Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 16 Nov 1888, p. 4

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- OWAIAN 1,15 1 ~1A . oeV3U UmmLO AV selliez- m-amUn- mm onty= Me/ G.K orOMities. amer of Umm à Dris B d d"bOthoai .oe..s.Uvts.lvWU . ~sttomo ae, .1au'Se gk~ tau*ia* ~ 4~P!LAX.., PRIDAY. NOV. 16. 1~8 OiteuIshiem..............me The 1" pulc Ume~ng to.nihtscol to diucusa two important local questiou thé doirability ofi uidirtaking. the -coiý iteuction ofa. asystoni of -wator»works andý havingqtii. town lighted by, electric li. th- arvedesirablo and would bi -.f Public sdvantaçco; but it insw questianai ble il thé btoay- will:favo thtei.adoj. tien: of Plans that wili necemmtate any 1mre~ utly o sri fs addition to tax. atioin-fai & lf, 7.5v. to corne at an rate.- It is, hovevor, quit. praper tc baVe .tii, matter plced'before thtà pec. .pIe ýwiti al -neceum-yinfornsttiou,.ù that tfii Pros -and cons -an bu Int iI gently conoidered. Lindsay .has made wondrful Prerss urigthè at .few feaRs; snd a cOmprehenSîVe systera af drainage and iwater-works,,and the in- traduction, of clectric ight *will as.oon be -ftheYare. onot pressing -questions, wu arder to keb. pft"ce-with the, requit. Ments of the timon. LC~WRI5025*DA-. An anonyrnous writer ini the,ý Warder het. signt ure of "Crux" sasails Ms'. !Oeo. McLlugh with coanse ,abue ma.mi cantemptie inintionit for sdvocsting the It'wering noftho. Lindsay dam. 4écrux"&sacribes Alil sorts of underhand IMo. tive to 'Mbr..>foE[ugh, and draapli. tics suda M bl. HHdspôth inito the que:. tion in a way that niust maku Mr. iNJdq.' .poth feeldisposed, ta repudiate siinister, friemdahip of th, kind profcss.d by Mr. Thi. bowering;ai Lindàay doux lain no »UsssaP'.rty political quosîin. -"Cru:" snd the Wsvdolr cmi mako it one, if tii.y wîis, _but. tboy will have te -tube tthe .aaiunco. t 14simply slulo ginerlg sd saitsry quostion. Will il Psy* te hbieths dam bowerod sud tie bal, sud upper So& m greduced t tetheir mirul bOvel1 Thas thOuusadsof morse aiovotbms land. would b. md -Mosu valuabbe is1beyond d1nubt. y"o tesi ~ ~ iow M ll casIO uswamp.or dmznwad and vauII ho prsetically sddid Us oruwbble, parti. of manr gSod -humla p M M voau k Msia, mneigatmidbco l"xba's oemowvtiv toppos ti.ps'ojooltoi rne êhow aMOI& tiatl« irN. 000. ne.- 14h, W. ulad" ui t, àlabs r0%oVM« maiwqa imls indi uw.l meu"-. lu qua"dm u bu l b. . im" b M b.&& W. - a. et hUâm wvis u g ueh m raiphs alia puisaUs, aimsl ulakIbopSimenew amhla -Oe1 - m M et mUs dbpoO. New T* W dý e goUs tI ai Uv 'Ç"Crue .lhsva Us hUMUs Uv vo Ir rmhy vl'u *0s .,d a" tug M .5 ho s oin uth& i >isou mdu l a 493MIl ~E s h 14M li sui - u vulihn4 îè aus iruemd u iI.~ si. o o L so 5 t t" à»in Mo tâe . malid adue. 2Wt Is 09 cM muV ép t.bouulortiumminma Ui mom& . 15bu bM ~ uiblséSMdit1* vii I &Mi eL htim'odtthM a vhid bon ub.pisymi mpà kfa, .polia of Gooha éi fori Ii ti sJmb.mu &savuo. usai mommooqumsto iTaz.se -. mous ueptile tas "CruWs" .hu ým ow ud.. tisa lis int ofatset nostion himuV obfU b;buIbosinaiattsor aofth0 dellouatie psty., = ma o b. osag oui th*o S1Waudor. Mie. alovîug is .tsof ai i.vMts 399 la howsot a gocidemiof ai o s-by gstsufS e poidemoy. din teUNI of adanger hem luntermit- C.VLN 3 taut foyer la the a ov f ti he dam bingCaloms* I . -l loverai? The dbasus saepérence . oh c ... ....UstConnecticu....4 Rousse.de vm.........8 nos in 705vu ugo as noiguide as I. loed, ......1 Rei.... ...... &10 Moine ....iepnum. - ..... ... an......... l ....