6 - OANAUZAK POU, UNLT ~~dou,,p.y >oxz oi _u laMrVaER SEEDe wWboueEIOI7 macher. amal m muauna ma am-W MCmsasune-bIe ,O.......... h eEIh 18 om fm afl-s% P OHRISlmdt M A GOD Wi.tuA» M" Iles The M'âflte àd lave -t Poto «u&M, Th wlOâ&IBS UMm. 1, auml 1m &,-T» lm- -var mi" W L.O.L . Al 5 hm o m e ~: ~ ~ me ____ duuss~~W Uhshw.L S. eMe j ii Ev.Mu l'OcmkmAWUBlU7tISmme u o usaab wuUU EakBsemlVjetaRiis e '---~wIB ltas ' ON"» nUiOe àI.Uan ug sEmismoule. but:The asmomstache mamboUW 1W ii ssmassi iyOs woef.us & TRÂYE-loto thé remises of ithe me~ft r~îi.poiao ,.w' 'la". A u; Mr. » n urde UW»* lire m- goumLf i un.~Ui$'psui ~~~ a auaum . aTHEIN-tEAROLD Ti.slmi urdprmntus*n frheattow , %Vo ses' OniiflU <w>Wl Stb sus.- <o' np r cm ba*iiU5*0 o molue ne .' ttr*(wk ',sadporhile e.<, SPIfSOJ B CEl&MT-e bav1rM MV l S l ne W"'ýlihèU Welntên comitoo Sabsolu au Pm lQm Ouxte suit iotth uemiesof gmrestMuotion front Wholeues Mafcfrr W1Ç h at te *fiU..? w-hnt5r. uioM.oi.miExuMrrlw MIU ila.PTRBB.-nova0.mitudBfturm «.CAL <bmesnvio o ii fera somio on.le*è Eu.t O" a@& 0vla Dzvuvuzu.-Ur. winm.te P pr«O il-am M, 1cf4ý1% t%.Qriýl mý'iitr - m n oi t U bui M réi IEFERS-em. into th.e_______ <rom s ofi, W inaiiireun, lu ut viii s'y. S. cret m aia Eàuia.vli le mi e a s vse aipbi a M n . OM e bive, e amme by P-rvin ret té nmai.Lt-9inth.PinyfBagasnohrlis ftetHgetpic .r "liftI. oitoci ..'ry eau rtflH7orr ms guus tb»IciD.MxSUTE.PiOP481 < Aie "&Wm~ » atb. us r oA JAJUEl.aa DuiTO. Eggi maPOUItR E t C Ai iiiN' ltt1144d i to isweuk oellels.j jam .n < art e b Aie u ll u If smo t W a uno d p u, ..,.Pl ny f a ai ,i veeay ea.mP0Rr m R O PL T i furdaot è lot a m pur . Pecf&tii. hsaLlye moisi As Sommie Trs mactnasau t.-Lut TSTSAYFrm hepromises o h titterme, C farl <o AB Id pouIEAI>-JWOsaSGssm, 11.k S v ihs Zizis. hW "se1 06 RUMeawo 6orIdée lM. av%, die, ss me < ~ g,~Patte... 15<5.C&.et W .18a"i1il-1t'1lt ted tebor iOoviy wtU u l b =hWràa VOmw. De% IP. lm -o. nor. E Kofthe l, sudorlate, ndou a, l e.ie Sie-vMuse. " wuimenthe mefor m 1 .-TO 4uJ _________ _avilie Dr.PIECE'S PE.I.EIS or. Tiss.e twa i os u .sviwon.5 eabuolo iAt Cheviii ly be fons ot m mpoz ? ST. Set ilConnolly. _ wioe Edds it f M Q TED - Frout the roissOf 1efhlatp xdnêl i'aluip the, 1live. r *inîaeh. sm.OU Meet pulm .wssEdsMthl ue*4amauvu ae as he ieIIU& theuIA7 er. umes7Campbell. Lot 5 ui 8the B A ~ R T T S O0K OI dÙruW. âi4tas 14nt sv1ùi. .Aaéried for a mails, RgslamBMfrismam eldes~, mAies i'vsou-frontm u %b. at ba& bus aturnl 0 o <baa bteWoyeawoni-Amy persan gielm uch Iater- - ai ay<ak, appoeuud csl mi Abat vY be alolus mem ber brothers sud alsi T&Mttrrs.Pa"latm JM DA- C 51 té onta emOebiueer lii.la Mr. Th cmvie bbfeme sebu fi Themastr va plaal l <h.bud m g NOVdD. 