Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 28 Jun 1889, p. 1

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au. uimuuu oe oe. - -- I la BIIOUS cent, As 1 au reoemg New 0Gaods mutauil 1 kaalways Sf5 le aco eujpfIwffl D0 IMILLiNqERV AXD7 M!LLINECyRYTmMiNOS, on.- riugthe IaestStylos for wuur. T/MGodihava &m. trfs ebqctadfrmw theM kadîin< Ia!kdt>tand ladies sa,éAnd om ,sohing béusg Irft vrdm o aeusratfactio. A ci:is la*: Mcflao afBro tha. eoepriun Lisue ~ à Buli mchUuia t SUOpp~ lIt HhSihe I ljuS bai lIe~~t piplu mals sud relais "'Tke Wav- erley" téosibon ouesla the Pralinas sut. diacfSi alia. Srset atus ram 1alS Th ullruuebOM0 UuI i. be Sable ais . meym l o ilusàtot wail MIlin y le uoms bau thd.t 9 em.e vSMLOMd a ha Éul mi aylune13 8 .-Md II uf mfi hd EONOMY,£QUtY, SPAoblITY. El AI4E 0.l :4.ty~i Pol' . eev a la1mage>u. utliut Laie Pus mail , mum sceabus aOips o.nuo~OuVI e md bot *iles la Eslum Md lb uIo . à io atul l.celmiy VIF.UTUL m 2509. A. MDLNAgeius fls iro .~ ,d-à l B~ if ""Limier ami teOMM#i orats. im Ç OfIflhi ke u pi e m mDKiu m M *à & VOLUME xxx. WHEOLI. i WE V.AAU.M. STYLSN IMILU MEruh Are MWe la bitusamms ilul TIS LWlai . llyHoe Nbaewe t auMesma uePten. Anrd lh& JumeIst 13% -III T0PLRNT -Fiv. coitagei ai Usai vm'lti lb.EsurlonW C el-a da zw~PivEAul - .r ot. ~. . the S MaL-6. ENGINE AND BOIL MFORBAE lp~ta m ,i s mv.An one oe ur " ma i e u b es p W LJ-0TS8 FOR BALE. A ?Bmw G«me» PAK ]LOIT% ut me the %badai Le ive HPEUROUGHBRED SHORT HORN lit I am I ,EldfPmhoSUL. THO UGEBmm Ou ls boe peAs ava.Te Dominion Day aýàt-Lindsay OUR NATIONAL -BIRTXDAT. ATH-LETIO ý-SPORTS IX AORIOULTIYRAL PARK. Lagihable lenagerie Race. à IN WHICHI OUR TOWK FATHEIS WILL OOMPETEB A host of other Attractions. .-ý.G-ENTLEMEN dont appear lu7cm'old rust ut ,bat- go laionce and order oueof ibose New fStyleOùSute ai $15.OO, whlch, have -boon riduced from $19., ansi lSk 70u1" uWOt- bout lu tie face -with the air ans appoarauce of a man ýwho has resolvei to. k..p abroas. of the limes. If you'are lu neesi 0f a no Eat, Tie, Iaudk.rcWie etc. reembo vo ethie bustock la tovu. LADIES Ieo It thuityour Drus -hà of the Nowv MterIaL We have reducesi the pricet 10 make a roal bonua. PARA sol&,GLOVE& Eadkrclfoo and @A-l other kàlck-knacks very loy ln -price. Thiabng nnar huensd 0f une samn othlg wtf be sparei. .Goodu.49'Muai Gof" mgocorne, buy, b. happy andi ave moiiey. MOORIM MON BROS. les and Cheapest Fonce Off alos m11s, [IWu F. mito MR=M WALKR VILLE. OUTARSO. In~1 hRyleor LINDSÏ PLAING. MIL Eo 0' mO7* trotIbiO4 tsaBumw'gDry btWMVg pswpoa,. 'LU L~mbw I WW IDRYOXL *~t,, susdjwnpf lilais», lins 1181, iULu. INGE &RYLEY, for W--1W -oe-~ TUI8DAT, mT* 2,1889, su- - oaau~ Es~Y, M. P. P~wu si~ibvtie u1~ W.la mml cli botS ~ uuua UUU EE~ ~q. IAOUi PrailuÎ, k. lh~, lue S. 151.