#Ks ... ...... id la snov. The voter la nov et itsev- ... um 1:poin the.MalruW ofeats frMi.de« ......... - ampomig- vugtatio ndmidryingup Newov k ý a SOUSntcsrelna .....9I P«imod (-.......... yer. -Ws suppose- th. pan do b. foflov- Psulml.. 5Vrll.......1 md l: Nata bt vter getaMY bigler 4 butto roduce it s foot or Ivo dmblg Woonslaw...a D'Y he inerse ia b sitsprIngt. 201 l .., i'Wa........M qtes high-water mark vin! set go up tvo o sro' lorIit a ctariCoiue IL. - thee fnt abois the pissant 16,.!, but It la undeutool isIClevelad s bu a foot or tva b.lov. That wvould b. quit. a large ma oriycetranuioms la a very- important roduolion in ene ses. the populos vota- Plis la oaie proci mm os là the, vintar, foboving saSher Shah -the pooples verdic t Wu. mot ualmal . roduction of s foot. or tva or thre coubdIdelstaif rfoi bar maie, smigLI b. dosmai aiviable. ro » ate, By tIi. motiei liers vould b. n. moise an malaria, han-noo wexsaIns. lsloy ThoecOUPitay ta lavolve aud- rats Mr. w& yearnmany.serai of diowned gr vol and Qreeuway la Manitoba hmbas bossposed ~, dy bud b tuna vnu ecane ~by thepublci&aof the folloig le. ently dr? land, snd vouli b. rsnsfoimedl lnp u b rvnesdlrs ««.i jteo fisut.clm sposture or arable lani. the lideofu popular feeling strengly lu Au improvement of , oubi gres i mpoit, laver aI Mr.Grnvysdpial. sue l oihh cofudaring.c&Wmy in011Sflcnpîators :- -rma ifls be.an ae teoherleto * refer'ed te. ylettes real lta a Y. ~ PRSZDM TU. BLCTIS "luf" Ibav no d ue braws lto tblu eta I l Wl»do isMe ocibut t Thie rusuil hI th. prauihawelecties bora.me Fyuncam, àsuJ~b * gnte e bluff as suy -one, et course FyUenaua in tLai d Statesibua s Widoner . thréatensud bluufrr t~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~m astoMceu I l o su let oc . ItIite oopy ut: n a ant f, he nw isue oldy bat ]tI1encloueFou, but vsu not J)pbaced beloeteiepeople by .President esfuI. n nou willl bave t o v7"?rcareful of I t.1 ancy yon bave eeg yaie Cbeveani in hie famon. tarif réform lb. alght et whieh ulli make Ge MIs qaL it rnlght b. adlcioua fer Fou e shmbfr Smessage. Not vitiautý misgivmg ivai the provoscd meeting. and uay to -hlm f ual Fen tha mssge ivn toth lie Id mit 1mb -ta hlm técarry ont hans flde the arrange. Ihat eosue givn ta VOtment wth the C'entral If net, yeu vi hi ay as received by the democrat. villa ai>- thèse1îotters te the Cal. sudSua lu the P on¶. b lai one or tv etiier lettel!. tram prehension; but the langer il ubu, con- hlm. bu whether.I destroyed them or tbey uae a lu the MOO Ce annet Pam. IHe needat baow sîdered snd, discusci tii. bearlier vas f at, but you may eaally makehilm balleye th"t the support accorded ta il; sud the ts. Fou have theni, sud that thexe ather ltêtè re m*hmr damaglng thau those r havit Peut1 cial velurne show that Cleveland made you. ec kuow they wero ail a. eett bled ,<d conidorable gains in papubous mamulso- Suherandbve breenway la a bli "tai Sturing centres, emci se in Nov'Jerseybetween *the devii adt the ras u o viiere a determiued republican a Fonup ke m no ,othei.goane.on wlth lb~~~ý tecry di.ate villa money vsu con- oves te se me. I leel annoyed. sud if Fuyen re flot la It I wonld bthe whale env ate* lu B sidered uselees. Connocticut..il vas their own ule.