Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 6 Dec 1889, p. 1

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tue W; sfsmep.ô C4ugltk#aMi OIU& em ami aneli b au.81 ni. BROWWS OTAIIOMrI. TU theB bout blêMm m& tum~~~~ evicu si ~ vIare. zs ats VOLVMI XXX. WBOLI NO. ,~r, Ou1 3inAli p àpE S, JSS w . RM,#OO UEY ma wm @W bm fflm ca QREA RED CTI N SA E C~rs1Âa WfrTUCA*W*WN~M TKEBIu. RE'. ENT0M- etW?1 " oe E Wh tl~~i~ - imm" IL nu fI~-.~~I ~ P ~ f p l'O 0 U LL* N F O X ia LM WO £ m m b SJ.P ETTY, O'TIi ]hZELE" -I ulvoewam uho8, fta& . Hubotthe upMagarnevmli[e t> dvt'rm,'d mae ab~gofer foW de trwkali.it in 0mPda /h </r>,' i aa teefr ~~For the Cld rem .énoe ' m Mey , fJsfmlà' r auhnd iif ti s ore .5 1 h r àoe T e, >me Um mSE Of- h . 1f* h. l aveorrdvcay fMro ire prk*gin s, _Rfre Ôer a# eduw Top*IDM&. n. U1 ~C & la h i' g m ufc z g , M i H . h . r g t a l a o a t e h e p n w t "I&EW RE AT f- rlmiL"teM MITM GOeto..m i .. et *wAoetr. am loty n i oWdam mMdemmntmL moo pif.! a e #00erflhi iq: i.4 arked in plai n eWM0'4 U lAy I#ia f p io dwtnat Y Jg à nb. **e lThvj oinGUmialz !iI1 IIOL 10U O4 rside> wil e ad onth puet ril rOur R. . Wn o you waUa sbonnfu "M thigoue for jou, N»m thonuWho 1. @Mrdl~hhPDr ntO sto.k iueer wag s6 0large as now, ani is siemi'4t~ on8 »e Sve -rai .aok"bain Wh"u 1.T. Po1éme atayIi uk ei.W ot L oLtyo u iii Me t 0'n ira hosha lwtr bee s alaiL4i Wgga m a ouigno. oelroukheadn*ImuSéoi tom Cao PO bveepn 1>e ow4 ~eS1414al lr December wS 1outrip Ba AIbWW4t, ToMOCON OvF. U9%18lm OnFlUa oiSetOul.Oieor asbonczce15dh P1.0 Prr iii)i.itJureR.Tbe vowtnid, roail I aundta, a 8eo#olr stVISBE. OIU.-. .SUTEbs qfvO ISUO olev MapcpM f tri,'.11 '4en Jai t,>tue >a4tFloue, Ant S. alngor i mor coneniet mm. bymail ~ ~~ ~'@Ion$[, tuaorunmorech Sia prbap as àahwmrsthe. mift etor iwum daM" U aýu#~i amygh Crowd tei ab 1 ~ ra . u opuns e aeaga bath PR&CTIlordwof the, awa@W sud-J PETTY , lectyof e "Sinh m m"_ab £9. a-flI rsebePaiid th& t a . UCAsi-T l Oanou»Colbe mi e. bluit Seceditlurnineew<IT CA $0 d»éa 09#11vejIaRm. o ai 1k bD-mie h unesle NoWnfiamu» p~a Eotioscourt ___________ Mi édwb Cu1 WOIket lhaffpric, but Uê-e bB d:y eua Eml:sýat W, Wuld coutrelever b, les Buwtkm ce the. mm-ma the a ttuwhto oi th pu thaïs rtheb ___ OR enfg SemiLtemliL r andt roQemow h."loes*ltrmains sOv hudre dolaendTe prie». .1 golem comba. Nothmglu tomb amer ft, ethstshr u '.c~. kU.Vs nd Naus 1MW UAm ~ ON CMmR d suaite mtlaadlthe aient as. saand cnf prjiamiaaia hedua wsem DMaPMoea. V.OIJ au t aeuse asveil, a"i ouoy. bt oud iutlyd.eifhle f L iouS laa a ta lsdosr ublahd uCs LL0KRZM e e 1 a uble. Hov do M te aWst , o idie ar cfhrawlp as TeUutaos r zrul caft h Tkfl-' -fatm cautSabte poomtrialeu.t theccanusu oM o-i vu ,r d- a at. ]Rienif l. 81 *e M j>uic1o'uiLy ýO4 «91'do o m mi otâft«ettly 15wouli motM-' wuWn£ [m WULkmPsl.Novembu,26tt4b eTExa InTax i 07-NIE OTTabad !euainmtTedm t «4jueyuphydiafly, but i iif lamsdo' therya alwsima mopm 1aEE>N.