k? TUNBKR 7,1888. R. S. ftvtr. t fmsbuig Man agemmnt on ta 0F UEOOI. -bo, ;but L.'ve.dvoo o uia 8OHOOL BOOKS, "nta" rom*6!ZsredhsZîp AS» EE~ISITEB endmIpurchamlg pilvilges bave hum ~.a. ~VOS? OOESWS guhWceliSouiel by aan thorit> me WfeIIL V? rnlima"L MrB .John Macdona lumusefa - upouoV" diliverul mam-Im Oa" . amIru> TemaîuMdA "Mun retel by the HamilaTimes, as failovu: We hBW 51.01"Tho people, of Nova Scoti amItLe PORTER8 BOOK TORZ , otitorprovines tonaulthaL Lbe treatr Umdm. AU. 15h. s. (of 1856-M), vuI lo tldl a'nominal "rÙI 0it caferru mèny sudami oladvam- ml UP~flC*. tagmu À gréat traie Wv h " WL.' a A. MIE L "»ne rautlcipate, pmug up tinoue ~g..1. 'Ighem en& i, nstea of Lb. rain -ASUNT11 tâteyr ud, -Lbey gainudlanmui l ME IIAItS IIUALUR -AIIIU y' ver>' respect tliat Lb.>' désfrol a om- Mai uaas, anet WniollIag 66a "inuance cf Lb.e treat', amI a meut ns.. lmslay.-64. If. epu.).IL vu foumi, Lce, that Lb. "4people of Prinu ce lai u iam aim 'e xpereuciàlanit sivantage tram Lthe U~eSurlRBuiaioO.OfatU1eW. truat>', lu respect Le traIe lu cours lancem clé et sk 'qraine vithithLb.Unitd State, viich Oua. - "vu s igul>'ma y > L.psrmlslon ~ ,e ~ ~ , ~ grantel ta Americauinta truquent Lbefr ~aiseraumL ~aâa«isavimgac». m"canafor flhhng purpaus..Inuthat wuwoeuai» Weoekte, aramaei "cl o, horaLbero ea u apprelieu 6.4.4"iona-and b. lubtul maot Lb.> vers $30.000 "slnar@e -that Lbe. trust>' vauld mot bu 1V ~I5~~~IIO et UBI7 < resU>'besicial ota bheplu;u, Kdnmay Maeb1l5*~ "huutheprivieoges glven ta citizemmof Britton rothor.thLbuUnited State. s, Mfiee!>' njoyod -gpilujlý gl 1 thby 4Lbum, tLb.oy lutaria brouetnomMy BEITTON BROTHEUS, beneat hiat vo hourd menomlit B u.fStthem coon>'. Nolujur'vanu lame - I N ta thé iiurmenof thebondam; an the .O rT -10 A N Si ontrar>', Lb. Lae i. hgrev up v ufmay. t"foai to bu profitablo lu man>' iiftemst A5I..US ru meuthe5eearlse w"a>'. More gocin vure imprted titan f ~V.Vison ieUé 5i BJUMS L "ver betre - cemmerce vas brisk ; b Iu.j. . , U-19.ly. atores vare openel ami profita maie n W "hich erer vauli bave beunreallaize. .~J IL1IagU4 i but for ite.existence etfte treat7."' __________ ________ Tii. vu mil b> Sir Johin Macdonal LINDATPRIAV.SRP 7. ' lu 1872, amI hoda geelto-day, but Lb. Olrenatloa. e, tory-orgmnani stump oraters denounce RETAIL TGEa. iloyal amiupabalotie aIl wov cita el - .ta re-cho the curont jingoistic frotb ami al Président Clsveulan'message naturel- fui>'. Mr. Paver cf Halifax, f ofieret Iy continuone& -asorf-tLei e .te promet Senaer Paverand a prami- lI d _.Tih. country' la keeplng cool, amd ment mercitant, held vieva imilarto teos tà feeing maie ami serene; amdiIf tLb. mini.- ,xpresgud b>'Su John Macdonald. 'Heci Leia jneesoi ml'b euvti a quatel b>' our, ksen-eyud Hamilton ol bounia, no aerioua diaturbance vi ILaboctmoa> tvngsae stiei plc.Tii. tolry jingoea, vit thLie tra- mgt, hovever, ml>'titat h. bil al-- a grant imemeriesa aifat ha>' contractea mmi "a. buuu .oppoasi Le United Statua c 20par cent. suppl> jobs, arel atrouigi> in "eal being preventel tramt ebtaimlng of laver cOf an immediate déclaration Of var ier supplies tramt our puople. Itl o-k ao Lh U it iiLd SLaLom.The>' Lave sut'c- .edtoc muait libe te outting off