-Ml, 'PUr, UER bF~WU~e L~»ÂYON~T-$ PEIDÂY, JUY UM, iSe». Pou mi e b uId ta e mat ilea aumIu8«6.. ma oi mmnar i. LOQÂL INNyWVsuLIMBS xW2u1001p8MM O f lTit.] nnamA,. Ou 2-EmJisuru Qummtonu UiemuyeeueiyliitiS mu tster. llumi o uui lh.T.prnIa roeloiit tiM bitsamembere vie lmvced W. OBulenMa russions van ast MM atIlul Ilig Me.'Th~ea@"M os oBmiie voet&- McCutmyoJ. J. Preson, oud .W. Bam*"l1. ona.kî Br. Buere11a glt§WUanIG. A. Teia Mu. T. OBvIes oed s umrman MaiM dlalu averse t *0 MaUlv#. Ma s Sar aMi Misa abludm 1»"ve e rclitsm éBlet vueWeil vc et »M ace *8i ml ubaer lu chisabi evue reaiers. Oweshmmi ie utra SefflI amtleSfY.iLThe meeoa cE bmm a", tuiiay , la bilepmo M"boo- Ï@a pu-oukeold ngosti Sunday ahoci clasma oabut lasmo.. gnlhia .wSuismd fIné a uspstatloa Er lwà wwth "q pWeo. -AÀ Si PMv&IlugucutiSa strsebu w»us ithiispaicrésju vat chem e MUCMismites c fovi tramsix ta aaelghtekclai ster. wchhel a iiibu eaddet. Tie momet simu l lihoeusai ladlng cmoesvolumes to thou ir ai»a IL a. Pxoax.-Tie mout suotahleatu ai the eauca musoff on Thuredal, tbe 1lu t. FS vens pvatt ii hm bue. the ibem of cmveratiea, ani tis buet Mrts cf i0beumea aocmitee ai meious cf tieoo .1on lai haus put tfeub oui susa -mMaIt a Cmmi uM160011%Thecauh resipta v ouent Quito uMP 10 lutyar but there euea, gmet deal marstu.. ?ne cefm tuaclas aafoot bmail Match bo eismariei oui single men ,b* chah 1yteche enisltin eday t. dksuivwe dcot lai tiarevs sue cm sk iid" vIs odU n Mastai a tuaiblo ThI. murisim*hoceve, mue oiftvie torSous. NU tyhilîe proafu ra Mm oe tiel afr. -ieThé M dOble smcilirace wv4 excopslamh » husaivery muei enjoyed. The yaé cht mu 410m0ssa gnsiattraction, ouidbogther di thohesteamers. troun DeaveriondmiOutilamoisBuethnbeac appeu i pm. The. comulîtes vleh t. spoolll U. lieRmansdfriands tro Beverosfor uinsnomu ch &aui une s that occasion. Tétu littie aanu la,* perfect meu br. Waeton. gratuhate Fathar *lcMmhon on hie mucue, nseoam, tue aout wpes out lbe paro. Nannow escÂpu.- Lia amsee hvila Jn uent Stwaru vauhina luaa u a ~bcket allad i îiatones vas by tomie , p aiovoi te uponlbreaking is cia mdiobwierl=lru a lai. .Wu tire glai, hovete,, t. se@ hlm outeaita. Ouly hie uireugti ani gooi comUttion us taL m Too MucE RA.-Tie euteadai raini, bave psu iavoo witb the, crops an.lac loc uis a iéle lumHt», mom* bslag com. plotely drovuel out. PEfhOzÂL.-ise Nubilemauon, or Bu.. vil)., ln a dinapart o er ho idaya han ii gsae J. J. Renard. -John P. " e4cen iie lsVacation We van pleamui t esa Mu. sud: Mua. Thot. Boach et dbisiue on tio i3ti. DOUNI> FOR TE à nOTUwimS. - Duncan Cahdur sud faml» hf t for Moultoba lat veei, tàklmanbtiou mplemeateet. etbem.Tilutoi a- g p au than. We elmi Bisu auceme PosgmAns Uw Mina.