nîoa4r eliins, mifuilut sennll, W. li lm atu". Mdli"»hlthe O me um la, tnobmie.x.K.Ouljs,ttjI oMwx IN nesa 1104 d Min s I tlmslrMd PesMv and at-of umw Ielu i b erlsg sme liuumat mx, et i ce. tine k lik.«» Md âumr of the oblaie Md ses i 0-go"mofebai. buett nmvlbole 4unmWUee~j~u~w l.ue ortflou fftlo a purs r.Oseet isouese 1- [iriaàmo%. Onoieb put. 'e e toculamd tfo uI P if'lai pit@ oeil it t um kvelh, n l ty mit Ivq thosemihmet hMissalimm b'Appllse air, viset e swbue sn I el. aplp. eoreçjs e ella rg. W iii0< OÙ smand s ANS). Avwjiw. 'm. ginne or ie. S0i' ël II. d . $1 1'. lrwamvelvte PIiOtai Na IIi >ml'iAlW W'a'DO wt !îa1k I.o3e," IC EVEBY MUSCLEGOYHE Tishel ee ;mm i vdeai min et tus Visais, 4ise vasS in e ihaumai Dr. CaRNwALt., oh.riui, ntudceil lime =eporeSmIeedmuaiea ommlttee, vhis va melaSeo»mitletisevM bois, nt. Couv a t l hair, Mamoptoi à toliove: et elpm « e eO»mhttola h WM a cohoci suiematle %0 oPeli M4 Vliseuto memu t i em4 %tO e ee mm Of %b $*%M« #mewtpm"d s OnueiNrhUali meut VemOm Votsamouat- 1mw~ b »W&004. . puhor iseogtheliliS us.. *;eurt I ommffet» ose e tsa seou ii eb *0aele ase lie m iamlla I maikure V stao o onauf«m~tme eco Umm" ia 9116V kg-lau. eduSi Md solwintug Mr. J. a14 MNollhts tas efor tis Sludmny celeulale Ilae o aidKN. 1. MoNteilî ta"se fer tise Oieusetg aloiof. ths te samittes, vIlsa Mdi Sa enumaitn ofilu wOlsN.A% ta ilschl, ami eiegtei n oio,: Toremuatupe nomemi lIaS"lise sumtet bu0 b. tie t» lie (aetu Fe Amocslnuo& . P t t #Il W a V e repaWlltise onoli e t 1?4itaw fro r aemict mm aifou' lieeatv, holes10.AU pesito MoIssant. Pru mi# is ;"#» 0 a tla Lesitise8.PU àl"a wla 0 fflwaw tl resue Pai ud0 itlil Ca @g &-alisuaon viii isav e op-y SOFm;7mit? Cfus i.ww !#sa pro. a oni!les m obla us 9..l Us uemn thoise eonm min« %kIi é lefsa. e bahm. utira tiI««sete = =tlm psu p Sa 55e nisisoe Duu liSr.. T ,lsiil.m ol»wmsisila miVm upau s ueut64-40" iaue Ii eatnme s~eae. Li am U au* vie m n - W - ----msw~u I imimas-- nee -0 -lm4mam-nubm omdae om md eWo. u«ds iwet Puaik s mu m -h" u aima aite chur-,me. idt heosm «M mm.. -. o~ t s ë isevie ise vlà ir lisee uinli m mas avi= "tise memisbuu 4tunt. Tie Âur.nw a uiiuiiesssia mi. mequsl. r eqululag s Mlr- sU.e« ualttedmunfIM e ! ade 1 eflà esepeeofve ee UV"t-Me.- eet "d l suihu,.iti c.&buam GEIN md " S. Mr. WILL&xs misid, esnibpyMr. TIk, thbaisÀe"*omai mêle tise sei mumaaie e li nnrpilme revdi n. IIvl Mdtsel te abo e uimus r. uowtisi fiaet mOIo mai byr ofhWt. ceisai4#du id et urs sever me cheem IsttuenMmilbu7esoeintlsus tbe sterl 0tis e fimmue gooma iltes. Tb* ieowgte d.r4 o*a Stavout. iaUgt àMa tOUiEIico ]hm . - . I àcon. tb.Uous1 naea m is, D ei nSlt r m a§ *0 um s Nies7»A. a.Mk iall.gIbs bari at aiEntaes Im-ekruma ot mou la i. Tr amJisan oomve ltlg Itl ah mastvn- j.