g I - 7;'I - . TE QAAJJI5 ZUT. LIUUAI U.aE'X. 733»A Bakiai 1*.Oth ISU -UM Pubmoi, P'E Notce AGESTb oli0Talc Pont tbeàmiwtmsual6wbe hv *. n - - ans" -. t150' ................. OfflI em ..* .........n ....~*»"OfO . .....e. . .A D U uS ...... ...........E. !S ...... .4é *He3~ACI l- oTAY FRPA . 1~12 lm*.. catrh the unwary, are tisomed coasonal ramge, of ie andi fabrilowel ýadapteti for ovrtrnng. This-le brunette, decidedlY PrettY, coues ont of tRia lghted drawing iomandi ulozes Van- -voorut wth an air ef proprlotorsblp. Tom bas beesu matie a.ware. tlit the reason anortJunior la -unmnoeteti by the destructivewiddow..la because ho lasalready mrred;s o be lesqulto pire etbe Irewnted.to Mmlir.nvoorat. lie la net, ivr~paried la see two acquait- hlm slultanmeiily O.or these, aa mmmiianti erindhtly 1am nek. yonng weman. cornes acrosthe on a anan'sa am, with a litItie baud out- st.retehied, anti an astonilbed -Wby. BIaker ià other busts upon Lm au ý.etonce, through A a er'4oor. a bewildor- in& Vision. Wbh ho -knows only too wel -a vison of dark cyca anti deati golti bair *oea low brcw, and wbVte, fuli arme *azi4 shoualdersà, ihe wholo eswlmning ln a ses f pale gzeen. Blake, wboisa anytlng but norvous-whose burt bhardly gains. a tlsrob -l! thât awful moment when, dlpping -bis par -lmndo, -ho wma ie- wenthe. "Beadyl"1 and the "Go!" -fe.1e isface f uli, anti dm-wulits bresth bard a moment, but conly for a mo- met. u io Mcknzie, lot me proeut Men. Blako." "1fr. Bake anti 1 bave met before, 1 tblnki » .aya the beauty, anid pute ont - ready hand, -codlmlly coli. -"Anti Mi. 131ke ls charmeti te have the plââsuro again." says e i.Young mon, quit. e l *possesseet now. lira. Mack.enzlo anti hetake istock cf one auotb-cr, tho. Vanvoorstu Étare; -thero L aial awlcwarti pause, whicb la broken by the littia persoii beforo ne. freitW 10.nover ddanakwd n ulierIlIfe, aSti whàoweaves hot eort'a arm. anti cornes npvith the pleas. atg et paIbo ermile. "Here le another surprise le r?.o11,Mr. »Ule. -What cloud id tiyou f fromT' Toa tide lowor, butvo frankl~ el';» wfully «lad te see yeu.' And a a givefflMi. B le:c's Vbrown paw alItle<flnéh. whch ne manalIs menéeswoulti arc to tliink a squeeze. $ho la honest ln wha.t elle eayà; he reaUy18 glad toe e-ouyng i=n. She l f thti e ciety of men, anduien 1.totalkteober. Este tuart la not a -lrt; meIlasimply cr,ý.dial aud ÙnaÈàétedly mes with every eue; but hardi , any main can bdlpfanylng, as ha tik Iier, that slle really rather pro- ferâ him te the najozlty cf people. Boule =en have posuibly boee n cneto 9og te get theinselve.t lIlovewithi. hett#-l lady; 'but ls that ber feul?. Sho lionestly does net luke te b. annoyet b y setilmeu- *tai boys, anti our trient B-la e anlmiù mens. favrite of liermbecanse, h. las carefnlly keptl h akgreundi whal litti, e nt inient thorea