4 I * I SUEPUOUB al.r poibfaituc Beuiful Ribb nBooiets Bufabls for roents b sho- baa and usbThq araàk jo hildrien An lo od o and montlns.Our albums can- 'ol oôstpasedfor oleo sud hospeus-Oui linso Pr~e an oc~k$ and pattsfl OzttmQad 19sl. Os~ JMis.Oas. RU U IFE $U B Ina uraio 0111rimaoRa lomu onr c mgt ______Bnan ____ MTVI. M BAM& -7 INDSAY, FRIDALY. DC 4 88 11101 iria wfeeration echeoa pre.nted by ils advocates at Lindsay on, Tuedayening i, ini brief, bei On ptbting Euglind toe impos a dWso"mn-, atuug Ita On toign whea. in favr of the. colonial product. T here is aot thqe loat likehhooôd thittàEnlmud VOL mise do manytiing of th kind. It would sa demr ,breadfor the. Massesi, sndI the e siacss wold flot stand 'it tmety.' four houri.The -Proposition zu deokfil cool, ýcomrng 1As it.dosa. front a colony that. shewsd its.-loyaty -by clappiiig hem ydutiii. on Eniilieh gooda, sand es- pectally Engliah irop., and Which petu. . lantly docared when told thât .it wOuld endanger Lie comiection: with the Molher countvy, 6ao, ranch the. wo se for, British coniectic." n other, brilliant plan tb gel roundéthe grave ospousibilitie's :ofimpérial federa-' lion.8 ma itilmay oet ti. thinq, is 10 ébtin mii nporitl .ndnruation for our puli lua, hereby reducing 1.he. rate of intorett, sulï u aving the: sa ving thus -i&çcted to fôton-a f und to bear iprial fseation -buntheine..Thatià, wetamk the. poorer -clausesto pay higher price *for their. breai; and we ssii thew.mlthier caesto take a ýlowor rae.,futest. frthir. money. 1,We wonder-if tiihen.1 gtitenwhow re uolud in. their pro- fessions, of luyalty, so domonsteastive i their expressi ma of -attachient 1to th moîher countey, nd mso nénful as 10to the. Iqdaty of i.11 who réfu d 10 acept their pan"-.ei for their im.tginery evile, have rellyduliborikted tlitughtfully over what they are proposing. Are they not msIfish lot 1 là not thair 'loyalti' miore mouthîig?î If w. are 10 go ifor heiml kdfedera- -infor hemaven'à sake, gentlemen, let us quit ourselve like mon.. LtUs man- f Il houlier or sa ré et the get re.. mponsbiitit. of the empire.; let us- pût ouerad biiimor pookets snd nianfully psy eue shar. et the expenues. Titis- Idsof goetting- imperiai- fedearation with, out pqing anything< forîil, or if, il vii * not oei un" anvthiag, il about the Maost omsmptible idesltat oold b. sdvaaml bF aiiul iiîh British blood la titeir veimn d-léiting Britishidi-. iliip. .If the imperilfederationimts slooi uP*l aalîy wày and peopoaed ýý ta Guin d moud béar t ateuir itaiof ili. P"-u al rthens* for imper ll ppsea hhetir pFU.OOOM Of le~yeMd aait- meutwoul motb. mn bu " rm . IhepoMdio mli I» ent1etldgII v.pes fnd admlrmhlo ..The lupeelal feemiimuo-ane -ram. eoum~ uderilragonfeeralonby de. muot -P os 3"on aer," Mdi av - ~pa fu ls mumbg .bmpg Igrmispllmg -AIir la; Mdi lb.lbut th: bImumote. IdMre lau. iWho. de bu - in l vili àvie, - 44eu sMmi"nimit&" Why absu uame ml. - wmloubp ii. - O01mmada amith mther ioudry Mgminasfo ruay joue to. camef Thor.la ca.so e Or i fiMls impérial f.iermtoause, or, hthii, I aie,* rMMF my etiter phm.IMBunes-. umai s veame; aMd in éou a à aOi preb"in u h11 impawr is udta nul be diyv.Iope Inla O. fuI. One, mmusa e, Amie",. pape,. aMd poui- tiolanas Mtendu gabout annezalion; and ho profe eluia .1ev. liaI the ooamteu- lieueof'the 0. P. I& MditIs mccin l gsllia amouai the pTovicioIRs oet he.in- teritm commeroe Isv regmeda iiiaffY trafflo, bhma ousedi the. Yankees b tbe »mm of.aennexl gthimcountry byLofS iL aswuiey. Tuh mie% l oL cDon- hem a aanufotulaga "imme.;," but it is oiayy a "iowo.0 Our meihborsmses nit ;o.deapemWsy auxions 10 becoins pocaueusie! canada. Thf7ey psrcue gReal dffiulby of sucb a. stop, Mud th. 