- £~~ap p ~2@i - -u-r... .état. a i ai.b~ G LD N 00 ]FOR ULISyu tu ~d I ______'LOO>-"__« ocette#@*bI s 131444 2wUS an. . s.*sbée t _ uebo urd o -J %Uli1i181 llrm, ln hft ilto ai-h64lets ret Iv q. G 14 #4o#mIIyfvu - la 1 &va=dBr 0vW I av Auis. oumI31» ethe Li* tllP tégw léitIltho ,n. l., fhrlit^il11 M.uu ~ ~ " u~g ~U~TE! ~ _ oe Prie., t. steuiike,94 19 t42m d. d4 &-OUZIV ...... ..îl .ndQuu Mt~ * uae. alo la l 61i%1 l lISmi1m 1 ftedm *m 1 dueM MUMWI1THE sud theU î'tlit tî'i ii4tUIft. eîît na eî gffw fi. 'M . ..... vrO 183 24 m $1~hMi<V t ~ gnî~Ii NIfICrt~ ot thiWbs ok.IIav floMwIwi. Wui~~~~~t'm R.341111 41118 Il1lco lau*K »LoTT' rlb .ae h.t-~-~- ot ___ V214 94 T mum 4 liesh - 1 1 1£U5WKA.fWK r mi-etT L-ty..........W3#11,11 1 11,11118 VbcwwiI NI e eeseff'.~T a"Ir Mlg UeU Heib4eIl.3-2 1 30W..44141M t.. loeww<îtutah' *',J"tt 98'.....1 8 10 1 a1 4171 wwuhwlwo&W'Ji.br1*wovkperfohimb 1~t'iiIlftIl î'. s.. . c ~lnlw lber ...al....ti 314 311 gr à818 1 0.._____Ea ' tontc n ea 111 I.XJ r. .rmomr. X & m jUý' wONT. the w.ld c of sdth -~~ ~ ~a.ass .a.~~~.î..nstu.guaan. ~~r.a1m of nature. embratgti tllSpyi.Âial'ed~rP mmý yfo tw ftAILrasmochnt99«Mbinecte., elle, lacludleg ~lI ecl (rit"1fio5 i ortt ereonerla or IDAY.E. zth i tii, Faeille saIda oe~ad0 .~~~tm, or ît»doilmvs-foWr rpaft'tn th.~e, U ~mBliguyoizx1~13gadd Ln oi.Ot. 29, IU$1,12. the poar*ure. the mntr tti ep eui Ant# ~ 91 btetweoa- lot* lU â" 11, cou.1 -al 9teràssaiosn. bvfuetohadwt -i eu FL VT.lte »IL...p.. neaMdsr*~ bgkwu*hw tU TzrL w.,, LsOB phenomeua o e t oarmdie rymsem yTîvt a ~4~Usthyi t930 tt M 1465311* 37o1 »ugDmicie fortbe mm. o ê7UG foot for v>' - wt a ve S0JlNor vts ioa em r~o< - -. Wattu~n,............ te. i i M3934 l13 JO brCae&s ~ iW W .ui, if3 k B5 tB1 ene XODPBL8INlCY Mehro Wa'e. 1 it234 1 .- l 2 32 t lt re# amor_______ 2le",1 1Nt X. 09-i(N. méurted, UV g H. air . o, .U ,a-*Iaiw8 am Th 14 24 WU OF :71 eprtofpouUo.*4* . agw-ns.twwvtv E auIsIlt IGCE________ 5EWING.&5j n./ptp.~ Ia :ew. ....... 'î.4e î~: ti' ..hfrl.8SS'CO 5.Clt ~ble Us'>1.msu tiaom inakor.rM B TA ~3. I'$atîî . ....ir.i......U j4.:i 13- mil 1 t* 'rîoasuprîm& oNWFO&bv Akfflqwi U54I41-pg:o fwttitPr.u"'or -:c rtptrtO 4'ýM 04 *01b t.t. > I.........1110 ?02 9 llà.è2fif ma_____a______ft ieCo - ~ irt«r. ldri.. :i n à iago., -19 h mmuI1vtJ n.'wuSU ttP ______aSle, 51 piduIoet riea ,iîjit lt. .....................'..'ly-..'-'m...-.-.------- h tome trm ho ac hat i taoe- ' t ~~ Mu ;irt3. uua....... a <211324141511 Cuup ble. dra nh r t1»«W Ow 81<1,t il Ulkm ouvîr pUSUS in clor l1016 peatieata uYe te 1ne'lIltaks . .rw't, ~vî. ...... Î4}28 if2 91 31 2m a1113-31 %lit Smoutg co >y hsu ownnldit llevel atl aTdtem&tchS, e S a1CL1IN C lL SalcLUftt s .