la- oea m M-- -w m~..I maii MW mnvmbfflm mon 111111110, 0éMi t. idwei lis-dm Sf Imm>Cr: - I owmomlie M » M ao fffl4f% ( flitI- iO . __________ ___40_ __ __Nef__ __ __ _ as foui h. ooetaât tut iîtt-* -.kfP >.aîibe MW t' ______ ___________ "f ,,~Vtf'ftWit ____________________ Nf ttit'4IInW i __l~11 i U i __ tii . ttf M 091411 ite rs o e§s t te__et__ M the poar mm wf et ,« - - I. LVT XÂ orvMAh*o hedoppuz eu t o u f fu M e n t c a e fk a u ice.U t'm . sitc. fiff*ukUWW4 et augurer auctac a,. b W ~W '~' ~ ~ Jue 1. c in ci mom% e te1 leu, mm.e au w u bavncue îti f> <'tê.r elar-atm q ,*MI111C10, r Il . 1 r :: Ato f h.' t.t fllt *UI 4 lit@oeil oee..#4 y d11Zgriel to M . feu- .vfffl - -(ft llie, liîi fer t mto d hosm rm flffi. iOF or au VIS, erW C ro %. auirn u Caa l. __ meI4~ our ~du tueMla*0 _ C hir4= U.W - -f«lr aeW I% fnly om -sM tk ê "Imm W IS-M s , à4 ~ ~ .mr fr-imoy thme follwi nCwv VU Uaumg amfhb Wim 1m1 i ib* e t' _-- » V 1 S » Û = 1 w m â m u s u i p i p e r , o r 4 3V E U T R IIA L U -a t o u r yy ~~~~~~~r~~1018 V k...e.or. f.' &W ~ w _ _ _ ElutW I f M S< W Ie m a m m * m 'lm B ,. iiab . asIl <i i Dtn w 'fi ltit te.terh#eb1 W tt <*0'F11W* 1 aoWWobsw IilVuik SU 1.1VI -««- lit tfgo,_boum Vie.L.?~b iW%~Eud ouuos _________ rAftitbAIf', <1t*tlII 7 M . lwitttat"71Ib t - m) 4e4IMHSIW, Ili -, (4 m toi ui WM. nu l , O M W v erfoim d a3 à 9r, ADWi10 ,h# . e " ,. Dm n4.-, fi . UMW L _ -Fo C u ha éM4%O .eluoVl&a MI~~gI-~Fi -EELt.~ alDfopI am .0%» am qRai.,ldugo&&4 je *GonIs GlUt Is,1,,. 17~ " W5IUUS W m. :::::-tube. ............ ..................... - - A.TlieAter lialit, aimet f ' ' tbo go. folk tsLive tuec. qmoad j(o,54 fi#tltPffttUMlWfi0l *e tw .~, . 0 ' *.......... 0 wt~y m UtO? -fet',o4gOUU, ' 4:~i' U ikmr[i iw ui ___ (4500Wftu wtO1i uL.ipis 415.,u~usIsh un 11o f ~<mn utvlm ..~0e .......~ u .wso.TOG ET.JPeHvv e rt1<iel -@01111,1111M4O......... S v b Do.1T ' Mauf lt.IL-L_ __ _ __ _ _ U. fem Iw efoiteiFull S S SSSt.. .. . 15.0 '.tif 4-Ri*hlu. ai v... A us ... . Ee ,dal' S v n mr * SI1 Wsaslà-t .-9oIum flb- ai UMI oismUlasalo 01111.1. A f~'î M-%"h Sw< s. me 0* ur11.I4g m u. at.ew mFM Lu I te<4t MOM«00M4 If' fm. &Forv hu t m.ugoa.s 41I**~e"ti.lit4I& 104r. .M ~ «»$"et FA1Io M wN ula' IWUm b igwolw P1W dam lie ïMliin ezh - f<iup, ptIeSl VMS5114 1fr 0' utJnUfUMIe P muoufflee, "WIaSil liei.51 io Il J li 10 SUSM W ýsei....... ... umu w without tOP itghl .#fuir r i t q .. Ipul4» W I .iultI' .A*#;4 4eM w M1 'omPYM.1 a UeWW Um t. ess Co. OSBST o nie.a mba 1 ïe ...... « N. ' 6IMutlN i -D U wne oé * yc, s *» ~14<' î4 t ~if'.ESUsUml SIIlSAIU1 SS fl.0t . ïï e?, lu ........ aod MolemIMMi. T. eetmrUnd'5g e luM WJ.UEA. ~%m J5* 'M910ho~f, b.eWeMs*< 5 n umih ' -omUS0eUt 30 9 bM Mdm ___ Ech S 'n, I5adomair. f e$O I, 1 la mis UWk- l*hnok ~p1pIhE'f 15.19 f 1100 0 oiSie.Cah'er Mv W k, ne, M ..~... . m lm itP.e*v'541 o am e.À i e sf SO "ee1 ......OB 4--. C-tW hu uqYrWa U d EL s tdi. D.