-1Iniay heoretauluauce te yen lhoubt oul b.carrod ~' uos," bt to'I'isu ad sn on. sail yu outnu tke < tbugh ml.bécam*d b_6ýoé butthetroblete write me. th le mono olias failed ta. do mois thIas1<(î<,uud> on plualty In~ni. Miuneapiolis.a.27 une. lm8. dai i.duçe ,C.eland'is Dn.uatyHInianaje zticoncurrent mail 1sI d1 sud ' ionthe letterakèdtoerlIn our undatei letter. groal manufacturnug se,.and te end 'mta yen-uthe IAstintuertad , lme m"free tInde cm" did ual acaro the ing that 1 arn teoaare wlth you, MacArthur. -ý e îeI l Nn.wihth . P. equly. m 'rotea-s ai praduce a popular turu-over. i .honld feel the lujustlee te Harriet sud the bi childréu If I alIowted other people ta- abare my cc Harrsodspluralily wva.svery snallabeur. Of course vonu sud otherà there -are -oime.The state vus carrisi by the vo. gettlg the' advautâge et my labouresand posi. Om tioninla . 'rtlicularmatter, sud 1I tedI must R pùblicas by the ame momanalIIvan get vauew th others. I make this letter b il viin Dorey dirib. eisrate ftrmthe othe- ettenu.as ii is eclcarly ieight yeava ago, we omydsrb a mattor of business. Sceoble andi MacArthur W =ulod bal a million dollars.. This -ini.~~~~en uwI ou know the cent paragrapla tram a long lbiter ofin-i1ud) .uNfvAi>7 it 'd mrutions te the counly managers in la. g j, or r: dama, v ritten by th. republicali national- 6. treasurer, Col. -Dudleyadectie , . Detrait Froc Frais: ClevelandI l; de- st " itwu onefeatcd, but liat does flot alter the tact r, vsy ilvas doue:that uuneccoseary taxation la uiutti jc "h.,T)lvido the ficatera luto blocks oet iva. nuttx sund put a trusted mn. with noçeuWary tends, ationi. That sentiment' viii outllve the » là-charge of these Ilie, sud malte hlm rosponsl. grawlsg tbath aIfIrnie. bic that none get avay,. and that ail vote our _____ Sticeto."Estnorthumelnnahvn nte y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l« mu-ti an s.T.Ban e NdX. Chrnear faaiinatii. field. t *independenî sd and id oberver, ex., Outsider plaed lu the ostion, sud Mr. ho *thailiemaveontBelee vas depomed ud or Havden or "pfrousiff opinucion p r VOm Milîbrqok appented te tlb.plac. The. for ls'iff edueto pobly largely Millbrook conser.vahlves st determined "causai C&ovelandla deleat; fat 6h"ca tiat If tbey,.can't. have a reprene.uttfve "qesi6 a-ba rtad li gn rsi d them rVillfg. tiey *viii ai leasl share ton napoleea althd t:the RI oprs." Tie r 64merita aI01hisadamaiitati±on woubd tment *a&, deniedinv >nterms "prob.ibly bave givon himA &Second levarn isatied liatI il a corre thle-TIinies 64Wii î fUowiiis îeaili, tedew.«racfully aenowld.mlaiayr Hov. U1 aiig mo.deun en pouodlog basas ot i racy andertaok ta relieve the lreay been amtted. As tli mine r te- sudmi e. vertaxod people by & veil. mâai s Maor Rvsab."mttet 1 * couiaed lov.vuag of lmpait dutli, mre *6 ley auatmed th" vut loque of pro. Sptïngl. lsRpublles: "B3eveue e- 44 1 faimubu bee osrtlei lin e defati-as l tectodintereata rhU hmiasjoiued band 6ta6t sy ia.sy greal relavala lmslsme ta te at et fWhva raimu«liai sIe lOr. The lb.outseS.But ue viiolbu basa vos! =7 as ima th th laorW wa  Agreat party hmba ssreoval sd 46 vers ta b. anS dowvu.-ItvWu as appesi almoal vrevelutlon Iméd. ,The domoeraey, "ti touchel iii.paornan'a pokot. vhlal vas opelémély on the vrong W&d 66hemrgumient miegla oani or te.-. t SI W5the u éloýd W" tvio et *Mi-lie tarifdimausmn=wu agod m n a starth.t vas a mere parcy a 66sl'-"---t -S. OtW. po l«-u bam. silbsii-la a grass uwwuuwau - ~ ygmovsflisIt tbemaneipm ath ieom 6 "uetlhing t bornaI vmsplain-tiL.a UP'I mjum tan"t 05aus vugusvetla damur Imthe 2" d do.for, t Santi, f.1e1" dan mdUraIs dli m twlsilisdIoppoeuw §@@u * *S on ,. â lm tl s. -r lude te P îD< i 111150-1-dm -----U5dI htur @htac"1 vlpbb vlyo.- laqa- i-. 