-MU. Aie&. Cau. erOC4 , et Bamvurh&4 burrIvei viti bis ,portable esemkw erbbco»Me ef uVina1 beach Tuelshm e haeuea, mai vs hope te mse s osbuIldng dion thei bbuaibut & Urm . M u.ort la bard et coeout oarm p bis lis fro nduimii. Iona mpuovremeut& smye va mayiex.1 geti* metiaeursbon&uSthe midle Ôf ust 1020006 sScIL.- Oa ths aveng ofthlb 17th lut about tes buadred i e gatimetathie rueldio f ana et sur mosS respectable fmeurs t. eJ a large succ ivlen 84 a final meet htin udunt uaîster. Tii mueme 01ethLsenl spWlal »protes liai aberue ac tier vaylima »dacing ubat osumlurih materlal for au even's snJuctAi prmesa ani apparent ! aurivlae M itylSU avaln vre intereat. ai vltb muiÙ1uqut et.Bsoem @il usihus. h umarile ah. yusiaiimi cmii eruer «acur' aima hiloadus i~o.r mp~iillm mies1 ~ aw~ yus uer S~iZ Iav. mu luit prayesu lu mmes Tii u.eamm,.aftL~ am~ Osim.-N.. L Fourmi ol i*~i ~I - ~ -- - AL - - ae à.. ouelmoN ,buggiS Mdivaes 1Ecuasi orrouu;-Me bu.su oeola t. Gaflp, tIsW»vuoueue te.amveu a »WiseasmItet By BiseSuaeu hmlace beateBmetBbe.unelslw opue Evueurbo-Ts ev n o Cu.ep lieDayQulie ssfaoseaplb LUDMpý i, UNgs gIEES AID LIME. TIES,91.00 PI2» ÂR 1 -J& ý ý dt CW 1 . .,ueevee mite@. oe Ie a ueveegn eaURIF. er las Mioyihse ilthé m l wawté l z eso@D er M9SXOK 1L the irmacior tiilinsich rivermutiiaplac habemn enotaiei by slmv Mlhla mm Paabous.-Mrsm. Walter IWulghtleavoe Waiedy, 28 unt Maseîphe aboie a asi àom., oni. Naw S&w.M...M.Wbito' nc s bill bagsuopusilon a fec dao ui dlt giiiing goodl abuttl sooazi.-Tihere li haà secial bah asi tie rsiiems cf m m am a clair, on the evSulng cfluy311 usrH e auplcos BOis tuban c ira. PrcoaIMA@ABor. pair chob uilding (Cuuepasesc i Tie pu%, AMina DWELLING.-Mr,. Peter omc cf bisphs uatis buutiUlbric Pmhofor ye M afenm"t mier a iaiunLis vu dune, snd everycue visbu l»Aspu he building smai okasmip, cossue. il thé mosu complets von lie» baTýh-&ve lier un% sud aMu. Tiamuon buigramplut r go o l bËt WYZ tosmplq Meueus. bMaioay & Clair, clou, he bu s imita. tien la-eavina, ara eco1 ,nd te nou la Se Too- MUCa EAw.-Thestops usai bmrs assuffering much trou taéeessaive mai continuons reins. Grmus la abondant Potatoés asei" l heVu&M co ,m .- esW hppoied Se pant nU-ia&ihavemi n» pes cr il co.FiilvUa't la vy»bat», but rust te erO uauaS -Te a s soue mous bave osuaui scopson 1v onda = oC er TE. RànAILATQuuavon.-Our statton ani, rüaila»busines lueailtranmutai ai be Junton. vere a complets place ia armuasi ciiiour vecérable G4uge Bd- cari et the belm 1LAymp o OmERSwrON-Ths attend. éaunait heoerstseIyla i no a lamgecge D othséomtlased et veaiher "u trllg pssi off la thsmom ssisfactimyà. fsunalen di stoma of the daY vrsgnstrag elîbi. Tha sUer tuocew runel t. ths Bot. J. swing, tSe Paureuon oimf the conmregtcn, vusa bsia"tul pisse et corn, fie tes, and addrao e s n sl attesiai. R.v.J. E vinst, Bey. M. ram ani Boy. C. Joues vero'puaient mmi asie on" sud mmielcqaaai aidremaie, Inter- sperail viti excellsut mug isiabe usPies. hyterlan curaichoir. 