-b flO iaI.aUçtalUluthe uhmeuef habr Urgua mnb NO T C E qmymanbad ainsand ed.liby theluir baGpetsBar. âti tquit. mathe matter. Wé. - lkuualmat M ajor Wlmsmanu. Stamley PMa aacé. ..T. PRE a 'i mm.se.T1fimer ran et dm T Wl WMs o elâing. ontsatly iuding out peopi. vbcas es lly t h blémale hat tosa Icet or Ourammln h"cmau eh hfrai ulMsr.J .M HA 9.Vi just CONMESCED OUR Wr Boy o ute rinaib te oe Of bt la a vetsc pt b0e a yeua rd.Wd !boinu t AT faugvoin [he o motSf om lanses bat are of poor quali±y or iii- ybdrejolcad go heer tha the que» p iS a WCyrd. 5 sbBakCzLm-Pî~pdartn nIkpco w I!DA~I UJJ~Ai1Bi ~ LE 5'a~ fmd.Novhsmionmû.sur0oRte at re5tzw& au How55tm mat»a e1 ers TiIldCryi iue tltt etoc>tt esra . a . . . . . Ifo am 7011om&4 OUIiedf leatrdr ta hiam the oentocur theile UIlLJII - ~~~~~~~~~~~IEW TAILO/NG HNOU8E being propozly fitttod 1By 'aving pour tSkie p e Hexpecte ta a&uive as Béga. rare bhaaisas 4asrLde ev lmthua~wd atWw ____ -~- la. ~..., ~ ~- ~ ~ tued. libhée a"ui Iow ? ly 7 BK, I)oemboL-Ths RUinrmaW- a rvamdinDeyajgjiÎcw o.vrg.17 DRESI (JOODI, PLIENS, sas Dru aa et CATaxauk<~u. Ou u sne, aMi 've met eu omura, Mneh 25th, 1M I DeCrtb!ng hiesuv e muolrlresa,~a lo iigterrn~u h .nm ntl me M u Jamm" pbp Srof t« mKobre.. elwàUlm. le A uyTcmc.Ldm ~sdi ,~v< ihy~tea __ _ As vo îisrete g@î letei a nov etocit @W" giaR i n, luil. No obatle, for examia. â, 'ho ap.h. ms cruelly houdantSd ~~' to drivea [omvilage to vinaige a OW5 S" fatheb.amulre.Aot6>uol futae îc:dtn h onn ai ua MA N TLZ CLO0TH, LADIEt JA CETS, ' .CoMoua f Oblat Kokuta iho gave orderas tv oo Baéa veilboud lhfa ~ ece odhx t ~M.t.l.r ULSTRR, LSTRCHAJI OLTS, w.ds, U4,tgs C~istD~ffT~IftÏ0U hie peeto kil hm. ,AftBIelght day. 50amy «Cahloi i~~ es adIat u.T. oR ffami ft O 55tuonber vs are j~n ' lhg LOItcmunctvetouLle eus u dfSkfgA*lOOAIV Um.y.NoTg# lSanPamsu, but lo.qt ever.vthinor. IVorp butter and es ikea ue hoasUao fUcpbcs.o t> e T~wusav'Usga, .______________r BL A NICLT49#PLAYBLS COT- WigOB..aubie.A me rchant ztumed Biri, vimoimosbefrhmLdvasopriti - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Meo«on t â a.Waa ,il"ig with me, rufférei îb. , IEON I mecimaers a u ethrfr.t ________[Coeroepmd.nce a T'a PIB»ded blaeeeignatov. wblc vas acoptadml. TONJ#8, SHRTIN'GS. RNADY- OAOu-Zov j*o iXkoit INER ~ Sd11 tpinzKhe&n«an et thiUI ~S.e0OmaPOte Sr 1 !e atesadih eo ttal 'eenrte, M ILLFINERYai k . f tat'ic>uû a. Mr Pas C IrfrM n mevuse mSrcîStn .les, for Novembe.M ksbsdo reu cil Iae OIît 1 W'ilv~ MAD2 (üLOTHJNrg. UNZL lVA C l aaelo e iaouta oetl arl mc Prices away <dm», Terme, Cash. Niew YoR, Der- 4. -In a lettt ei:Fthca:-rc ruM '~~tr.iiu 1c asl. WR, T,,.IOP. SfHIRTSerl-:1E*[XT11111!ci& FORTHE _RI TRIBUenIA damml d mrwah, Xav. 3W, R.nry