lu 18W. jÔEEÂPWIL ... ......... iraawUv~ r. If ~ fDl 1'~ i *' 'I~; ~ '['-j t i I à. :1 'I n I Médical. Have you a Pain anywh.r. about sou? a& Gît Istuat uib me. **Per. mottlw a. b th.Jit uuuiauve oit LINDS*Y, FRIDAY. JTINE 1. lAPS "2'IiF WILL BEDON»." Dy EVA M. >INEILL "Thywil hodouer' wheA death fimi stuikel Âmd wtRnprngbn 1 leathe flîir mltLttthed (à fragraiceround cur humbiobori, fia vain mc atroveo gainst, hie awful paire) Anti ncw C ftruiggled bord aganat Uic fate That oames Cm a&HlInuapathotie gloome, Wc bore oJan md almosi learasituobat* ne b and hat umote on rIdol la ber bloum. The .*7mrpassai lowilon y ane a. -N4m our houts sali "Th ii>l i!bo donuer Ho carnï'agin, once more, gnd fromaour fod. Wltb ruthicas ha i dipluck ont oyhmaid Ourrffci hoorn. nolonger louder 818 It ihou -Unr ravo, fait. noble brother. ai eur aide! Wc lid oua buttons bon Hlm one ami ait, Andi humbly- kknelilne. ail our faulta confessai, aek op »il car gave heid unto our cal]. Ma k Idndly band ear tranibled spiris ram. ru tears and sorrow we haiS mou. Au'! nom oaa sa> '«"TIrb>' milb.douer Janctevlle, -May.,1lM., * lonwcPondenre cf The Pou.) FA'rrnmC ýcOOLT.V'M «PXcsic wilL oee offotr.'Wedneedla3-,-tle 201h:of Jute. AI ro tattratve pogan o gir&P aa over.bold hure. BETIA NY. ICOrresuOndence 0f The Poat. FSo- BALL CLUI.-A foot bail club wu rèeen é'ly crganlaed hete wltb It h.. ollowlnà *fflc4'p: linn.,preàideuti, Mr. J. J. Prestos; prcfttdiont, A-e. Jobast0n Mc.Mahon; troau- POe~tf'*y J.Bn . .Coryn; commtes 1e~-u T Srîo.W. Dowklne anud David c'a~.~ carator, Mr. .aunéti KennedyoCaP theU juniors. Miaser Jobepb h r~ son~. Icorvcsponienceocf The I>ot.1 ANI~VKRS1IY.Teaun IverA&my lu -con. nection wlth the church at Zibni vblcl W»a- held Ou tb. 2.11h UMa>' mfa agrand élit " l n cicr>' parîclr ul npl et *atteipdmîco andti fnaveflly, the aua ae lleed bhie ii p* $60. OFF Tf) EISOA.-Mr. Diuli Bescref la spc&Lno -a coupler of xmenthe vitîmi rlivsla England. fia mm>' riendi mîsI hiii a ploissat fie mcdaie te. PP.n"aOYL.-Â larX. nombar cf viaitori aftend!ed the anniverary aI ZMon. A'onu lI.oce resenî voern. aid MW.W. J. .1ail cf GaànningtSn, Nir. ami Mrq, Wm. J. se'.eioft of Weodllile Ma'. Georg- els al! Toronte anti MeàA.u4;ltMamdi.Fi,& Fs.rtIBàwmanvllle. Tur. Puir.M'. J. F. Cunuain" e cj ied the pulpiÏ on Sanda>' .lest, gfvfr a ver>'ablo mmd Inleestlng sermon1 ;Whleh was mWel neweved. PORT FERRY. A CHAPTER Ore ACCIDNTS.-DO5the Iftbi li>,oee Mr. Acron Thompaum's musei Scuoir, bad th.:fllefovun to-have hiefoie ent binA hoi'se pover *,ii loisre>' aythe ho.! tnd aUbjecîcihlm ta great.puan ud ury .Mr.choster a Coen et Cang uh ri iffiahaie.aonthe 2IC ai m>'la bhie team rlia mmay, tha'oirg hlm eut on il. set >n'e, hicli Cthli hs. broIe -bis nib., aucil bt luic cilulalcodlo .O tle A-i we day Mr. Rotieri Duba, jr., in1 eMPcye JiaP&Ëtm ,Taite&à(Co' fouudry, vwas huitht >'bu tilag ofan eUIeg - me'i. >pnoipily ln the right 1ma. Fr tuna!