28 CÂN U-4&MPE~.Hfi7E UE . bslaedbe la tpted duro b o tang o utoâ a QuuhWl" day locatedGreen U AtRca5eN.Y., STRAYED-Froru the promises of the' B O O TJî pond on <ho I go- m- 0 Or»àbrulllt in .utoi ebale nw u ad illmu dataisedby the police autior ilgU<md. on or about the tOth or May, - LINXD PAlto 1'lri .AT. I)r.C. i1,89IMM . rO mis st hhovin ijr MMhW5 uoýstau . ivi lu a har bt ai oaIreoger arAn e uIoCadsadsy olmg<@DM, 0» f th belerw el« Zmjwhite;Wraigwlusal e o i hemnfc'r.,teetr z Moi hs br hu ds cn ure oo h teesamp, btisADo is Koum g purohauumluefrimmoiei Assegnese te&theoinzoIvWhit L<)UÂl KIN W.S-LETT.ICRS mroloa foc <ho iodies &Il olgii viSoutthé<by an. *au= respectable sud attemd i- l*»È .The prisumerCame p amln aroer bnryblnlethero dwbhc.'a-es<- - asue uil aou <u 'lak 'ada, iaBi piA.ucisl- dSudaeeh ol. muamimi. A'le.md & e. besutta reW:mer .NATHANIEL eF Iiu Iafn!î g f vis <isioy o Cic..Molet1v « thert.fu)M stiaiThee LO mc uai.lavuol a the affair 11(0.Rembnm oO. Nov. lm as-7-àsu, - a tlii S.c utpStVI 0AKIV014 bon e boy otCharés MlletsWinStOWn-e out a tb ho akan oo touma aud h aid ai0IWO I<omstr.ne'of The. Pot) 0usd, shofllyaftsvard bis irotbou'à Md et aS isas.e. mLamons lafiaehldWtotteaihuq p*1urnta;.qMH h.1aaAîu M iov.la &bout au bouc lie body of Eddie MW -<obâ<~<lssldctiou, sud ber_______________ haers-byodro h et u. Ithe te, wIni%*t>ii (ifsiito lac& h» ei i. eu r.. hT slo t 9uftU A is amvOMO0111 'Litb Rran auBuoun.îag o<o bkt.LYDIYKNTtêoFcrnrJA E ONO L '8B iiwttpI 1111o IXj it.itbheoig nmrnetesi tan or a hie @hrs naîtifsepol« bu 1s<aio0rper. She e h oa ULCNOTICE.-Havinti take A 8 ot. thom théie ympthp oetmai ti friandei lak <oa ome su thepub @g 10'front th ies who had piirchued l. wO Bare 1'breeDoors eaU t Grogry.DuSte.cmr 1Kt i1 Bo 111 U iru £4. theaïedi sesnsmt.-[Goide. oN OA.Sc s.dooliMitW retire fSrom s MU :Cspreparèd ta do mil work in the knittine b"mlae. 1 . 19- da. etTheï8av. Tbm II leàirors left et my abop. tant cf Kent-ut., fI'roëff.i>nucIyîagoiRê M.l'lGN.Ei< .lt vu a hPpO§empm ~t~O Mr'J ioli goj.eî'îîprompt attention. factory, corbe Cblntuy %jj'Il nd&y4 ii ll filS -têWTt b OUNKL AJ.Ocr>w-Bthsflisu. <SNhinIOI st 9,Jow u ouCompic aanyv. o or uy. a I111or eil au dat od a ndSt. fu.t. pîcleimciM J. Connollii .iroul < fi neciq)oLrh;-' . Chlut4ely teblivomýl e 411drem nA.hD.1.0v Lâi. LladwMbid OV. eaas eh=.foueetue asoioet Md Oculand.P<tino. A.tD XiLLON. Lndaâyp Nov A aue aînîor iîrnil nt .