Golden F/no . SIF TIOUTI IndsptalyL owes rio AN 1DOUR BELIABLE DRY G00008, MILLINER-Y M'us "u.e aPevhPs h LavgaDMi"uS àm A. <nt iom. .We.have.-Nthîng to. .Cover Up. Our Cloosese 11117a olr l e a. 41M s-mmu _Mdoea guru*%n with quaflii told ophl Mdi abv ban. IIu't that botter than the ordluMvu of trais?1 What ii the ordfaary wv y Our 07W 510 o 70?ut ;if 701 bzy uad.maemamhmoà t it iVe. 7ym1r OWIfalt Lot NIeSt Eoware.we table to don vo w#Ufor 7FmtAre yoluuous On.ruu eaiug cuat;Wv put evey hel la the vaY ef customers:to gsitho qltl, t71. SUd prloO of goods th"7 Wfth il thew peuullar helpe to vis bu$u vomahe piloua ihat cannot le outi uns. > Et.w- Sprmg gbGoda d"«4Y ar4vin. Latu.a Nêv. a s tue oe oUt toMd Fabo Zbd'Ub. ftin *rot vatstty ot tA. ator. of The Poagt. NmuAi --wuvas t "01118b laCondiftion Mr . SUBSCIBEI1_ATENTIN. Foe hi& driver.-"&- Thé attention or avsww siubalutmaor Atlent 150 dif«mteros piiru.Thomsgoals The ees a mui t lb aesmity au:M to e 1sacrlExhelent Vara oMi su- à vers' lar us amlsaet friandes bave at. iaiwNS edaut ueps ass-asa unr.udv b,u -The Broui Trumk vaduot aiPari Seosje luriag. tle Point ÊÊtoS o"s. bs s msas en" 51ubar bavea" s tomm4t é £5 S qluica je nu'vOugen"i lsceameilvatu mrlmg maustr. Came. tnied. bila a'norimleitqva srs.ots eorovu m dallra;s lv.,soys' oca gpi ~ -Os Weiqe0dar et ibis violtBs camaien [=.Peut, camuot .bs rua UiioIlàM ~Pacfiflo zIàutdtàdéoar e0il9prthiseB sali MIý ameais(msutinlu. lseancre ot-vs o.loc uslsStc uiB tg tlà e mset &SellaiArprsss».a-$"n,.Mammss voe ilsjvialou ses tshB ii >ro#îsttd. ntéais-îWhas isamuirodinolsof ith eseaportios et Bs Douta- for_ ,ý ; , et on.Blee xcellos ent le.09tail liais or orsubsoclnls i aue iimisglIsa mw mi Oumsr gaim mnasv lv. tIola- scesusnta are prauptis' »Moliqion. pau v1,i l aid. wéssesai have.Is U e 04UfluW m lieusItes saiMea Uamar comlbagteemai. _______________ktvil hie ladof grain., Yeu asl Il. 1ev t moeh a ho hasi, cIffeW ly st ba-lecas. mt tell suin! hé Oc omas e sva.Tasenbas _ han apeuasoemoêhm".. staIoecn ont *la o mmils oui athé ,a IJNDSAY, FRIDAT, FEB. 17orteatsalaeut la goalsMtrya n B wsoe. TI TOWI AND OOUN4T.Y. Tact,,ktiovlfl nOfeiitta the=lras. Ivsis - vîlererold hu?~s ua" iai -9w ab bis 0",pi DASHZbU UERS AND TME leuC. WluoW a So'. Tas.mal 7moa fts- - s'uoi guaramies ivea bytBesoml is la Grena 01 Cle.varl ouàthlag.-8-l. A taklsg incient la the amaisur.Christs Woeismwarsl Vosisbaais! Nintiea Cuoemye venlagwvasthe av.