Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 9 Sep 1887, p. 1

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~LA~WOO~ wý le k VOUR FALL.SIT ie. itca. G 9rgIbot tomIit.Oui eit, £gOur.sM.d& thst ae 0 ti e wbii t im u tok lidietu. I l slp Ipran u i , WHENRWEAT MOVES TRADE BRIONTENS UP. 1I'01ç ~u olt'abot tthli. The fiîrrner hm hie hand on thse i,1, il'Ill e capit-ilis. Until.,tie fatrmer markete hhlmgrain thse 1,11; -i ,id thee èellailijc nuot wtit fer money. 9. Kq' tieilpîw't two -weeks, the farmeits of thse connty wiil talcs l,,duv. An 1 Why, not? NVitlî LJi powlng welons Md 141~ *îl m'9 givé the boand ,u girls, a day or two md talcs to wV t 1<e rity. 'fiere you'à lokover, thse mtoksd iu- lei-dlC1i ack ta tlue -far biiteradomse hoi>efui I:i ou wâot, utnin'ylucrculatioO. ttthse 't li-4 rovolvo v ýithont ginding aMd gmowllsg. ilie nnwy la pend mua!t you doubtlew wiil haire -manti ~ 'ni t'e.~i5 o can't do better' ti aly ont 7par M"(iiri'. wme rea pihing efsl businesstovnr V' * iruits tiit.ire kc-m n byerm. Xe'va rý"iIers thst ame Ieen * i.xi t ~i lgotnô better vaRine nr botter treabueuttis911 et 11M tif, glown to flic' question aof GROc RE-li aftms' al 4eu W]O w Wiver. gnrg L jcg 'y s bàut-do. ju«nti G«OCIR- m-* v *aehaîîlljig.such -q ntiùm tht -t vol e'won Imu '.1 .~ ~ 'riin î ir»prtnt poilýt.Thon volvebogta IiPîR~Vfrde l 1 %prices -et this timW Isat ymar. That'.sîlê 'e'11 sl eil yoi l mtier a bill of om"dollaert.voh-sor o. v 4 it.ock- of Te f ý ga, of d-OMMIai roosilieti saiea 'IîifitIin jLhtu 'on try. sve've mitaisaaok~~C t' II $ 'H I1~- n>a-nc' e dsusc-tisaiyoa cast.a* fo My- z t t. wte. ocant jîlac l or hm&ti ' w a wcrd about anocilousrimfor tise oda u6 &mpa i'dot q9V.they are hower tlisaeveuiyd*oaFse.hé M&u Wrtlti hI,<'itutrue andi deceive 0Omi. T.at à stb il .oe t witî va p qif * PU 05 f0meke III enqîi~y~ CIl udbock oles' cor -00,k vbmte w y or not W'il ot ako a V ov . à Moit if a trou1ble tei show"geai; om the t OBttty w pem În doi ng MO Itla nma SmUW u VleM teé si tllIDng when yottiVe fte gii sdyl wpn gI bumm. il rAD goD,_________il taa W aoiZ - __ ____ ___ ___ -0IL Imm GÂOOM&~ TSmUmt- .-IIII-- _111= a v a l> 1.k ~wr TJ ~ ~ ~ - uI* pa ~~ ~ YZ m i 75 Ummu bL 9 e Mmv,, ù mmt lai,~ ~ lat miIbes.mm 0w Ui .tfg@(tkYuL S~. ~ ~ ~ rnm Woor~mal&zb a PNAL-UN.W.. Lie m ,b=aUt. vvaî m yummwpt' âTa .s limit Mrit bPMU aw.IIw - I1II1msBwsk11.1:113%-Mn ________M16. LI.. b L 0lbwl tta.f l bw b. vadg r*r~ tlilug to yo~ about b.uicuw--_Umm" w.dm Im.dmelin stW .J.bu hI.~ -au uo l asg!o4 . -ar=usi ul e ui4mRtomsB p~biU~Mr __1b9 ia vmml. E5DRhumD &Butohe oz am uMumelg. wlopmeB 'W tuM% A. âer, ce £ch" 1EblIliir uiW. Ml.imê 0,j dmm lam 1110SiB ril Il.rm ply~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a caleeaY toeatdg L.i.L5.~r i~Wua.Un hUkiym. ciIhm b*mi,, m a Ambét zbum b"" hm.taPlS bis r frn. " Yeu.ull- q aali à** àsm a Umb.tu dlamb npula i vmpWly. mua Moi01W la mtiS ditIin e'IW bfrwUIbeNS ~U.. TeU seau= U'e, C= u.