- y ,for blir n, homes wve obroIe, mul ho mlii aooa bo i vomI agaln.-fstmî GOUR TO TnE Gmava-Desthbusremaov" ai froua cur i'- ult ih In the pa.t our,% et Mur&a. eoeBaret, au amiable young wbrmu a md mn affectio . ite, m*$ car- id aira>' ucdioly andi upexpeoted.ObIs mas thoadopeolsdauagter of r. aid MMs T Bennet et Uxbrldoeatm asvumach ihult et by alest oet;61= - mbe admIt. tol place at ber tester tall er'odsdoeCe; batbuiroain mre bnongbt bome le ber Wretlten laush a , amteaiviest sconductci b>'the Rey. Mi. KeMwlfi 1h lietod lit chutéh Kasobeeter, ve msutrq »sd lu a bianlin lbà t e eGroîacm' ais-violitt'ana marchaut aller formarl5 et the latter plaie sims vel.Be ba Jbom a ruetiemîthé sovus>' ffonait' jeaa, la *ealiel h.ripf.11 11eetvoieté' a WesseF4»IWd.Os TuM W- I i t I r t it le Absurd. For "*0otple t ela cOre for liugi -wbat la-unwholusomt> but lif amllg -vil arpmea theappeits -sud fivetome te t0se digstveog,& las AyreSa,- uaeil.Tsnd%"&llover 1h. Umd t"tIf e dlb menu OfethIis medl Cino Mis.Sara Bunouga. cfmislhtlh staset, South &eton mleu: "Ny431hue. bond bas takon Ayer'Sarsàpurlîîa, fer eyspepsie andi orpid liv., mail li-bu beau greail>' benelel.Po A W"d ofiDdDyspqtio. ç. -Cnterbu , l et..-f 141 Fraurîlin et., Boston, bias., vniti, thai, suffeting for: yeaas tram .ýIndigestion, howetvsa ksi Induced b tay Ayera sa.wpwulla -And, Ly>' li se, vas extie>' nred. 3Mra, Josopla Aubin, etf ilgh treet, IHclyoke, s, suffered for over a year from Dyspepsia, 5go Ibat te.colld Dot -eat substanflial food, bocam e very veak, and'I us unablo ta -caro foi her famîly'. -ethoa. hediecifleâ preacnibel b>' plysîclana, mornYnof t1h. remedies adrertiacti for the, cure et Dyspepsia, bolped lier, until aber commencei lb. Use et Âyer's arsariia. 'Thmre b'itt:e.s Of Ibis inodîcine," se ates, Ayer's- Sarsaparila V- J. O. Aysr- & Co., Loweil, Ma&&. MCarespondouol The Po.t.1 A Wâ.AzrmGO voDivsion COURT Bs.u.n's-8y statuts hallitfe t dIvIion mente-msboi le orelava aIl mritofexe mision lte eleric mîthin It>' y ýdaje of rocelpt. The negloct of uir_ hm'ba îormid a contiai ros -1cm a.8- r. i thi e mastoc NHZA., D. Rem. bar- rlstèr et UtiliSa, liobie au actouiagmimt the baliuff ofthe On[lija cortaiThe m.tion n'as head aI Up ev beléosbis houer Judos Dacte!!, ho gaie Jaigomt for the plaintif for nomIl& damnges ald lu.Ors T nm.ue-On Tuesdmas île 11.20 train wmas"eSt lrgon-sa bo amsaiArthua Donald ftilgthfîe roarplt fohe, islestami. Mr. G. BuEg lb Who m"v bisa toli, aye hohetitm*&sa peamlibtrova o offb>'msere on tbe train, but on clamer examtnatlon founditI Io boa aboy. Hs brougbt. hlm.doua le lb. village and »oùn magbande mers at vork umder BNr. Tile'osaup, maebla' off loo mo hxaaiuils vheouais vC9 voneei>' ou ce hei sud face,msud the' boy compile of a vain la bis lège. Es le nom at the realdencsetfMUriS. Cromemill mhere hlai maie as coimfotsbe as peut.