i.~oh OambelP .Rbt4ayGioetED 1b0 'T wel EGEFAL LUO9TI for sorne weeks 'o corne xýcu1;y the* public WATT rnizd e~ua//y wù'h mu .7 L e WONL U~ KW PZKU VO~7W"PW. «e hoft (-o.,d-o.Th'ee-Week 's ftvely (rade before the c/ose of t/w year. We ve no doubi of u blity o have the stock'exp'ess(y laid infor te season. The mosi crù'icatý Chtnstmas Buyer zwil/find nothing wanting. ST~A2PLE LLN~E8 ~suJ ~ QE~ G-ROOERIEs PRovr~rc~ -Nr~ W.have made àt a point to havealiUnes WELL LA8SORTED, and of superior qualitles. It la hardly n1eceasary toen eretem a cheerftl ChritmasBesson are here,ý iodngHLDYFJITB AND SUNDRI s.44o~mf.4 TEA ~~rIA~NIr -- - -- - -- w us ~ U UWU~U ~ 5 shws c oncluaivély that -we have taken the greatest pahmi to have, it a Leading Article a edn rcs e ewn~pol h eur ODTAa oe price than we havebeen handln to know that w. have ucae a line Of. Te-<ya« Pada fo OCh» oI1.r-that wii astonIshpuchses Our wond&rful 5. e takes 11k. "Hýot cakes,97 in possessed Of a fine flavor and in superior value for the money. OTJ CINA .CROKEY sidGLA8SWARE DEPARTET Thity VveFie oIoored Dinner Bets 4_0 EautiflllyPrinted Tea- Sets: Prm- 2.60 pwards. A LargeNumbr of China TeaSets To b. SoIdWlthout Reserve. Ranging in Price from $2 to 816 Wlth plainand ooloredGlobes ilpric. Plan Sandng ampa VUTj Gheap. No better value to b. had in Town. A~~ui LagQÂsrmot. BOEXIANGLJASWAEE and FANOT CHIAAIL EI WAMcftGM# »1DiPO 0 G% ais# BUS, "Uoa»amwi seventy-live white Gnite Ohambe r sets (UnglishWare), 81.45 and $2o.00 About. 50 Colored Chamber Sets Prom $au 5to 88,0. Alelal ioo ao usand Saucera At. Specllpries. INS, import.d rom Kmu',Ginaw w WXSINGOUR MRYNPATEON AN» TME Pu DUC GENEALLA M5T M HEIS MIBAND A- EAPPT N»EW 1AX AUl that ao to make up Wiii~i~ff us, OPTIGIANS, LRNDSAY. AU Lasmes uquirci fou the onveoUehol OpDAtSvs TuuAs. avouai ami aijusteS te nier. Ocuhals ouuoovlplicms SSii. Lludsay. Jas. 15. IUL-7S-ly. &u5~w ffsiL LINDSAY, VRZDAY, I~EC. 14 1898. Mr. 3. A. Barron, M.P., Mu. Henry C(raham of Kinmourit and Mr. J. B. Campbofl of Kimmount spal[llee lai Thuray before 1h. royal salueri.com- mission of ,Toronto te lay betor. tIs om- miitmon the advantagesof: N" isVioi m ar minerai country.Ila the coiaofe Mr.. Barron'a eidence hé asdt aI tIse issuit of the proeuftm mysubb..tIsa utyear thse pe3ople of.Canada themmelve * by the .bounty'giveî sud by She duty-lu.- wPied ô idery Cent ef thtc ag of *el7 flman oengagd lun-,Ste pig.irMw m- * dustry at tihe rate of $1.50 a day foreo 4110W0whiâ he .manufacturer bad -te himmlf after paying ail vag... Al Ii WOU eai ife à lmarket-,As it 'i vo are ahut -oùt trom eu m riet und t'.ma~ ,pfo i, nite torcé*enanu- aaw~r growth, 's bounty ta <raulsi and ilty uupmad on every t on, sud thes Ivo loether, me Me. B&r"naSIeCommag est'of the pookeh of tise poopi. moe th1paid -by vefSil,O0ail tii. vages ot Ithe MoU ,engaged iu the induatry. This:iProtection vth s.engenceWé. Vonder how one tarmer veoua. il veWehie to. diacover ho *» a py4 'gtIi '!ibçsoo! bis hirgeedp n bis muebores fn