Ë,-sd kloet< T.Maiucà:, ee is etted adl is r poatmm-mamaN.N. ,,wI ~ Mrnoe mb - e ousm ite 0 mniyt idusIPUXNP.P., fur prlUtetlmm Ne. SIEdieMano, introilsi dtise Nug. VeUaa m moii, esoudl bj Mr. SbqM ts au m amuît a ppoint nacon. ue eaumid et tise viie.,Dr. Cors- vaSE. Di'. roumm Md-ths e m ail eoulo, oemt' vils i8s ceua!et lise tu55Md Stetobifl Wor speth ie 1.51 bssuimiy et tise couty et Vlotortn a Mi Mthieismotion lie rotevisit tise commit. NMr8u. cx, A iosedl b JÙNe.Swaz introcSd & bI&au pOlattmg9- commit- tu toe adtemmieserb a mase. mm wtc"M ty etfsleolna ifti wpurite e e lpof et rep lg ail melmtanlg tshe n et dsýa" mtise Tbe*omtteel. COMPeUor Îet'Na'.Daniel, MÉ. sopi ,Dr. vroemimaild isecouanî Dr. Vnooxâw, mcamied, by Mr. ASIE, Inuroiluoni a h-lau 10 repenthtie, bylawu msluJ105111 ils Ois. rfis ooSty tise bridge mrcs e éom- quaietS¶e.-Btei tegoiseomalttes Dr. Comuwàzr. eved, ecoeil dby Mr. STAzsACx tisai o30081"i illemeho pati d.. Dmiesfor bIsvslabl mer- u7esi.seul"oW oinSdratise promeut A bg-Iaw wu ntroduosi mailpacSei nuatiortaimg lb. varie sudail lveaurav te borrov amny la tiehe s! uniwa. Mr. flATI M oîni, serandéi by Mr-. flOrris', tt t"I.couscil rant tise sun et OM te Improve tise leaimu ronds ith efta île eoud rmag; mai tht tita-motion lie vetewred te tisecommltt m riaid u TUBS COTT ACT YMIMa mi. AUSTIN. ioîed, secondeS hp Mr. JàanMth tis hie blanace, et tise fiud "le" frntrmheb.Canada lempermacemut ilutn~g thse Listesjenru tisaI the sai ct una la fore lu inse couty et Vlcuri, tise sal tuai bâon so uaed hi tisetrensuie of tise ccn »d. aitise on ing me provision lu tise saiMd naa empernconet forthn disai e iet he i tutti ezcc<aite pay the toia e h. 1resolisi tIn se ji fini lie pstc bacS te the ilt.ven.t maelalte from w v thlie saliftua# vaneoieceil proporti o thie mmata pad y he s i Tisecousit t o u seuvmito Saturdmj akrmlait. StrasPreeffivm Tise ocil rusuai Sauday morSIng ni 10la c FzniLOAn ?ERoaT-Tur6 scOT? ACT FINRI. aiarSaàcE, oisaise, atrocuSi tise supplemsntaryreport ofthle conrnlttee on fIlemue ubl v-s vMi la comlitu, àM. lrairbatla1tLie clir, Sas foe , Your *canltumeroocamemi th"a utain occ n*aays moovuln ftse "ser the of 8,0h. be ieummrme thmseuatm 10 sai Ute bereimafis samuol: ScarvillIe. Diiby. Lexton and Lonafti, Paelson, eaneloc itale Doebonypee. Onieums.WoodvtIIe. tdon. aue- le? MUlpsasu adeWmy.. Ld lIaaby-law I» I;tretoo m tberlelngthe tess e dis- Irlbulise amie. Dr. Corwall 004 âNoU&AisLi, flop. MiDs, WkrtDr. Vroemm aid oerso>. pressi M&tadopion o! bm freport. .1 NuMr. WAx.xea moveil, scosisi by Dr-. Coin WALL, tsai lthe report bue truek ont tarfuit. Tbtwlms.bavueof 101011. Tise com. inrepoute. On tise doptmof ethtie repmrttise vote vms "alcs asfolo..: Temb-Astmi, fsiley. ot..DenSe!, I'ai..,,batrn, Fîiser, Jurat,Lna, i- tyre. Slttbnk, PMmt Ts Uo, W- Zay*--Aim, Aima, Hoetm., Cot- vail. P*@. ]Bopiteai LitbRovV roommSI Mr. Sramarr, Istruducesid, -1vpo bat dttise nuu4unt c o'aute Itise . ....... mo.......