- bis. The boy statée that ho bai beeu marI- tue at Finelon FaIevlla wtha ama namcd Jobaaon. IBoy h. "esape Inclutdeall la a wosder,sthéetralna urenaing teta tb ime ho fh.[aad * ONTARIO £ ONTY. SENTNCE» TeTEE PEITENTAtr.-Tbs tue mimn, Roert Ailan sul John Hill, mont daim trocs Beaveatn, changol milI bai- bavlsg explosive. la Choir possessonu- der muepicleas clrcuaietaucos, bavebienu peut teKîngeton pemltenti>' for tlvimn cash b>' Jug EBurubsu. 1HYUZNUL.-The second rriage .111. la a Fsur 100 plceo lu lbe court bouseon Fîlida>' atternoon 1mut. YTengsBurchard ef Uxbrldge baï bien autiesudifoami gult>' et mducIsg Lydia Claude et Scott, ai se.beag a. iner, ha mas lable te impvloeono. Havîng. bis choie batwuenù umarl and aipenitsmttary, b. chouetCh, fermer. Resis -Smith Wmme ecr.t for le grant a lgiome, Roi. J. F. Germoen te bis lIs knot,Righ Constable WCalte>' actai lu th. ,double capact eo roomeu udibnide. mal, Poieso Magistrats Harpr ami Ceni>' Attorney Farewell gave tleir autographe as ultmemaes,wvIle JaieBurnlmnm mxci- cdeed a genaral superinlonieucy ever the vIole affair. -Jchreuicle.1 A Dz@Turc'rVimw .Acam OTas LAK.- Oa Mouda>' afternoon Mr. Tbomas Conant ami ether reeldenis near tb. lako could ses- tle Amerlcan @borsofetLaIe Ontarle mIýCh the nakéee', oming le a pcullar condition oetChes ataiesphers w mhMr.t Consul bu nover zaticed biera. WiCh th l.e RI" oceul usosNiagara light bouse a could dlftiaiuisb lb.hevaniahsa et lachai Cthte houtis on. Che. ouf., mbie ver@ vony promînont, toixether villa lhe bille mmd waedlands-[Osbsvm Vindicalor. MUSKOKA FALLS. ffinosmso 0fThéaPostj ]aIGeaWÂ~AT-The hlh mater eog the mentIh aanch efthe Muskola river, vu- ilovlsg Its books and lloodimg lhs rumde la' mueoîsiplaces, renlestravelling sither dilvIag bruon fout ver>' imconiculmnt. Il fa aise a w m ,ou - et maloeu d incon- veulmne l iose.mbo la»eloir I71ng farme ou the ovstflowed liak.Isla leIm- possible to-tnavail-wttont passin IbicusE fiels hebi, lu mosa>'cases, have bien pre. paroi torilsheas on anumoira. Busa Fsua-Bumb ores bave mlneady bague laib tis district. Consilerahle tenco propmai>'dpatroyed- this ek la lhé bowmuhipe of Draper and Muekoka. NEAEL Daowu»-A ora. bo!ongimgI te Mr. W.. MeBride got lie lIte river a tai lais mgo aud veauldbave bisa Irovued bai mol s camg of rlier drivers, mho mmv the animal etruggllng for lite, coee 1 tb.e BA» OF Hoiu.-Tbe bind of iloe met1 Monda>' ssln, 21%t Mayas usaa, mIen as lsteetlag program mmm rendensi. 