tse A, ceecdod apparentfy in* gettng te govera. "lnoieta b. e renged onte face. The PC muent .Lteimpôomo a tiL-tor-tat dut>' on A'vluse ofarticles *auppliel int tiis va>'18 Amorlcampeacit baskets (te fruit comtinsg ."uvery large, and Lb. ruvomnue as well D Wu fi e>,and tit.' vil)probabl>'rts-con- " 6as te iniabitants vas beefited b>' i;- i lMnt vlt titat glanions aciierement. The "whist te i> injur'tatouib u bomoý 6f Canada Int Litir opinon lis boum "dame te tte Americausb>'py iiigt vlilcatp&d. Ii. m ot ibol>'taL Ltsé "ltsetrade :vas ta oblige them ta bring th "P"aitbasket policy" viii b. ropeate1 or"li.te suppliées Witii -tienit ram home, ar « mîdnt.sinud. Titi.netisquite un wortity drivaeten.totaPrince Hivari Island, in 0et Lb. grnnent, ad tseaider sitouli "vit*ere ever>' facilit>' vasrealil>'given no le cmncel&si- Thoe people of Canaa a re Ilfilet e. Hounderstood titat, anti Lite digpomusl ta Lab a firo and dignifisd atti- "traL>' (et 1871) v as final)>' ratified, it uie., aid-vil) support te governmmnt it"vas the intention etfLits gavernmoîît tg doiug vliat li ight. . lniea, t iand."privent American voasels tram lanbing pF Logetiier ami the _governinat muet al tedcth nprae it oiin ire boiere, viii b. equml Le Lite occasion in 6" Hé. muchinotsLi te Dom e ii.la delig iitLiegrave poietbuosLt restriction., Couni>' Tiere u aparnt!> n-cauise As teérepublican samBLe have mot oexyi>n foer hast>' action.- A vaiting polio>' bas rejected te truat>' but declarel ht it IL m mmii>' adramtmgem. Borne oe ýto yai'wu met a question ta b. settîsi b>' noga-o orgnu re reti> exiti aI cliforlui tationutatm, President Cleveland, as Th mediate action. IL viii b. viser La beep te hea i te Amecapopshs COOl. aken te beat course left open te iim. Tite bomt iec plo'tab aenH a mli p ogea agv ItB dfpmemt sud purchaaing privilgeis vonl1lIdtrocube gravaouon te b compliao, s kbOie nt bouefit tL aur cvmipeas, é6 il 'q t Lb. reapommibilt> r i iLiton. au veaou vIk molimavantage. Oui moit- "vite o7have -public)>' leclarel aaint an>' y "66 lutret, itreors a v.! n veiy-day "nqe14»aitatever, ami vto bavr..ru- omrnm mnse aieni, I label, lai s "ects Lite trust>' mot more)>' bocause IL "gr te valve an undoublul right.qnlortbe "vulu iàtei bellot a bailone, buLbeW nc 2*1 L~sty am tii. omn L. icau "oas.Lb.' e wu nu ot bavs even a gool's animincause of mca Ofl eu.I drta theiiIntelligent $alL.Th mv rutyr.ecsiby t.he 'dtnImgetPonet Cleveland% tor mnrcnmomt-pravde that'Ameni- poaltion it vii be iteiosting toe Caadisa tho «MIa aboum mie>' Lu.. privieuson peu.r,- erm. te beauilumimd -tho important Witwuuw ourifit W oenter Lu M e AiromJanScar)>' atel lu Lb. Nationu ru- umWket fue Souse tory ,organefient Lb. treapeetve glanas: 4"lu Lb. fiat placoe *im utic- as diRiojaiamnd patriotic; the RétlilationAitoft-1887vaswu i coi'T but Lb. Ottof cespmm te 4 L ite "dàpi. s reversai th e b.proudents lu tao 6 Llctnar 4d1 as ýpereonaqelibey -to "a ur hiator>' applicable tW nmatercouma "nsueaMuWtram Lbhe gitest quarter, "vli orig pvr. Iv ikv W.,a mpCaaasia L.bluator in oves, "t congWiovtbLb.spirl a b . co aam *M,"o Ipra ruaa"grant tLb.14"talion, vliiaby giving tLb. var-ubng o Am ul u" he e b.righlta Laitsbhip 64pover ta ongru.. ezeludvol>' give a Pfa Maroma.