> iore cmowIm&- ÂWAT 09W '1usus »MW aun GOLDN.STR.... r - Mau .q .iU .u OOPPZNI N , i.- -~~. q ~J55' ID2E. I'~~kw. iiI'pliq7S àm.7, vol__i6 là@@& ml k M.1v. - c~ ~~t ~ la t. igIe ml tI Ms e.tonu.IIete 31 stlefflli, Jawt lm.u Somtn, L !t h. oItu, h ..hd atome.m ic t. tuf Â4fS 10 TliI POS!. l la_ .e ? uwyUoN VUo.o.ms I à$ .Mdtbtco.s :Ma ý. ibn ~. Wboev» .e e.ooegyau f- bbqUli fls ot*;v B fwb a -.ere tlU g Amies sans, aq.ma 11 ov, aie_________________ta______________________ w. t tea mmt.hg IImausa Milemia à e m 6 nugd nt h usoete 1W .~. 1111i-11l- -e t ~t lb. b te no ti.,hm ns-toie. vée.uWb*lm vtiouh lua.,bl 1. IUI -e o Ma%4Ffi e.... W -- ra e heâs lMf. - l 18 Vmott alrobt . a I.b orm wassdmoebJetIum vset vte etote hore divoaBll-ml e mlatULm wu un a atmmof hall. o a> mdC*** * *7*,., 7,1 b brho dit fs p'm bitop dm.gAa o bmoau te imam, -Cii him wu; ima orna ' - tes t o athe youk, s!," t4 ivha. e ki Mte.te. W"c o ___ - mals meblaou captg a0of ms t " m m lIa minee.li a up.Ov a O o set. of . m auIl y c~iua~sffPt taiMU" à". C mt. mm atIM LE & REY MI utpo ue@[m ,adsSMàj . d gu mi tLAI smalusu 0aID uttl.I'r- ___ ___ __ m-QaneOfaS il asrh e , p bu. eWhoe hamlo r a Mt"dva a *0lu W&l 01Ila .. un~m mmuiaa LN B& LiI'IG MIL fffDS T.RIAYJ~AJ~ hol arnùes. d J tiea etM es t uaridmlgai .yOU *OU SB lueau u iebdme tecloe fliIl iast har.W. LU if bsffquarlfs ehe.]kt luu i d. Ny 131 SEAIG VINEN. tnot ied mmigpplg lhart!. i sàd T oy liaiicls. i; e 'ha ald JI, mdtle ooUiwim % te iU.L am E i Ou ouI- laé uam tm hmut!n, namelho t!trung vIe iu-l8 AS - greatooý_ . 1ý l bot.m."Dmapro&ctrstti IIbâti co a hb ee emu ly~To myvsm ue.U o om.dnsr 'ji nur~e h~ ld b o Ii uotor 15 q&l mu I ~ N4 mi w-- bigotet )b lis vitamvs yU ~tuy" euud i.dotr Iamto gsne~al are not acustomet! tou anitaclwhà: "T ft" oto"Ta of i la fe r's ot mosei« fra er mleroft!slcln- vndA t ai c-hi' . eo ,lb. fmitlsl vm f-mouneou-re- ému Ofh'sma aoou , wakasa&.i hoatiI a u~lsnfrTmmb.ifon!hl.0 faau, e>rtuile i ' eaepeprdtopyhi y tMa c t o n ciOoil.lu lc. t asCp. ovu'.Ivabou e'tst hi lyi hxitcthr' n n iae ilaot coNoUel cred. tiai.H.bainaea aMyzoa ase ut! u Chi orwdia th' ~P ~ " o ut Idlmao u t at îer7. c"q yor hoa. W yyu' ota l du- aln ld a urrivlh l?îevsa YU- stora'arooubi s faDuel'.m Talu ;athehmàavtthe mo ns cl , fWho mile ona at once. h , 7u," .tthr uUT.za Isoro,"o ma uve l ueto. uatm . uamMtWfni tî i RU'rssuanc tI &Uwga qU be"eg. m. ilev& u fmii rae o elov m ,t u erigsl d efun soout fu urbln ar a frv. - > aia a o.ubout.moetalue. time 3rv t Âladt A N.er 4. atu u '&Co"es Iea tl a pIm," nid about, v1112122veute ilb. 51-m35 i eu zeonmoliut n t lu Welln ia m a e n's t e ln eling e d I oda v.yI. mclmt i to ichncfhi ase'm ten sdo v t an d ur a SW titU. Ino iiWf lt ho I», -fteL dA v ocuAml ub'aelnAuay uqee.Iiiue>b e t c&tL ea et 1h.nBMM kboire r01.