~.I teo a i ,I fe-f te, b .......l. e o r i IS S ai - h . im it . o, . - Il - - < s! ý. - -h -k - tusots S 5e W o umvw M d mBiuoM d -I!- -- --b-- --si - ---. V ---- ' MTJ emy.a .. 1 <1l» c 5(AiS l yrts oi ls S- lU le . < of ' 1 M ' 1u g ss al l . h'bu t v1me « ,mvS m lo nv m b.IiU M .#m o m as V h i so10 % ,M t W l'Ol*e1 U ~t D.T UUDA eCm g- I4551 b*<l~P, un oM ti l' a tow"o. @ w*ýM M - - M . I1 Dit.Ws. Osam _ __ __ __I Of M aigu it wuSm ail=_ W-1.1t 9i0~ 5#V V.UM MLW~Oe 1P'< 50 <8M w uuom mi@"Saaz WC S s om Flow'l e '~4 s . I10l S09-h"-os amesd u wiWg -______of_____ MWIbffl( auOhum -n .' uW umes4 ,,,Mia Dsue.jSei1m wl ID.I .EL m me".. S, iq l*.100#nwm . nB wý . "Uo% «M =~' g um ' ~ U~15 IVemy JAMiYu sEi" neif.~ ..vlu' sW& uJ. rua *~=*l*.~llM ~~~MM MLSl Wet*,je,411 .W l fl* t, lu i im% ..1wi ww C onS- Smh Sm . 1 VyPbl" W ut _______~ Ifs uvISiopMi 4 - MO- m m M m MIa 8, j Î-à am, mm.8h. of Ume IL ~ ~L .~ILCA..HIC E _______FIN E i I woet edicine to chock _4 Lu r xomael.1. îithe ead. l.B L31HAiNi) meoies torcaetarrh QUUL. We prizo iL UE bdtrom tbeu. Nouhi o a,- ra.ily the BPSTMr* -O ut- un~~ aouca.t f <tj-r n o hbas b 'i andiCovI n cent trouble.with ca e but ui elt.. f 1 t'p.-om Let -e a!Ure'i IÙ4 J L lU. orj dy for " c t e.b-taie .r, sd C U R E - tb i b e~ *l. a f -. u n'd t L -. I u set forô tre4sment th... di,* r tu im ..v w6nderfuiL.ý4d.j T.vo brîtiesot wti7m t e tbe nti.u eakt Md ou U. £STOnRED t PE. aruc. O umPt,.r. snl»a'S c- mimy bruth asre Your N AS.L IIALM h" U:t ule a new ýwiA Jconalcer ý,AL&2,4 me. i bave never uAacd a reiedY bu411 Dswse o imiiti~~. ? 3ourtderier ha. not %*.46SL BAtli 12~ ià&ok do flot let huas Pemiuae You to take &&y. oLIlO! riuKile s uce. but »endi direct to teunderslgned anduIt %wüii busmat -à 1% and 01.00 a hatis. ,,»&c. wavueO& S. Oliver. ;MMSPRESENTSP 1usiiuM UVAU"ErY edwe a comgnment of Wickewar E andiwark. w of varionuses and Gard Tables.. These are L. v oale articles and vern sutable flor amt o Toys foriç he Ohldren. Prices wi1i be miiynothingcun &P .Proaanie Bideboard, ~,adfor t.bat matter we may as well add a rk -io of thewill be fonaid as low as the actcalyuseless though gaudy jim-cacka. Cali e 7l«spenad your money. DUANE almost new to be solil cheap; alseaa vo, onlv nud two seasons; $14 will take it. A riz« Machine at a bargam STEPiEN 011 VER1 JAes Çpg017.y K]RUPT STOCK 0b rs AND SHOE.S. "è fteM the Asignees of the insolvent obtate of A e boat and shoe manufacturer, the eutire stock and ing thoeto, andi whioh ccomprises the goods usuilly m. otbis -Stock mu1àt.positively be cleared iu't tut rouaser v POUCA 8 Hyand i mlots tW sait pur- Woeu--by order of the tiutee-in NO(LLYS BOT A"D SHROE STOIRE Au w«Stoc aculied. ('ounfry vturek>cucr4 félapoct the stock shoad1d they refqu>rt vîi49 aemd their order and get irliat as!-.e the'i; * met faU te cai. JAMES CONNOLLY. W M"~ CusMe W.ak wils be eraqrrtia sB 5*ual31 c d wMrembk l"PIS la gremai aemzant. à-.lftgitbotham._ _ - TET=» Md TUMED SBhI St jkmof TR p t.hi - f "f t: i v t -{ 9,'. j