-»mt m ock"a mý"ba , I*liUr oàs rate, webdoo d M vbev t O MieZ..LvIMÉ& -,,u a ma uma Tetbr. AIa.vt..mawaatpl1 ban&CI . Um bJilat i .mm a. It h oami b . o sa-Mr. TflArcherugtaS'Imm mm. et hem Ob M carla* m&bho la ie clurb sud t eaus *0bi td1yUý Or4yéwucixàa ai l Isam vte . e mdb _6a-a- r m urm o I& 'n'nay kir^ OOO b»do iva.tu md. te 1usd e k Naetb hoitinl11î, a d b.lf uléaoeaetumt ibuts ~ 'etr rJ .Ia ves ~~ I~~,Mun- ~auuutyuThzton mi ontfmllypurme BiMJeAffci h"orlf il Bât-h.Ktar a f the, but lchla.ba u tn frtb14veksd . lo i ar agetrdet hude .~LN~~U ~ l SMYhS ronT clm s-ac, etlixo bobe Bau wufl &ttêud r. The VN.o b. lpnslmaa sebuThala Ibirbfam tatb.broWer.ber hU abridae scslb adtheJunirskf i buyr bugh tanudrsei te r- uat L. ie ameu b te" na a!1uu thabuou ' t ]tPio a.ciatu a . ov zw vi. m tco ury lthe t.à (mrmu Jm a.Sa L md Jo .!' . %ma, &m -Mworo. wnsdie uca u cOusls and gofugt e R III mmtaa be osec le, la camp mmd f hmubea vSt*tbas md. orm C.aie la TUag de yoar', goorLv ie » h.mim . sj en eja. Sp omue s*m dd; 1gmlme h»ene d mua. ai dam m o ta tu rtsalors U-La ads.bm .w W ot 'Sd zS -wf DImupaeNouWho -se'ln -07, tib.beIll it hm w lum* ekte inte Dly1m . .T& h ifantote log . ab ail!, a e f h y e boar sd LSý ue NS éI. Bas Os.hy furi ia ma tM aibm l-ai ouithe duoire, ....h. tME v. u nscJ ac onÉ X tsact -Th cam. mevtng l god.We fc yua stoe k augmt e mut_Sii rtb w ld m b.bl asgmiib a. vu& isefsh m us tym» l. dck iso beauof aot rthe o.laît wefm anmaa i kt i, oCrLlZ &ad ta a ffeda.I. Bis muimurs . .close - e p.tir ue iao W. teBico sd asbaya. gmtbeau ghtaudattendas Toe T V.mc. "eh diýy mportd stck ()ir 21:111Eeka nmgbuwoe ityaaopq oU»ethum o Weieon lob-mhevOrnge all, ius mtinait aerei you t proe it e~~y~wcrp~is.Tam.emisbuwpestuut0 a ne ba baa. a pu.dur rinOsMr lasocs uian ld vas furt off reina th#is h. buyr bugh t unemw th rlb lai. mth» Uau. lluja, pn dl oultyl gtllsg Nal &W.s a vt h it.E ccuom ei on Tutsdy ti'l ..Ts mtcafmmm a th al! . imabausE m aU md X.r.OdarEMle rebaiWouamil utlg libs1a ud harm lwe oTit Tmhena va offe ya exeptonaly ~ dtiUai,-' bUiueeUSIme~ lab.h i c1, a teIsoivamhe r. t ta cap i mr ihez;butrhm b ndeItcheatin a~dthey bd a Ourood valuam gomù ti eelb.-hbFm c 11- radmIm Merlsse i pante wé ge. ttemtaueubolosud erg We'1L fr in and:busin tal ma*&y y Duc With a brebis h.-vbils ayLu emt thsay e a i n. 13ýCmplhItatL a.tbepoar it a BUgroo ce b"T b a maSh aumw I. W- IRCUL - aeiTeePcfljJ,. ______ig tth rimeelaLttè Tht rosPâmer vm t InimIIIIe tu hW ta um ne mul, ssma E uox abusm umy umh»mAavn"Bb. - Theuai b abar nd dcliE eira otaom u as i brs muent M s La oatUUm & OU Leka Si&»msr sricsl c tdlave » h Dm l onttwNE ILLte r aman., aee e ie.g ,aii cal.;meïi b eina16 Ioia er. Coe p l W11t. RThlon ndB . . . Wl-MOt cuHtLY &rOL pdt op t. W hamw - sL Thswhat urvw adies -frtho e aî ,bwap'*gant -luv, »;a nmnIis md imchi l a baoe. s tur . siecii arrsyw&. d lase niM ulray potwit raesthm. W w "m - uth, ntmiboOt hm nu.