inslulescompjout- tieù.n. udlialwaysbéeon perectly fïani auti-simple- wth berý. ""dl"te b iei trutli,-Tomliksslier Juat a -tt.botter thon aâ»I ono cime lie k.niws, bût keepsa ilt rein on hiielf., Fer Iia Sari sa othinka, "too lîeegaunée" for hlm. BSolathe.pôndy.daÏ;giterocf an cld gentlemnan veli Iknwnwuanti mues re àpeted I1n the vieinity cf, Wall anti Bromt etyjets, -anti ehle woukd unid6ubtedly bo a very good pc ation for Mr. lake- whose111là»u rili abilities are ptineipally ilu the lino oM gettlng cretit. andi whosçF law practicae Aoos fnt payis office tont. But strauge as Il may sedi lu these dayBlae .bua kintiof on idea t ho wouldb. am u- eonforýtable ln marrylng imouey asho *Quld ho u mrryng poterty; so wheu ever lh. thks att osubjectet a&Ha, hc ptuýIt by wlth a shrug of the. sisoultia rsud amY, 4"lt'à toc expensîv." Se hoe la pbeasedt teSethellmtle gel xow, anti ayaseo._Then the. old gunti itil, uboe happineals -h balcoe to de strey. appears on the mune. andtiw. eomes4im ltha orilty that min" hlim fuel -like a pckoke;anti afin a Etltiesweet coverse a bout thei. wàatl andi théeduat, sudotherlnterostlugnài lie arrivais are àaiodetatem selves a 11111e comfrtable, Àanti isseri ith dinnor Inabg dinlAg zoomws abutweuty people baýe dined au kom o sobefère.. BàehabegiffoJIsa la L slhefttesetLb.en l, bt Tam Vere "ema fi gumli a huSIl command of et bi fs. iai adyhv ~ bé ae g iSia moment. bavlag lee doua.. uli11ub64i.vu thé életisai i Md f Wh.bd o ylm mml" thbZd. W &@&dm b m P8 a-F 1111. liais la ton111&bout lire.liaukon- Irlm'i Z'ng mm aihst~ oRM.Tnoria rot, a4 -MuojOmmu'S are u un a o u Naujled tmaemu, 1~e14s 4 lotionbsvss sb, . t0% IOWvouaii muala PM» hats. WoI n1uite ou ow mis e. e. h Mflod'r M lmer"7 viwu a pMsset a -But ho vMifflva te o v h mbrn010 mm. ueentO ismm Md .10 faly 0= b ~ *'eYb% 7-! hou. zut oh14 .m4 gve le1vli asbl v US.ILtLho& Vacerlult Eblmlyue. ramdmratoaet bu" is od, butf lai me-plusse promise me thsai youfln M. Blake le sy le hinaslt irantli. net te mueàmber:hem marlsl14um- -Mruol bu u t 11.A"Coonua .citolWatdob though, I bad qulle torgoteni. Theyo mm stàn ndt atele he lgiril'.band un o1 O! the vas a mmi an'etliO hou m'ifi Wistaue muiamial vubi mnt tIlI mvStufly ouli b. ginilienbs5m hoi lpya .; m m% a ft . Ucotlam.eaMd&u Iais Ianaba luau gly liaI ay. IMasienilatR epeaffmigit savyw» mm 07 &as p o y ,but Whit usbs ad. Dt prtta eiso 9aniio "Fi bu puailuhhhie b.. outeutlen - hgel det1e nthb.netnam;u, e ap efr.silence, sey Instinct-lau siotmili. mt mmcl ntim Pt w? be. ratier malmate& Iàm asys but pa-. tie mm Pr OIuO*.s thii Pe cf les ocli Sdsty, sudvs quiut cWmicieti nti a o. A ba vMa oe in Mha hmrsguelmiss, te mmualdlO aaem I ca 1.1 yn; Weihll etidma.i anu2 liai net uycarl ba, cati feront e andtram l a omio trouleunhislatibele, . d iva o. auda he« ouer, IclinatIn. dandte. rssam a, vi, absesy