- -. AIl kinds in fplonty. and 111<017the oheaPesilu pcaram eoc l taefatt»uam Eibleta êwn. C'aiand-tnqpet. M.B vlt¶<'t&Co-82. ho eean giid vaocetitmlggTa hie bisaI slolursmmg la larm m yui I~5ekOnt ~oua Placard ouidthomaam tia hiradgeocr- An exchanP{e m m tat cndliuPoulers t marnent ex 8-8n"- ralourlatiy. Aiser cinq- éc:fnj hen& lay arc boing s.4 te.ue mers igSevnaimcfu e'.umtre pe ... t imait package. A tarmer, vbo viooathe = Bs arms la and&edti bmht a pa~e on aopenia gît eluo rei 15 ot...........................o bGebntainnothlflg ut bran. and rau after Bse e-tand înttd inlmreturu is nocy Bou10000 MACS I flIn a bidfooidfor hons. -but y .to uartai am l ipound Ih rar.her tee anunahS ps'ti. VitortaCmas OaasLig.Tita CAWAàDIa POS-T. A. the :eannuaJ mnee ting t tic VI iotcioaus' >fAb(.. Irlqeg hr'li l t Tnîeay on Tusdiasvs : omcasxw ,ýllf)Yln eltiiý8wlie dlyeo......rm:.....................o h.~D C. wlngcam and vertdwlymoecteithe lSr 4*T.ij~~ l1-'tnmFile, torts seW.ilco lltnuueuB Dr.Publcton eteaaaJ "i ~ a~u rnjtitt. Séaie &, John Kelly, Littleetes 5.5000MsraTu ~~~~~~~~~~PS, IusJiuhlrwLda; * but t15 vomiS barily bjudlomata oel llýhe.iadm.y; lieut.. W. Hebaderon. as:amti 3 100.'a &eumrrs' la ina fer u1> INo. 1lt 1Omnemea. ha. the larges ui sas' ami liaoaitiaumbor osunnotbu ýt4iil i ftlhfl~fahenny. w 01010caa its tomin thesisri M g o w p r o a o u n c d i c o n i .- m a .t a - i e s m m o r s b a v e j o i B sd m c r a v a u . uOrDowse., u ausii Th lcmotanes coneted wih the Ria- Mount dlphthsta Came sndthe d ilablset FfiPM@" iavingbettier prooanîionary moasureadoptai -MiesTM lla 1Ia55 e Vu uis hm5 0 4D north wveubrougiît belfOoe ieroviacii ba"silgbg s tev biags aieth»Ms i eailvh authoilicuandi as a resut Dl Broetv1 l woonto, sccrstary otthé provinalal oIN. is.- st" Ofams tGmum mae rrap<t e tr. urr ofMîndn: u. ius~ sc. s-mamwa, lasbans vlddag frisais lua ola&ry ef aho Icoal blo.Urd;X..1cMabot ottis' othe te 105 If ah,.r 1»t onhridadhiyoIers te Ifloaidhl -ui oh ;tfrlamlsW S. DovmaesdaILN it indiasetlait 14 tday. hiep cameie va. ith Vo.. !eqcn. eharman oftheý rt d igtïma MLo.ahlvnuoahsv WeArd:. Judite Pea-Ur . Barn, P Dr. ulgv naulwoSsebi ailny !oWS tnd otehers futlîsdlaouusaee I iUalial av. Ms. Kllss'et ielams. Tlrpi dLWa- nhýing!orsaocsof sdotmg Ilronul ami aeasu, 'a is"_ as uaF i.-e_& I.pabWe frsum lvoai un is 1w ail mere sbe.i a u sffh lie, b semaiBso.g B.A.aaucsri bsa-W-o.ab ma-'e [i tkuch hi, the ~Me uNlm. Bih -Farmes aismv bmigusdiama a u i t m am l r D m i j Vs ~ m lump gt swmama eor aM M ultsam woni cm u ol Huaccupis siBsasu la ous lbfu asiomuvi.bpBsmwdur auded etr««0 eutgYu basiaba1 VaM&Bl u" uSdz du auL go Bsacuol Mppi ndua »"a -W. hi b. M~ bo»lw asOur a a~liBool.qu -Nana . u. . a . .a .....B tenumls duopedm dsule-m- fB -KINE~&Y. ~PL ~in av ~uw AUW Sa' MOLD, I*th & oe. ID.. ~C ~P e. 8 q & mm m eu ice *ma, m 114 49 - iut Mb olubln.a&t n 0"lMd-.,.