--- ----5 Omemes'Gece., NeemlS, Mai D& iM ý.............. .... mes awmtma. "ba bot. bUm- n le b.ameou m ...... S ~wui.ume ..............le It e @etammu ...........ru te je»lu ) 'le gs emswmalhs vasam utiL.. 6i i issu m Ires~.e bu sassai n l Io bas"se - 1" «M Tsar emlahecmii i termeiton.a e*avmaeslua.alssma a Mdss Fills rusi tt u e hW @Nul& m - .. e t -q.-., =0- mi ~ -e ,* ,~4~."t'. *~ '0- * - - tebutshlie esai Iemlme is- ~sm t ev i mp et emltiblI i at lesuil im, hdm au tie ountamf VItmtng.wu te vh Omar I r mibs v~a S Im sidae vMd ltya! bis seuolou Tise masslut wu Mva tub e as- and tu rvsuied te lire. wHee-Hm vmt.eWa mde tiseore@"ls Csu elom.egrilmg blm EteW. Titis, t Caries-e ho fos eiaite lis reatives. INUM à» BBIDU& Ne lMnUzuuismirmbban, ita ui tie epeitlie oalmuasM o rons Mmd Irtigas vhlcs une erita comirno et tiswlevand iadopteS la tiseuu@a% Wllis roermmcete n ptin bom Ne M. ho bulil airas t'e SUoirlvmv on tise ,t a lins betweea Ee mai tisthe nsin ai Nfaes ad Thomai, joumr cammim.oomum tisai WU h retiviScete Iunmotion et Mr. BSlr mocaed hp MUr. Bota.. pwlmfor a ïia grant VM00te ho mzess iesostise lsein re"ndu avhot tIb»m raffe. our omt' bég ta roeammdi Ithe son et 0-ouh geat"wob tend o s ..»ýtInt mou teller soa armnts lis maie te thé ors et tise counumoti Vt tise second range idng tise peer 18,M " the saidsuais blie _eanmde on the badina rami Dalloa, LaRItesMDtby ena Lmr&.lath.ero portion e u ml. tise nouvascftmai maiai pemtialte te hocoamu"uslm - omindthece Wttîtisrfrmsemotion Iet IEv. lmlrlaln. secndai bv Mr. Boeuxi. eur monaise " te recocam iAiscon.tlo oasng tse vWda Nus Fi.Dr.CvwlAr Trsiu M.lI'b amM a'. DoUun se aullonlzi 10 o ter tilS lise nit et the oouuyV Petromo a m n b aljeotet tise [br:ismonie budaiO ftise otunty eV sm t I1010M. miIb on ama rree stau testearltrons M.Gramt, dsdDairpaipteJmnusvuS, e O, ourOnm. r ilttso recommomi thal tise.zoeve et Cardan ltékcharwee t ithetiMMtierein veferreil te. cft the bridge n sm un mot cedba 810émid nm te le oxpenleilon hi. crier, ad se aunu vochebe .preonteil te Ibiis cuncil. The o ocual la reformate tise cooletithI Dabyvmple bridge 0bave"ban lid bloeravoua ocmmltea.sud IinabaearWrwaemitisa tise follortnu msuaisoicisuon ulIa ooout:- s ril o btis ovimmeat-Plies.Ma J.Bl r. lmntug -.. -L0. Your committa recmmeni tise psyneuor lIe tollowula occuata inoarredin lu rspinlg the iido lPsinlatvs: Jobssa eri ...... .........SS W.7 T. Oral.E...-.... -..JaLI -Doigram ...............-- YOur oMMtta recOmmeni lIaI Ibemmueto Mi550. pllai noe .=rasubp Ibmlaisereom oi VUàrien, honov revotand pasci by the treasurer tb the crier ai te reeve oft bat mua- slip for ibm ourront pear, voucharevagbs 06 thLorlejaj et 8M i o bMNr. Your cmmttes aving lsd 1 o-a ilt th e-' conuifur building thc bridge sr&mm eNoa. quon, recommnailtis oe-bail tis -e Ph amut. te cataîrctorm. mmounting bte =%.andite W. JL Yarnoii. cee-hai theIbm oul ngrng 18014asmmouna ta 51tu1.81. 