V bisvit p oteî iseme 1 _ _yilymua hobl !uei - .aq. " a - leilu csl l hoecotahi l iy Élags true. âdbote Ibn t elu sl lii vyl y the. prlyesyIprmse"mriyson smesl.saeb bokvonldte=ngu bi, . veiyh victoriensnlady ét i hoislaler ail; an'ti t-ti.er iib eantL.h ciOh aonsboete geail. t uoirsdsction poss insda ml osia i onm ao I~~~~ty ar eeenloyo bsns-uy i a set veml hti erlyhover. ba bia_-gnterMs aini. i ou htiprivaisprote e -an: l ou t, .a pr»I frcat i gi nila i.Mo an ostel mtat e ai nt ati f-le roin s n tot ions.blgOfuy. bas ne objectionare ut .te vnom e "Nldbe&t iyn ceasum8i cai- ebsnl. a fev ,nfiaahhcoidt ues .anv rhe poeduce ith, i d actr vry lcey, ' Ue;,ati tisn" v in oli fiet woudc L bs aiayu 1l aolies nao u bis norsing iýadlY i#ot m, e ayfL oortmein rth" doen begins te amuse lImaIt oaci <'li yo bauu- asr vdgtta h eel oer u w? B M akedt h Yug of lpedv . ainaliit su e aviiblslfaitl haMéemal tseyus"o lli f.Vavor atiam iou m- Gooti-bforet a im antu. Vnsri 'Ys rbe y gootiObjecntmio donetappr.o b. afcotm vun esot Iet, lie;rocmùm, sn follcw.I by ur Iieal mu eneRwe bs ay viii Vaziortjnio ber huamui iens 'sir duty ura;ti Awo ini hmb iie banotthe e ougai isbs sinafnctedae"i a otiI ue" t u peethaMVi-i. tabesistfolie" let bae mh à Bu h srsbmsetaafIoucerlalnlybae n 02 dthoed"i& bai>p pair omubisaci, tise dywubaan atiyo Biais fulsies o clrt, ntol vo Ohéslai eilvdai e prgi nt eee anraniah on.orby mitaes Ra gl b. lgt wi wtbuciMrfonceakien. dlsothr oi onMackgupecnzieal eue, o got oMui.ole vinlurésudé . p l a e. ur en oil à,e igos In saacous herei o, u nis l ookuag dobl busetlcaes me s it lua 811k or ige oz hait herhy bL ian-7 k mien obmbusles.une lus ascin tod-û-ma ileceand Ip.pleveoeS areot Miboy; ovhebla w&timues.d neThear tobsatis a del euo t n the on.sss o iror e taR i snlotevloa Ta regad for k po- claeatyoumes." WTheuvoon ke.Jup n gay hmaffai, wvievetem dtBlatnv l u Laure Msbdt unyp, anti baves mvos; nieumon aL ne oftong mle i lin mtaknt . ala 4cldto Buglei Md iss l i tgacIoe?"":oof NurYe peshearrie.o ieyb.-e 'Binat fida hm eutantiluIshlm gl he slgt un s oun I-ngetrng" pes- oe yairematetieuou he b'sv lmlian aelv c hai , anthsitin eshlumu for ba i sue aetble nd ookmons v i nu.T e lus et adheu cur. A er uncha.lb. and heakr, inlllughm aout thandpl Iguagoou; laies iy. Tolnng tablsu nd «el; Il fl ov te onwio vsine wan eyngai lb. hue revan sI nl ----cfmli rm--l U It bosi mas iepotuse.landabsaflu inh- llnghlmternbtoube by sh 1> st aine, have lie vndite brine.dionaati aiopoeruk nt1s mosebsg bisat; tnevii~at mi iand, tiurlng Iii. consuoptloungreluarions u nco re chais nti Vanoonistanti f.abu enstste <ý1 of ilci 111mb.fonserha"oaeyb akot paeuetI.fmru orinseui aone or ,lIInv sirmn Vavotrairmnoonus A .bug ik teml@agacishe o nte pnurpooo on otsoutofthe'ssvln Jilakein P, lie lg uuthefk u l. H sgtalcs.subrn Oveeeihuse