!N4aliae WL t18E OOLOEN STAR KiONJIZ 011115 GOPPERINE, - lu TES ~AED~ ALSUZSW. 8PUIEB, ~hoe. VoeUspS ~b ~ Pgb.lig»fM NoUGe. n uIb. owu.d thât the wn" am bai g -deal to do vlti ft-they ut- torisl led h blm, for lb.y a&Hove h lm tb tale elkost 1ay ibertUes liaI h. chose,. bec" hé-w neactually beautii l t Peson.prtly beena».e .vs thoelut of a very <aiad rick and emiaently dist-. enlhi e c. lot a day paaaed, If Lhovas noe n duty iaI as soon ai he vas fre. from vork L *d, neat go àfauln toff eome femirane «bw,ernr, h.nther muid unir would' uaderstand that "the féllows" oblected te gohig to teà parties vhero Tommy vas thé. Contrat figure, to digners iwhere Tommy ,npolised the whole of thé envensetlon, snd 10 dàuces vicie Tome mis atidaclous dirtatiàn&- made him tie ebbvii e of &Hobserver.. But, though Tomm . d net become l bisae trit, hofrutPOP. JlauiaMtavng te i. the r vle h auatitulJlm.<114 his bout, but Lis In. avetron; .44 lim vUI vieh eau fol. il il in upleasat, tle the exCIluion ef ail tilt- makis es iteorth Lavingp, a muceh stretiger vi! i en Tommy vas blessed with. In truti, ail ToMmy. strength ef purpose ven lu ma. oppost. direction, liaI of servlng his ovu ends sad gratlty- bn is own menue et plesmure. "Look hero, -yen you Wbegwa, u Jim Ciee4dY le hlm,* beng meved thereto mot by adeire to do Tommy goëd, but by san uiomforttble feeling that ah. i ould b. grieredilIf he could m ses ai u veu ta ou lu a mpton Society, "fyou teOu 1ke this, viat do leu muatomcme Tommy loobtiUP u L Lwth- iso u na "àWb tit oath have I Issudol", te pstyen .nov?" ho demaude.' '*Well, I.mev you myseif kies-no fe.e thian huée. vomen là aiugiht," BEseutll Jmgrowled. T grueter foolsuthey te remarked Tgm, I tjpnly 1.1 Beatiful t hall ta contemptu- ýuu as lelookied, et tlIaI moment ho must bave att alned te th. !ery . fuithut limite etdindain, for Lis ugl face seemed; petri. lae vii unutt=rble dia9uat. -Llki to bave been thar.," Lerepeatud.. "WLy, jpu youag k1i4 ,do jeu s UPPse tbev's$» In% UoT" mniior mald, lubie vIof e Elskb nt latvoulti fz FosomUchsaal"Ce 9f1Itool lie p«b.l eMI to. hWn? "-issoe csid, dent ltter jouzasif. - ys1M& beeauase e e meru a jWu.M Wa babY-omL eutiag-uct rnt.mig oua srap of husaalt-lbat tbelot jo th0Ucyon1ao of jourela yedo. _ But.w wý Ia to knovlu,ý vithe .devil do you mesa te. core ter" mms la-is loue, It smenu a teme youre troûbling joeurnelin la, voy uuomw ssaoutM derivae laier."omy ¶Mmy,yon'lI b heh t tof moet: ye iiindeed," h. Malt. YourprvI atafr-vli,îles. M eld., l at j.1tub hâasut eam, j privaImeas ~~ lj~'foi haie. PrivaI --~Y Upiy e.i.ey," Tommioe blaailj bleck 4. "Idans bes' le ae patallerbth" JIm ve U trlne I. trÛ ldfrom maFàg te! of. BianhaaUNImvomn, aM& ez~ té . Tomm ~~s