Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Mar 1889, p. 8

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SU'UU nAWAIIUWW PflWE~ JIIIDSAT. av~ wj DII LY. XA~wia.. tmâ. 8 - lq4- -- -- -lm~~ o a bdsl 114PER144 !am* _ M euslUm* i. la, miSs M sM us* fa fuma& i.-.-bu" -. gami buh uAs:. slesuw malg. aoMe.lu JtekPm""usdams: At1I b-q fonýiv sTn.ügtrp UTthmla hevemnpaot hPWimw h ' coTA 4h I Fis 11110 md is M sq Ai. I' *0 y10"S. BO loB PAUM~,SfOSSS, menailmula mm gui pastemhr. nS i BUIWb" milk ihSbe Wl.Mi 0 m tw lh Mr w d evi"ismls84 Mod ipm u e~~~~~~~b M ., ~ wII~Lk b pwusfuauili i1à m m M e .HEADQUARTERS,~M ~ la Vdon Ce iS 'I'I>KIUN B s. eshilàalué li a mes. lUUvk~Ue. Caleb PatI 0s W"saOU Oih1 alàuw de, y1 î...... ....... ium *v"mauls m teM a, etmuts 'U. W. souffl wus p.isii - l sm~erladv. I 1.........- le *lm51 lut., wbm t ibczlg ~--* ~ ~m~m1 1 umvnalr i igne 'mt e f la4rzlà fà aà wa msnima i ~je ot $s pmvm Eff tU *. l s ai u . .... .. S i 1 &R4I~'i8 G*Ir. &ahlo a m isihOr pl.vitea l --..... ;18 h S ma nsva M W" usai oeulLî*.b...&th- home lm y ma aavu mal. mon: .... .. ..... Lo a -d re govy. miSseW lbatt . duo s i i b s urmlu m uils m1 ..... m l U Loa?-T ~*Mptciot.lasib ulva dsol im ...- ibii.........f......uu wioa~.....sa m Locà1l- Gr'èl no.m.isla i oaedri Uelma Mdln ~~teS TBuuwus Cgàusm.-Omi yamug lN sa Bull for '&h» Alo voed wu. 5g li5fl,ic. the mw............S sa Lca-.mrdos.cuo.depin ion ibir's vllasoumi Itou.....tR ON. I ymm Who'a our uîUor-MChma" au. W iff tem &atm"sW.Il more Cornu 8 la m h m-- asp allvii ua, alsla dmsisud bi Mul hab »Wolam wv ~~ levai b, s pilaFildil, ffle, s ho toMàrnwm le-Qultas mbo, I ea li llsTaim au IN iL wanvidai >sweM theIr" e loe te B»W v ei a" _____Gate: Idemea sud Mi.r Pe.e.09iihà=P" Globe uup 1uifai msamab vms aaOUeimiT"014_a" tg . SevitÏal t e " youa m a OmmIgs e, muaiAul11h LINI>SN Y, iDaY,, h" df OMRl 3 ES b ai,~fgobiedl amglaonvu imuowsulhew.oranet804s h. Aaa. diCssmaUisasaiiWl ilaasvnar-L.ni& Mo hle -STvh aui3ue i fmon ibM, w Guase Pwit Gfora UlaWLTUI.mi. mi Th c. . lIend TOn. mBo i - ce whlèete un inacvIne4sviiiail e rea o& tly ise re t mevvm . i hl hl i ai sTe ia ablai i, iýse var. a eislmiasSi easàmnipue f lmava osm ihetts. WioiileSAbai1u iam.lS W'"t.uuaeaoeai Tc"wu&vasmsegmtou m*a, hecta ýtei W b t temo i" a au uvoale 0me D~ktae" t'id~ mi at~ a ruangl IlsNe~ ho aietfwu themsugo. a M imcar t.mu.....ullai visar, lut wek ~HI~ frendo i e 955 e 1mavami.mva end or e.