~aotM .roa1 .lsddhvrto:~ Nttwtq. ....... gtg.egateala muc Ion le-, &a for aH E 3" ,t:it~2O5 l t!Nil3irfii.f'0i.. 2 f 24la 2:r%114 M3$1115 sudthe a"e locomotives. R akes PR and large lactor.s ~t~iuu2 i ~~t$7~43 3 ~lt" IIRU,................ F. b sBwuiv ga UoOOS4l Wlie uum'sC.oemEluoflrtloa ,uabae- 1: speut v À1 31)Ip t"u.... 19.o: 0 i m tsr :1 es 3141713 W hI-oq.idesBS00<I.5ofOVUUthef Tknmdh 2p IM221WI2 W or$3.h.OOfmm-sda tuvee:p2.tTrlIg w.eUIoS an& C ElTIs B'aE .............Ut t23:t 5133 J3~iltSnt 0:i....0 24I41.45-29a03gro ro'stwu.wtiraM AUPWO. teG-GG.GlS. ie osippyte d ma -,ElzbthonJiJi~ ...t'aî~.P2~th?524i1I IP"Iati'John......54429 45:131-. ~ ph. < ~ . __ as. ailCriCet. .AeTIsSLavaTtiui8. aiga., tcstiad. ,5W utertiran3d colora--. of n a ~!~;5'IUt a~ ~ <'*14', "red. ....... X11t:124 ail25123111111- ýNOW~l111010 oiipttfld3~1fUj,~.eq3It .n e s,~ t.L a siuetieto ile -iîtvL...... .~ .14:22 5 .~5.3....tu M r ........ -.3 i :i 2103 -t.e i rtctnt 0FO ir ai a i00 0 p uu e rtUIne4 ¶LnOes-OC :se.NItheS. I ~3n' , h hî.. . .lt 4~' ' 1> s:*3imi~ '1*t«il. éliiiî3'c ........ (210 (23:1 i l 1 «Jt#1m sZay-.I S . W -r__la___________in_______ ' V lif'i ~ 2~ 74 2 t5itre. Il- l&sttg 2*53 *1 1 4 11I1 erd ___________ a y ~ "-t r'y.el , ..24 "t2114.O 4t- .eu '.Nnteu 0'C. .'4< 4 ' 9~ .. Ur . BwUf ýw ld i <' 5 W,~ , ea l ~ y j' h c-Yn." :42 <1 Ift t in ét î. ........ 29:, , la ., J. H orMt*'L«............. l.-UC-......ri "e l . 3aei' ~ ' Il t: V.tuin12 1:t"1 57. m 'nt if. 11 fTht* (l.1ttitAi<l l b Mu - mooue & 3îy îtr. LVOqr, p i l D. D 1$87Eteddt. A0:. - t.e. Ihe ... .l)4t't.Ahr... . 1:>1 1 lit 5<tp 2té, %~ tkw ihil c l doi îo tWrI110 U@n tht w e w fo aux ifr tebo t~'ittniîî .nie ' Ail 'I I:14 12 343? 5"f5 ri Uîrfg 8 1951415mr 144 SwV 1d1 _________ici,______ 'e3..'~t1'f. :i 21 ,<11 11 12 111-3 rgo (.Agkthe lt'îiilii'u'.'iti.15'0 24 '13 uiN 115là 1ÏB;t hiait roll".k41 V ' '1o 1x" watere. i - wayr.,,,,.* ~ ftaf ht. <eîetl'eiy'. î. s. I" :30tf, tWl aw h.loec :h 1m~. ., P m a- os67.S nd1.ud ht *L nii'Iî 71 -n1 I (1tsf 11CtOnI#t33 eeucll~ me 010 itsoS- -prino 5muhsdea fFehwivr I'."e<'~. ~.if~ , ~2jl<.S3~îe f~, ~~~ au lloO cns 2 31 sd , udt cIi BE e - 'Xltn'Mp 11U.1H4.?t2: 4 t11-:1 V .i h-émfef t aer r h u ou Ctw couk.cfFm h klae aer in h'mrectc uel-l y--PAZ-- à-a-1 t' ciplOcom i2or3,4,5oma«Cam 41.. ut" pas's104 tawtctroLO R ga 85S0.-uce fM-I) tB. I MW bif, iet'I .1o4:5.;)t '1t3i3 l 1 1 i "Mt4*oh<W1i¶«ttiî ft&1# 5otPftis a tlSW llfO IU IrP Ieb V~Ll it <4'f,&M Tiu~~>,~ i~~rw~s ... J tît.'Q4, t Il (1) .-t;j e23. hrl e h>ne rtmpoitlr er clà i r It os 1w go=« ,lltVêona . 