-theI 1 ( ) lu uc> hofae flb voe arh IS u ia liim ez lener a am ot&mu"coawlusulamke pie uttom Owe mt! nve la awr @%lmiauthe e os upe u e l were, m a on b ,o: l IaI?' htS comthetoy.» J th ougahcýn8T. ;thacr.I lin iitu .h en uli JuiI zs!m od Z an1'> beeM ftfaitY u Tomm wu 111inste Oakve-Od. 5 lS not. e h, wctbert st! 0 adîtu wn u île rgiel, l e! tir ai Iht ca i els codagy a onassoeure re . Ovgr'__ _ _ _Lu b putmtb loei où to'e, r olis.oo. dI th adrsrsonhi aiers eto, uI tifal m wch tonleti from lahoI wu C lu b ut à l i. » fI l. olne l'.pd ereu eforts eWho o c nrIaly flot te do.ieutly weilte Mtro cbla ne, cuit S e durlngMy lI. feu mtt. prS cftva gt vi t Bauoq s054 -a n bedl em W S ufe' ho mao hinsté s~~i t nd mîecSh . ve u - -t llihe zlnge.noa-a- Upt Sl, md athe t . I ltavaladbl le <Teivycno ieu 0e l pl Teasre oSlis avrne ' te edo lents cfarehet. îist wlc aie a ni ou-ouz» 11 h " îîant Binue le vis<hn a e ucn- .> heiilg ft justv in about L N ER AN W'M ftmfntefo . ine-by mu'.. ersofrd. Matle al An Jinhi.ýO lm, ve 10 n he eMdi W vas pe rt berouimia ersatiulJl ltoo arseiuptars vore <nd1t moe ,or, OMY oaoj idrI t!.wl. igeunaiaelIsor ~ ..Tsn bveh." bnsm lIaita zeeeàinoe te oralofe.ut le n a otr e s e! yo u m . tsnxkl t us leu vIat lb. O lon, h o pael-ad . m4ov z o . o w #o a e n v îedsn r mI or biaan_______bsi es__ k oc jîÎ o t s t t i a -t l i W , n t b n g y . t h t - h o ri n d 1 ,# r h à a i l m y n" A l l ied o, "in o r epüv l à l i i m â o e p h e m eo u i n g w a rt B e u iu ih llu l m o v r opl e t rl h a c z m o y cfidn a ccrt *in yt r se il, latre ra u ndyt h l i t a piew e. Y lu ijt h&O eur fth " a inif. 5ftU O05? Jîm 1wiMsn lI panl cf tom ys oorwuaza irtal~ aesl l wo em s a u fo le t ot iLs Il an d TI. von q t eht h" rs co fovent. 'aut! om e~m ohm hIsm .Vey e md oefl a tagam i M , wat<ii. if i ig L KB R B L 8 héucI ha k noed utrum th7 e wu;" but h a s i h51I vsyoureu n the e t :'e e r t." Irastaiwb "q analeulb. girs, ano via 4N D W OOD fomimt et! ain aon:ou q uen? î tireyicnog WaIad a'glus@=ance, PATEJIT EDIGIIE - - c lo e ;h g n r l y n n d intoco brase S » ferly 1c1p1o u0s d fi i acurt ttýne bbc tDink t ms u a vndi u.yu ommi 0ikeldo' .dz avaosgraets paerv u vln le mv vIe lis is iteva l grImm ilibeawudn wa ro.Heoneeied lye bd'suEu Wnt, bain diîï i net .aseryauMabutdOme ' fl FIEE '00Tmmym Wib. e dc tof is ab lndt'u ad lmti e , ayt n A.oncn"b om' Mt al suz . C udo esecbls'charmer« tht the bt the o e41prnry le e t siiene icrlul; btIaol Il i lnt !Y . Oe a o o bs o m."ter la 1wu 1*yu vl amn?,th hv but lt watlu la e-le ishijBth ugt ,hoat ietiala uv I abinout " ou lngaoeuIr? luu' at? ltte do lIera? ' s T OU vh t hâ ox' T l ady,' y feelingE A doethot.W -y or d b te ed luist. r& d - u are ýîii d. rî thr ie n it! d a o ut aitanhou."T Ie .r oslfrlae ro ,iiec b or l.egn nt . tppt y l Ie tla lIaI . 