ethi.. à*" ifhob. dol tiildvasvw;mup u lbis oaais- if g .uëb visas umiyd@4t mMd imBeryublm ué-w fouw ewer om oIàr~ouni fS zm lSoveu% nsv iaumanfer cf gises losu. fer mmoustvudte rqudI vWh"lbla b., doubl wasla ns mm. lho. nasl o i. W ab f lt; but te whomi. b oli .lanM vilL a vsu. "gIrl 1I leavsbeilai me" se rt ta. -"C vriWa aahmaut 1Wb ~rbeur~' alvelu almsaubu*., nohilujb te do novions te go, pomibly mev. No cltvisv. "Oh! 1I ot lknov, is. 1.1,11," sal Tommy, lrylng motte b oi:as If i. Jev vas dupng percetlbyet viti su un- coufortblasert etfeeling bLet lhe laidy wie vas quité amailsimoal celebrt Lu hea ln Euanliampten, as rig inl viam l i, "liermuet be plenty et y ei, âeoynt , ot.enturnei mms Fail.- viti an empsis wvieL 1di the 1mat remnant ot jauntiùesa lefI la hhl "Xet a seul vIe vil! tale tLe uery "TaIs the suiellesl notice et met", eehoed TommDy, feeling as If suerti- qutaI. liadt uddeny nmIt tL. <round under thein very foot. i"Yes, et joui Evenybotiy wvb e sea.y body ln th. egroiet61W&bmabur]," MnÏ. Fairlie anaved., i, h uncemro. ulaIng sîralghforwardnmu, "la se r., eIl ih bt hiey only ceuntI noe ml Ios uddan Lters dota by i= lLey oly rgad iuseful lu Levlng gel letier 1fine country placesoto hem l buy; suad as tonrujon.eoft hem eveîalk. Ig jeu 'to innei-vhy, they voutti a eoa s soon'ukai eaecp. Oh!1 mj dean cilli, I1asure yen, ingong t Walmburj jon' l i jurselit une o- "«Bai., Un. Fainelis,"sai Tommy, vien, be could get Lis breati se as te seal "ehave jeu even Issu, te Walnsur "&Nev.en," reteti lite ladypopty "Tien Loy do yen Inov i ili lunqlro d, trumphantly. been quarterot ler." mie nepfluti mme- dialely, sud Têmmy vas cruahotI forth- But MIaLFainli. vas ouly tb i raIt mary wvie ondoleti viii hlmen -lie smis- fortune et belng sent to a place se un- ébutb go Ut1nti::luevry &.sa thougihs aled Ideas untienvent a comploe revluion atiby I. ime hailthe veel. -lb.bat eel u lanlapo-a over, i li ~on antidiaguat et Lis ltae. ai es1hlely nacaiheu funtiesi hauts A1dthon ion eutiey gel le the balai Place, anti le tount i LlmIf lu Lis own miterable, demerteti quarters, ho b.- mam sinply abjsol. Whou ho mv th. tlrty. unanrectlusstriets, liepoy littie ahep, e, l l lookins men orud vo- mn, andtihlie utter abusùm ofetam nt eeysort of rank si ud bian, h.e fl! laoasettiet i mmofetregret.. For tIfrlimte incehb ai binai ims negimeut 1Tommy regrebtetisncely lih L ail ot, whez.hi thecianh s maie-Liauseif merspou u -v MLi %brother oscars than -dm&io Pm.loui touai Walmsburyno betterthit a piuan lihe -vry eut efthe euth, tb. abomIna-ý bleua ot desclatll-!morsover, h.vu as tny tirovu -on ia boom enda for lack of tam An tie»ntunairesai et i il, It vas Bot venj long befere Muaie TIOMMY arle ntloto very