moe reet n evige * endtho ende- sregat the-fsc es ie pute on bisUm.nTwin, haa eanoil uroi n p te ouai aiostes compolf n hlm te candios. mdl ubing labo b.d.at nlo- ltâ mosebhrie theurs.in la bttr ia strrbagitise iazz a-reshoni vion-es slwieep, laospleeretorm o. tuemohreofahoionsepaaotrigta roeards l sa tIen leamsiantris-n thodnoary net iair. -BtoI.Aot AScutchternonwihth ir f l Iis otionthe bfaces of peopte on- f riaenti lseb t oewenathe rieo bnd.M m Te biaY hr W al oerspni *dubtu outne t, lo. parfori vor te tMeziioîle eiory-haftthe= bin on grace e&Themd anienaun houacf ciho a pell sue lai ie ts nl nu dvs llaienly eur 1f. fi b. e o nti omasethi hlmorheone vn ons thoe utiaio. Vanvoomm tconveases viiia pymix lvs5ocokyt ga On tus, ocae eb fonl tan la ne l=. et in suehoo dgbuy anti. lepanes- N eute mnym.aot se tlimte; htr.Bac iihsbsegn eisln umer ms sit«e i mnpros oe attrodenog liposecit for-h te avalhimouettRiland ot ons, gte-etrl2a18W otisued 'a u .las! plglldrgîth oc esepoe adhin niots tan.th hich fra lcleoftly pesat t kake folM m urd h or ntry.catrIn lnchothlu an or t bo appearsaot the peopinaley, mc 1Ci ibs htorevolvea la abhles te tfur, h i l o rtrst cnc aftonam eay nodg il se f..bemasput-ud many exck o uefrlng hau:e nmnikete.reesatdscomlorl anitu-h uincou'xon sforobeer e.sting uti. cmlty u the orecfli e dare ueak- a aI ol haitps14,oksanti o la- a up. ie ind tha Itla ait n huî~pasltam ovr isnio s bsIness vii lk s ngvarnt more ha ehgirfslend nilduitgt anie hant n e tth eead8er L, anti i o hecnslameti Bt aabi er ers oflsl aùevooi?âts--afl and =yn agiiis t o damet an..badalapoce131tadsof pi.liesathoth~ oefmiine ornsceer rta ,nhebn1 p ltrv avss at ekaovertog s.A eng v eil i.lvee "'*1te avwdpref lcm pilas" et o ia", I smoking fan t eilvaabig uegr l r ntei i rer. Iluarering upO, natio Éle inluenceoetA, waiti:hag otr pira. ts and wa a muggtme " nti ie y ouof testmrog brn', ie m-S'teU51 corn e lmaosre e crndes laceg'th euto lserang. ultomtr eve 2.raie at t bidse lh ews ee ndmloapeculisnl 09 of theloue; antiap opelîli n iy for witimsdtue, an ito begrvla t t e di luvth I u bo lbotte th"an 1rei;agr-th"Iada" Ieénsido e e slopita n, vieilf a esle b o.iaitheousexe mbut hsa te doungth ee-E dîuwingta iss arlp hlh alusyeschilene thed rm mrete s u lengi atn er wyl os.S mais Bakethik e s ertin thelg M. Bakelus isanudnAbutu- taeng.o n it ntirlst ickst mgnigî oslua llitle ponlanitewn. in' s ut f ne t preelngandebà st.n hr ulcle idwn mon1. ro k! ie WiterI a nvithr.sud . oltbact Nvbaely urina htbel Mis, bsasuele accidntor îtiona islf coineen-, t York by mornehold f-&ction cfforgot e Thal ladu yneu oke w-'ratan a coer they idos l oratr aknetatshoi-fus ih in e or bolegrans he tlng -er, pesofIl mi banderoclas wic,e vntuwsobehor3e one ssure. " asorthethlyoe own s hl ouely hbut iW.nor-eteny ti se f beuty wtsv u tk~o