02our cmmta recommeai tInt T. H.L IL- Qmsade. isq..lis pakitheIbMMuet fM525.hulaan sacunt axpended. la exor thIe matseson tise expenditure on Couen'. bridge, for vb!oh, vouebere have lieu producai. Your committeseg te recommoa tha t1h. lolovit o uns liepsu tote mommîmiomas aPpointaI as the caemiruetiou ai n bridge oar th. DL:ck, rIvr. on tle bunmdar boetS, tbm 00ottieà at Victoi.a. uarisail Kushcoka istict:- loba BRU"o. par accouaI.......13L JesealThompw e ptaccuaI..-. 15. THECASE 0F GARSNER HNTIE. on mOtion ot Nr. F*AnàM =, moonils liy Mr. LiTzGow, tise orant cf L par vueS lW Garineri Ruster ae mcontinatei. TIU AàSI8TaLtTCLEEX. Na.FÂnÂItiq, eouicil by aNi. Lrru- 00W,.novedai tieisconseil place on reerrad à vote et sympaîisy for Nr. J. I. NeOliceslîntosion secouai01 bis serere unes. iurlag the Poent ses- aiun, aidtope thmath. vîli MM u e reelameil ta i bius nbeaith. Tise motion ennui If a standing vote. Thi clieaithse Jananry aseeon. ZNDZS£y OARÀD OF EDU1CL. mi tesm!li Thiraoula' metng or the navil- comtittei board et eiucatlen uns bel businessi eiag tatomu up net aht -d'CIO* @ar>. The members prasput vers: 3Mai, John Dolies,4 J. D. Plaieli, J. D. Mac. mmbiy, A. O'LcAUy, TIos.WmJtarsT. Stewart, John Kenaedy, Robt. Kennedy On motion of Coua. Caxsîocx. oescouic If Cana. LÂcK, coneil veut ilaino tn- IuM of M tie vIols on If-lau NO. 5 o, appin t *0 unim lwavoffile fotise entrms t jasandmaa' by-lau to Umit thse mombar tthobl Ubîene. Tisa toiliouing nme MWlil op tme varlous laI.'à: C eck and &unmer, Mr. Y. Kuoviscu; me-Ltie labsefeer, Ura. C. U. Coulto; tavo pbhsen, Dt F. C. lHoc;e; h6ot ogineer i an depultmoutJohnis Mil-eucae- %cher et vam boum%, Peter Febert-,c ire- loeret àm re U, Froal Brmdy; sitarp- bm@e Mdi dre vaen, ]EL H-ahee; DOINle" 5¶t. blrcget.etc.jJos.W'.E 6 ak maÀ W m . D uff-a '; .mdame et. secouas, Sa C. Tisu sud J. iwlor Nisai B. R. ilhactor, lUr..IL O'Ylaw. Theappéémlames t a cItifcms- Mshls eS utlant aaser unlil mut mg ami lIe tIltSruinao: tise Ueflmimalm If-lau vas aisedetunrod OM. Kx, the rasgdas * et Me. Smi tas Carks lsmudla 9 mmmr sem epatbaie tle vau lMI& 00" SoI MÉaj ma saulyme m mat. nlfi tatis e vWtmumailuite ls I Md nu ep Dobo. aasmouith b o e iu anisaiby omet lMe dimossot t me G.T.R. If tuh1111bonardvotaISbaie.amr obis-- 2001salvlmMmble ilsemniMn m i tise comsesm et epimiu u te effaet tisai tisear à lamu l ow er -te Mant tise roquait, balie, t vould ho a preeicat th"a ua ISba te tromble la tise future OOLLMIATNIlYPTE N*2&TEES. Principal antons presealmi Ihs report fSam I mentis or Jinur, ièhldati vils a sumber St maltes smated te 6M sStise *velfor et tise Imstitution. Tise Ittl Dumber ef pupison tise rol ta 292; yngladies, lm; yonsg mon. lm0; of lies 3 elogg te the tovu and 