~ar rgatîmc sri.l ua bmcuc ulig therei tut ULte fery , hon vay, une t pro TBt MU I*u IVaei bla e s a p8!00dai cf oe.MWaim a!utt à er1t It ad wurt 1 off anl ray sud Jobs. blsslnlmmt nli.ue ebrMNt T oA< Prvàsadco lOLa l heeqlbws, 2May the, 3 mari J Wesal oty ee t enos te Imed Iii COtISUfiSI obtel fluan&ou t IU irl uimb tb"ab ave, mz Uis te Lama as mlx pet cent No aoamlualon. E.O.Gaa. tea. teuý bes poameuta b ep b, .pW aoeasme .... WI av. 0 k0nwlof giv m e bd ups esod hem A athe ns ofgbstal-mt"Lntap uwhc stpe çmasar f umi m Mmm ct'i de .0 àaud aetngtbblmnm -cmeu.T- oan ibiget&thmaScotiàm omi misouetiL m ou l. uaa ua. .-Douah as.ta 7 ph t a yut t elleiro a n d thhy a ra ondt YWatime (of. yaeivo make yu te M...Aae o:rml*mg duuevlîh___vy is.-m-d-vnes111& eu a. umdaalda lrebrc redncD w -Tlccorushpofdccaunc4er echellgfinash oum Nbueinessutlil by conf euedmtr tedhelrovaraÂkâlt lm ." Te éeoméIto bc aboutinsu wh many b yor sencirr ailt~ Kae Vncap soha caturd -.à v utz_ I5Y la sfamr emtuueoona atfue badao. rivets reaaeceu I. bispae ittatte !mukow nnuuoua Itsatiefr aton u h oIMr'.CrerMibefDrlgoalf o l. U"ha.ytner b a SoTÂTFix-rmIiLaoRinii ot fm a Y d ILE c4 cieIwi by tht Iilue In idai ii. MethBUaMechure m of .hul roe vote mollcLlitaTeBac v.ou W rs sh oni ' t nl-' cta paehv Our PI hems are.ttourisOftout ou lamMr., Ud uaouutei te .a f S = -H itoveinjustgge icey 2 lert d thn Ïpnilc smrains-SdO rÎfwnht rais n baud va v t the-blmbiv e gnrmt t u re aae li os;sdT ocmtO,-GtimOmml a h colrpr.TAH butqate ePro e aut P7. fulleva gma (bUfo, outai Brambua>. ahotm the tiwns01aimeTay W .Tay tdeéé Aud esurem wh o by aur oftre p- onadThauu lIEte au on-mu rehap ougb- r ionala idore char mpomul..a ug -1 Tprgapag ry2John'î on wa lt3 po y tebtorisrahdMaumbe onr tra b ocmllty fineunely'lingnàIAil.ami4tla bard e ah Ibimailva. jt g i l eht a le n tl,-1dWild sk dou off ter ta ygof tf.topPshNA-,q oUI elARWa rGummu 15Sucme u..lar'U" Limm at WNNIzdm art1.- 1Danieloro acuytlmdmeJohn ai~ ~~~~~e» th.prhsn avra nny ey. I J. erguacu, B. a rm f . miBy.LP*mNaW ptu A "d-sm. h . b vn arred la r ipuicofeo.-EDr r.-PSir If.J o allthesubtanialstale hins o wMdlee, .A, sp atw" mwlayaéd y U pi« eshlitl bs a e e e-U -kidygiem @c 1soldlk t o mfrm l lé tramMd il oms. - utia-ftS&gi e-k waÏat v»be eotacou thclu rner upOfMIl adlt auremw ehapueli T£Pu yau sala uUy heB.wlilm te sou th aoIklbbmuyms t mmia be" laa" oaJmna u , 2 odon . lisaof (Connusuodee cf Tohe ast.1 ne h r4lsi =4wEeve Tb wg-.-m ' Bumuyaàts. -orr. G. GJIucehe o 1Wela i Tii. pith ai ail we til of i t uinîr B ' Xrmi u. a ef maII » *a eSueniku ts-vm a " WisB mise bd I-cme mo th seai. z hacreg rde hTbt a ri i 19IPteaneL Su o#.AIlb mu mi lb dl-tUi I, m m1bwt odeslthe o- meUS stap;ivai*oui aencbees taîvs* p pn wenlie at ems on hand nov a ine sthc& or r.LcrdimaaofMeiu oitlelof fr &ý ___ &ou"ff hernie s. - agBertràUene,1 isduresnt nydehrr tlic - aI col1-rte t a uhn, tpii ng aeror rcor eaus mnlullri ida t h Mu n or_ th- LW&150U5 OUIilctoroua 0 e >vSU laillAmak dealer can spply u t te. y a lm may eve onat it a umeai . itlttas. C meut h-1 1 U< O atsiht