teou, n. ie. udo u n uiInl ý oual inn Way ati lavobbhaer x a ôook volA u e titl hsbtai te tiaad tocc asionde la e fcetlaIn motie e ofs glbty mecrl dgte xpand eis filgitNo one anMu. akze oter bise "Iwa huliî taeu i, dn. Rai. gotng-oue, itatsbilaobetganetromfetrT rela a teprostai ie foruthe Dtyo rerneniibhfote bliarduierorne- "oftusfiad-asthue;bisIlhowla oe-Sprfeld w abota ho on ahsu occasione eltus t gtdk d boa-wI et tormul te hl h îcrlu Kint. Bina ae quet prom vblc Aflteher lbs esut in yeýLraùen m.ofrei yVn- once, inevert asbe hanceüyt, effortian eau ornbns head ovo adragi b VrTheywalk tear t eîde intev p ias, su In a . oisat boteers thn. tisa hountetheIl war.ho eturconfron llae, nt ather earndiong bisr a arentiieniugel n aovbexcusle othr a rekbokv.ite nsand telig ro ses ot paes sud bei. i te'1hnîie, ici, efsentient aant smelityla t iorseogthé lci Brak-tslna ilcuhlm lfsileto4 nd moents hon sp omoscle.teatiilashdistan. Thon sdfaiovulus tseirbasvbinessra.aciehie behaks meuvithue nomplionusry mdniy ste anput se adof thm peaople.rmea.ndathe onierinar upecullar e oiteds h er ors ofls ar einnut iv f. tlle,lt a nd niiÏÜmon upfrlg em tedon teIhengat"Yetnevefil n eoic xr anohe 'Ltid oit cerne boreefo f l moîeabt ni er alslpyofquit.ie e il ae àl.Teco tbe !llae of wai aa, 'asoi nadIrepecto etlieu rgina dIofir tions eaigu udrth nleneo watLat out Iy, LMit kentihle. r l is sul a aclbles.Uisnebasd.bee iopute togbezïth su li ,cm u, meniti;butaident orein tut wOi lls miean silt iddoung clerg Noman, adlaadtelnlyrth.o' la rvl thar hlm adaîtl uto tefilng bt eyban aadwgdlroutaIp hhledtoteralokecir "Wîy vtepIaretyln o hnge1my tthemotr dal heoa anti m fh re b is i dm~iten-'v-wcld ave one checfsluasimpile ofaureain eti mitlug, te nght.lusighusaavi h om mrne caee ti facain mrn :,nake or ,gbis menioui> fer1 hi kn,1efnsbsbtad-tcad angt i adul i tle goodviy aI utt rouanesbt -o nsrter nsdhusas akr- asot u u far wni amI ye rtn med 1e ie m e t itti. lias.-a sabsint h m fions s cn aentsew lug.I mi nt r.M.L-t-ze t pieudingfbr her. the touch of et ionud trnlnatlon l tyanti S..tho gem.ont, o n bis tira; lsa a entie petition.eaIvici hi.=arrive tler nmre miaules' a-My, de.a Mia. Ma'kenzle, hou n=dern ard lhliLng. -Thonu'wti a vasi sigi ho Ibeaven eau 1Ilnterra ili yen? hatmiaotetosopc eplsani h ave J toner asioies. When b oaseb. mo ci? 8"Doue! Yeu- bave toit--or y on vwil Frosa lie broastsi oon now cornesK 1tlU-theie pooplo everylbingt And iai meundaI oftIlteL antipreseatly lira. Van- il oiti reuuly loves me-an, dean Tom, voci ant.i e Stuant, fromi as ouly r iîV uh-hr a eeiiggot oigirls uan b. viion on a summer momiing 'l i-hia asiet me te mamryhlm, tie y core toi finish viat tb.y hogan the an nov .yen vu iinlu m.' waiguL belon.. ItmoeemImprobable liai i '; But what lie douce un I tel about iher etftics. ladiea bas any désigna