8b3tt# ewae.m.. mieaoe 1 11'it s)dI,.10f loh1phIt a ttn41 Wa nclutsgove. eretn91m& . vSupe toi ------------'1:1119!31l miSul iM1> eol OIi51PltwtittWrotrode0,340t.BM. rluartils ..or: j~u-e~'Ju ~" ~e-Iî...... li ;' t iIf W M e1431453: 1414-f emlte oOntUo IN ttlerlPtl' AE E 7-Lt it 1 lce:iecos I.". 1'lii....t.1294 325 ? 3513 ierwtes.11.Ct 'C'ti ....n.n.... '!-.140 -4tA!kT t1vsWlrq 1eei otf >e4tol t 'prfo" ie -ItoW. tti b.mgs8J% ý41,tI1e'lu1e a t I1osI &f25 U Ffh . . . -hai ["4 .. 'e2:i 9. s; 33tufi<t4,bt ia <tt#f11 WuI;VsI î lwî t#96111 Ugi h» <1 pa ert uet-Cap<sa J1ahP3L l rA ,= Q .11 81i.Ti -t. Nlie el 19.. e. bLu -'->....411 m I1 noir tiw j a'~ g~~" g.awii sicIceue no 7arsvit "C' 'ttt~ ~ 15 2 e tI4 1 . -11.3 >7 e-tour iir tS 101 Sinemh1W#O55ik Dr USGOU U Vbl«.f4vsusý t» niUBIM iGrCDIi±ur PE s~~' WI i.t4-itt 3va... con.qhen 3:41waEs rtur, lotitOi -. ~;'; M t~Rf. e ll * (ettthese MIIIII o oW 14 1U4a bS 61eg Witht tq« , 0 8 "* 0, VWiM aiaio . MIkH a nd -5Hlottfortll lu .4>21 1t1!131423 lernMiem oTir..bo T) hlItt10i&h p Tir&.tod40t fi: RIT'l * ne of afo .rie uemutrflol D.L5U AU ....e -Lfiav1 .~."il I. . s 1 (aAf l 13it . (tîv-S19TVI t<S .u-elllem.atm.e aeryane__.- lii :thf.etiw4>fm -4-- lv.wat.a,1-501m1.I eMised I 1lt# 6 i<tff, but ne fW soimernms càaw 1s «-Ibn dK811m L . PORIT wrog#.~% m e*l Ptt ý eos ts0etl, uSuemmb M1W1 8 'éV___ __ «W 10am titbM lit liutun deily tler IIIlw' b 91 su 8 tt w u.-au. flerela oe uosU.-ao me___wing 33 foot br 35 tc.to fre hgtwt 010 2 w & Th e wIv ho e e ent c o mcee hait - - *s theJop* la nier lu.hie _____ ove 10,c& 10s9nt»'." io » 20 ct & ix 1go10expla6 hW. co1.s o>NS eus#su.' w w Im v .,.WUW ,unqs,,A140' ONE ALE'Ar EoS.Paret, - - 111 le Omeu.luor«W94 r)1 tht govwmuI'Unblu *01119Unwb1Wksop «lzol àW ~ 841i'. 211,;443 mt2 PmA aju mn-vç4 te a mm or tlCnaettsam. fRTE9.AeRE St. PatW.ea couac&_ _______A__081___________m whlck la ésemaaffneha 9 'na4rtii 31412 4t~101*543~1UUU0- 1S1 * 1'~t*Ila'îulot% 213 Ao,15120tg dosib.6 ous.1f br . ïre roeV, lu rmslst toMI. d lm*S- "'~t~'.1~~i .339'>4393 SSI 33 9LP tW31f5 * USUi5lhi1ft1 0 u - . 1 U '- ilifsu W & T I It.Cfil- M': ~rle M -fun 94 113 4m 4 16SUPir ouas n kof » LO. swt*ew, a"IU W[. 1IlImo - - ~~ eh.. h. wId ~~~MON initainwB ac .asl huIa Ph't~~' £3 jlnir m~Z~~:11 am rlf4wI1* - *LaMM tejt5tlr - ..i3lA1:4 î 4 M els !J4v.8M uhuierImueroeb t'lpe'. Vrzftk.,...*i :t*~f f il$~. wesel SUllhf P ~ 8 P ~ g uw-..dsmi naa b t uSEt nup. e . iuSbked.soewMdSwvh . .- ___________ -~ ~Ier ilum f-"" -v eQom mm My- - litt Caaüa ..4 îles =W**~- ____________ g"'. --.. ~ E N019,P_210 m AE7a1h1 cO C _ __ __ _ __ __ _ 1? .«jj f» rwSA UMPS---M-(NE V MW tmils i ah bs lit_________ __________ ~ e -a- ~ "~ ~ 0 H P d~' fief_ WLi.~EG. 'a ~ ~ Bê Uii .y1<IEW-*L 1Sn~ Zlb, Mh,4 L~'. mieS , te. ad I 3e la- gk' as lit xk 'O- op. e e e 's p