'wu chauv atS18r Chei. Tupper bas come eut A la apeonounosi vaVIFaiast lb. notion th"t » muet t aco",adopt imperisifedeatioa. la a speech et -the lXoymI Colonial *ntlusl London Tues- Clay mligt Bir Charles samith"t "while 41,h. rejoi0edsi t he peogreousof the moto- "ment in the colonies Mdi Gmet Beltal, "ho oould mo, aflethiety yeuis' sper. "joncs Of publiec hf., aMy, witbthefi. d "amlonistu ltat mâles 1h. sytemi e! "the Empire vas eadically oagmi thé "Empire, muet fan l i 0 es. Itvas "6ýmcmtdesirable in tb. interces of the t" o nie d Beitmia te draw the. bond& clouer if possible, but knowing witat &.thé present symtemi bai effeced, how, "'6couli h. submijt 10 tbm stsement la "we mues.change mul hum for somnethiaDg "which ing.nuity hmd notyet derisei- "0for momie undiucoverod panacea" If, the cable correctly reports, Sir Charles ho blholuld b. denounced byiii. Lindsay speakers maa"teaitor" and an "annexa- tionit." Ho vasataced by mbuqueut speakers, acoording 1tiithe- bli report, but va& defeuded by the Marquis cf Loine,, ho."quit. agroed tli iwva . ridiculous btusuppose liaI the Empire .wus la a dtate cf spoulaneous combus. "6tien mnd.muet collapse unlo SUanlmi- "4modiste cultaid.dried sciieme wau 66adopted; " Just fancy 1 Sir Chas. Top- per uiting nad- the Marquis. of Lon. eidiulun lieLias pouters. Meures. ýHowland, Goodeeham, sud Lys, the. Central bank liquidatera,, vant about fWO0DO renîuneration for Iheir merlces. Cleveland had, a pluralltv etftthe populse volef et&bout 90,000. This proves that the. popular verdict vas n tavrroettari reforni. C ol.Rdes basenteedtho Mercier cab- inet es commisélomer et agriculture and as representalîve oethe 1. Engllsli peaklng Protestants of the province. This i.l groatly sbengthon the mlnlstey. Another great vleboey for Mr. Movat and, Ontario. Another ga!lng detest for Sir John Macdonald as a ugreat constitu- bloal awyr."Tii jdicial commllteo c'f lb.e 'aiZ7ouncli e decided the St. aii province. A laYeigned sud lnfluential ffqulsl. lion han been. preaented 10 Mr. Thomas Watters. «kng hlm tb become a candf- da- e forte imayoraity, for another yea, and it la backed up by requesta et numer- ous bloends., Mr. Wlbrs bas decldcd t10 stand- for Woelection. The requlsltlon and card appear elagwhere. Mr. Walters wvii e)nd an active. epponent laulMr. Smyth ami an lntereetlng conteuit :muy bc lookeci for. Now IcIt th candidates th îe reeve. sh1p.-audfor.ward councîllors come bold. , war andput their carda ln Ta DU JVNRYVILLE. [tond de t The Pois. A PoxsTzt."If pou u are a mmi of &Dy- tnx lia- te taituM,.reckerY or cdu waîeu limes don't purehse tilpouloock over Ibm complute assortment ofeured at thie Lindusy Auction Mà%rt, oppositéte, D..tlee bonzi, eàt-eL- S74 1 .DAWvYI9.