1 RftrEnED. -Mr.,Jaues Sinclair lat& ne- ,tuvasi altai a tengli>' vîmit te the n5mb, vbsrs leomwu engagel b>' lbebibie se>.i Tiucnmas'Amsucuomr,-The bmit.yesr. lymesiu if the Mumkola isachers 9asod:. utin mili b. boldlnlatlb.acheel bous., Bramo.lildgs, ou Ma>'Blet and Jase lut .Dp. lIcLellmn, Mr. Roua, I.P.S., anM. Dale IP.& ill li natisalauce.Ouma>' 3lai Dr. Meuola.viii Rivea atres lecture lan the »W Lah.I ORILLIA. BLoon Pôoii<If.-Mr. ,Tho&.Mrbh lamabee ufledong tr= ou isa leeînlu thé lef t am, rauitiagt rouS aaelight mmmi teeied wmIls ppopamthb.esteamer 13- tain-for the navigation as BOb. omygoon. Foatlme bis lîfiwaslu.danger, thas nemis ale r vii b.plesel te laaru lhe bos.-[Pacel.t A FAITEPUL MIfistem LANDZEALOUS Woaxuu-The Methodiste oet is etowm vil mutain-a arst.latsa t he remeiuior th. Bei. William Galrh nfr a h ies un- mot mehre of labor.- Whou ho came te mri la 85Ils me.umbrof' tmembera on teibmh ibobok* mas lue buadral ani feejIv; . 18815 afour handrel. On île vImltng booklan liea amnies otira handrel amd- Iltî familloe% Thecannez- lamaltue", b>' vhlol tainare Ineluded the mlemlocar>', e tsgaand sducmulensh subsoudptlons mmdrcohiclme-ali outeido the ulaltrerla salai>', luafet-wersIa 1885. !e8; lua1888ar autmorenadouble, baing molione lederaîl.oaimesthe emm or00 Iras omai mmi partiml>' poisarrDr. Dr'. litweilei le O rtilli31Bel' l ile jr a omods missIons,>'auxle>s- et>'vmas ceumad mlha meuubrr.h"p a l.ely-tzladies.Whou Mv. GeaiC cam e , eonilula4h0 classes muoeal Ils irbeleobuacla memborehlç ho eave dhe.lugool mavlîsng eiier. A the oMut n ala a h.siarui,md tbo am. alo M .oe iteutIsbe nda>'mot"ea lIe cooir leMomt. US mmd effliem. XMi. Galbeaibbu. bous lts" vIsiter, aal, fdPriman e<n %mes.t sasmslce, mIletu Bseisue wSes-l gnom te l tam be.ua1decidel Maiti aI telebemhit hllba . tgIet f l kehslt mn rdrlMg a ishioma kt hb as seoOiuuli ob i m i 0juoge ma t". coai>' - rnoattoern br l Conable NeMiligandmlMr.,D. ij th onr, 511 G. T. R. alonI ub praise formiw li ceir uytra b.otlivu. or w OM tton thé. 01a e voxq -,ErazBLvalMUAL -We are o sul i.motcou Chai Dr. Gailowa>' of Ibiset o es bie seforsuata e sc r suiter modal'aas héTovoe-uies mol ot medca. Aitbongb okm dnt ver, mueras cltrnmotacos 1h. tor as, bai a vit>' btllian laus ero dur. 'bt' blé wboto méical oounu, andi mlim sggvsgaa mails m.o.hyand xula ti >'er. 1 m' e" oslaie, vlu Ssisol t ilit W eas.m rk 7131 EWOOD& bIE-tu e m19.mKe aMd capievthlei; - la utbis t. bMdllaisoge tu Ip. lb itué à» Doir iimu-TbeplisséZth* bmmme.MA Bru lafglsbeoaera TIs'C4ou cibsmlgI me1 RA Ihe ss oalm sei oeffl lsuui" »beech zue A A.ý a- cEOW. UPWLNue.D r - _ 'smle $%a flb nsuri U là.Sa esae aS I zs ~mih,*as . mi .V *êf. ru hotum asi"-- à tua ra laine Br>eat~~ uin .Nv ,e smvrl>tdmilepeId the rner yoD m ethairMCI eburébbars wal. a melagM rue. i Bseeh la 19r.1 la w Mt enlthes lur o lk hisheai. u. he stem5lad. Ib -lad i weu AdiochullabyMe. Tod e WGf&DeEUer la t.