o*Huwlong venu beh do il aler tIse dîaCoery;'yod ho ta dotng yre stIaIor lOtha; ho la in ooqjuacloavlwu h.nsothéopeopîo mmuCa adapying by bsunty sMd duiy moe.tIan mi li .148,00et the rmou iutIse pig ieouludmue udContribuîî, is aba f et bout $1.0 ver ania bovc thé. vW is bich $4 Muifacfrer puis lu hi. ou, poobsl. the Amedcfas narbet, ai vOul ut om s reuit ini an ceune d.volemofe OurMnOr mii., ou-cr a#jie Sliog lu ttheUnited Bi1 s m clinms sas mmu; Ila OIOUI t!4.Nebosaflm rgaumm aie. V' ~ tM ecpue Wff "lamL a twda4i"il 'Mr.B.Eeal made àgood.point at the Mitchell literaiy Soiety debate the other eveniffg on: the. exportation t 0fiambe te, the -United Slt . Me iail l i. t business, aud, he sai that on the 30,e0 iame ipped anuually tImm tht. prov. Suce to the.States th wuvsanaerg it'Ote »Y 'oi 1 'per head.That duty 1aniountlng 5o jM-S0, Mr. Heu siiail camle out t tIbepockea of Uic Canadiau tannera, as- the prise vuS fied on the. otser aie.aad &Il cSoSt ettlng th. lamb thae market hadto bc ald by th shipper sudkept out of the. farm«r. That lamin a:.repetition ln another lUne ef Si otmacinawe'tamiaw lluotratlon. Tii.New. York World 1l% entcrtalulng tue.Amerlcaus by publishlng 11!a ew map oftwvai thSe United States ilgit look 1k .after Canada la admttei le tth. union. Promiient Canadians, Is aya, teed that suait a resuit laii.ievltabe. iu Sis map thc nov country t.acvi up luto tventy. olgit uMW clates, Mditeretorles. If the. > nyen Provinces et Canada ver. admtted as 8e maY stasies there vould b. 14 nov suators -snd 5E nevrepresentatlves .la congs., su d :thei. new1y made citisens vwoeuprobably obtain wepeeemtatluS théecabinet. The. arragement ef possibe satu M sd tirrltorlea siiéov onunb.map Êtr e Uic Diidaposessins lnSaNorth America s Uicy vere tormeily mbdivdMi Sa, accordance vlii topographlclan sd ponltIai exloeuclem. Thi.feprovince et Ontario, Uie Wori ay a s Uic materlal lm' Ive or lieno mcstaSes, g~es-coul I eslfturnlmh Ivo, sud Now Mnwlck ani oraS Soise omm number. Tii. empire lta Uhit. mnaties veuli subaCe u<Se iiiolcutmube la » st Metctent th"a osother fer- nisiiesa praie"Il la lime leo el ont Sue ~ ~ ~ N -ura ie i ig broulier amd Meî.zsî e W MeeI omes th actumi Mffap*mkn ~ndaswM lreverse the sItuation. l'n.Wcsdstock SenUIe.Eeviev lu dis. oumslug the . oeinga came nov bolthé ii auprenie co urt un.,a:4"lIttho contention of 1h. Canadia PsileCompany la me.' lu 1ev, àt t.moustrous as question et publie pellcy. ..It mesus liaI Ithe DOuInlos Par lismont have sauc Uicthépower le lake trouthie province visita:graste«lSa lb. constitution.Itlat.perhaps Uic Most lu. Pestant 09 tic long mrle t" '9 aenclos upon lethIe -Pt 1bs? éDominion apinsî provinéial regts, Evuypeovinc Salà. federatlon t. luteresi Sa thesruaofute Uie cmenov boisesthéi mpee m su ,If thé à am at the.OQP. IL coteadal in th bs W pulàs"uli ever u t til l. a ebiW& aL If.lie Deomionallament la abile edelebuail puolselal ea l@S Wg ltla avalli ami l*asasoestreS et anl sudo vt.,poioa t3.V ,s ust lis aunlslom.w= e st