Îa bond amipuiphas.1mpplie..4"conrue b&imcet"ofetjudglng vitaLof 1 l1.la vor' r.amW bliee tat ii "pssahlh. tali Of a hostil ebusa-m 11l1reu" svl as'I mPeoslnOla lLÉ."ivlsns>' ltuuk"MV I dup L eramidvhou Th .0* a vii4etomiu, " thaaluni of i L éue" shhbu te. .(Until Lh. pamsqitSy difol~ hremeela n Io na oundta "aiftineat, oup.. baa la mal mcihm' hop fu areeva e rolposiq>, a . "e muannmo Lh. reapusbMlt>', sud ilu t wies. ampeterecipeoct>'coh h 6i'uIeu.luLb etth"osAe boo oLano luLu ltenaollmb,<k"1887, laàer, L. micwsu "ert ent. -ien ati eoau ms* ere'Iei.1 abandod the b.pis> rr.d sc "lama et dcf A-i-leU Ucvneim un t imer Us 0bmveed "Upc. a -ton f .-lmhu.u u .18" 6 orylom t la theu L. v gth ie cf fato ups »I lyet domo"aiwet Mi oel b P - rleML a .We @88- colmî"by th emman toKlduhm m cai la nevotaul 64» acta aa ulI b. Te af Wh" A bu Sm l.ULed ea smeSdstlo "us ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ds oaf p '.at.vlbbd~.cuslaga a iexolteamnt iu » hen couIL.d vte a vo kuau Wthu létr pwave. ",tte ta b.iwdt, m . Obi RyrV er i bWant duty ou peuhb baskets "matew t futLb. ut bjuMo.hl.la te bo met by @a duLyc egbue 640f Lthe camplalmul ef bal boeulTbf. veau moa e . ans Mle "ca0mmittulPàd o " b.pacuaetf*Lb.boy). Eykmrt setafebahm otmauw *0Lb 6"ÂetCEt c 87 Li. in R, therufore, qlo's tan! fathora. "that nrcap..to u» a omoillustra- air Ohas.TUPpo-a ommisbrn "ticu, Vas usukiug bt iL àif IL vuas etiL or bie serviues a teL. fisherios monodal- ",doer, adi miILitIL vaceui.' Iitou."a, onu-GAoalWluter e New- 66aalmsoinq tW elaiuai lo o~ f ru- foeiilani amind.Ur. rgnfeseereaofaitLb "4taliatica If IL LumeontcuL y d n W misiicmbave boo ktgLd "46Put althe.blem. c. Lb.e Prud.àt if .IL sir john Macianali a uania "turnol euta i. u L. ormaerceru. Ottawa amidvas unable tW attend tbe 66talaLion vould have boom emaeWlby a Buaotm plonémb tordar. HRaMrK. "vise and cSu»4S«unongme.7 lu th Fauter amI Non. C H. Tuprnere pres- "bS, Lb.esidunmt vautlhave, mis- et h0veur. .Tbey bai a fne day, ani "*judgethe aIm u no doubL;a largoe gùborng 4kind cf acta calling for 1n uetre, a 8Oum surpris. le OXPiOsOl anmimlii 4,eomdy -ýTh@U ltter cargep ould have tamit fOundbwcame FP roLFuter wu nat et Muird ge«Ufomh om=of theknlet"la, the roent distribution of *kih1 honofrub orerurtforcedbcruasonrcf Lb f"faiétat nmeuctavrucammittea by kmghlbmr vrL.bhuo ray We f theLb.roasom 61thLb. on-bostaval "Canad tathLb. pwsag.f, theait of. Lb. hor reste Iu the bellot that "Lb. "mor obuotinab. ttan b..comit- eomDU7yla mot ripe for pra1-M for uoeing Loi rSPOrthng Lb. K.C.M G. "Led bofore." Bobparties aSoWOIthé.* Uie aould have ~ îo~mmlbosaed.ua Lb. question of aiopting a national flaver iion mupoélor W Lb.eLomptatiof airying 7or omblem. The pansy le propossi; but Wo wrest a purty aivmatag. tram au inter- IL la Loo moist amdi rrng. The Nuvw ntational arrangement, or an international. York Observer sumtatheLb.galin roi complication. But ithuy ha»e mt; astru.Y democratle; but Caada hbas ami~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Wo Aaaa is Wfaescoiito pC * toLeIL . a th.Ameicans. and 0" hm & tofim ýa eoditio . mli mot Lb. sun.flowor suit tb.mn mote,-i a Lbuor, n-vi fc7Uvuh