> Cs.-î în. osDeewseae. os, UbW utmos S.lsudhoe4lprto. We are ruablns 09 Drma 27, j» 9-7-.tt. - flh; lxiv><ý- Éhï'r atry w4t it Icidîo tic Isel couricil rneslsg for theo ea---u ?il' imagetoSMànliamA. Deldet do agh-itor 0la Bots m UE N O NLID do wei to i4natpe4ttesoksol h isel voi ti'naprirtsiudont. Mr. et ham orheiol boue.On, 5Dm , lu. Jame=s Bell.i Butsmd MMc. HeAI)mOTrIN r-rS mo n l». i.'ueê.IItUIS114,ail lie e subors betag présent. Tie mo .-necyosy wub aom.Colote c m oe lFO 4 OR TO RENT.-Hummd ort'Sng nu>, or aeut theu order asut get oeOrtMid 'Ido l. . m bcit a Au lié dInt é m iet@@of <ho lie s i ae l tu e r o su d ad o o b a th. M b y "he R e. . n om . he lim e allo va o nsa pur ham o r g n o llverii- st a bY et. lIo a r y kp w e neo rd; l s "btf . D mii~ ~ ~~~~~~~almd MaIvJe eotie asdpo~ ul,~Movel iy Sidney Svltuoc, bride vus. driss la a torr a ctta gowu viti amot. A e"d uta im Ao obhe> mmlas LOtUale. nar Ositk e nee;eglmae04 f ofo fi oe AKIf I N>, icoflsthe. Ksmry au, mbIn iingte tesu eMb moisiitrim nsa h blorss eau.m.Msnwoodbed; bard and Peut twter; Ilcu-olm. IC~?espO0OO ~*~~ ~ <tn o Uc. coe, inn lovquet o d t le-~m. îsodku te mmi ibstthe bride RtcA.IÇVLOM I PE-2. e rngecellart l'or further. palrrauIars apply to D. I>Vt'e.kiN $wtAf.. eltti' itn8i1i100ock tuc leIs't m$etlig, ho sOt OfflPU. îofli.ovrybatital. Thobriévat asisteid L MET2GhOe o(VlONN'LL ltihhburu P O.. Ont, or ta IN,@.-The Order and CseuiWr wl equr.i ~;~ ~îa eStsîl .1105tht Mt"'ole tnPcaiei ed, 6th sud <is vas acciciThoeClCIt vas îyUlMiMry usarm e sitr of thé grnmm0" ImuaOf t'bill pleceldchoir anu" eetng BPRÂ1TT &K[LLEN',.Linde"y. Nor. Lo lm.bage rucsKp sAngrs lrnîmd lie ou ofrlm nti .. ét lns<ruaitod to report tothie roverriment thé wus attlrgilatas terre ctaegown, vit wbite ou Tusodar ev.aticId'iot.Ther. vas -se.6POucebra"ir TI'pr.1wrpbyn wax 1e11i4 i . y s'uî Oe<,.. 'riqeaisely sud tho clceum'îtmnuetter.dlng sud *ieidd É tuilktiiai4 nm. oivre a aàlargeattondiace cf thebetiren. Tihe ___________so_____ u "day Nov. M0.1»8.-78-13. h k.on.f.s.>..t..no ntmwc h oruto S<orodars os bouqusiet crangs bloemos. -Mr. J. Bel, orubloful master preelido.TcheSg rgny w 1' suvprlu.wv l ui#-@t ',ud ti.> iu'r mc- tie <ho f.lrd <o <ho Stisconcessitonl so . b oS tihebri. e, mi asbéaU mmm.Tho business vms go eleet a Dme orifoffilr__________________ 1vusb:i oahwtiigmreb vas playediy Meus iopper or.he HigirlirtThotliam. omr stlirc, ' M- ' li'.i-ui 1IhII îaà itres1i. IlA reporsemata rlght of vy.Moi lues- fASthé. nptialhbut ws u wroly fore- the nsuai .t dTuly ntlielaotehé_ tyf.tîo vil. i awko fin 4xolent rég moirs r. GI!'