- . i Jvtof Murmien aiIb t sli, lui w.miaou eada 1.sva Oe ______ imi mTspor.mmaw a ortuoete am s o. .mesha y - as uimftaluoi.SToo&. du l W» bW»dud o i iMmi afélme.Mi Boibns Pui lhlt t w. ?C'bo&uta hmigl agf.M oencntlou e f-Thiadle e l. * Tha sw lO Dm stationwbeneg teW ailhe - h an.fvral aihltdi'cry ýadh. oobi Is csjuaid bt lsl mai imeai B là- I-Ur onM U«bdtetmbmlsam Wtot eip9 ltt ,i ee n .U p b abi»sud *1eutTb m loruestgo bis . ist" W èr pflbtaille hl b os iu»M -i ~iw~ t "ni~ accwuOmuaboutdosag Te I lhCna on s M eative cotealwuipie voslah o à NZUi0. send aide au hr. mctbe.abmte mle in à e Mme. DsIMlsy MidC.novsuomm. aitr I athiCt~Lhn* t iuadlaPoanIstilaads iii 1matoe m o c tty ttime.. nr.li tSerinle veu fte 1. L-ol.bi ê«. dm osuda 1 *0eriai J. hIR. wq, the spolie o aet ur e gi yne 1ý i Ms Nhyl fu foe5L2 mVw u m mm ~~1~ittri~ argoaîdfenc..tatbP~ ZLMIW§4Dbléette&" kth luitaea Mycasebul , la hlaole.aOauV, M N L.RivleM11 li4les xmâtefk w à aml. .M a.ouk hswu oa itttlevdi'rndsonc a xa Pou.)à fmas Jaka ou bs wayt sM[eee hy m lesre, threlA ndWOt île si hoîlsa t8ARbo 1:a1thevale e (Illiacmou nMa Ils071BklgPw. * v<~wî.Tn.muule r r.msyi9v.vs a ibiin etbbléV hm __ __ __ __ __ __ __ =M mJoi.r M ietu im te the l i o mmmmasiM. .ClsM i.01=d Jmp spa es 1 e ca.l el Wonod >t, a~ Te ietva ie btMa. l 154 n 5 W5105 aIaBl 0c Th, p ro ishleian or1o6,rlme uJoh Ma bridataa.h.nud ay Roi. W.cW.raeidal luîe . ue îajegaiirsg .~ NET mara-OvSaa talleo b u ol- d ondsu lsuppertmof, he elllorv meu 8p - - rc':imnnrthé e ».R " plc frsreed récip0 apllm. S . lay . i b.A ft V118sd i aumrn . 'flt. W M mon o ve b .ug aioass m e» sos 55vasiccimi lu jueit rî 6.lot I erc avra pceeot i nj.t... . ail cLma a.d lineaoUn Stliates us l ib hiloih0ila Vancdth ~ ;' ou yat clholniaatasaenis X m e ou -a. lfy wu pisa taidt.o Ite i gvo S DMM"lpra" îl v n rPainforTrnt. vhi he î a."IWr*lm v p ii a & le Bivt he n ai.lagvr. thri eme lenwL Mr. Vbri...c a uw dioaveso t. n IU m . .&.Ualaq md. E Wtt va freevey arit hovata optta couple mudli Jt« iid btte mrktla Ma nu f atureri 1'I.OA. - i. ..rncLia fmgtvmoheu ai hlhaRalo edn ol oume the farineor prou.* Mtrl m -c n. ioa e tch lem s M. M ie 'l i OK~ D Llntiri» eisti ng MfJ rien atlsvtlSeas IiIb eyebuces umte a i e a e tarketgooa many pum for» Mb "b -th mafiet ssio meaon la oo et r. ,...te .me ot u osrale u FiATALooktt Tir ini; and achootheftev. Mr.ofille -' ' Ce4sas villag 2rI1 4 -îosoairemA Cre asm i .Mti la u im sffiraailve. TIi duce lu l a oo t oiâbl.maret. iaài4t.