mgo Di a & FANo Fu-t he feU fait viifi landplc lb 1.11 how e. huiadasi Iuliad ft not, be vak bothtiv aiitaitéu andaclub temail hemfà"ithe eut prics. mAR)It Oct. lb m donew o ehlbrun. t scfaslba# lcgy w e0 ~ant lb mme budé arIgs e nszof asot- cauio i t beshwnin coosUg byhe@M ina&____ R-_en__ngle mhte-ifhe m s.tbuicpl ameloiitu es, 1& a. t üe sodns mthla -»e ya nd Dpoen.Lli- And fr W> Y asc. ~ f~E' b. damméfor Nbms md alae pai lb. torulligabs i w u tls rec arpi eCosegiven t oflaer. Thate whee ndivw ty ou bmandthLmse ttLtM.l br;Tyle »atectionpr pm a by and" M.aca,~ v o. :Th. ct aThrthe tel ldrth hOt barais ou ake.tiewamt Thcmsi lmi va.' b. meoa.1 lmifo bose upaust tQsU » 'kfrmt," B mu," SOMuef"Mi ln j-tcaets'e lokand1t.nto ubi turn u ailtheirencrWriThehtti rease ond aRsi shat b. hyar. vl! ati&piour b el buma-habl' 111La. W hoatBarrie ScEQOLS. -TI. m otheavte e nfinue ummya he adl. id bm. MlaauIgnoresunt o.fvi urounufekl o ir s and biTa Rose tlie a b.uho$ pee o oney Teats pous i byngt siagi u 'frnthis lemit la au .' SÂamND"RLNGHÂXlie.m. b<th~L e ii oaceit ou. tLsrsa hp ntefoture ac y tebtù i eVhd n oont eiit nt. e mdfum. - bs mTAT. hbcmogoaad a af~rpamaaie B .F"s'~ts aa.. sGa th andw asWelbuta ommo.il- _Àw-l - 04»dwàr--%u,. .. h SmTee, hsdaevri Ibis la . Tmi acsTuRi je h v a bu» ad rea ume.on l. a uh e f vii ia mli b 1510. aua u-Bmh.aetWi m v. uovldb= ficsiauamty àuiý .C ud b!. la. Mthe Lb crsr. Mo .. mithl. Th chI t kt is bhmuisuct vtllbail Who bnev.hr. Br uirls la Hai. b br, mnviuawe, oog.badloigbas becn filUdav w lv Mr. Chu, Bmlo~ SuwtmOlb~iaLCa ur imi vas hawlyau@@"siby M.Sin a rt rilla.Spmmrlm. Deai With U& W. hmvebo& hbi" . .WR trwbu h" Edsmtmouitta.H m .Md mi e bava se doubit b M vido AnASIsuHsnaSPLE- 21»V'Ialë.bysw mi bla i u Ititaunlu blsa toIDM0Ur. aaib* Asses la Or eutg-bamites.The Baukat Store, OrIlia, bave amohS puth asd enter-Primo.Lots of it nieammt. pibalIvl ui- mln Ttbuaeihuiba M& mmd cm beu U.sw. Skistudimi iaw la hoffie or ibrupt stock of Graceripp, Crocbury Md Ailtha oir bsrne mcci o ept Iuavlb boslsfou mm Ihq~b miusau it lat huiiiIabp aR& JkNNbs, IdWmilai.el G"Mm aNe.o f tlb bggt q.tues. ii.enor <*~ l~oe w'vWb LmiaWNutlp fCUEI.-Wiav lb lb apaEMOHxxa&.-Mr. Jue Whi9@ e, mm eoasIs&apoai for fâne du& Te. assai~ Ukmivhi.piaivs teai mous..i. ussMr M" urm.abml<.mg Melktabes l oa *MilSburyou s POsais RIeS qu=eDu Ê Thes Our..u Club-s vak, agai itAIMM"peSd mtLa e l&Ld for 25 Cents- uticu, wecd hsmmwqrta ay U'* i 1e v* us. aimeuelu mahlie J- m" u. orsJ=,Tmela là. w ~w- t nlm.maMORAim.wlue.fm ii aamsb',maet t ma iw - Mamdusi ai Mâvwmim 1 psaam smi tor l aas, tu W m e I ýtwu âuus &ai.Tthms.mii,. lgo ma mtsabizms Uldys Pari mebtehào fs a wtwbge t-e ab. t fimtaume a "ombe *I le éta thayow IN~__ _____ fjsis bce 6 maU igutM.pe -WRf -WOr -__U - l ffl M-- 5 aam il ---'.W.i asa luunii~ aem . .- . . . n. .o. . t -m ~oe~hF=m i Inomait mTue - Mima....es m m et~ ~r________ bi ýr& 'aowm&b 'b' ACA PBELL, 1

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