. lot wuslaid oves for sa<thlecoupsan ropsireutthé urSile itc essoulsdll stalll i T1I i(~Tl lmAlezï o e-aloIn br tnltire, bot ti a ctrmitdber taxes <ho brideis- paenots.vhere the happy usir ro. vasIous ofRloi.-Ico. m. TUK-.bury, W. 'I l L N LS tIbcIyM.MIiwttuv.nit . n.fta o il ju usexrsaudrîagooi the oaratulationa sud bout iahes cf M,, oeiesU>racl. 1H liii 11DonaldKJ y*ey blntl wr. . -li. 5Mr. t<bt t<ho taxes uuoud tortupart cds ay pal.- emay lvié 'l'bo aferwheh héPatySpeni o , re-elocew by alation; U)iiul) I i 1< ws i,"in "1.1 clown ment Ifi, fmuitter t «M ,,,mitýb*%todeesbhé sr CONDITION" MPOn&IdMead eh b;-ER j~#~~êMci!aetnoY brouidut Iii,' bonis". dovn menh-_WsW -B.IU Bld 004.Musn îh,.iu i M . e(flnSi t faes van laidmovo ntex.imotk*l huit e uetimable mai popular ClaN cDomamd, oeeorcrlm MË.r.Vr o iig o li! vr eain eil o s d the .lame liaUacf noSul Probants loray b, molamatlon; Brc. Mmrsbeli lut, Z&ob ani.tiv o ûlrnla tiilwcr i particulara cfis ldcation mal mu eoo flvoiihscu <show. The toilowln onse 5.ame.lflmalt iervy; re.TE L ad tID s ld hm n întlrl~i woke 1510<1 rt ThO malter of James Joiuna 1f..Neladu N! chîmon, tianuW; Br ohnH PISIE ORPGLN! - te easli 1 rodMe Bead. Ellck Do.of5C., biyacclsmatom; Bro. Devd Kînnet»tmot li toVolat an on s1 beci taxes loSt Oua. gruora ils. bied ires m»d fie oWlo0k iBco.j bu Il rian mcf 8ii lstILelrhi lil hilý , TiopolIMoyaisorDshàtde]i=ào and, Joh Mouds evunt. <ho.îoe.îo ...Ius over or ils lot, gisen aer Ab.lth i.Thos. Bellis oos oal egsuaIJh Monda? rsfO@MtC qý nuniig car. 1tions-f s M aelm nnsaicf 08 onte. J. Dm coilsmp, Mr. m»d Mn. J. Kenney. Gr-aham. Atte the installation îhort ad.-BSIWAE W Ms's* ~n TII Iadl appilel for 82 rosI yark cuttlug mx t ts.Jou~Bell. drums e e.dellverod b, the W. M. m"d î*IN As.m i the beat horse-orav n ncdet uteio Train, W. b .i-ir; li.hn . Ci liOrO>uoui Aies *<, vheauvasaSSu ame . IL . B.The former amooke on the quatilca- 8'rj. 1vnts.onu, to teêiier. i .lflhiq4, vslsia .le.Tho boultM utan.M.sdlreAturBl.gane short mnd prmUtIcaddress on bow oS C: »MI 4 .$M.51, bi*,Chuée. .re.Rois.. MmcArtchurBell. et »1 Brt . MrAile, h4p, lra fobw o buiaexpenaus, smoustlait te S#Govs wu nMr. sud Mrs. J. MeCulluni. memiors ahould conductthibmmelvos, sud COt.nMat, ~.Sa: lrto.U.';orgo )skssoM'rd te bepald. John liool, Cortlfln SWle Ut' Walter J. Hll. ho urgod on thae&Il <ocnltivate habite c lo cn~'th;lî.'