ûiîihy à largue'tnumn lita 11 iaAiL.cèsà lei. oc a baoud m' Atgidi vhila complugca7. ef f m tiMr.4 Ji 314 MCltiao, ho l.mll u e a t a1,tiS ceh m n lilunmaleub ot r. emie lone vof. éis l Ms.P.» mouy fenMauli , (e.tWulS Md ntaunRivAe t0 thchr frit.) (1eA t t i r holies BmmcRoyal <OIM4 iaaiabm omi.e agv iinwsacsai Breck. Theýt tp'lnwittw addfl-wmts ndb* Rairammv memmaoas The maailmq tb=s-A issul 1trageiy accurimi 1Imui kt o. r4t-&% Kai MiiJohn Me de miUtoeyucligby oga veang ai 1er ths servies la îeMtboulu DIEÂR Rtt)likttAh I> 8cfi. ' a. «M lra theilmQuOm.Churc* on ihé moeni lineoet Woriir O breiren aid eiâteze ai'theCuiea a uicm u re b ucm. A n*I u dhrco d nlsailCuswlbt isBANEINCM aaed byBafrtefd,lwboe Albert Wilsonk hadi anyoenÉdt tim on ma nd Amtin orVma . mm % ame mp adabi If abs e>wu came vlL bàTII. peme mevtmn.ý A temarleditotïbyèur future hume la lapnu. Waus,-Pmt .T»&. esmays la i. of bwuasved "' nig L-libine imSIai-* te 10». cor\chnrchme vend auàil. h h-ib a alkgabaegle anmdIrai the bullttai sia hta thne lmi!i aslso wt I MoCieanod siriij the pas: tourteau iran mode off essJàt e Mtms-s-and2ut vemheTFtrt hà ns wlth pl:asRm à » Im m lié mavil lll a.ofl b ectas m ahR(L J~wwvs...o sai tt out o .8e ise e lais ' irta 05 mirSuladJolai sbarn ara Cleas. ihat>Ptt service. as deacasbaem i o l1s bm mie95anti5i. E M. by somute dravoff tils sissicon t is jm hgIr apveanateid uriez the pais tatîicavm.aiw lb. sM e esiimas, leislu a nd.N aasa epelv aaai ________________ Tour litwralftîand ia.ttulmaalà * d 1bu tvl. my zmmivaa o a Aa l le ftes, buit -bave M talait uaa i uty la yout ai amscause viii, ' OelihimiSsUo syDMsaela ia. adprar,. glve îou ,mpl m ut al lma mi Wouh#au Is bsai.M ..' t --- and alge Iu that vhéle tu u caM& . IIMF as tme ..---U. -Osi~ sauat y LP 9. ulie.uotmman emm @Lm" sai aemo u.. Sotdear vite mal havemcbl aeaed puis M sllnabailtbu hWres, aret ibmiNarvasibaud, Vasartieus, N., ~ ~ pouumase o Orerniadim t i a" *ïmi b an atoeyt a ipiu bt m ii uamel b midsBo env et per choe. v arass: ala alum Nu. masboaa. Md590155wu alnsPta lo, b.alnU«&ma m Web"r oiur caoïemaiwlvc mid"ff les HGWuAR@mDi'8l beO4 bpskm èîr uo leord te Ou. biemi Lt '3~so mvle.ioim.llsaltgile h bc1bumMAcIdam. 'Lmihauu M.Oibsa snlals oaigImsmi word -tm.GO PG N S AP N. MBUS. muaii biagsm.Mesaa, U avamvalbsi 7 etLboBu. r pe »y Lwsm-Tbanad llova.iva.