11210 rtise cSmalp; 0.1.14. couâles, 48; nov pupil "*i tortu. J120; average attendsace fui umtis. M - tas. collectad #4& Tise re- part stmasd tisath roome vote cicr- oroviilami tisaitiseéengagement ef an calta ondurmmlitise- holilsys van the =oaly MWon eutthém ifieully. Noat teru Isaltsmuaa ouli lave tu e lilmitaite fi certaiàn aubea'. Somme 110 students are t Piium.ttaking third cImes vr. The report usadbmsono tnoImre leagil, nd 15" van agreoil open, lisseaum ndiîlamm'l lancIe asneSaaryfor theabalance ut tise pisent Isiai.The seerotammu un e mc ctdiaglY Satruced ta adi-ertime for nu taiti muesr qualifiei for gpanrIjunior vorS; MM"r, 0200 for th tour.monuma TEE PuELic OCHOOLS Eendmnstei Broierlel pramented the publi c acools' report farthle mouth CI Januar. Total nuinler on rolle, 72; aver- mms dteance. 500 ; leaders' averigo lu tage, 67.... A requret embodiad la à 1re Port adeil lu If Mr. Brode.-tek vas brough pand aidiseiues!for a fou miaules. h vas ttéelefffet tat hte!n> aUthie toe ncive voluntury offerbna frea lie PupUsA nt tue eed live cent-. par tait eeaootei ta tise putchafflof aiaand othea' articles vw isîhi ta' = ~ tOOtise appamance 0' the riGUu tons. The ptoposition vWas tbouizht tavoaalr 01aiby the board, and van cm. de-i. TaE iIFlhI ORX. Col. Deacru'gave >notice that hoe wGuld et tise nea: meeting brLng .lua a tuottou t,) tise elfet that heroafter nie anbe callected fren pDUPIlI&hoe ul10tkIs ouly the ordmmay Engltih coure, as proylded bp T=E WOOD SUPPLY; Na. D3b»on announccd thsttheb. ctr- aite*hvisa aithe matter inLainîbellit the entract forthe aimply oai ocalre- quieu fo lV.)Gi1 toMr.. Mionder. hieý = =lg ieloe tent4'm-$3 4la Pe or utIfor short haa'duood, andl ÇU30 for long; codar, 82 à conc. TENDERS FOIL PRINTING. Un motion et Mr. O'Lary,- seconded by Mr. j.. Kencedyv, Ile clirman eit the ftsso S cmmlîu oe a n ructed tu ced for tenders for tise suppiy of priating d étationery for Ibm currtat jour. a'. nemsurely moved, eccordealby MIv. Fisielle te tise excî tisat the biàmeamssîc of tise public choola pa'autand ikerp a roginter la ubiel te a'hslî enter the mâunr-t in visîci le apportionais tiane. mechods ÜÉ dlcptneetc., aidshaih a-cry I.Wu metheincludo lu bhis report ta the board sud mollets as ma&7lia deemed of cui cleut tmpoatmne-Carrled. Thse board thoen sdjaurned. LIZNDSÀY TOWNl COUN'I.77 et Omaisn-lsuelsdllcte gse HE010. Thse ragulan meeting efth1e tovu atens v» an hlila Ile conncilchamber on 1*%on- dnj a-neniag last busla-eîa btcbg tknu aborty betoroelght c'clock, anad cznducted s eapedlt!aualy as foreriy. Tà.9 nj-:ni' liera piement vers: -Maynor Smy Lb, R. f:ve- WilJlams, Dop-reevu. Filshor andl Lzn=cm, ami Conne. Laek, Panonag. Czrnatcek-, Caisili, Brymnaerdiznan d Kyae. Thee dorS rend the minuteâ ci tast mcc t. Sag, viscis vois confirmed. CO M31C 11IC ATXO'. Prom IeMa'. R. Hanah, P. Brialy, B. CielkandlW.IICBUrney, spppi!yç,g fcr me office et asesuor fti 1,'J.