0- Se mml -Is o»Oem aéàWs ud *kNw~ ~tu. slhew T .u sw aga £W um ww *~ gulmb. Oda m hwove neh ~~1am. ~tee. wk N. U ume@" oi Kmti. W IvVs vol ftmàou" lunue -P. IU .ImOlog. ov li 8 bau. guuot 55J NOV.' lik M&L N Uabi VÉ.Hobuet Numusld Z y,8 e.Ter-amui sI= damgbmeotjuug Ifveu orus.Vus V515Ii~ 5 reu ~ok sMW a ara, lthé or Kr N. lois KuAmui.5 Rt U,r. . dLduwue %ou W, o. le&b. - o.NN ,se lai a o. oe~iur sd..Ibaamu TEUUi.T. ov. Utb.-Dy T. A ihâuoe i» u. g0. sltio». lemf1yxvslabhtme bas . uissnedlooOs Fima CAPS. A Immg st.k or Far Cmiii et a ight ameanes em ot t thse liret Clesriffl SamletefW. Eu - ! e ci va rUsemeiat a. idfeo I IISALE (Woodis »d F~eîBac Toronto. IOth Otbr Notice l. erby giron. tharuditsOrder la Counili imtBer oth No. 2. in the Tonhv l"istyni, miii bo oflbred for sale by Puble .Anotion on fleuIyt t e tkt' Iay offlecMner unt t the heur Vof à lbcklatettrontth Iqiatact VCrow LudiToronto. T. IL PARMKE. cornuoer, NÔIM-Thc abore berth w;; bld .fr at. the lile et timber lidita of lôth Decmber,8, nttbo- pnrchaer tailed to 'compy 'tg Pstl M saste locallty and description, .a2 et.. ad terme snd conditions ot. m»Ie Wi tuiushed on applicaion peraoualily. or W lotter to heIc epàftmut -of Crowa Lands. NO o hrcd advertlsernont ofthte above ili ho u1l fr 2e-& MUNEA., -The RK eu b. clotffed in FINE RAIMENT AW 'TUE T n L 1h.,,Ob m a~a The aé odgamarAit Wool aad&ayod i wlda, vuL Ui1WELL m HNE -TAILORII L p.z,,~aaoe. A *2,400 wr o f Stylish, taple ud Beau .onalOfXa'ssd Boys Overoats m's aekesand Kauties, ]Purchamed lor #19%MS.4O, or la other woirde, 40 PER viT. MlaTRMIAKBRIS PRICE. -v'e mi, omuand chi l dayand vielolntyhould sen t.ese goiTe CONE AT ONCE, DO NOT ]DELAY For ~ Y fvodoyuwsreY, miss it. W. Wlf show some of these old fosai- ladhlh rlced d"mieSbw miich ammunition vo bave, and that we always keop, our powder dry and ready for acion. MKE "XESION ON OUR FB VISES 18 NfOV ABOUT COMPLEX RD. TH(.S W7LL GîTE us T72 FE!' MORE FLOOZ ZiOOM. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OIE HUNDREO PIECES more, of that celebratod Ohambly 25 inch Âll-Wool Grey Flannel to be laughtored at 15cQ pe yard; old by other store Mt25Q per yard; aid a case of those Menas AII-Wool, 16 oz., Shirts aixd Drawers, to be given away for 47J cents each O)ur groat ale of Furs bought at 600. on the Dolala i tli boong. Remember we sei ol orlo oi oe than the otieierorespyfor the.ý BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS. in twas une we walk over thom ail for Value, Style, QSâlty aid Finish PE» THE POPLU à-Iu a few days we Winl open Up a complote stSâock o New, aasnabead Ohoice %e» 10 C CI 4t wBXýq» The- Get Eankrupt- tock KM, glut Street Lîdasy, opposite lis Beom.ous.IH ES. W. Mnogaffy. Nos* WE -ARE NMOT BRACIN vu» ms"q- h"1 . vea PSr o MM 9"a noLA Imeg t riest, a" 4FamS" tmolk Of DRY GOODS AND OLO THING 1wofr.,'.I for aM1e4 iia o oemo LA hdfrf ÂN WFU SCRE WeaeM abeàk. sotu l PoI La-Sn7w<.'g w. ro orr, a êeaL n cetai tie-onoed usOmor keeP anpbody awake nighîs. but our Stock muat b. soWd regardluu of what otha ùve asked or are aolingjfr~iia poodâ. We are boumE ta Jhave reah*q and Zota /ii. toilEmot b. allowed to 1ùsge ms Mr Rends. W. mad, eu, olamsahdsoeo aul of Mm.,.be/ore tM. end of MtA 0. a ndsos.dspseo Dl/RING THW£ E L 60 DA YS toat to kno w oo , e & En' WB DIUw tu.cwg E - UUIý W ieana a.uthqf ~elm - Eaau. our dean sa.p &sal U toigt usprgreas. Se ~ th m0t Quality ad Valueor Ou Dollar. M0,GA-FFEy, - --- -t - .~ ll~ orEEEXE3TUE PLAC, mm MW M«10 l e# wmI:mPLl KEANJ SON &. 00.'S8 "FAMOUS,"1 'G r,à,.Mjý ý ,OLEA.Ný r% SWEEr-

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