Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 29 Jul 1887, p. 5

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.6 ffm M.Aia ,r z,;~ JIY~I~ MaL onome5111111M AIE, W -~ ymu* L D- a.le I5'N~f -. ~tksu~ te. @@Immw pi-a zww or vuiam tWbl 01 L5.EB atwbumw"U mat la_______d . ghm in-. - Geuavec*D'S M minIu anaLhUAs[Le ma- ut for 3 M .Iu I w la ot i i u wjsuuila mm maewd 1 & PRICE is toa certain citent a measure of the- value of goodi. -Aun* »un" Ms0fami i hlé merchant's méasure of what the goode will sell for. It, may ~~xxaa ha ob os0 ý,p high or low. It's the storekeepers notion. WU -Ikrbome pIIa ett» e" t iitd A hhhlatwu, «. usae me à r- lu u ptfh.fteC. lét thére arett two kindlq of Ftrekëeepers. You. will always have woshynpu~b. ntu OF ah to hear tis hq.i mmd as it often effects the price radically. We gus no iroc1nlm,. bhaing no fears of contradiction, that we have as 5ote.idlUhÂbnlaiWl5aLL ebiU.hmuOdrwul al ~ ~ fluba.mauebaselions ti tMnuW ba.h 11)w Irio"s is there are in the Pravince.of Ontario for dependable euwnz.mbpfLemn t sma ourt lniubbms DryGod and Clothing.. Gond wool, good Workmianship, good ~- ~ iso Wear in every'pair of Pants, Vest, Coat or Ordered Suit which, we t M-h turn out, anmi not a -garment which we can't recommend as the. of » mm& nS w wS sie & dih est& m a si;toi wblh vry hest in town at its price, and the price.à always the lowestet - ' "'I 'Sfvkfrkntnnnai j &amm vcorn1:114. -or. ceci iodchet le» Uniedhnnusul is qaliiasai 1 m la dtia a , ts friathmae oUel husimilbai kmlauahlUi u~ but TU PO. Hdld ai - moosiwut »soro Y"" î 0Y -T t ou in M» Mbise.e om wbpn- yo- ge a. Sui, a airhfoFant, rfoparcl of El nnut ia a nti ind lr o leavo ith us. E'oies look ut, i.) -cthe f _ au et othW'it is rutgemw. a ai wan ro T&a ()fth rti Cl otu lidyu ae etignor bte ta Thtu: ij Pm slH.MEedio tGotIb.tmo toeyotar i adrenmbrtat o,, I e avdllr'oe u oue hm *&hOstttus. ý0f. goods by , yîn -one -dllar. W-e art illiug ai hav Neirththe ros ut M il yoiiiitie, iiiteyth quw ty f Ou gooe, adsoeprom» te-'CTaLldaurrcause ClUbtIt ebM roepe ________ban&_________ cornema M M it. dW b rt i n oarldi. iisiilîyj yo levCloithss. UV y ao mvm,, i l mes hescmpauai f h myt q~èÇ u*iJ~ Afee ruiril S IioIruoT' flPovmeu. Uapflimlilr e. ebi . s rdre tGat h. Iauo ý6 uthenw tuSs wslag , .j - is arnot ~ boss falote mi vul m MtàM&utba t teC.J.Buer l"F.BurvJ Ht., P.Lfosave I tablesyul cis ontvey mche Doblu. ombi nIpat rsi -piy tu. Pres or 25. et we,<nTU.'M5 dm1storeU~i'i GdubMhUv eopbeduulLetntebot dya. Tt bola arsmais. ChW ambar i ThebueuW B ltoea ail Trt Blues3& eLlad-aMh celkedUnesy deis ug Bn tu rakMtOi I a m h latUle bteilsVhI Jutt tg &vnuUr#adsqsut ba- i> &Wehs <IL Npbodrth 11*nA- ___ ho iùuabtmifor aie atTht naumi uu me. mo ute parer ;ÔTlltvwtee.Th mtokimrapil g>Iu oi.fo mata abO~sOonlalnofljot 0ys whl di is.1 . .hit 8= =-u udellII I Sibaoreethtthe vmefltouebosse ô g ~~~<ftmatrctvepasrifiagombtegoh ivi u alt ua s nu-eftUhi e ici ta thtJ==sya theu ~a i~mp6 crn I anl eson' 8.7 Smil tle, TbliS Lin. tec Wilb duIotuntr-.i t iero t st te utir rou rt e h»conucli uthg0.eeb. Tt 3op mar e o m a se mi ~-~ù~.'lî-vanwrt 8 au bryo gt titJ>iIII.seOSladpiyt cm LLaIiei, Au. omOoolSla id g Por 0f MsS in, tha J. WnifE. ..aJBu IP"Y.L '"f tfor or $.V~.lI>.l'iIxTo'.