-?h. lavue olouek., Aos vil t. is e os liMa> liS ark monnil m - Wr Elbed . paguéosnlthe arai Laboà Siraices ita ao e L le 193lId a »dre»vete'oTmshaPOU, .A iolctuA e M parmyl opesi le tov bue>' meriiE bts hous. Busxu sNom s,-Busnmss-lerathor à don- ber. et paessnt. Net much mou>' coulaglu, ýbut lots of sga. sur merchat ' bavlsg ebîppel I I wk aine buadredi <frisa., Th a eeà«tbai for om veb. e. eluahest, lnform thé public Ibm bo ls nowvSA gs'pai psy théhtgbeest maket pries 1 for eeg1 rameone dosea op te118>', de. liversi sber bhe or on Wedseuiay cu at Suerais statlo. me-mm OF-mm ostgb asqiuIe. uuis la tb réu, et C u>' bsiaub s e u hi Panmàs.-g.Jua Oeralle e bruil-ma tu a oe i So zmmvm -~ henie br tuthObnmusso a h i bull>' etmaos bs einien a o É t am3u" on th-el basosesr.lais C&eUg t uev le aainsub>' lor eoral a vilS oui olui lt.pousasm. Te.> to pai Er. Jmes Bs>',bath l. wigl. .;B Waho eanai oset the e, hosed& Mdoiruthae lrme us. ow sh aïe "..Moud ouat10l ssclmasl m ogari; on Isferra et hé ieand wu sate ulitff os l etave MWu r. tue la ua limd tBb sW.. aimas>,.. bota b>'minebsel mua, eus viauexoollt saatdre armes. ebisatruo mb. s&fM irm b. ~ h Brimmi p. a 0 'hobMle tia meatlaod fr t. match lmla tý vas dbeght imaih vaio ho wmae mi maimiii a out a p hIt-h l o us mplet>'oîlmtogly lielareLs *à he -com lee isfa mmgu Ieas aIre t teralaiheuh ai .s bs bos. !bl nitses al exorlsemet uth matc eurh, net decimbuIch pie b.ummm Ep h vas dcidel se be e îb lom [Dgtilay ai ame t>' bmei theof.I SWtu Loe' fo u th le=ummus.e Sat ils commtes awhe lnvenst i M bat Gp od ad bal thei hbiteog- bard, bais u and mous yde.lIspetr Lamem- i e lb, irtaitea-eïimpàhd Ngoat he isvhc ar.i ârgd tlacl or alrebimai aser et.i kdin Udlb«b Tero dcbeiout or molles; lIa imvforl baisboo chrgai maCr wôsvelopmnne are expoctol wheu ho luiaesiga ulu rseumed. .PIoisoous Bai.-DL.W. W. 0.111 ald es su Beg"da Mae cornai boaf from. a ;pimm.avenue butcher uhop ou Satane>' camon ad vira ehorti>' f tsitalon îLu- mntly MI.' Tv. doctore sved their 11710 ih dililculty. Oqn Friday night NMr. sud rs.BiSo ndtr oîhe mmbre0flI mli' aia lilm exlenc fater al as>' ~ ~W t t 111 r co .shi l t o b c douem WILFRID. ICormonae cffThe Paet Av Accaz>uxT.-A.. wdaya *go a, lîtîs 1>' néesiWMe feil fro ta. fenu .nmai a àrge rail Italng wacaci lo Ig broke 15i ,he lit"l foio.mue ail hain m hero for 1 ver an hbca betors bolag able tu exirlcate1 lm ud aithon h. irmgd hîrnusif t. i ithla hearlng distance cf Che houe. AI mcion ra alilsud Chth o>'la dbing a moll se culd b.c xpectei aunima -tb. cir C Tan Naw Crau .-Themumnsbave d oe eîousvorl et the new church amaisl 0 noMg ltel. Thieorner etous mli b. laid a a 1te stJoue b>' Sanator McDonald ef 1 oronje, Qut.e a gond Claie la expectel lu. t Mméocion mltb the ceremon>'. - a Wloma oBaLLs.