uuliAlalb CHAPTER XIM. Il la net oteth" lai IvioLMy restes te foilov me thigha uary cdouée-aa tien et bricks andi merlan, etof ra mnd romoins, et doosvays mdaIdos buti Ite jeassala byseh lnweerov eth l"plnupon Wh"a thé ý meareom Mi asOUI 'quarters st hi vas ne a burra"la InendM ifor lb. accomodatof a regimeat, but oaly migil be quariusi aI UM-11 __' On lis lofftie jlpm t aus ale slnod li lug r o-let bof thes, ismm,&a remm lb.theUMM"l IMd aaunmls'quartes; s- m Unr* ivas î seond-bl..k, viâ L colt Càaisb - mm nthe uut.dY nm mMd olms ls muuma Md - elle -0 à usitar r oauai oiw'quarbe pemd to b MO&n lbl boas 10su ses'm mm l »M m "_tiI Ma via vs.mdt OtInja iis , .vk"rit leat tha l. taruseva hM Md -M lw.-oc b.iheL =hlate Oves ont t LlItIiba dom~s bau, m abug'asuiw ul lmvut Wom .V lg11ki. M aIeb"mi Tislsia stSet k simn ia ae.~frl iiiat b NamlalrsrWhmea m i isl, 0 ma0Vi ilsb. ayifivs1l- oee le w toluJm he 61. t*so vmoulév& Is, ti heil amcl , v -ta, *?"bd. 'tiàter oLlmi mqs amOine yu lb suaifuaum etbausel ItO. bqgante ton MI il.vio.vasthe mate by pauas tu Li aitl el am & i os Ovonleva mmmusorl tehame - lia m tat1w it! "éThat joug ou Tomy,' Oves lest te be annyet b~yayddang b.omigittae il te Lis empty yeum best ik d Ami vii an amusaimskgi "NI4xeiol m ehlvey70=9eyou bai-lh.ie IdI.1-0'0khbe are'> &hWlml th-wf d liovuungit a"u urely yugTommy iahm'i %urIus'go.»moepayVisité tbusi "Ifliai st aii her.ouldn~t 1. mueh ihum.tome99 raturasti Ovea1 "Ne, fl' mue vrse tistl t. eou novliai pert 11111. barm* I ahIL.DueI'a Tal? geI vent la tiers Ibis otermn o Ma lhe aidàlàa et tilt- hors daier L Whibtaler toit me about, sud I touai My -lady duiting Lai boule anti ounters suno onvwithi hhlsblasug où Lband. Knew lie.ring tua aminute, mai, by hovuel I vas tiovuupos harn iII.a terrie on a rat. 'Whero dit jeu <et liai ringr I liaI p l e jeu? ,yoffai. sai, vwith ai muchi_éee:as ev=e* Tommy himmel 4To ge iouI t EuFrle a,' Àâd wh If1I1di? h*retunai MM1110d dlý.,saidI.,--la metusI Ien M.EarI.-leu Lt lest-,yen're aj tiug but a repuleàble voman, su, a tact, It jon vers su good Uau angel eut et Leave-ici yenUare aot-you'r 11 &ou h., lst.vommon athe erld, thMhisiamlyvoulti ovesremoive IU yen yeulre carng i jan yu n e inger, ant ths"se tatmm.laIjeu have Inveigletilu lnopiomS*uute replaceIt b ýa lai oe.But hevIldeo l0bim ring ovie t oc l e. t ie*o eaur joung ietolego about marrjing suy oeeh -li1k., portculaily &suaia W CAti âe ?ah.asei, limoletly. dOU doa'U Wall 1hap nov, anti uniess jeu et once <iv. am. liaI ring sud jour solema promise e omule no fai- lLai aeauju te seth imtema=Y ju Isphlm"ttie e uxilbist abLer cua i s tlle vi!vM MM on araigîben hlm up, 1[promis. eu. Bememiber, Le la net 19 jet-liai is s nan t--a miner -anti