-Thla'important branol if .1adsmîrp vaaeiabi liouweed br Prof. lRo. barzdon st1h choses instmg boRd beon: Tueadap oraenlg of test weskýNoltitâtni lngt thé nfavorable weather a fair audience b.d Bus miloi st the faolory. la ,lu.I adUrais lIe pior ole on lie vaag=1W, et farn>em cooPdtallgwiti mob t aniùv holding occaomal metInu or lbe purposcf af rlsadlp dimeuicuofBt sarlmuluapiée Viti a w . tsrt heeffnlmiltemts anmd geueal lmiprovsmsmlr. Dmltjug e am- d,p hould bletiadethe ontre of mluig Indu- try. f le omaldethat W us, bing aitlugi other bnokes if tarmineMgMasmoaulO ffl.t proltably oulllvatid. Afteholdng îleS Sùt1îAnee larapt Attestion for &bout Imo boues iluort-n.lu1h.be umdehiassa aboe et dairyle, lhaem codi bW polutingst litat upun Iiii uuej upemiéci lie pro.poriM et sur p-orlsusgo0 m rieat GeoD Ta -Our boi-leum mon arm faieli coiwf! plaessi wlh tradi' Rtamovrue -lIff. Win. Shaw la eonsiet- Lu îlhe adytsabllti of is s Mnt andA dot'mtri b9 i dm would le 10 u. m vat-msà; al mmis»ara c.omb isAt à lli mi modouitS yUlle staMolii bare é'aitday whist t Imm out om Lauuon Bt be laiavAulon mMail ooste lie0 smllore m ult.sszteas ote.a rs chaire, burosas, ildsbomrds mnd othir mss. lte.s bfaraluve.as wi M a ir. TuaBou a s_Î uapes tm Ti.aa ais . b h.MSoia hu M it " .~simr uCramsaI cf7 bePebgaluumba 1v - -- - - -n a fla -a A IR* t Mlasae Enulii l ompaaam re mothl friTh 1liborulam ream MOla pirl rat:svciy Iutotmialonapply 10 LsnIua ANDa mwtLmurw,-la compum wlth lts he e equslutiom sud aI the pstsmal usmoittor Btmnvotheru I now oEa uvuf msa emasiots for ltshe Moncf Mayor for lhs for reluof. I 1thmIk ron for the . ccme plaSs la me la the pait. ai trumtlng tiat My coum ala camecliosviith owna&£mEursb i machma will mmml Four approval. 1 rimaia Fou oleilet sevent fAmdýfAwt.'Ose U1881.-274. J.Wet2tuD m ~THE BELL: PIANOS O)FROANS ___AR(E THE ÀBBi. J, WETHERUP, tindsay. lice. 13. 8M-27.- The Oornpany bave had over soie Aent for-victoria Oountjj OHOIGEWINTER APPLES. .200 bar.is of tu. b.èt mft.Appsaci&v A@,. PR1MEAUS 8 GROOE-RYq to m. ao M $2.00 V" m&&ia A. tUbutS *aoirmhw5tOf OBOKBYand-GIROCEBI-ES a8 MW, i i & 4oa. .,wb b»L. Lmp eeae*wt f àu» Ms.f wu ne » hwa PMW4e Mm OONMUam% MrW tue mm a en8uw.t %0O MVI @""y*unue AuoelumabSaq uubeW - lim- T4UL ir kla -P ma u lie blgml id et thpoeofmies 80.0fthnkssw.- t 00y mi ~ei1~ UlimtIbo fo 8 ulM 9 .-..é........ .10 10 o .ien' O&]- en 01a tlahM hi dudâmu le ta Oned l itaibp fBswev - lsai ..Iller 0'80wsI teu, 7,0 M ose%, Do 1MibereU&I l m mbeU4a Wl........s T.......SWc e 7eu m HI&vrmp 0leZLtm buY .... 00ta 18s îaC ù CON aoV1-U Mc e ......* *0e 100 te.aSU v~ .~ wIbu.1 e b"e f '" lb' aetins-, vet é, os, ~ooUBIO ACIOFO i. Mr .a! ****etPtiroi o i joues;î ~ . U~ bdM a bh> .........oi.the. lt S at., IvRU -ON- IO ý *aRov &.. *n*a%.bil her et the.1 bdmry aubW t vMr.W d « eWu!nO lhm0 r., our 0,u é lu clte, m tr o 1. ewobse , à Mq., M& Mot WBOla! MSSWAWIt Sugarbe 5'b. ati Dim'@t&"* e -the ondelrtgnémi hoti la a ce CHOUI te-rd%-StlSRIS...... à0t 7à010MlO laoi MUI for be m t.bls fup of m Qor £sIL. ..... .. u sS trm chcoa ai e aolbi b AumaWbiB. t' ni no, «ku 8Mwill be sli o e andt. ruas teoMW._____ad ___ M & L f haoe" ibeesumlthIi k g.. the k c mli lot wmeh owluaesmade poumW. en. ?aoIe I e&31-'e.MhlliS ts lamait.?. dm uM xc.by yubewocx k Gàr.v, MOIS, ,I lat 1D.ant e Bkt Llo Gni3is Coâ»T-WNN.At i ibe uniNov.Smos f h"Tb' stem, MREQ E8iG.and7AYU:h kDmm-A itrtJ..Càaus mmcidoc t. P.eo- J Mor8.WAl Ibm mie 2b o r. Ma c riesfiir, amUsu e cor aBdfo b oa fUIB uns. t cmjo . Iau gto. OhorooacuE Mih.Om1,4C m . aQ liaUghSsof - a ci ha ajct.a da -G t.,lt mhe 2,1sM Jor W lis 0f theandk .lwleho yu aedaeuorii mmE 1din y oaérumo, lllb. orslalili 15"u Ihie Bbm l (;URsAL foIM ClI. Alqg:oouuty. Am Ripsh Go A mli. Itiit. Oc. Uh, nfnt augtseBt ooqe mAMR I soa CAlt Stois.TicsMeComa T A lUv1IO Coa..lthom o arjom.CildaAmc JSa m t 1J Sotra et CmitzigIta.JohnI. DaemnRobebea Svîr.