on 1, youi" ariesatic bewilterati <o n a.Baie, tovever. for- aller a few ariginal i Ses her6-theso peoeitime if 1 remaria on the bomperattun heypa lbthe. -knev yen. anti I toit thonsjua this-tial plasm al about-isi tdo gIls tli e yen use.ti le b.Laura Mabuny; itai yen hoee motion about? Bometimes about Neyer bashme badleu holti oz lhe tu ust i t lit lat I b". fergotien wiat mon, h la sait. BIaLsla net . flodl5b. youg mm tn lsanov. The - cl ui }ynirnmariage 11-o vus, ant7i dn't oea t oR wnudèslai lie pressai convera- Ieaubti t teir l la tas troshin .is knwutlto-nlght liaI your iaalte a o ia msubsct liai mcii ame"sbmmery-,anti tsv mon liks ho b. viiýp«- *vasu tr. Thai'sal." et1 aU thlnga-clothos. Net unîl l misati lu seunaprovoieti a numanas ms. - 6I "Thîr anbanti va-desV i avsgs abo is bumttemi ser 0 Il ila ubis coolesi, luesat minfur tisa liai ,cJ loselysthim $"Ditiyen teo:- vont the lsordoes Misiatrhoanse s avi va lo.nlgl. Ye vers ivingai Waa- char, vsa.aie gaz es Mm Stuyarti Wyhv o ntdu se rm lime bMmeae &Wiil, reug rnan beon. bat, tlis et man I~~~~~~~~~ or aayorn vilehavebouyLIul.MMieadodng oas, et uaeproy I>ngSiutt -»hwdî mgoliai 0yen bugmta wane»Ih$tameli mm, Ib.yOU MW bcrn Idlnvolhing «Adinynho5lt 'Rey""ut e d etalu ee, vhci bscs. iii ur frsaI. :or- n " o rabyonan '-viieu aculon la lie suneel v het maiuue ba.aDo-en K abou te yta enbv e ~ ..".la. w fac antithan-erplIcea mués1very nelly place.1Om leva vas moet nasaibe ve e. tar Mm . evanun use ser e su isa3 u Nob 1a sylii mflaoi gt, r ivent tmones W& d«haiise.yorse blm o y wbr' sco'0 -Mn 1us an u-ynouis e as u ImeIou Mi to tokai'LutisU avte s 0- mi-ai m iu gy quietuezte . eeMr NaÉ4 »ta i wu but bu l e. n"""""cm M "s»« oe, No, 11 'Jovl ho a "i he ivi. -1.4-Y- I.-sho iseaptil btI m t eIAU he la m-?m eor auv I6« Ne. rIL Mpp£ Vham.a"ms UlMOSil lte4 tâ&ta g1b. - M ~Ufféh 5,fha~ I gylwDt* B YOD. Maa'ta Co. Ver Au>thimg lh ie Jowy Lin. gRITTOI BRO& BriepBres.', is kead- ,#artrsf w bei cass i Gidor ilerWatc/ws. For Cixo f aidescri~ ions go to keadqarterýs, Headgu,,,a .,/oSh'r vie is auBrilles B#27. To have your eyes Ar,- eclyfitted iWth SÈpectaces Pt te=rcre anytinljg on the y e Otical Gooas, tkeace :5 Britens. For Watck RePax*rlngor Clock or Yewellery Repairs 5'ritton Bres.' jç kvte ad- anuum 000moon. l wz Watéhu aid Jwuw, Ipeocles and Optica! Goodu, Olooluanad iilverwarê Bear in mind aise tiat the quality ol goods and the qnantity of stock, and the througk knowledge o/ eac4; branck o 1ke business, is nihat makes our store the keadquarters in. this dis- trici for auj' of t/he goods above named. We have 1he Most cern- Okte stock in yack /uze; we go more systrcnatica&Uy>and t/soi'ongkly lio cdiof the various dej5arimeùts, mor*e rarticulai-ly as to fillng S/'ectac les an:d ln Watc/z znd Peder qairisg. lt.dpay. S.pt. S. lu&- 13 . G. dwards. HARDWARE