à-Ones hioecas l1ai. P.W@ meas M.e old acbsoo. The ,lait il, deseni the camp bere va ,qMr. a. Taies, b » ofth LIsUanéiby. We îbought h blu.a-b aablebaibut e, tee, ba suceumbed L wma'a charms. Ho mas muaailon 1 te 23rM y Na'tu MisAunio Rtioeet3 voblan. The>' bok the evenlsg traia for wouto, followeti b>' ebovera of rie and m4 wiuhes et theit attendent friends. t, JBsURuss Norus-WO me plemai to - àt thst Mis& Nemion bas apentai a dres. aing stabisehment lu thé vill and ma Ile1 bp bu>.blobligui 50 hep lire as. ' -, HoewÂz TAcauNsM umae s moms Bla emul M Qa "oaitubuen mv o y4r e. a A" leva s ns as 10*oeu 1 e W1116 ýw eu1 esi.. elyat bo, e r os.., l'lsh alloelb>Ma" ur inera h i mar afi@memalu veak Seller Iesm reluTh"Emslq IL 'i qui. a bitlaaàsai>' tust..i vu odc r PlmBage lwpe ndg. Tra lb. Oria Pausm mm ograaa MdJre-rd ole a -t orh" Md Th05h. Be ibom amuem e aiisusTs a ouipso mand evldeaolbeIore mi lne llagthor mgba c bi bmib vçabylV=1 Vh rs0on ' th. ls venraip 018081~m El ThafudIBlmais ta hu r. MW boum famCable L WueMdolby a gdro'loesud Th rsry . assU8 and the membyocfers ibisulga awu b>'u ibi la ag mdiii gmat> . ateie ampa, .vhrih t nedis: la ;iew or Fm éq e aure. 8»«W t lébGior baij ettbe Me 1ftboF e Oulg ir~l ba a evean p&": u r a m De i VUjoutei tbues gambemmasmmam kely li vo bae u nser. Asx Co01tOs lursbve s jumoreuoosllbI botwen Tout ël;*and aklai a m ber hmti an mfR. Czlue l nequr thu elsél ot Je uildna d" o tb» the newos. eJour MIive A PSVtE Cad logeZ a omaca éi &bo. etsi lgebveroet!'eutnda beran shar-es mas locl. Ispolos-quon thir mia mie Flon pmdlevont>'foth"id wU.mai cearin,8g- bt heatwema cap. Thoran leaulag o tdiig adm oué ath oh roted ahich lofsIxmllsone obu. l. Thmev as.teollemnemhav fer lot rzI>' h oamz miefot' lhouan l"e mai forptieumite i eaabfoloo lad.itl va't.po i!mo. i. br b rE' bade lvoHl isotvadrivs mat thei sueChcs' ou nda sprié a a bondo opac h.t -.hopeon ll ie us ua l a imr local or logearterdomous meabatetg lao Thil re. moi mlii luemersa> ora mosI mo. Shaa Mr.ine.HllRaouirrivhol lb.ti sch bngts bleatod mare a Ta.Whu mzlowr'a tofafber. a unde rlmmd dme eloïclaMr. lcuâlar tonpess1e gapion thet -bedcof u iyeauThpebim aui hou. aueunrte rfa il etam. osn n adi i. ae.Aonaoth pler epro. t àou vu NS.W. go fut s, eus lofitio opongeé hesattrs.ul a'lmare "Ja osstlfrAomiler. SiadeinS mpimo ulit N aou te racukbai on0 a... ou 47anouayn, srbon Jase Floer proe là« tBoer he et rofandas ereai. 16Ppoent, helato baîer butbr A o o whe vasabot on e r, W>i nd M.-ts, asTam Tho ughtsaao two àomdred pomuis bai t. labohi* place -IIr(aALECAALDEA-A R.Deyl -. TETN8HRWR T T..U.OT. £ Ounn1ZhamGIIA I wouli reapeettnUfy cmll attention te my suporlor stock ci WAO @ S LI ail ma ufa tu sifro frsici ssm aterlaL. 