-L±1Id on tab"e From D. Hudsont, tendering lia reelgua. tiena sa en eof thse cotincLI fo.- theCasut waud.-LnIa on table. Prom H Hughes, sanllary Icapeetc?, retffrlngGo tise Conditioncftue Jameîs ePburn, visebasmbta nreeltvinx îown breanent and au !sane iiia iit:a:t... aid vlan It lad b-,u-apropcsed to zIerŽ tthehome for the sged1, ia chu-ge etrthe oeutra l etariîy comtnut. Soms ittie iuunon t3ck peSoTai- the matttr, 1>.. Herinau being et opinion tînt more euee eeulul be talon lu future to avoal e«y poubl eclabnia et auLh;;riîy. - !-port oeelvui mmd tyLeal. Pro- A. .MliTa! o artn to bavth be hurch vol ligliteil for nait:c meeduas, anil vconacratuinre the jouas pécule on tibait aneesi. Atter the usuel ffot t Uaks tethe sekrsmlthe ew hoit ii. etiag a auglt 10à lose by eliria the nationalautheos. AÀlbers! cOlleetim w as taen up. HJGHLiT Caarn-rM.z-Saue tiNp m the amntof et he Pr*-eteriaschurcb, Rev. D6 Mefloatal, annotneoil tbnt the as!hsc 11cmfor the schêei <if the church fat tis eurreat yen? wou;d lie takec op on the &Ma Sabbnth of Jauaiy, mmd t»e result ot bis rsq«Umoon boisaitot thaesaW.ctldu vm #W w htch lténm sdva.e ai *»0 oie au Irle Lear lath& hIstey e!t thecame- cab. thon «imtlame la thse mae wekvi" sthay bhe nbegua, a&S lu V&OW nombe l "us fww . TEXEPBRnANC-TII.Loely Vimne m bilas boi anPubile Meeti marFi&l der mig.31« ait.. la No. f9eSb"a bos.. Tisera va n lastsrnmas A m trmueus of o P, l« hi lI aud a me m i M Mmers ESthe lest blond a~ tom prfe.soiiijà 1FÉ e.abletis. co m l W ~ - LOCAL NEWS-LETTEESc KINMO UN?. [OamilmdS of VTbe Pool POtIPà&BROTEL MÂ.-Mr. Edwmd Pym or *Roq Il Mbe la gmnrai jdubbsil by hi. may renu h a$ nov ha otl Pme Md nder biseaagmntImhot bide i te bicor the beadcluartrm for the travdnih gblic àr. Pym bofis wonl knows by roaqof leh icoeu a coaduota, on the G. T. p. ta, [Corroauondae. et The Post.î BOOTS AND Suos.-M. Luko Svitasr. boot Mdlsha. merchant bas reiyed a oo«n Plots stock which consiste of homo maufacture recidi-mado gooda. *gurnrubber aoit ovir- eliceu. gummed scSksa.gS4 vraiety of mise- caa the ficest variety af kid, and bock"a 1mitteand gioves. 1 wlfl ot h. ubdreoid la towa. Ses mi7 Mauitobs avershoes. never bofore kept lustock. Dnt ogttebbe.agnr era aaortinent of Prencýi kid upu': pricon ta suit. Parties caling wtIi not . eav-o witbonît ourcha.lng. Thsnkinc Fou for Pas;t ar, 1 remain joursLuxm WIZSI.0 M A-ILL A. !Correspondcnce af The PSl REVIVAL SaËRVwICE&-RéViVaîserices vere held la the daîhodist church bers lait week. Rev. M. Fuse of Dalrymple adistel. Tho attsndanoe throuabout wae large. Bu?§zsâs - Mr. Min <ra, harne'..tusket, has murvcee.d in dbing s w-cy succeffl-fil trid. Hia stock of harnose la complote.. .