Toatmrdr, manly sentiments of Lb. 11ev, l a lm, omprate~ndiigmflu ~ servativeani Orangemn, mn0r. Triela u»a muooaitY for Lb. George ' oau f Bollevhfle, lu rotuthng OCacadiam gavermmat tW indulge lu blus- Lb. commun remtrlctionlst charge of dls- tei or rotaliation. W. cau hall aur ovu loyaltybocaumose hae ponsto bolleve re- by ole boat padey fort*CýouRLI&Y bqulotly purung Lb.eavec temor cf aur Ew b. iujn another page. Ko out way, uudi@tur1Wbe ypruuident or COU- maBYenm.rativosand Orangomen vii grous The resou.rceoetdiplamacy vil uriuY support Mr. Dlckson'a vievu. hu able, iL t sb. ho oped, La renier iL un- TheILoudon Advertiser romakaj: 6"Ha »068«oq for either party to mreot ta cOmPletelr Clevelanigainod a tuick n ie l harlh ramususu.messag ew eli iilumtrated lua &Point made by te Aban Aruswhich remarkm Lliat M oCRZLN Z, ou couzora Ur. Blaine abuses the presldent for at-. POPULTIOternptlngton1wure rallroad corporations: by hi&aman for retallatory paver, ami aPPlauds Lbe republican semators vho WiLbouL nov .igning Lte cause for maina that they have already grantul buo depopulatiou of aur county, wvo 4aw hlm that, paver.n attention to Lbe follovung figures viticit The Mcnetary TîmWsrecalls an lneidémt. demonatratu bujom d mvTU vlitOur papu- of aldn ULie.svien iL maYs that "Sir john "Lon ought Lu b., ami vit. it land RoBse, thOugh a comtermaUVe. recelvul bhat vu are rapily loulng Lb. maturai m. crodit for 'v.rling- the Nontreal annexa- .~~ lu oui populationeamnoig manifesto, of 1849; and there la reasom crose n- ur oRwtio, t »ynotp omeP tba ILs composition wanlarWey of our lous etthe moresse-as it ought to b. bie oîi.Why aaY -hough a conserva. -intheco à ppultio frin mm Ltue?"Were mot aithe rébelsa sd annex-. -m Li.cuty'spou.tint1m'mn-ationiste Of that day tories -tries out of ration. For. 1886 Lb. birtit ratio for te office, to ho aura. louaty Of Victoria vaw».02.3 La every 1,000 Mr. Thos. Shaw hb bee n appolntei ta, Of the Population-. T110. imtii ratio vas Lh. prafemmorship M h naroaiet 8.0. Ouirpopulation lan 187 au 30,245. tural college rendered vacant by the.resig-- Lpply thia. birlth. amidoaeti ratio ta Lb. nation of Prof. Brown. This la an admir- population of our couaty for the . > - able :>fintne.M. Shaw In a Can- .7 Yto m av mo na statgpont.youth, thon taught school sand worked a. Do themarne, for each aucéave yoar fine 400-acre farm and edited the Liv. lowto nd ncuàig .18m ad or pp-Stock Journal wlth signal suecema. He cvi LaamIamludng 886 ml ar pp-kmovs exactl the nec 3anmd conditions alation at teend of 1880, IL vii buo ofCanadian fariining-and wilI do capital lund,ought, to bé 34,661, but our poua work lu, hm new position. on titan vu omly 30;409, sitoving an The vay "trust" amdi combines ame 4odua ini ton y «-s' Lime ai Lte matura fomt.ered by a high tariff ls etriulngly li- icrease ia population alune of 4,242. trated by the operationq of the Steel Rail ,QUIS.Trust acroS, the border. The American ____________duty on steel raillai017 a ton. Enitbe A DE*Z5L OPIION. rails cosL about $19.85 a ton exclusive of frolght, and tbey cmn holaid down lu New Sir John Xacdinli'amd Hon. Mr. York, duty pali, for about $37 a ton. The ciàterý no ioubt M thoir