'lroce"isaboU Father Clalaque s ltureonmWedauioy eveclng, July Sud, iL L7.80 o'dck, vill at- tract large ceeds. Admission, 25 .. Strawberry festival lihemUme cveàlug trou four Ocioci. SURPRISEANDa PRE5ENTTON;.-AbOit ,on* bundred of the frIande Mai nilgihbes of Me. . LCaimtchmai nvaded. bis boue an Tlde y .vean iMt lit, sd ai s»M éas tba viottoro h aii s allPCO$son M. Caralcha.l 1vas puueaitoi v ai suuaof moue»aud mms.Cairuoeeldli t i fr eat. The foibevlna aidreos vu ai :- To Aka. Carmichael, e4g.-Du"&a ia- We, ournoluubori smblai lare bis y- t1g beuith the daspualfosluga cf es = =a je ae bout t. u e hi Ou t ramcimdt t "dn a n hoe n sae r uotloe. m8"m vas- brame thislouilyt. tmmdit aoubu* rerds ana cisb yjua-s simun eevMMLon ti gevs cgFoveur epeulurs valoch bol di tedr feelinsa u i urPMelins.1mime 1 me t.h gale w s ac u ca wlutbusteltSe Imxul su a mplaeur lin laFuselas. ,odiars of va have bomm vor a»Coawes thu r rug lit, udil n s thetern duter t tum suete beu ae L.As a mulobau va bava alvageyainIn tillema eou-ieani*. ait îOtiu et Sa Cluleiac. aW Mi 'C aug = aula lIa churl. a Sujrhslé «te aMrIls Md ami gaad.boffyp butl va aretaflu m boge "ias jur departr.la te y«avos tp fer, cari la goully.Aillh vos te v d"ah uBhierah lae moe t ata.e lieus Mmd jvu gobmaamOa th v our lut vishe. As a t talon aiuetaem suh iis p usi MlOurmasey, cla wh1e f u umeu Z Jar 15 lIaI S M al h u s eu e oi la nm% = be Fousud Four amiab le e dli mmaln tr lulhiae am en leh« hu e hu M We, ina h fm futurs teumess. Isbosmsta aiIelmc et blt tiare oua9»." nus ut mys a- WI h mul hmes.Cbrsti Watersingle a motta£ thenter ut e uru.uiB"01ls ee. býmue SItusbisa,Mls miwu caio te a di m o 'on 0frc fm surl prie.t end . s U . ois.u Tii cimadhue aeud usi pelaeslua tWng up tic $pot lu ine Platie, sud a m" Musical admiItemry pg u uWel ait. Baybsi»cvu'-ai hue" nu ils aigalnmm ofl ci tlm e am Webdm B "=lm blonehii Cmhoass, siireiaes I Rais. Ms.Cuta sud Bud"uadi u.ý uasuapoeilà tbaent ladlsoui charne- twa t. Weil; on~ou. UmIesLues Uaiiu C oge.,t mp hi Cu io ama u Lt If D etQHL M Ou1'uàat.