u»rsonefl iM ieThm-M»doW éàt Blvl la U lwq E T -or TEERDN a-e.m1gaames sMd er-udeti et the ja)yl utSI7Wy oge le' Kiopt4a bave scrdcoom&esélous La the. Impir Mr -l'h. convictioor et la u relghisuor lm onesvSU bis bn bam hseei bya police morgeu malba quaii -The Germa" " ub,-,t tdm ruoesB securci mingpivtIflesnom.' Clabffle àsvelzu aheiir propoelyi -Grand Tmruk and CasadIsa Pcl sharemsildea uLodon s&s belma aacei wg on0 oitie. aokifna shadiréctsrseo the tve CemPasie te use heeIlilasend W"ekla hawme ecehly taled te tle FinI Preobiterua cburoi té JamesBoys, N.y., vil llrclj = td frviolation e l se b..7r'&elaveral ulgita theDiamplmim 5m.ile lais a li sot bo hs ap apoeea tbie.N upposb" sinhi ise clé alu la tgaË wm b l'. twlli 1d3ese BaâailhesIflsys hi. -T'h.ether 4dara lady living là OU&ta bâ e misg fa rts st i&sausitu 0t as0làcID S 100068. vM» aual lubmucely, aid médsi msitse av boss mmmoosi lb. deeter tweedi the* baud tlexzraIe s t ol, but huaimoe dlfltSa ileouvei SU Ah. A asodi..d -BD& Wu porteet OMMe lasa pai. smi dthilf Lhouvle. A am-time 5,7mi u e Udng îthejaàM immun beopI a esuparalve V@0014d«.lisepofils aiu baintoun- Md peultry. WuB eventl hc bmaesides usisa abou t Im doen «Wspeuvois airWRUevieu humol eusa, qffoer 4M elumep"% ansd wviS *6 à" a.1v* 00"o sM e U thon beeeF elleas aa 17 Hum' as upe tequtios tebfrmie vive, l. e bâte: AV. .1- 55»M sSIyý -Feur viSem» MwOla etyaIVi. UsIa, *0 m 09100.ssilulb hmbu 7@-*. aaisboim as M taSa . adde, mmi w¶ vca ivameu E byIbmpesoufuenIbrueI »*da -4. evToS ~bc* eLii. o - sayer Lii Balhbq bs %16l self s1 dI raiu she ande Bia-et B. ib àibe bar %slip. The rédioSi pus t Londo.,4 lsw iawaby muesmedeate asaid" pression Istameus mai Lord UlSWbawiî M. mli a bufeSu. -The Star mne o ma o reid Sai"abu1p pbta maa astes sud tpld itt*Vh l'al Mail Gazette, by tb. vaF of mahins thinge pleums 01 ai ou Pub. limben a oaleatire et asthe.'mbisotMin. inter, sebIbbnllprdsegmo.OsnBbn vboleuabs bluohmmwMay b. aàMt Lord Swalasy We tbs lntewes ho hms t.. - Il puNlr umboefs-AmEg LMOuo, DMc.Io.-The o .veuuulhave unerait Ireowa mestemm Sa lbn Eedtevaia l teon-Il teSuakim. Tb"- vii bt»rpnaisiby t l teou nEmg. lai. l'h.e oquist forunia0 riopim SMMl., vieS vassdie Ut« & MlWdsts MseAU1rlnM .* bolievui ebave bos Satigteiby Bsth guem-p*V t Itm s Bbc eim Maie et iotlrlagboui Mas lessm. ble atiude mie det m5asaslagpublie mi. Evew y b am"Mtbothe s silg baib e uBsie et SmaSha, M ai fIl uesa Slid et ext )r Deeat. Boume mililay zPuIe m r.fameyà wmvii aimet lait Memdsypibut lia. baa "rt hbm Cl" la Iltui b. detreiid1MWodmomdy Appmulî Il la eetWa ate b. huatiy. lug ie ieS amiaeuliyceral ia i Lt iii boa et sad asems RSvl miesr etpail4amai i vetebis lie acceemllait a is. azpdltlsnsai la~ ~ =epmeit aLme asme es le ai -digthw tes the s.me mblm au coa. ie m-abub. deeleet otkiagw 1 garni»es #@ou"elMd "wibo ailila ticir moele tka% 01 Ealnivii b. comuitlmi bedte lu- alepsie1If e. ls ebu ea mem D a.la drivesl bu cethae.sh.