________dMOum_ I Su ib- ts M TZab- u cW or o' Mrsluavui shaag asm 90% Bsomolndisu al VM49bm Smv aNi Gqe dun aBi. Thme& u v, Bgasusi.L jo@i wis brde *@"ui Ju 1m Subag t dam saffl. nlbsme 6 1 tu we U. l f a £mur moiui la astiM As voo ia o**rs &MIois eid gmoble àasa~tl.slasvs &0 mits, ew masIBvomaW@j 51- lsusis M-e auls adiabudo. a psretvi batbajla mu PIOIau maind Tayi Pourm ta MwsItagq Bs 05041an &»toiiy »& T1CeehWaioa havle 8v00 asie haobtve lsous s muaosi -utD a tm th am of Lalaugal misetowm& M.:S~mpilu rus UV*inemmumoeB*0hi0cM. Di5VuOl 7 tem mmiio Bs iremaimes di vuv vl i. Noàdm Maré t ab oie m aioos am mtuup.almo aiel - a MW Venanttea u s soitS. L mou las rdsi8men bve h-lBInsglaaBa utstusids.*5v ls Vehimig Whou rAsa pi oTu I lalmSs mmi tasl Mpp son i lsmu atuulmia plan"s brasaOMM Bsaaveefis vea r bbim~ala TramStelie hm bai uT vais, Esiuluam eauMd * ora"leutmples,hai oeisua Sil u us.Stu&u mi b"mTaabavmiare eMaK. rs . 'Um eh" ieflavW thens. m ami ria su y teai & a s papoefulpas bva b amsRoulsTIe aU iné, u18meSILv wtîisa- dsata l ps'a.a6baSla *0us b-The nweua i-tai rasuaiamat-viu liasTalw ame", iss'. ies *0fou*a ltaiislaoe aslapi -IOrdmi Als' iilW a brB ani t asuadetua@lieu. uar leEgb nebeaZorn$lua allm.tar M10 d .lTae i -Theam Puis teqes'atgasaliy -Tgis ualur eau im et rass vuro au imuie Alsâiontlumakai isev-on MoadBs ~Bui %h, md tais m& a m Bori oau arfa, mi l g à uls milIyrsu etIsas Isnaievimaisoi alg milescmasdbyteag.rli. ei'saBU usa TI lute pbcis e irqitllmmiB isomugivudb IL sausies tsaios b"shrs Amaowu tas e u. sMm svsmm B lch 8"uILmW. l oe-e laud. lmg Btulira l aais etB ss Bsiatmg itai ta te is abere- a cvu.tad sue Te Riparie nBs pidae vas Mul ali e ui lataadr, amis*Msute iniesateriensnt Umi cem oarmialme vomi 15a lu smaeis.fortas lmomv vsuibyNa 8@bg, vr . £ urles:4= te 011e hsm b;Bssglvvvalaisalui 10 SETTERVALUES ci EFOU192 W. got the choice of th. buet goods in the market and have the -m right here foi Our automerui n su r prices are WONDE&RFUI.1L,, 10W. We are always ready and pleas.d b se Yeu snd delighted to show you Our AtnsigBargainsg. NER~KATà T ILRIG. Our Mr. GATEo is stili st the helm, wielding hiq shears in his weI-known style and- pleasing every customer who wanta artistie eut and skillfuly-made Olothing. W. ha" a.. MmauwfSwprfa.; -1a nu m # ha UI vewl g arprieeYeu. Md somMs-4rit aes sibettev atUl, aosthng seortit gettSnu. os 800THERAN, OATHRG & MARK, MVàRAOSàU# Doao aBioch, K*iUt-at., LIi4s* y. Wm 00wa THýE BANKR.UPT STOCK INSOL VENT& Jisbee movlt. Ira. eenan'a Slocke opposite the Sens on Houa e, waEx= TE OEP SALE WazLmmE0CONTINUEDI Notwithstanding the, efforts made to prevent himi Trustee of the éestate is'stili selling Goods galore. the But fast as they are moving, they must move stili fluter, as fle ~hoie Sioci mai ho D~posei ol ~ 50 Therefore Ai l that -the, peremptory order lias been issued bo CLEÂR -OFF IÂT Ây BCFZCZ the eiitire stock before 1he expiration cf one monîli, M. BUYER8 0F DRY (0008 wil fin everytinghey rqire iii stock, and in case of a dispute'as to price the buyer m ii u lcaebegven thé benefit of 1he