csu'ievenmalte a legal: mwnnl¶ vithout -ils fatio1'sConsent untilbeLe one-and.twanîy.. . Beloaebselulely de- dent:upon Ide.s tber, tee, ton, every rtilng hhmaor suer viii have; nse mai haut me over Ibat ring, sud I vitu sîel the matten vu Ifm.' Anth e ont of il anl vas," Oven vouhi up, "li a migave mce th.ring -ouidLoi solemu pled - le have don. vithe bisyung toolfer îgooti anti ail Of course It vas prelty nearly mli bonnS tliai isd,- &id vouldi nul Lave benes mom ntsrlfetlion il abs Isd bsn a boe tinealsi omen; but Il bas serva i lum. Mdanti Ileuste me tiel anv te lsjusMiMfbI to saeaa =0 hat." m g miii a croppen grs, lhaht >mrm Wuneti m, tura- veaul May & b Ie bout Il. Il vuas evalable oui very bautitu!. ring, IL. finest cmset msuy posmmseti by ILa oIj"d1of veis. igiheous. Indigna UIo= Ja tLe Conter wva alang pphr efot rimce on vhleh *wuegraai"L ceta and oteetthe 1Emba. urrouni- bu tàbs ves taimondsset muchi beaulm, "Ibm lt'a tan;"ati leiedoclor mus kurrjrng le, mas pand sere lolokhng sm ~~ looping ihm preqmS ofe "Grs amisavIt an avtim , b. siololsi. "Hor, halLspmoto unI àl. oMWmdasme If a cmilg oa bos"Tiasturslul.ua Souebsi làuolbsha."i me ~hp.-l e s-eM ebs imais ai tb. Dme% rt Wb" a aS* tbhw er bmi M OvU a vIl! mS un iiwm5saumw et ae tia b. *m ati Mr foIRC&bâ ssii a word IeLtiei-Y* b Mév iai OVM hm s peut lithe oa r parIt . i Im al [niamMd < 1arai iIhb.b.d tra bbMý il he udli-àal &aisai&s M Oves mmrehan ouMdd bad *MWa up ahllatlesbemmetmoe Ms nomse, mda a rIaldsyed Mdi cous lut F e br a aieaase Ium 'u saurev hlmg aia lidIfomatimsa tle t hova tm tr. WOU,t vuaar lyan [ hlm Viabai le b t e î ss I i bout h " t h d i m * 8" Sila liati ligt itww I»usilstilmi- md ~ t w yIei uul et Sa Mdou, Ovt o g laenlmonte aUNa& pieIstatet tuÉLtte lofti tevar wlown. An tu Ma LUr oo se u lLIenisspiionlbsld.t bm tr. Nov,vial L. doure. mLeader vv oi iti m y i? Ton aMyseul, JoadeV n frna-1 Il e l h. e I aurset my existence. I don% Inovw vhere Le Las put tiem." ."Nover mlna, ld ciap, yoeauo give It toe e o-mSnno," aasvered, Oweù. vie vasIx btlng Ira. "Oood-nlght, ol! ,#Goot-ngil, aid chap,' retmrnet i Jm, Il la sauto te ey thel h.e wuuit ItvO miaules in lbrnokg 'off Lis clothes a tumblng. - intebd, sud lu lisse han a minute alfas'thât Le, vas ound. aïleep anti dhr.&mbg-4deuat" tliLe hLad cen- miltei foue terrible misdemieanor, anti liai Ownu-old Oven, bis own espécei eium-.ýended vith, "Conuider yourselt underclose airent. Go le your room ai eue, ainti I vil!mentifor your avord.» .Tho tiusau- vas m eam l t haole k trembng rotn heud te foot, te fin the frestil lazngcheerftli, and îhe sounti "Gaid,,viat rot a feflov eu dreem," h. sai, sut turalug over toit »Jeep encs 1sm ui O dUlm.i lo b ~ L m I u.l% sur ba& mUMM a hWv mitu . mv. M NÉ lmg, ami a<md mdaiovae ieuoa. xilb Masdb ustbesopiu hua mes as gaeondes te bave mm- isasiam havi, haai b. doa, eut a doubi it. Tob.ve m bok tehlu luâ hI. ndras uffa by lb. lime lb. pias arrivaihth b eva, bMamlb~ bai eu upuila u laimdet a&- tiful hl a imit tu viehbshm&& f1bmietb. 