évlllclE lbonlkte lmv hlm, *mmd amSa.'bs nullesohum romovi en B k m- utbs eimme ' is la murse me svsuiî,Mmd bas becsau "u bt-tic ML iagevemm . la "t iti E 22 =vas&depme*0 a>e els houm e e nuisa lts ve ti.Siopeammueqt&sWa.'m mi s h.o misvitheS i ibbtbl.h reeiiOum et uMhee aab. voui mau hem io.A safi~ lui vu~ te iè lu ma cqmwadr *0 sue i voeu TM moa tala s a ale iu maie bp ulitamesI i up aimoa eli eel in e",m.§Mftw velise mse zih,.uaM I Mo I A.WaIfboUiaM. To the ElIectorso LMNEMADGRUIl: Au 1-afd baforeno »W ocela 10 MaY bobind that 1 stad boh., y«u 'a tà s upoousocusic ne a bobtal roosta«o a rlokety bm- roost, ausoptwt pus jur MvY ki.sd invita"-Omt. usuhe> tho 8uesbip atbà s lm anproud bo .011e in Ibm otufleJilbad- rn mth Um 1,m..e séprmimI Iniduals as harhu -DI*, 111 lia, @i s o B% amwiy 6 md UMv TOr7, loup, Isihal. GEIWE hue i nsy ba"s. DM»Ivan 8 , Undg- I~ ~ ~ " . aPr ys tAmztom tIasIl.,viIq by ballo, Dr ho. or w, t IlotIslgh, unIbm gachanta am i VIte Plu Baiumfer Oub 1 hmv the grealst respect fOw AIia r tAnti-fat amd Antiup. a&" if elected ii p~dgemlu to pull dova tbU gate% aboffiâ rad 6bp and' rnqloce, and s«n away wth them rayos daaaghte. - Rseh~ A i.t7 .NBOTNL K. . . ooawl&a Ir TTr WRUL T lomkPH OTOORTIE Wum. w, <s lur' WM, -A. GOO DWIN'S a~ - smanr uý a"o. MM Im" ta g**j 5IiI.uIs~W ~ New Advert.zamenta. JA111TOR REQtIRED.-Applielleu w ereelrel un te M oulai. n foothe ~ i tAIO fam. NEW 00 LIrISTITUTI. Appiefma te MMail MM" maulwed ROBER? 81>18, Be.1 IL as L laisg, e. M& 5u8-U4 LmYA tTHOLIOMEW, oeu IaUm muwmae 0e.&Hesmu. M~ leusm &. Meoll~tuvot WflenmmaigssW«"m Ge., lwamard av cou 89aresMem% Os, or là~Uaia8am Boribzwr'a agaulu W%"is uhllsharsc SCJ.IBNEEM uAZINget. dreavutte Xduulng 1h. as ii montbe by the la. nomaS mesieno ftls contente <notably theB" n va MaIFU >, ud Il closes ite second mWU a v some ne eff uo tblmg te maie ecasauas AGAZIE .w.aijd.am i Sn.BIMg vini bu nuglocisi Tm ut aILEOAD bA8TIES eWin h. oaa. Mi"by sovoral tory esulhlnt papoeg; ove .empookll Janera8e 1a"yPueIal rvioe.u subi »ol -Tb$ioMasser etUnlaatrmeo Vini rua througithé iemser part ut Ibe yen. Bou" ta NoveaSWo. & OOUUP@NDING M, &dcoocla0 mmeuooep momoire roItbx te 4. Y. UW ehMAa huons group ci modern PUNCEPfh vaS fr" ie Sustmac t ai nlm. nie Md l amrw m kmyen by Saisi Z.OghuiskvsmWfh b. roplaced by auull aIOot- mgaIu- -eby differont humo onts.Me. Timns nalby AWdelh eilwrite t"ie Orst 0cf thon mme 5.-ny mmmi.,.Am IM ;ýý om Water Scotte MeWthode 08 veuk6 b M original M I $., iL sc on " heie Ciou s, a bap b UmisJames T. Flie, a"mmw sais nias. qualymotemorthy. p, au ngo to10 mr by Clan...Coo%, jL-3wbà1dý ns"Dübeon, ai mmy ons. 1U1 ý lE?!OnIte sdoocla biug oko isBBI5~au.I5vmapome. bt aucae à»u« meaMM i b oib atlaet ovumi u..~Ini juira"eu À i nbteto101141111V" l pre n la ommU à m-uu4w IrCM oý n ammppono AAIBu Md ilBe mur i fi i«UaI,....... . aEA PI Oum UA8 8bm d I dima a a - --. 117e BlJi ttan DRwthoau 1 soir OR£" NMW. BU.rcvMs. iêer ~4P4AU5 oeid t agMa41sc mMdei 1 .0 0 do it. E=- L. L.,éým %'115%"B.C) FR 'r a. M .ýrEA C) P= F= A M Sr m 9=14461 " k i et