-Polg ba sb.woi __________ 4d 'CMoans E I i0k5MOUS IL ______MdUlmduc* ft bu Md W» b un br Ber. ut@" au __________r An àh a i @q ho we S- m onj W~'stt a TE THE-.WIGWAM. itl WHAlàttelBtIT WHERE 18 IT? TI.. Dooo Em ae. th. naI enu . .'t vîs. h. x.im ju* Ck lest, bIddlu ùI Imm,41-eDu omsitos Our stock oetslts0 he N.west and. Kes Eo~aie.Gooda fin. mthet W. ai 1h. zioted i la mm-rIpw f oiest.udwe invite FOU to nspctouistock et E.d-mshe Olothing b.- DONT ORGET TEwIWX WYAT & UýRNER vOw E UV Thé Great L~U IQLA T/ON Bankrupt Stock Firm 'UKEAN, SON & C'Yý O RIL LIA AND LINZD SA"Y. DwMV. to mmsoai 4ffiovU Miccwadby Awv4iMg a great cisaof iwiwy UoK4»d«P s rca sta A1« 4 'o.vaoi ha» £0o "a %y 0M wof Our DSosaai kuafor a p r s' oi, MW have#sft.r ariom athoughM, doeiffl t00OOUT 0F BUBIWRBB 1N ORILIA, swZ sm ie Ilust have Roomn to Receive and Stow the- Immense Stock of Goods of our Orillia Store SOw pimceof. bwaiwaaat iml4daw, 'oSak&U kw. b "4%C OVApus*? 1ls.g astc i at toew-basf to4tin LA. IlT BJZTY DA YS. IFIAT SLAUCHTER 0OF OUR FORMER VERY LGW PRIEE8.O Th. Mies.a ffa kwUEa te.t,4boit we »suâ aS hav Aroem sand we aal eed Mhe . v Gq VM a"sm nfW yureve.NARE HERE l'o STA IY. Am FOKEEN PMIONS"0O01= OUT 0W iSHTM . ~. KEANU, SODN T~s iroas.UIplwu, Wide-Awakoe aukrupt Dteck Men, Oris and Lindsay. A. E*giaboUaam. solfft vmowi atod £oia~. $Omo. ad i de O~Am el.a7oI .ma Peter Eenzdeàoiz& -Co. OF Uamg Mite dat." ~. At NigizIbotbAm's. For DUS e I ith r.donies ad i'. pleto Garden GuideO uver puble.Awîd. lt te really a bock of 140 iage«. aizte, 9 x Il luches, containo three Ct-'l ed jo!.s.a1ýd zUnswtrtiona c f aul thati t- iW. Uecf111and rare An Vegetable#4,V 1o we r s o Frumitsansd PIanuoa with plain dirc- tiens "iiow tla pcv them," by This maretal vo mail 10 ani- addreq en receipt cf 23 cents (in otampii. To aul à], remiilling 25 ets tfor the manual, wt, wil atthemmastime#x.endfrec by umil. inad.itictm. their ehoiceocf anv one cf thv t.'î.Uti;tîg SpleuBiS 6Ovélttele,t iht.ulutilh MeS Dlow offered for the dfiai Lian :d te Ume cf ciller cf wlicl is 2à cte.: Uapaeketof AishtnKEii9 (tiIMeor une L DeAsnonico Nus>. Nlon, or one pkt. Meor ,onie #kL. Autwer 'SZcer and < . or £; Dtm& Ëà?er, ci oe eplant cf tte £ft o oneplant cf either a ù IePé uaderutaaddfmg, hovever, that. th*wt thIM adverimmeiui. -j.. le acoN C~tl ~a. New detamna Wbbs fnooD BUVANT GIRLS WAIi'hl %aWa 7at le BNSON BaUSE. Llmdam. Me MjUiJrWANTERD st Ous. l .~HICAADANPMOTWILB ~~1ININQTON em__.mmeZGKYre- - mw~A ~ UIL-~à & OQMF=ANY, , - -- -Lýý 1 -

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