1 cm a m su e those thl in g f p r ~ » .vehleswlbe crai agivestisfaction for ierdrbeq aêlis nwel maàhan( une. 1 do mot gsi Up a te* tjcliles for show puoe s an dtn a lwn> ork di.omea, . for~~~~~e th&: i h mi.N mn and Buggies an ail lbult of the bi»,t natùd r a " a Primswhf b ou to c m aefaoi'wwith otiier makors.AU Vecpalr ppti'atoCdmd to. IROP . rfl&0.y'old taid, m«t te EaClw Dundaso& o'.. T. 9. CNNaBjj FR 81M AID lIMIER, MISS O'BRIEN Would respectfiilly oel the atten- tion Of the Ladies ofLindsayan urroundung coimtrybh7 el selected stio f IMilnery, wkich le replwitheeyhn ew and Haft and BvMwta. Trfmusngg te match. he t eE worV h ofEBnspeT. tion. fin esd A rl12. 189-92ou ew W.H. Pogu Notwitbstaadne siringeulimemamidleen = e .UCiO ur store la orowi.8 from iula la Our Fine StOc Mmd Loir Prices arc iisocissd lagaimait mvey houslà ibis section of the eunir>'. Thor carry à stock *equal to a town or ait.>'establishment amdiU oei beier te a OOCorcoeying. WH y î Decauàe wshave the pick et th. eet ibolmessestooks le Caoa"a ami gsi the bout tarmes, mi aSr epue r We oau do Yeur anm assiYU p ftns a HA.T or 13ONNET lower pria. Tus tot bandaà larg addition to our TAILORINO DEPARTEENT. AUl Seoacuable Geais ml b. bept la stock. FPIE MOTS oand SNOS Flou d namiiren Seeds, ail kin.ita.Trulp- 5usd of ver>' but k lad. nit sai r.Té C&6LAND C$33UV. W. 1H. POGUE. Uttis0 Britain. Max 9.l8 I& S Nwo obidres. Geai referencm. Appi>' %0 M CDER31ITT, Baverion, .P.O.aOt. JÇOTIUE.-ÂII pe.ranr hereby for- N blddeu ta ive,. fmnlh or mli an>' goods or aMythino' cime ta me son Chotrics on my mo. onRi as I mi l ot ho tesponb:o for or a> for the smre. %VM. »UFL'U. Liadua>. Ma>' wom U94 he unvaen d easuMlle'.slattevil. -!so itti Counnt>' of VictorIa. bm ts adissoulveb>himucuai consent AUl dolas Swinq te the sali partasaahipaet b. e ta Robot H. .tobem a& iVcoi R s amIal dais &Raimus the Midi p aa abip ame te b. presatedti t the saiRobert A. PAEtWON.m the saine Win ie semed. A& p x. RBER? H. ATCilO, A. . raan. Wiu. Datai as Victoria R si a ib s218dY at May., IM .-Ses. LPIR 4 D I TRe GLOBEIreSaURANsas ommjmm A.omuiatc 1ruad....... hieii n,,ana . ........*, nates mdalms as loiruayo nr amtae emcenThe- ettemiet mo Lursa c taiMdlib U mtou matma Mmet tes. faur-Unha ef proft e it Paliler bolders.Fo aticulars or risa IN CANADA. OVER 100 STYLES 0F GRAIN SMAL£*# mâRt MALE%, TErA SCAuto jDANDEýL .N BYa' !BITham. K44PwY Trotbi s, EsaclcScA ou~r 8tom~&ch, - N.%riwagý Dimiuaia, RAeu«sa, etc. 25t~ -AT HGIBOTHÂXK'8 6t ................. THE KARN ORCAN# Cl'haved oe theo agey for victoria couniN foi-tte Celeate Kar-nOrgan, myýatitfeoture a t Woodtch Ont-# recoireE the oi>ly aUlver medal, Mg/test awardl ore? aul manufacturer@.. aSt to monExh/tion, 188.