-A Gili iIyMsokmmWcoo Z ,E Viobo Peerà M,&11:M M AeL.,Ot r. CB00 A. Isio.iwtecfBo. 35 WEusid HR a Sial. gl 1 aes i mnismm 0 miJ =T PaJ SuR . -Arc Yollthe.HcadofaFnly WU&w.ugN.Ee.05 U hwgeasl s U I ~lb e a" uarlb a t m W M M fL w ?l r b"l. ii rv BAKER & Co* have ~a mo ens~fs ie vsats of »MaY Mkûsiolds uin àeday aid surroeudirg cosustrY for, tmw estraigàt snonthsin Groeres a dat- tedat ussand du rie gevoty week of tha Aeriod hame&«wsisriving tofr beter =vue/r oesa ss money t/sau cu&i k btainedelse- v.'hre. du ùscreased 0arna a thse best #roof of i»esuccess o te vs--CeP' taisly it is satisfacity té us. PO& TEE CERISTEA TAD Wl HAVI BIEM PAIZFO1I Ks PAM? anid our Stock wl b. found vrMM comltand «'.11 ai- sortai Long eêperience . mAa~tugmt Amhuto bs.y Mi- ciouuljýpii kdue regard to td.uprticukr vau*sta the pariular seaon. _Our stockwMllbear ouitk tatedW- ment in. everg pardckr.' I3elow4 044P Ditos et TEASO SUGARS* du5 à* oerwa ute a. tm~ tsIowa ere- OUR TEAS, Wheeonce tried they ore boughit exo/uaioeil ,we give ýa ar/ial list of Christmas Su#lies la/e/y received: OAML*AN»EAHN HE R L KPaz(=8. XVhitefish, Digby Herri ngs, Salmon Trout, Dry Codfish, Bon.eless Codfish, Etc., Blckrown Raisins, Blue Baske t Raisinsl, London Lager Raisins, Sultana- A Loose Mfuscatelle Raisins, ?ai8rns Canned Fruits and Vegetables of ail Kinds, Lemon, Citron and Orange Peels, Powdered Sugars,. Walnu ta, Almonds, Filberts and choice lunes of Fine Confectionery juat receiued, Pickles, sauces, Celerg Sait, Catsup, etc. ChoceLinos linOrockory anid Glassnrs TO NE ISPSE» 0Fr CUAP. Trytafor IV~ r EI4ay Purchama i4yotê'qu as4 ua EGpp Cias.a ais4bom» pkaud coowva of -Our for 1889. se BAKER & 00*39 * i I~AMILT 010011, mmZro DALI £OumE A-FINE- HO0LIDAY DI SP LA"Y TEGREAT BÂRGAIN STORE. Do not fail to take advantage and tasto of the Goodl Things before it is too latet CorneaMd Seo the stock of OLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS that le mre saoricing. You have altogether the beat* of our cut in the prices. We begiu ta see iL nov. The winter longecl for lias corne and aU l ve au get out of it la a loss of profits. With the winter earl',- crisp and snappy, w. rnight have been making money. The warm weather of the làst six weeks has been disoonraging t the clothing brade. We are not going ti Qi Februry to make a clearing sale, WE AFRE CDQ 1 NQ IT rNQ-- The. cutting men ices li eztr'ordinary. The olhng tu 8hvea11 m.cornronly good. [t js an untoadxng sâle hat willhae ong rnemory asud helpi to mft. au easy, comfortable wizter fryou and thousande beides. Cone ma bei ai lie »fspay et Chais Coremmdbiai l*Mte p euis.ntyM -nere CoNe -md m& .k abe »isj3mo.f«w..sO.000" -CreMmd ài.iut t" Toeol "d Elemots. U Mmd lk a et lm s em a"oe WB HAVE SOME -VERY STARTLING SURPRISES For Y-ou in il these ILinese E. E.W. MOGAFFEY.- ga a l'au ý mm, se ....à