.W. T 'ri. '"c.~nl doo th l o e romnvayog tc ovlamp on i stisisstMditray. W. HM Ric. lemperacsudami obiety. The leputy maie j OFl e ' AEIttU], ýA HIGINBO HM ssiI!~~~~ 'rd: e. tta I.a!-l:1cmmtlt«' eo; s ýw déBack latevusndoublell te e C nsghati*àckJoie adR.Thurs- ter aiogave a short ails... Sui! of itea______________ John 1oy *u lh corn; W. Morgie, rit&$0 g te<oSampos Writ vu oes 1rea.t rs. In. Devisaidloyaity. .Wlh a goM staff cf offcers1 _____________Sept_____ OMm. À f r fli léot'to-iT 1 hcots a CU«Wo. pll Tise graor 0 or < ho ai- Bllr apvirn%, MumIL Jmoksi i c lstaitfoi meutng a eoeelt tmee For Cou ghs.YezBos____ lii o" S W"i' vardel lis W. cuiora î.,,mode i Me aplvis u Itah ct e.Iis floine prcspaslm.It hasnreem ____ ____________a__ 7131'es 1M. l'e-bi tsl lt prOlnalng <ho volfese ao poilTa. flovlntant. vers is *neàooombidr .T. Robeo<so. csuakily wvol during the loir lmncailv of the WKOri. -leséalv, ; JohntolilasNU»Anale Pogne. snd otherwlss We blleve tboy tâasa vo: 1nr akeo i, aussi.anWl aforaon, Leke fourond , 0; JOhn g raiu. and..MM.Huitas, hoaasocial entertailamentu< smusAfefl MdSe Mc. anticeoMue.nR. K co. linsduflug <ho vinter. Fmli!porticulers vilii l VAL OUL AD A1Sj10IHh FF R ' C R ISmC IC'4wl'luin.oo St-ilt..)50; S. a. Âlbop. ou 125 cou. lins, 810; hSîmadc usibila riu% Mutu.eR.aJe.u11wulu Sr'ini.Mr.Brido oien tb.iaine héA.Rase, mot a io rd con, line, 01 ;Jobéhu lulaa ] .am iUnr& aPepper. Oriigemea of <ils leiste n Wftbîlag aioli eth* UnMthôdiltet êh&ianniai 5fwîî,, for-"v-î- - h0111r.liii!, .mAd mm. W. qtâwarr mokn sund na hlineâ"tiompl at uA1- 1u4"1-<* < -Ili--'~Mx t , icr s'e.uta no lne e nu'~.orilcl tar, Bo 1. . SIe; iessro, B . . don& mue.iîv. 'àG. Prsuerwsom vas 'Mr. E- - - .- lR ÎMIRMUI2 Aseed 0len.chp1Io it1W>.Ka; lecoclienacavre upn. H. vas dîopi ffca » gf? ~is~ o tae. ends vIN E M esimimeemMZMeft vS dis- OBPITNGcaidt'rta1m Psîuî. on. - hier;*lemhtît jOB PlsbTsG ofwsa Cuca o leiv'<". îîi ta nv:î î-. ta, Pîotrcmeulo.. BcGrlo .ssu; tlsustvm, al SIioedaves. smruln.airese ho bcM peraaciflsnsd i! e ebulés' h lacertainf tsegbmsd dosmotu mo tgmdDuuu actie is .. M l-1a~s "tsu.s'oSflsîeî inwslu *P. Porto; « btàmltces i ~ str&as-ula-l i rtlsb Colusalla »m a l vtomel îy bis Maay Mode. .bs bre.Ra rdbIu rniiofc.cie u reoi7I_____J g f»v. U7i-ay. lli' pûcr>aeenopetil1w a brtnoit Tanner;, semouas., Bro. J. W*àciu; i No iea. ird Couiso oorsedui Ofaaiat osma l sa Wty u U' UvC F RlL4UYEtai! uoiogs1ir<1iat MdTo -- uses 'a do, Ben. S. Kerr; Soutti do.. Bro. Vseles 1. U ii vlc thie GMsasidue m-reuot.o srscut'lm-laOU oo oi ti~. 