1 ulit IL.epoios ville lbh"mmb a aou aamimaIsmetlb romai et lb.bai làn, logelion vili lbthe Migoa adllndoctor, vie bai som up yul tLem &trheb.ovn. 44 MW&lb the = lt id ti leWaliorn et the mmnI m t b te m tbs mm hm ln hb ugair; auj lbn oyemuuy nvisPo="be tba di "gluat mme!"nepoali eauifhlm, 6rnI, r loi.eLho Me& bu- M-ta he ay lia yen s au ot<> mlm IhbetmeutI8 M"tbe. drilà at m I7"f sorie ma& ue mIr-or osa &WyyiLd e nyveai je t lo nbla mILIlid . u put lanikv u But, In~pconsuppothO s Br.desot W b aibelcm e "ucIs l an ure ters tctenul .uslihm, né hen hauhhiy"o u »Ynotlg aky. Iedt v sui oalne= ene againa bLetdad c bp. A in. le Blthlm vooka mgo, te [vs=nove bsnor eble te um ez in e I toko m usi minetfor me ime ef v lt 'dI canmave faort," «M luJue, viter Le uadmfittnotr in g 1h. exIem- My.1ablonMysd ler.d le e lear ie <corhls heof mtalvalahm safind t homem closeby har lsbth v mine te vas un euIl v&got, thva e tumkrboe "u Ie polcmen. Ohen'à*as le doue tPmuilw dbblt à"htaci l *b vicu i g moumcw aet dark bannvehs s-1eunlb.nsper fter decXuli aI tmiolti ,ad ntblng tte et r bte £oet n muliI.dosat vu vy l eeavig ls na Ine. alili on gurd lthe Aumi a! 1 lali, Bpoematiful 4 *»1u he Ihav aS4la imWbof TOP BU&- ,ma"e rooum f.' MY W6tw Wor* CL£ AND SiZTEZM. AU P vu« Atmdsbg o i» m re- Z4sio~abpoaa%4 fcondcbuse6 ADMIRED BY ALL KYllZ75x tuértedthe ottmsUOr .1ew'y un VW tUUq Is. Ucmfiralfair grou.da adthse baWiuftotSJi& u'n sd ueat vmd sty& 4#h aPiemuva...9*0 the vehicles took thse Ilieuwjla1.oliUiietst. t.. em.vUm woe ied o auj Mat Mtr woi a a a eed<t to ilow . ii"tiIeýOftw u gow www va, ISCEUFOx " a.u i*E.VlW Mto tevarou smmofetOensfamily -I. b. Interveutibyr evapaer S~d 1 miaMd Moide Who le edd- R1 H.KL E 1 ie ee-to «eon tle. vofe entfr. detacmmnt antimaIeai&U R IO Ot arrangumes lhicanectlonvis _________________________un_____ tuni he 1k. of vhIc ha h.ily e f in h vbiy e. *mrs 1 vau avful lime for lhem a&l; lhe mmn stooti about 1h. borrack yard la iover'uil athons vas pomtlvsly no e t left ia vhlch they Lsd lmt looke t it Il The.h lire ferst, vlth sueh guestsas d4S-mI.ls B1 bai athrsiabout lb.m, dlwmasut b. I.v mate b" tii stroem lu muci 1h.esus ____________________________ ay-mklng oves' sud over "h eoidhave dou 1t'd 1M'the 1000WOT eouMt snybody bave Led te murdor lb. tie old chap, vho vas eveydy's Mmd vie bai nover isuovu to have m$1an0 O ' T "anheih.vsiIIfrm be d"bl ti, aI. fto hlm vou" up', bistenI * aler lhe tie ILat diti F1311 DRES$ 0003 al, iaIohm u uhvasalilgifot 1 a"tsanihomssy Imeh!, abouti have au te o1»mbpne làt de JAanr, lad orùWdo tMs bem u i fouzimdBu t lwSiiau ecorn eut--mak rsy vends, IlvI mm hum 1 bisw dom"ûl .n u tm at je tte .hounti vie 41411." k1imk "Gt, I&l bove u, Matil"ud pwI' ' N ~ E- bf.EnsfrtalfLdoes nne ti lmghn t Urn cod 004a»If yoawlatopur- te~~ü t I bs venithle murdeme vEmeeiti Lis reved n tluhe.nest. tue&=I £001 5*7et 1 OVEpia» Ovi asla mine: I viin reme. M"ii5U7E ptUIT h« d'em- h m¶u ii MILLINERY ÂDMANTLES. noom foexemple.Until tie bui Lins »k Of Ds~ ~M CGeoa1- WMive Mr 1 came 10 young Eirile vio, viti b. U hthea IO ahlgtent -eroU , LolltIon, S R M« d hm ceP aIse, mt laI shookas violeuhly tliahoLe crcoeoud Lad it. Iwva a momenl' m, sieneeuenetfliais "oienpume's i..Jourey vhenv h.yly nom t hbetheisli onearts ort houe I[t vawle th h vie he slemalms T.p'owad vairw v$0 -Tommy, m -ad"ho MI&uid, vough y~ o. s, a£ u mauasas, "ail bist ee far In ul o ~Iiyetp"&mmguty Um H saI aM ltbouebmh mabl& oehmwe mta.U 44 ef 1 da£0p £0 of lu dko fi*a- Um" Bubt aI ireg*a OMsm» hg md .ý.S bauIrhltgM a Ir4Cl S. Ia Ou58%5 U$000of -pun. e bifbdo~m aswi1 Tie .m m ia, ed, at l a fn em ~.u~*ahdomiDeih$ tU LE & Y LEY, I uud sai*k 'i UoàMNILY WIN1b"EL U;- TOP BUGGI]ES j CRAmTE XV. fl ceesagala di Esutifal hlm @tir on moue turfing bie resIt ftilt nlght; bat moon after7 l Isth mornlng Le vas rouned by Leader comlng Into lie roou-aIer viti a tacs. i al sud up vli les. coemony tILahh ai evar ions befons turing&ail li lime h. Lad ",Mr. BDoron-slr'-teoi'w, al val. upi" lishmua panoLa- O"Tic avwht U st :blng app"rI <oti'.salev. up" 4 "ELh-vieIl" Lmulrti hi. sheply "MnX. lMannes la on inty boday" "[lt'a netdty, ar-1t'a mrtel" cria" Leader, deapeatoy. sakaing hlm Larde tie ven. The omineus vend vs hugu eroua eutiful Jlm e eoy,,.îlt Ul da-oi, la liaI yen, L@edW hLa suything hae 1" l*X&penéW emina. M.--Capt. Owen, Ibatleis-le lylng deadin lu lsquartera Ibis Lia ahattering anài" aiall lHie vouUt lot hlm ope", or are yenumaion am I dreamulua? "Trns cueugi, air," rslurm& eado.er, igmly. 8"houes vent tue«Imim Ion mia- uites ugo sud toua im-deaiand ti m" 7yà;i lÏ im hm aoet oet ils sot, an'ti elngrpUld la e . rei abolies liaI eum. te Lmansd la lemlion a min- uta heom lie lime h. rolimsitIL. mIen, ma"lievici Leader hL.i mhI hlm ho vas acroas iahe rklteiandina Oven' Biupli) taimoment h. Lad acancehp bsllved lihatItIlwvsqultsas Leader lad sali tual Oven vus rafy tda& &M1 jusai s. ie, ou hlma, hall o enIbe mnd Le o e on , ils bauds ammil lulci- bar-kland dteepli'biy a ginroa oet bleui wf o ocad hfom a fnighlfuta* aI lbe bock etilhe uti. zý__j m m»-.ý -a- L. lý iý ý - -mumu-un- um- ami,. ý '0' ' .