Largest Stoch-, J. G. EDWARDS. Fin ÀAID STOCK SCULU. un wbcels, platfrr 21-mos ft. r~. wis drop lever, capaelty 3.tiaO Ibm. Fprme" a cr sek.aatr îUld eau and cno tcalse for à 14 ,doidgaed espeelallj to meet your wante. e1<7 to f HUILDEIR%ý' &EDWAE la onmplott, ln *vory particular. STREL Cu% Nifle saime pi-e au Iroa. Ainerlcau abisàlo and lath Dil arnse price.as the cana"apt. Moue Fuxaluhiarsud carnage Mamess The OhespeeSMad sont Plssa iutoua te buy Blaeommtbs n eeals iepa% MdastiTger Le%&. Wgish Paue J. G. ICDWARD139, G-r=an ad Pfoduco. WEÂATand OÂTSO s oU N aikit ale. sut OAmr PATENT FLOUR-IEW PROCE88. luths utsi ML i IGHqBy CASH PiauEPAIR> 108 a ne m fm m ofua - Navlu laf is*0 -,,- CI -~aee W W. art.aoW uîalag h.y I Thm la la thmargi, '~ i I Tiis miie utc/eaxand sp arate ail kinds et grain seeds seearafing eats front fez, « jtclus, eats and Wiid tapes (rom wkeat, d eats fr0» barley. It is easil ûle aied and thw e usî />rfect Sefiarater in the market cleans,ny fast and -'wns Ighkt. With Our new BdGGING.4 TT4CHMEA'p7tie gran cn b -clanedand filed in bags vflk the ot o,&raion. T/w reputation ef titis Mill/nsu eas- ia eg.4 I-nsure confidence fer inîending Pircase, te bay ne et/wr. WE <IUARANTEE fIT TUE lEST MIL Iil TUE MKET 01 mo AtE W. mI« onutcýti» t»- NEW TW OM.FURW 1sUvLKY Pull> WbM, &»O a f~ Muh ra Mau «mai o SYLVESTER BROS, MFCU. 0089 LIA TON-For sale, à:S*STMMCBTNE.bufil bY loba Darem Prs.Albutm. Awim wl-blaLete niesue m uta" 8 lalm* M lono a Ci. J. LYTLE. rekuila O.mept. .18m-3spd MMORES WÂIiTED-P"WtiOhaving eeL u" borme tb mn efl IUSd à readrpur. émIXappW« ta1tbeunderakuiid at t»e tt-Wig b U ad M eud borin. Lla 347 i 1, ImU-l4. .i m"O ~Luie mdithiS e diseumetc ~V3,3~PIEP8or a± uvI~i~tt.sLnEI'XxT.Give Express ~ eu.i~ miicure yo..Âddnre LJ!r I. C% ROOT. 87 YcnCoStt, Tmnoto, Ont. WHIE Iue BALda II THE GREAT RBMED Y -FOR- BrokU ., nflseTaro a'lafa = ie meS% Ëni Thes ;Wiueil a u'lim fr Wb& mal i equal w Ma&s.T. B. Huum LUnd mi u: sse: NvS ed afMmarz 0fcmgb ad I I bave a botti. of White p s uumla u d. 250. AT HIINStITKAM8a: Llnamy. sekti. . m- If. Imperial .Baking Pwder. CREAM -ARA PGW.-ER cownamS M.E$ . G. dwars. BEtST BR4YDS ()p and Canadiai 0000 SOUND FUJL SARRELLS. WiIa »a Plaaed 10bave y«ou n mm for tiprie". En 0GR EG0ORYI, PAIEHT MEDIGW1ES.. Toilet Soaps In gre at r#ritv andi at loirprlees to sgit the tilmes. Hàir, Tool4 aud SYzil Perfumery and Tiid R qett8tei of all kilifd. Library. Table. aid RaId .Ltaps, Chimi.eyb, e. MOUR Ei [ENT and I!LI.II 1Llndssy. JUI uta. 8& - McLnnan Co SPECIAL. LOW pRIE NAILB, LOCZS, OIL, CLAS S, LEADil IA.I5~L' ~" ~S~~NBSNO0 'r IoLEnÀi & con 1Rhdmmw M*,ah 91 ime - L umbe.r._ LUMBER ANO GO LCKXBERj, BILL LED 1WOOD. =- ý 1 C uGSI - iý MaL û iiOoD * afu. <maIivut -- - - -~- - * - ~ - * - 4 I~* UVAU..E~ UN5 .LU@U* L----.MMMO Î". Idadmr. mâmb 21. Im. ý -.0@0