-~*l des.-~.Lbndsy.te"2.Cann. Couelmailt VéryaMuefttoot 1: -basw Te comnaii»os heiiO y-lavto v y-euUug L-e3 te dy fw~a ptbBaCsiuk loCr. 5i Ut athmuluo aytteroup "lte dy gMo, ta.-«,,. Wb doret eod 6 thouwmw& ro- babas. uimbw.aa, OhAuut -ocrowng seset ulianPJ. onSatf Tht Nongious m rutch Mu L« ~* ~iz se h.fuhiqu.nby utni. - &M We- u i.ety agu rhtr~4dmis»f Amerom m Wi iHna-psi ivihpaelua VlelcteV lasf-mpCaauiuur.ner. -On; tlmmibt ve b a-on r Th~r5,~w~e own I tvey numl.f Etoy lah ncbc o , e ldmtsrouude. . he pente actht lis. TbtBiit, ubau. Jvsli crakoireon au a orner ~w I~ TI h An f ite in aihwiiad t btee e.Lldopcrcktclb al Cm hîkw th(l iilufa eI mleetu1 t houifmua n Ch. Llnduay ais lie&u clu00.49 dicte ttilmaaoita tt iia cpsycfb ftar tonsatvinteion t ue- yen, bivrbail ôttht bat tw wh0erh 01011ettwalBonm mliiirm, tw celteomui gbav, hitazlaghe cui .'~ it'~Pftn flb yau ajuge eent Md Ltgle& twlo Utlawwd Vbsite il bal» .tVaauiutal fforthoe&urai or %q.tampl crn e I -an n d e Durt$2.,1--animai W'tabt0illdf*Lalêlgti e i..o bt eidl t olm a -st àrokd1Orrpr o- me e.Tepi na af dl t1 '4v art~e of nr e a.mbu sten crotoMoIS tt mid v u J Ly met tii c o w -r e TmOlat bS sot mWsa u th" s umbst iIb.pvdimi h IL1)nriesO.4.11Mooguovo="d V8 c U. -l t5 eu unhscifuuha.WitRmea sl 4puatelubso- ssIl-ao2dgho.lh li' .nt7ti~ "ii tmd n 1h.1teror pn t-e -The cote" . inti g Chp y-Jev tat> foussO -Thiie r ;:etl i. d ac a theshdoralir hai htre. eus ta-Lla ahi flOuatu tbr" wu Oi r. and tttr m is ,cttns w end t JouiAi nertWa o rcioew letu-mum dU" caeý,ad pie ii .finnt ishcullymmd «eilathe <> SUdaT. cricet cbut..R&t tn ant ~Goila~tuirlsv utreffric he-'---- -a"'-wa ecek»Ieu ;I.,titkithta ao oi 0hpai leMoite bttet»ob mo '-- w. tz d'k-Th.SW'totiato bdmla?0"eiay vrr ftlCCigu~ Rncele hildo nch10 àV îlI tmyulhb ase hituirl tào "bonn ani - Wue ittme mEtadmr Md Wfi' N -30 oieI yl b. Idoo*la. C" stijum&»- erno à~o. gtl79wq O&L=ut. absoi, Au Nuthe ds ds~ iî eousfo ma olinu s, a muanta ci il f4 qeon of he yea, mayathe SienLiai. bt7et 4%l. J. A. tvod tpimasgtsS aIllg-Toomairhe lup fv rutht tle in". ltno* » und boumsW 0»intit cfi.l antM mlii.ttmes nda ompliments heatewdnehs voueThei.. PurS Tuperoma Bt l forOsnoctlq -iMw...3 ne uo..~ <A RU :ii'6 12 2 I li 84 To uet. via Pstub.ulgi, At lemn 2~U I St .~stSfhdaikuS.,SlthilEuhWrC. IubwmmOfaut IUMbn -- - - g a d aI . 0 oQn n s a a aI4o . * ~ ym a m t-tb w t tw k i' o t I i e l b 5 h Wa. Ô,i1f à -Û1 8 4 0 ulslumymmestàl. M a Si uw < o itIbp u u~hthsmIde. ~!11h qwa ro h otcOft Kaoaaieieat as ,eu luailut ttot b s'~..4«g¶gt-nnusa ~iC~~itp ~m~t,.Wal vs77, U. hnle sl a50 m .iiaittl-- lent bs al;' te apppRmfsna tectgefflino.t as th«u imea g« t ab u -Mr.ol iiini noai~~~og 1Ittiriva oit . o r u Ci ot4mai M for 11111UumU, Mr. 10hZoome& _Wb__am Mat tert(if cofvl îau.mi If, maw bu= aollgr muâ- oir gNuw4uwu*14 bu . *~~ the Mr, anueetethe.