aidrossea.a. Amerleans make s mli steel ralJa at a pro-, 3averton mludel to President- Cla.ve- lit at $265 They did mc before they formei the "Trust." But theytormed the Trustani and!s retaliation mesage. The premier amtepceL$6an$4.Tero rouli not miss thu opportunity to indulge duction vas nme 2,OUW,0U0 tons. ami Lhe a agoo de1 a ofself-glorification amd enhamcd price took a cool 015,000,000 out a gol dM ofof the American raulways, andi lnaily out ome. jingoiam; but -ho w-ould not aire- ofthLie American pople. Here la one of ase a policy of deflance amd. rataiation. the sources of Andrew Carnele's Income cf 01,à0000 a year. It lInflot surprlsing buî yongar hedboaS do that. A son.- that a bitter war on trusta bas been coin. bNe ami practical view of tae situation, in me<n>d; and tthat te war tarif wiIll have t oedown. zpremaed byihe-New. York Commercial gutin, a viev that vili b. e-ehedin, A London cable aays: AUl the -piromi- flinnes, but.*deprecates the Standard'e s Canailan santimo v&a in luroter- meelesa parade ut a tact of whlcb eery-' mas ta te Preiliet' action, there la boily la «avare." -Tis ou~r to a Metri gibstautwalagreemnent that its oxecutiou .CadanJnosat e souli met b. Invitec. Thte assuranco The npat vieLle Empire peurs e 1 li vaLt. sema, ample that tiene will b. no re- In thIs cbllîng way on a Port Hope enter- Bort ta much -a polio>' and iL l ist e te. Prime mat laanched under brlght ani grettei titat te questiona at issue ouli favoraible auspices:- "The Port Hope people ot~ ~ ~ ~~n haebo ovlvstnturOduaO" --... orbape the>' - hope tW bura thei Mg iuta thi. situation aucit a menacinq nelgihors fingers. Tbey bave undoubtol leinnt."Tii.jing ja n dm oral' Information that there in nov maebluery oua rek iii. extrac&t it profi t w laCantaa to poduce fer more -blning )nelvea ami their conu.'. Lne than cam ho nsei, yttLbey are ru- Jallg ev e b.erection of anothsr fa. EDITORZiL NOr.L oy.Tbyma>' b.ecosul thef - undertaklag, but If 80 IL must evideutly N. Cotton combina at MonIroal h bet Lb. exPense cf eulmting faetories for peole illÂot bu bidig tvlne té fook m&psed, tvo 0f Lb. mile . avug refuol d IM owevor, the osof bndiug tvles-. observe ILs condItion.. raplil>' lureWsng, ospecial>l lb.th Nortit- re ar pisssi m.~ H~.Mi. eat, amdiIf thome t'ait Hope capltallata do Fe re leàd t l« 1 hatHon ]W.mot car about maklugam profit for & rdo. la staduly improvlig la udalULiethey may b ho is l eeup heb à my e xpetid o îsue ie u" aunuadinco. If someba>'ula nia>' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ itev b.thetl eum i L.griLs moud ne biome Lb. e. Â repart tWth L b.eot that iMr .Z, vhl. does mot -pueteulW uni rdes blâalgnuéIMî nl that Col. Gibson buuinesmmu vitit pruiu.u,&â Hamfltom bai buam aNointea cinu C If- vu rie.tar Mlttthe le, rm«Sd P =" lhbnier Lvlne comiblas. Pr th"bla lator~~th luPOOi5I~L.rensom the Empirais iown mmmne .1 Bnvll Otaiosas "Pgo rtHoo aaUiTimimto t cbe nu. be Bllevlie ntaro ua "Â oal la a goalmes ifor Lb. foràmet idve îfarmer resllln taVictoriaaL>' Lb.thearis btutus Lb. prftrmoeThe Eu-: o suau vhobanAmerlauburer. eolpu7 Ge tîb. 1 a.canum Mt Lepureuase.. g, -t l dub% Ub Amicumie b> s ui 11b Lb.1 là eram vu resU>WOM @M Ghb. idI pt@ b.sljiul Li. UateoisA . nJ mn a slevY 5 s814 M e M. Mid L bar t9, l'h. aigmun lat Mm»iSew Flaulie w e& ja o pfnd= g a littie raycs and desirous of making that littie go as fa as possibl'ou will r ltrn the matter over in your mind -or sonae litetme, and likeyas*yuref the questions -" «Wher can i sped My money to the bet pssible advantage ? »"Where can I get the best value ~e most enduring satisfaction for it ? 