B M lIoebk. F>urth la:-neiaHy rvaia ~e s~ ru fl iFVVfTflft O. Sr~~~~~~~~~~~Mnlgyy:si: "i an perfect health md John Ktmuedy, B~eH, neiaRti ai. n ..MrjsS)to ai RATS CAPS, PUR E EllE Kil Ai ~~~~BvIDE gt rtla Bu-M feliMe a laborer of a Séturday ovenu re. Lgeorvie. TIrBela. ee.aRr,4 U uudwkn~rat~ ate f Ju Wà«-1li IIVSIY UU, adSud F.oeihhswe'swokdnbjrai pergtu. Secnu lu:LLi o-riri terpr okfrrctea 00,if srEC boi-g w Ha bogto tuniiniwbows wtth lahe vekewo»d îoa, him Magale Bin, Bu rlgay.' re, abrg tn't o c esf 000DB. BC., RTC.L~taaw. E Ot. 9. .-7GhI.gtelthe S&bbath. Lookti un pabi lucuuecîanWILL iPaeluMia ______________________ UJ' SA5W O ~wover vhat bas been aaeompllshed 1 me no Haict'k, Mary ivn sg 1O<LtL'rt a nvvnhg:1 i.e- dh - - New Advirtiaemea te. NONUETS, TIIIENINO 000DB, ~ramnft;r amY heautls giacoutet. Ueo. REnirott, Jo.Pi u hns ul i o or avn pîeyu' u Irê order t&st g 14W6 'w~~~~~~~U b. ~~o rn4s390 inde of th. uLext 30 days, Over anidboethe. h.p euding of ont iluigten. Secondcle utr-1Toa.aangaaiuCnud'bemreme hae SW to 55 w VISvM17 tunae la geographica L icovetlea. Theial; (2) Jn. .J&csn 3 am ~ iu h.î Ietd î h ud x abo'«t ft >Me1&vs "d4 a' ée!>8 brtl la myBtm .at tue A.-uwlmt la uow kuowu trom h saurce ta Cotr. h.eoud peï:WIi reWil h tm. ~.nm atetuaM R- Z~~Od .-t*'(id .'ir. ka Georotgo mu. .*vi s t uuh.Te r'e onofo ., a- J oGore1--d .zl Ge, 9u2! in delytKetslt~sl f To r~ B RGAN OU E f iad u i.pu uhmemiaiml 1kmhI ,ies-pu mm. lh..m...aý - zpem ki ess a-h J0-lskeln lba, poie h rm ec u- nipuu.p Ofei Advr eametau ugri. " o t bl nbr atl1 iibe iu avstm a aatr u be l~ ale b ~oa- oA MIch betUme llsvbmotastlerealti-tMOISc Cde..MeQl. NOWRe.y M ton,&«lawu csp, sauves. Klng.ts*0m, as"mOf bave mumi, l SamiIL îLmdwmatWIa ome vonelaol. tachelslroueayMacla.ahale Numds- Pym ZaL U is,5oIimmLf!" akUu . Ut pll i Iibvm ploe ufi Aite rni Jt*>sad o io < rinuo u. hi i tiou odo . u t " sotoemsdsvi e .Wby hî. ld' 0 mi~ OS g u otu k>ii>SeNiI III4 S4' pt1~nctI ~ ~,, ~. ~ ,~, ~ ~ ~ k issas thacoaul laM nmesvulb.tovulu*,Md hstuitla atmo luT she Umm.raom oqre 5hm.J. 0. et h Litho Irtwn. ~~'~-~*'-- lai a vla et v 1 ai asS mwusiaIbsfutmmiub téisai ba - b m MW.. hokil a mci e M, we M .utM . 4 ossndaepboionll' ts mati onMOt r tto> î â.fflau7 3.1.Se aSfr M huai rwbbi h nable et 4l lmsva amtll ralh y a.l s rme smah ~s S I- L utm b I C -jh.ea ' em. ~ w oe aiB si* mu., i bu muet Ma" Émy noé isrty. ety la 1oon. men' a"v a t'a a Dto- M40 or a ame mîy ai mens 0 true iued, I Joueth 'o ai Ra br th* mai Oum- rlue iai lb imedIl- le. Ai su tbe d m pubto s. M~ 'ho re. itutus. sio teck cLamie Lern mente mmore, $à for The ~Ar- ad re- cMr. tiWect ivde ie bal 'te la- Rtobt. à. sud ist ho Ch «- nilias IkMr., CM.r no 15 Otis air i thes mevo kmnae v as- aie a the eMt- mats udit- munt- oÈl.

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