doubt. -MIlmusc be sod Mhflieryantles'and Mantie Clothe, Plumes, Feathers, etc. Hosiery, Gleves, Oorsts, RibbnsLaces, etc. FlannelsUnderelothing, Gottons, Sheetings, Shirtings, Table Linen, Towels, etc. Carpets of ail kinds--Linoléums, Floor Qil Cloth, Matting., Mats, etc. Mens" Youths' and Boys' Suite and Over- coats, Tweeds, Worsteds, Melton, Beaver, etc. HAVNGA FRTOAS TA-LO SutOveroats, etc., eau be made up on short notice. Cloth soldeont free cf charge. - Reembr Iis, opruniby vIl laionly sa short lime Wise buyérs viii cmli ai once or the. mwy fiud hefr artiuln.od sapped up by sme more fortunate an& vwide-aake ýpurchase. Coimtr rchants sud othars who may purchase 1< the amouni of from *100 to sa O u""i ni pb meabrgis Evoeyffmg muet and viigo if 1ev Prioesamouat WILLIAM OOWAN, QUI CKLY &tr e board .,I uumo Md tBs Ssmlus "rotfe ac islsisvIl! m up ta Tarasohis tiisuis' gme.TM&r oppanem: u au aiv'a ssl@Mtiibut vM WWM pr be aGrachto ulle. 9-ThseLiadues' Rit lasisetui supbotheB luasr the i et t"iBgrWo u msPWlaislu%- cutouTasds'lst" e a s.r 9 aJN IL oolmicu casMMe la g= ibo pp_anosu atiu ja @@ sedmials, Bs medit ue aslua st msaswB ul uestrou Bs l0,0.M'Na" roaisas o.THic Poeei', a aissausOMMataIbiabnsauSUafont te ta" M&d.The plapra ssuhivus as TomWuo graaite.. Lta4n. W. BlibIs, A. meliail 1 * Wight . NnotpUM, 3.. uonskip 18 J.».D. clrasvolls, 119 -A doi tra=DB ad s hlpa M N. W. eT. Bard. asalm b e gîolme tbut om ;acoomi t pea lS di motsaors nagame. Net- w tobave tBs tlp »Ciess'bareset jo'momt a I mteh vas .arrmof<d yul lIas Llitay dm1, t alliaed es'i virai W"%.nom1arrivai. amà oustber rina. This waxdone. nd tebriaL Lindssv IIoI>J. geT. L W asse eto-1ýW. J.Ros1ikp-13, J. N4Ubum, J1. Bei tues'. W. Roulier. J. switeu., J. G. gdvards W. Gidias' J. Keil, slip-IL W. UOIF& ahip-18. _MM4ýuisa Nula mFI lardas'al; Bs fumneri iNm. kus'Os, vella lu #Mtcdires NMa" lb& -Rot.»D. Mes utsr iiioundimeisri la tlDausmlIuutmà* hrchal siai uami. the lu at., a ai . Md 0' >gm. - -wmusieu ofttBs Y.IMCA. vas bu ramnd tom-Um.Aller masmatm -Estf. Alu"iGaiut i. e rtsmits., t àroeuNd a MU rmBsPsg Tbomas mt et.alu uWe 81.000 amss?lab"a.. M tendihmrblasi wasulau bi simlis E.ias eadmst Walaiu ous e1 adioa-el ouls mbo ebs- uila - mmii ohn admaS aili, SuiStrm lad=e Bstesauua «Mm voSI t sraas.assv41Îtnsml Pts FmmisreuotW.IuMm e M" ra i -ilslau "biteSTN M-o %eiueIsisia MivtA hlitI m lmlguttI when you arucn.paigaprhs fayhn in our lime, no matter ho'w smalma b.1hamount involved. lq ooinng t Skae orà a dwell-assrted stock of Brighit, New a1nd Handu. some <3oods of ail that is new ana seasonable. DECOID]Eý paltjcel, ai therof ta iihoid a to buy cf lis. After h.pnieu and amig cant esstthem if you are at al l i ned better elsewhere, the quality of our. goode yon Itl is impossible te do catim & iftrir" Wm. cowim