10 1 enc. eu » Slor, ie r To leath, ait Tomme , fIB StflO U MUdrffIG sholtildg li î.ue er le t o e.oas dcvi,"amt! Ie oloelehl e..laptcil«Uy Ibt he =" agIte moth.me l a hy."h iarebakya l ,a !b t . E1T a i1 U A 4 1 -, thIe u i tid iden t!bal emrv i it ln8 cr.t o f tub lc In lat" .lai vlIkpIm vk. a hn sr WalIe w homnce c&oneiut?a o.ndntoie.iel. flSs~ w -Mre .. ~ I~ m le Iu dvthhy ledua <17 aai o str ubis msas; andbyehe0, i t! 'Oot!-Toit!mueztuO wr. ahlana cleas rth01ema?' .a shomye gt a 1ev ceait! LMader lais gel'o 1i 5 B. es eiwretoct as aui ze eamintion n 1h alle avets flaI " mely vina m sa' rfurnket mbL G..iw*1a ~. ~ ~ avetsofhu pevo~ ngî v l ls maone ti nmthe? 'o e et" apl. làv a p 'o41sOU tun annoet. I ct ey ozwuataugtle 82=7 xemî mkourigvou laisbc rounda fw.u Im nonosoua aaloîwg~ Au to à.' ;tenoul aJIm a i a out-, Wb"em vu I M&W î .but. Beresterd b i ngo lafre. TIe u. 9. DWi4RDS L mne S sur mu sud wiemlla -Jame rad'.lv ip t!rof the li an se refi i supposecolounl, la eu a nslme V rgt mt! cls. îe dtr thendhnL" ildmae vlcI e i nde s u a u aet i tz in a La us ab el aott e oi atbVU oi!tsla!ai.anie To y'yes atzeliua hula eteertballet, t hile bat!.» Iesofflits11esDue 'usT Mûrutnet, @,Usof igIt. -t Ils b., Crjmrn Wa - Ilb" 84CASH PAl île ut, n ,...taoaïsas t l conscta mp<> 1.,j - the' luproct!tbelesl, > 0 d5lh - W EAT lis vood onngast! vitl açatare l oi! o asi. is 'Ow cul...,....... l goar l ba " . t. vs ay igt <Catilt O iswen er id m urIz.11peig pnlm l doi, fo 1»ueerl . ssuI q i ee erilleie me d lsfo ho!m la al. __omec and oe a n! plm 1 n b uh ew s aeld Iscai !~ ;mllashe ii e;pbx t Ayu . Lai-cue. â isin eui sonmlay.dovi, va, tmem-'om my lÇsolf 115 U D d uSi e - o - gllha ndtic*WZL pu - 1UAÙ ELo&'MA acinés te. faon; tIen ou 1001droppet!offdo salIIrtelaeu liteW. brd leballis laI 'as rully U 0ab i by il.g sar lh trvol itoneOT orpeam"al"ova T <cas. I bapozat! lehou. eade vas lj~t e. M de iiihea I lent! bts sot. atuaooziCapt. Guéa lai oeî' tru clisTi~e -Y.111 ? AEPC fw11 44&d they 'ad* aorau" isi -no te . & bout. lIom bainsg 11<1 " ' JEbar ofte. Ducks T'?in = naze VUh e sllnpasar"bcrt.,, m l,1WM bystanders. umis mtol behvas5 In mtact, 0wai. .e. é iimouW e "Misiez s" Sali JIm, yula lIhW~~ ~RI "Tyes; ef coursepoyenhou, 1 t m' I. wu&ply lat.te. polieh dp wvas - Ir*a1w Ie as? ic rebteMadi !m ntiat ad mplasis CMute . ____ The________§mua& met ime, bututh' ufndlS. d tim gOUE gIr atouom, but tlb . tin, 'efoU of Iàiga. su Mleeore caend -ThOme plaloIsUilleMunt!. - mo r pilaarsat lt otziIlalou ome fsar. b The value -sot patnlrly Ibidk, tamly