«-t us ein m Tbr of itjavot eid n Muu ssl h ~in te - bsg(hassbo.quuupIdua eai Sn lua a mt*and 0" KO 0009- "49 lelilui iOUw14m>er5voislesteil- aid qttufl M-."-- . a large ilsnitIhkItu,& 0 n cfamgunemet- @Mes * b*- p thb4me ; - orlWi5U5Ob~ - A v oti cf ct h r U * W . U ~ 6 ~ ~ I art-Mauu~s f* U MM ~iuneih a mgt s na e Jeu REALIfT XEDS RIMACINATIOND "I declare, the, realitioe 1 witnesoed to day, in the. low V.riceg of ail kind-, of Staple and Fancy DryGoo*dsatthe Cit' Store, knocked the bargains Ihazl ictured in niy Imagination higher han Gilrom kit.It istruly wonderful. Formerly 1 couIcu flot understand iwhy it wa.s that thé Lindsy »ry Gooda and Clothing Syndicat.e reated sueh a flirore all through the coun- try, but after this dais experience my understanding is considera~bly eiiL4rgel.*' The. above were the. remurks of an elderly lady en her arrivai home, after haîving drivezi orer thirty miles to make her semi-annual purchases of Dry Goods and Clothing atth iy Store, and a goodly pareel she purchased to. What ks more. ge old lady struck the nztilthsret on& t& head. Unies. she had been a visitor from the spirit ivorld she coùild not have fi 're.seeni the. unparagoned bargains aiwaiting her and ail the other custoiner,. Witli our new stork îîow nearly complet. w. are determined, as far as possible, that 1the reality 'of our low priées w ili fu exceed yonr imagination. Act -qaddenly on the ahove suggestionîanit yen wilI reap s'îh a rcturri for your dollars and cents as will cause you to iaugh without being tickIed.- New Goot Travel7%&pIg ither This Week. Black an& Colored Silks; Plain and Fancy Dresà Goods; Fancy411(l>Ilaîîî -Pritmts, for FaUl wear, Twill and Fane y Wincy; Seariet, Grey, White anti Faney Flucel-; BlCehetI' , VîbloacIîcd- and Fancy Tablings; Brusels, Tapestry, Wool, Union and Hemp Ctarpets; Daiuask, Itaw s-iIk and1( Lae Curtagns. Nafv Gaod for GStemm, ready Hither. New Overcoatings, Coatings, Suitin'es, Trouseringa, Vestingu. etc.. iii ail the JIewe-4t andi Ititcst chieprouced 1) foreign and dumestio manufaccture. MR. (2ATHRO .itill presi les at the l.IîAî oif tndepartuient. SOOHEAN OAHR &MARK, CSID-ap. Nd ECtMr,be m t-at., Libta. me 2 Dobm's Elocký, eit-t, limyTwo doors Weg of the Post Office. Linduar JUI Lb.t5-s J02M aDobonz. SP.ECIAL -VALU E IElm WEEK IN OOFEE-Eoas, njavas, Naacaibos. BUGAI S ow&mmsrvmng-Gra &%latedq r aou Raf aed Cosi 0&1 VHRT LOW QUOT&TIONS. JOHN DOSN, Liamai.0 '. , 1ST.s2 Imm 2 J -Mt. alnaC*a I E lIT IIIHIAIN SALE. SELLINO OFF AT COSTàI W~a siosv te iov~mg Our oeiUr stock of Nma bi15utisi oatv'a.afeeObota up.sk..Ladcies saou&Z lmin..d m oo~oO~iUfr B,'goemia 'M GINHAN, FRAESi4GAVM HOBE TC. W..E~M mtu smn <wgo CgpoMYbfor odme- OLTITWEED,--MATS, SHIRTS, Our Stock.is aul ftrstlas No ruhbisli hee Je SIýMONS,. i - -f£" mmmmý Nam a] -

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