% à(. Jokun, N.B *This waff the laut modal e ver awarded Ogn du the. Dominion of Canada. 1Te Kars Organ a aierecired the/to a meda2 q'arded Orguns t the, Toronto Induasti-lai Exhibitio,,orotito, 1882. Thons.innwant of a good Organ a/to teltcal tial mr~t' sMd aee fer i t/teaei'e I intenE to. seli cheap, as I k-eep no men and horses on -thte roactEterefore 1 don et waîw, -an»/ Profits on Men andE hormis. ~oemoe~ ~ ~ZaA.O3l, Fermer%,Thrnhers and Kilmen! Feu. mil Ids eorDfaci.ery use MoOolln's Oelebrated rIne achine où JTAS. .IH SIlo ulIkoul deuil Iba UeBl I.uhoelesiom' lu ike manket. EOCOLi, m'raie by--Jo. Hedlen eloit Falls,- . LheztOi, -4ta; cen,~&C. .nay T R8Y CÂLF FOR SALE.-Tarcs ID k mooku i er, netu>' LhoronChbred. lkm an,,m sire from Mr. Lad'a.v's h.rdl. Apoiy. to . D. BARR, Liais.'.Ma>y 1. I8 -.-t. A0GEMWANTED INflEDIÂTL. R. Là HERRICK e u si m ý Brg t QTIRYEDF aommy premuse, lot mmmu mars. eben «»omido thoa taa itale roma a m r e auer t mve&WWO at M a nue Miscellaneo us. BP£CO '&*- -I (GR EÂT OIIE Y 15f- r Bthib Villa» for a DOC1OP.a DlWVOIf&lT. aWAGON MAKER andi a goxdi I)ESi MAKE R Ma>' lot. ri.9~u rli iR CANADIAN POST WILL SE mut seS o mn adiress -i n al.. Gr<5 Britiu Or h.Vulted -States for LotýI)j:.It5a es? ! dr id 1n n ic tw. DUy.Cgn&,e MORTGMGE Lo8T.-Drnoun>' laiw * viit to Limsa>' sud Em iv. l i 101 h mntuage cn N. 1f. lt 84 in 11h con.. E1. An' poresomfindiengsilul papr il e u 1 returB Ih te ina or leao eit at tht' otmt, t SIii C AX>LaPot, Lndsy. A sultale re% W b si~uvmA.H.GAROr1i l'AtYSoud.May Q, lia&-9-.& - ..... s...... U V~~T8Us ... -.... sso T NAILS, GLASS, PAINTS, 0118 RINGE89 LOOKS, Se ZDOORS, GÂRDENTOOLS,--BPA DES SHOVEJLS, HoEss HÂLY TOm9 BNLTING, RUBBER, H# -EM?, MBESTOB AND BOÂPSTONE PÂCKING. BUGGY WKEELS N BUGGY TO i 4. I t f 1~~ il 'i '<4" THEXT ON1HARDWREST i.. I :4 -4 4' .4 * i OUU iy~I~eovpuaé,. 7- 1 z: _- mý m 1 ý 1 . %tb & appinmet cf 4l emmslcm snt ortau uniertablatha t lba i lu. ite monfttb. evotés voue ulsul> Ibes-only tha" Mdinotlmgmar.But * Trous VallseyCanal musi . gno Wl!'!'!soINirluATi-ON& 'Tee nifa bruii-M ho miea usin>ove a m"li th"i bai bo esu "' ow% 1' M ber tlluatamtlo favcI e w alkZ j " lishau im Zo aiaer mmd Io m.c~ à popuW r pot huila s emsaWUi0tb ot is moýM mes sall. ais mbair,' mai y4% m -sslghlb. psIb dm. . met daisse a ma uosa ul luikà et bm .'loua erburs Usai>. Vhs h h.M ibu bauss e pTm iss à dm 51..a v jeu'? uiu e ldy eta». M bommsaa nQ» rm *0lio8S dmhj ma% uamues" a i. rua en m ues Peis, bsg rd lm mIbda.éMd 1 assember 1Pm au aym mmiI n ubelberYeu lid or âm. ~ ' k moes m usb ygfl Mdiàilh t*= ai m u - me wmb bu*hi teks. W&»'"Ti%, . 'moni #n *~ M a IU lm Wenvbs" vs M. fua1saiimu ap ~ liuniemê y* Imya m a . h., ~ý M milu pilon prsulegm &h. - - lu~pss t ~ e 0 - IN ti :4 ifflib