-Il =uo m e s o ur ii i t éhuonbole tBsdeotis cf MiséCirUltiec day miamit.71à Stut. Ume. MeEsciar bun t dcv. lu ils bloom of iar th biet thés"aumfa et tben ysaa bu kI l yer commuln, c tet la &bou ni motis &o. Ail lia mil amiI ufild de vas trIi, bui et no ai&sll.r ifanerai, tesi placeé c m se>a bath ftoicuaMui eau babgshyaltemwu hi isorovmg faenia ami acqnaiamee mer reulai vers loberait luà10Ebt bayee is@ympahiy fthe hoie", S cobwv mun. Peseel ove. b;ia quiet mSlgibouiooi ilut cash »di anebin m i m ouna mem bu lla lusvlctbm. We uaaa ar>jull =fursoi e e-ouahi.r . Pete. L=s. ve vu as tei ll ie bonis of mmtrlmomy on Weuday, 12.h SuaI.,t.t j"s MeDOUgail et EgyptThorsh tovu. aip. lie du ycfuelnmieeyoung ccmpls @MsTsilaumel ya tSe ses of lime wueen. îuutsi.omof hsPnoa by ulou ibtera et Busteton, vwhs gave, tls boat a pusi ont on the me, t. bag tti ithe caves. We cIsitSeytona Couple sabhW»sued PuOsierarnMoy»age birosgi bit.aMay lis» rensaît hbeneet eh agNpdwu a PsaM nie itioi. tcarne taemcai 1.on.) Lacomcs.-Grub fableut ratsa ote.. Grain llawgwsW ng tonylbut bai cest. h tonempPY and mit.H.ear= extra goSi. "ii grounafioodeai. ..%rnps asé up amand tan ... .Stra vianrten art ripe mai uaa merycrovi la t. be mer muense àbu Ua tcicfOnur utbara tocnip tbis"chUe plcnicktngaî Scu. Stu si dnht Duelast irais .A.. à,mammoth scbool piaute wvu held ahtoÈÏV laing on Sstariay. 15tb Inat Four acxodeacar letin ance. Buebahi, football, croquet qacita. hors. giibe cu an d tléeas. Expres voe tte chia attractiona ne the afleacoe. Fousu Daowuuu.- On Ssaday, 'lati Il& s, Ses m&U iiala iuoseusi a diai baiy lu Wlbilams bar, noir Cie-sauia, aid chas pot ont la vu ldeutilied t. b. George Graham, er bette Inova as Tallai Grabasa ci Dabois, &"da cli ruaidemi of Bita townsip iin holusttefe year.nH boeroei a boet miCoeoreas&bout ivo cashs pretiost. go ovar e Washbura talm&nsudati la ssuppoiad tIai cile going au retuing haogMt upset »ma a duva- Gbus ACCxMMr.-G.ou sBarblcymet cith Whai h"M 1 meacpeti beinga aMtal %intlabel». Mle homaandsmm othou bri"vosceatemilm She Orangeball il Buton oui van foolng di sagin, I bolatoIadeidwh poedir, Iliwhir- eait1 is lC%, Bis cadicarentc&Z Pmabit i.alp. At blsS rPorts hv u dolag Bnaitb. NamE VICTORU RBOM>. t0ceremposdenS ci The Foet Noaru VICToRA AGRICULTITEL Mo- ozwr.--Oa lis lOti Jane a meetinagofthe direetaus of tbia solstç vu 1.1l li te et Kri f luli ait . <Jaapbsii's bote), Mr. n. Disia, puademtla the chaïr. promeut, P. Cameras, les viosprsliont; BobI. Oxby, lai vlcemssdamt; direclou W. J. Chiie, A. IL Stabbsuk, John Cuns. tâgnerà» ae&TuF e., icd. Lytis, G. B. George Bmm"ohà; A.Patouac W. E.L onm . C. Grabi. .A. Grs. bau&, B. IL AteLImuW. B. Cavainn mai NelonNealP. A"thé S mintesOf lut meeting v a ua tsé iuectors tirnel t. prie dvoe@D@ mPâl lo Te DaLRodtilebudDee "d i;a. si um us es am, esdayh. ay inmi.dai vet hép OU ..... ua.