12 MiYBE 212 YrOU ARE ZN INT OIL New Tu, SU, iDimor Sorico, or a ToiotSL or p erha ps you are about'out of TEA or- COFFEE and you don't -feel pt .fectly. satisfied with the last, and have resol ïed, if possible, to get the negc lot a little better in qualitypand, perhaps, for less money. a». t" But 4iLun COwuSy of T4ctov4s6 SUGARS, too, are an important item in -the domestic economy. you believe, perhaps, yuu have flot been getting quite as many pounds for the dollar as some of your neighbors.. Reflections such as these naturally présent themselves to ýthe minds of ail thrifty housekeepers. No trouble or anxiety need be experienced by them, howiever, if.- they wili only think of calling and-making their purchases at the store of SP'RAITT&KILLEN, FAMIILY L*E~O CEES, LINDSAY. £5. W. MoG~ iVISDOIV, The: chom5 NV with Pl MeuSti Our Et< ~rlatS O corne I I noason i NCHUN KS Lni Opportnety to Buy Dry. Gooda at Prime Nov e r Attemp Bgeore. MOOIMON BROTHERS -An off.rig LA.Boeioicof tA"r B%'wwrSLOCA ft DIGO oeL~~ tr a .rUm 1&Kt4 fit» 94Jries of ao u~ so Ziery "t m sou .a t âmoa Mbn mia 'uo. ot Imm L boU&.r4" 7#M.=oa (wodA0" &M"foe ioM «e~ R.cU.o aao LAadào Mue %0r&4o aAoUy gooa or"frn~ ORODEREDC-LOTHINO. tAslp% 40?Oufoa ~ Ko~ZUos EO~ "WHY-DO W.ESMILE 2" 611 an= ON ANBD lm A VLANBTIIL"9 If it in.Ray atidisfon b oOur f"KxUneiglibor to, pin 11k. a Cheshire cat, lie may keep a perpotual amie vroathing Mie ciasical features -if lie ishes. W.ae e qulte prepared to drop etof lin. to uatisfy the. vishon of a braa- dodok. Wenve retire from the. cntest it vilb. when vo are worsted iy au opponent vicie capabilities vo have smrerepc for, flot to give place to a Mau vi ATjus rom Lova to tovn tW retrieve iei fortunes, and fada le han traah too peor Le even interest the public for more than tvo montha at a time. S We have observed thia fact ina business, that, no matter how popular or iffamous"' one becomes, ou Low Kean o may be to control the eartji, it in only a fair proportion that <alle Lo te lot cf any individual attempting te do business, and for a mani vitit the uavory busines reputation our aeighbor possmmes, who thinks to sveep the. tova of ail oppoieats, h. vill lad tiat before he in Lhrough- Le wil have atumbled maay timos over tie obstacles ia his onward courue, vhich will couvince him tiat bouasty, fair dealing, ad, truthfulneua are the prime essentials of a business careor. Wle are uhoving an Immense.Stock of Ready.made Manties and Mantle Cloths, for early <al Wear. OloLli purchased cnt free cf charge. 1 Our Special Sale cf Dreu Goods vil continue tilt September 15. . W. are ahowing upecial value in Ladies'and Chfidren'a Glove. andi Hosuer7 for early fail Wear. EER.W. M0GAFFEY, zwh &col@ Old Sad und"F' P49L 4. lamim-IL ATé ýout 78 ne&-I& GIROCEIR89 ILII*ZDSAY,,