vais ah tua. Sh u bu"m tidua oamm ytsn , 'WSer i e e llalarU lh cm» aa e.rom-ainad ond eletloavi e h .sel l.m outsth me.eOf1oMM, aultte i Ag uap the barfornthIe ove ai.axlr-rdMmrybebavior." Tini mlhenlame bffonhie-o ad SYSdiut" te utthng ew&u@h vMi s ath aibtbat IOven aMidIveeon uIs e asenprlti ofea s oo mt U d l ber e. ~ ~ 'h ueec aoves"mt vioa, ii atIsa thecplau hbm705 ori i.en.0 Ole0s"'Z a te u ine anse qumii> to air BEAVEKII àadin iAto bs own zom." Lee ten rninm .veeauig.t..ma e oIsam6l amevu. teOlenlas soIdi>. 01aslu thDtheladh d'a Mmât.DEJon il yon dt!cm'lmwi t. am, tsteh" , e of OMM, I i'Ilt d vatel forl ~ u Oo uurihealdu ta "e, aa lqllgtu-lu fi ~SoE ul _- ithly pBtilion { o rs lee dealer, a 1fr.JoIns. Z» I,4àlII a i lne peakbut ven es-O tl mvm - obY i! N .Dkruli.asIly suolba a or memamS f"a uJAm," ama.tie. iolomd idl suler l riI eu datuely" .u r. .Johuas'addrus Mdl ve Ilt t "e nt us-ll? u inw j m u , a ' me. .uyi8.a- idk Mr B uAofor ia eI it ýîw ou te.questiopum issat! s tepâ.ple _ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ miîî o. bti losr h u euaouS tblet; il Vu anoi=ftr- 'oUomIevlespsny~li beau lu e. botel liaI mouiug Mdak uupul.ide t Mai a lhilgEivsm Uh rWrda ba ii iwy ÈWbé ate tbat ivi4 lm h ave o eaUelWeut to bXrL & lalgm.upt e1onfo o 7 I mr-vla Up M laIl 01slu __ _ __ _ vmua.. So twar "0eIas 4 t W iraugm pdteii4 ' -O titI lun ma uslm s vrilln or golg t. e q. eyu a-Mi' W G~ T K R u ac &_ "!di" é iv'leval. T .r v me .eloi s a u israda be bIidr âl she eu = ept a l ioN "OI<ui ammigout ! y teISu D . BJI 5 kki SmctJàTM SoNURIUi tMIr, wuualb . f ou mm fr lauscr,"rsug lsw t*h buAr. Tu Pes Lmd"ll"'.t~. -60aatm et Los s d, - "I. gEa "m m g~teime~Cp. va.Oa ad bm A oulef M » O fe, h. lad. __t_ riPet1 of-, mi whM, Sai~ L e i ulel h WE .. DOM a ME e ~ bah IolaSais ur tai S m i 51Omou 1». l.1at tue m m iu how y, etis lO Pilmb e. hi'. la semebeyu, n igItheu.n m r.0 i -,,,Au»wSn meivil S.d a roadi bai baa9 m-lwtt w, tto LOvuh fo M rasete m M e. plainf yv@m hL . au b.vhi-àa 1 if 4oueie. à .Bý fr1mi il UPlu. .---- us~t ~ WM lot vsu the Nul amI ofm ea il a sbe t l.h"; i wmumta c011%wu oalà&S.iti soou69rmmie. TMdlavm be Nb ia a. lavbnat 4e . ]kt i a, _det"-a oet-gg b h *1 . w ram mW o ele.1.vSatumvth w'mla tmol em lmet ~ ~ 'miM hmk 9 ~ ~ ~ ws~-aamo a 1. tbsdvbu i aS a 1 des* be dteeUs*,m of tbe o bu ws a d ba W A SSyutOf téOl - P"u& lsbaMme i - entpd ib mmétar liaI ghg*suit l. IiM Ii= bà-me Bw W 9, ft le -;e Kr «k.«dw Mzt minle bai f i wh m e vim a qll t W e Md es en «NUaau vir l 7,~BUW~mimais ~l u~% m~,I~ vflI k l omIruini. la1. Ul bah"ual .alg *hm .e.liq ne ie >B aA1 »la lé s ! sew1t18-1, U * u --eau~ a ll'~~ £~ ns.. --là.Mvu.in M.b~ Nait1be m .Imi .ulue 1e WU. s~u 'I o àabW g y. Dl