-the lkumua»moll« f tande- hboldingth.haneL 5eo fr Mus. coîtlire. ster MdUm. Wiiriw surd liii *lunaoMr. aorbie sw wl sudf tao r.cert tm oud fi. u mm" , Tuua eevJul>Moment a=Wf b.Pi essin.ts Meouln et ar e hinaai thédailehool ecu rip ohf, sIculasuev a"n. twe l- ltMr . Jéam or es m Ms a" r mrel b»B.. M. Cuite.et vla the U. tory mW.happluuus an aill egt ontyuace labfe fo r WIMI ta u T. it. Rkaers, Po pOol ee wthe oer aclduîvile l&" the« bai h.ala sotallyte hoami be os hitrn dott d it ahos t.elow. th wit. e rpalda sbhu e, bute til h sd famllvy loleft oaypoï la thedathfe W"laalpe« 10 j, ot u&iaeobipe codi £ um oismon09The Put] bruNI syTrterau phieub.poti cI lat wele e tu e palda l mofoureJt l h laotsPr.omse e c a wba ho fuhie grglbaéhl tuzuet awhc i raiaandytlotatinan veklus idaset hl*Coresalae cff Tii. padS ba lt ee prmie oedafor aneinuccans.a wrsibsaba)toraed. t u ch a 1 meulac bonul lles f. ompetoumeh ioina sd trottina sudrias dic trnéetc., iii beorhe sud fou ici ad be pUe arc cffered. A phl sebru basso boss retsufr aninysd irftcs à-aorsr oni. Iuk&laya Dîne M a S« f WUlotormuj orneavh Palestne, lsi muro.P t Eiera.&Uxcu EdIÂ.IINtIOX teou ol ftane zalaUou foherilIEBai las maiilegîstelusât e m b a buhex- boum hae o kudueaof Th ole BAsE R&u.màa.-ar e uler e s laji vioei, f fbosbaleh p M Pa te ae Suuuday beol=n v tuse. Un Sudayt2le.0u.a.Rboys 31utemi playlno ti. aey B. B.nC.bla 0r Pilenau s. A pleMr. % gainsofus» burx tnces u he alu Sma oa t ogoobve [hebS or S, aiéx4MmdyKlt 2.maih l7,stu lust. u ad a 2.is p.u.Bof Mr Sl: o &n«. Arbledsueh* uer Toues ws »v. suroeà au<flsioe.la lia Ae u Re0v . MWilliam cf Cusina d. achol voipra. Ou Monay ai 2.0theIM .v.eches ud eins. fTh te chldende- thvesobool rendrSmthlof ieca luadcou. eudie mannuire. Aaspocaeswuvol ifelvee by revu Cuey neiKtWlku Tiam aso.rved trouTheor 1ocoaek livesi b» e. Smith ot Say a out i., tie cf th Acdt aslealchatchbosi luer wess an i aetlacu Amclvas hbtweu atthe Port o ad imeets vilc a dlie ampljutc.the Wiuoeeda ampoised- too muhfo h Pr Pr o.A the endLiet Dîe t abal e moates st7 t. Il and as ulIs to @pare lu favor of ICorrmoedmao f Tié, Fut Pxcuîc.-Tbe annuai Roman Cathollc pieute, whiéh la allwaya Jooked -forward to wlbh ub latcreot, ras anacucepd to laie place on Weduesday of lest veel, but os accouat ofthe ierutavoroble weather il;vu pcat1oed outil luBait-i sus» hEieipar ,M. Alex. auR- tome beauUtli rouni. iii benmimr. wu a lamime uptoluci et 01. lTIne wattlae coalatlosil (Mu J.UC JessutaLpsif'v pzMua. E T»elP.sIeLiu i kiut ferPlutacalu aEmu AaDioso-OuI feau@" MMs 1.1 tiela emaimeoiba osTues> d la dm c E e s l a aMiO iet em oa etheosl i Wiela i t'hm s for is e-Th eue Bis *emi.: "e.ue 100V A.1 Elilor,,eic.$;r.ie $1M 5per boné bulag80. lIM Ikia wb.Iumm plieNat 55.3, A G&PUUK/ wuommyv dt"Uissby ssegem-m e itru andi u it isbrida Md W-M. 6 Te BwoMrs. c o taes th e dhn.m vis aumptu. ma âet m~e pu«"O S tpaie *0 ieth*0 proueta 6"oeai Bsuleaius 1

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