(. M. Pearce ia hauts andt ,ha*.i te bui;dlng up a fine trade t. Ben. 1Davis. t'xrnturo dealer. lha mavreil ito the cdorner etce amnd bas laid inaB tuil étock of furniitrea nd unden&teor'a goals. MIr. Uoua<lasp. cererai merchaat, ià weekly raeilgchoie* goodis. liei «Ives goal bar. OtUR SCIIOGL -Mr. Ltpp 1,%,4 libe e engasge for the pros-ent year. Hie hue praveil a liret-cia'. 'eacber. Mià Fbote ita iucceeded by «Mima CampbtL'. SEIw UüTIiL -%Ir. JoL..i Moore han oecta botel uvr<it" I)vr1t&-fuiiz!re storel Travellers will find evc-eythinx ira clatI. [ComrrsondenceofiTle 'It.] ourred in aur viLae on Mond1as. baleat the n!si-lage of,I r. .'ngus Yrtt4cr. "oct ant ,ehw marchant ta Mes. Mary 'MiÈr. Tn,)ceremons' vwa'. erf arnicd b lta i . Fil: ý %.'Mubua. Atter the naaipttiti-3were grr.L hratt-ti ?hew&.ý!agparty repaired ta the rzc';'Pnc ut.* Mr. A. MRofor tha wt et bonItr.i a n à wedcitàcz rip. PEItarAL. --Mr. J. B , railhma -sicuretd thle 3rvic"i o.ntMr.Oascsr i)u'ekcof L'nde %y In bL store. Mr. Duel., i n muât cturteo.. aila obli g. inq %a'e-ruin. NEtW HAltDWArr SToPL- ..i arle fel ta Bee thst M. Claérkc î.s ouctied i);;,alluiliUne btuill.trra'ei,jàiand Lr(everl thiro tt I, femuni n at irist-cIas m aIa %%"e. ;i pl.(j wtse thia enttrprke uof..Mr. 1 .ttri . stp-.r*Ld as it NOTrxa'.-A11al s' -S ai ;:103-ittiaaD. hi. 8:iîrru for lSý9 wiii clouse caila..4 6t?,!caaflce or thuir acéuùatt- Wlvli b ed in uthce han"e for celluction. For ;ae -vxý thiu' y .ti>9 great clearint sIsi of V. ercaaas a.id >&H « t cr31 ury gozda ~~ eu! hl it W,:ti-*i.e cents on the *'oiair. 1). . .. Beciia Elièapor- lum.- 87 2. A--; OiJLc-r )r l;~-.r... vonn train h6 aVtic.ntion wats déru,*fed trith. frrin of a ii; tu, Lbl'o.re9t!y lifelem. .lyhLt .i e thae slo. botel. unrl aft,,r Càiiine tir.GPiqpp:..- ! rester- su;poed~elimiSfrItn4s ia S~r:io.& cuicci wat tassa up lur ii--i-t.:.. vu4net Ihiq rin eti eena't ro : ti.u ilna bret cowri c't:...C~ ~ev~g nov aM.Ji&-% r r. . ita ll G L E.XA N.1X rCirre%-.ndtn-ýe aC ThPi-a I mchoot ,. a~a: !.j.-, .i bLUu±ion jSàbt:ath echool in Pa e ft.;a, P 'ta id.s f3r *i.e pur-Gicf e et t~*;-rvu.telica- t.etIu lts " *-t %e;s.rç i h b!., ccaa~ 1 "* .. owinig addres: Ma'. .I ,.ý4-) RrFaIE.xII, Wu W h.ivi .a uct:!u .,!t Î-. : home diieTc j; g tu x; t,; "y 7, -Si or à- Sibbtii ~-ka~l .u~... r ~ ra our eterneot cidavor. we a" : e. 'or *tIcpro- ïVe fuel =u: 7C ;;t'41, ;i.: £ : . .!;d anod wil W011::-not 1h.1eu t: e ! .e t. C"Ca. ofa! $cIbbath choci in cur m:!ý-. 'tii4.ie bencrzndere, ooi ;:.~ ;- f P.0uit tion. maii u ue lrc 't-t'y -;e Our l.iebean~ata y.u. .i'e I .:4 ;l f o ur catein ep.e"on: you wi-h tî. cite wbich Ï.; gie i.Mý. ': itlu 1 - t: Ilt»3 coc- tiu,.-yuur - u P;,nzc lin oir rit:.t. sud wàen %rei il h rne ;ý. ; t:. ' ..Y uU. wth our t'w -4 once. -e * . -ji týs caraee frIende. Î4,;d tabci.t.f i;;"e C -:anab- bath schjol. E*LE% Luo.îlx ý U:

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