5< tltm aiyu.w~n H ?m wax<usm' onvicericirt -The eat borx PTrans.ifta do., Bue. H. RquolMds.& e < W.PSs.tn * omtimeeand a ptine An 1h. W . ffh bIa n -M Woi etorleo.y'nêh-'ro avt 1rltay. - Mruo»nr BR ArTu qcmoz.-At the ieys isfmot rerj huit, and ovbu__ EhL-Amah ai en I mv LvOSoci., v.M. .6 teîoiqsalatrge .Motaaie-Wm. vu@lwmeetIng oSh, 1oeio Mdhis uEOPUI sm5 à,1mTii.tFOR le »W mY3 m Co moflta m le lm U o el oo mitam x-ta w r tà M5J v-im greeter igwolith f m o,&seamC110 B RO H eimte ewh d ft niail pe tu '. t "Aof the nsbo t lersl ir e. D . e1l M siw f» lI ttLi mgcasbAon.15 b ua b Du iscf1b veut81Kan-sul saointisM (ab Meitb ho r h o IsidL'o..>m. C. obsismgabouiresdu fe oe«tsut<o Tomba. MLu10idreis& MY i'dàh- woods.EMm-p lMau. C. Ca's.1(jq<iàk ijf in sud 500151te5l*ui capwoK s ovwisw.- s miC. W.rerolehea hi 5es..151s00t dusiru noreusbit" tii1i iI 0f o etscmqofiabeKboagintom onttiea.1ebavesud [ga *M»hotb» but tmn ali Prist Soc mwi, i-sr-Looeiltit scigua v#m eovmmd ou Mr. D.ducamiSWPBVouCt14 lesbild am otter 1 bu Ob illee s eOhh bsae ass-sftfsima slr .Pu of«r <i. pib e ob. mmd Id.YM . C& .souum. uao~ etfl..... t.e e. por. ri . - i Vicoia hât Pe of W"laam. OSaItRsudW A lu , A qoiW tdîa h oout lois lha -, th eti.mpasthe >vMs e. s volevbullws iesulIms s srrsse hum chron Cfflie woir% wsie.I ed t" ai Sd tbv oa l nor.Ioehjtom saa mba.gA ne. ao an's u nue oisse Us e tim*'a , M e . DoaTaw u he voc. uW u li s.wusussWessqm te biaveli on qm hmtI v v i a mlal m_ ai. taMM Yh r .Sae. ma cuw 15bi hS !éi week sS w'ti al Y 11 fltaefflfi t ln." nec" teIUooS p sure it W.-Mr. _____ _tom enîtesîy vetiptrisau villiail fitrpisys buS o boe Iffiblm IL. 5e Uu BfOibmr. W5UIeutuumuf s h 1 U et ibmeMues lm- '88ieot> Âowwaui'sft at nrs. Ta Dn sftrs1f mkd ,et'bOsasfybSda hosilum»«M bibspsei oS.ni a us-,ms s~ 7 ikwl . t@«kAai ., lO 540et atwe !; '_f EuUinibham. = iii e -nsWlm-C e I ae cuniMý M"e ;m i pàtmaulotvlhsnntea ibis PsbaPo SUPW md q and 1s hm suaer vuSeasm, patoSsimm- _____ ------ e die%.t mrw nttd.Te tl&mWr, emn " sue ms twi amS e iis mu Whig wu lo ioims<lugs e - < d iiu<u8mu feL. N m Rchs. epltl ei s4mlwih le u u s . .mow &N"w of Pl estr;~2et - ai soIImma v s&2 l Whubsestnusomi=eaemiIg......oyi.<r~,<t ~ Tac^ -Tusi--ar*a f tarq>mecS yMame as y.....................et..............Grewu*nom"& à& MO SA %«: WW n- M___* <obb t mbw luiGGS' %p illcam dmm»ur fa th nonnuee Vs -~~«V 087 &Wu Wu IMM~ ~~ aisy aD5 Ll ROISS0ami ý' ' o.t ia.T a' j; 18 V j. t:" j I t il em-weau.