Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 29 Jul 1887, p. 1

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Soir t - *sI. mutai mdlbr Vos& tbbc u me -wbom i&mul ail. Da la VOLUME XZVIJL WUGIM 5 U~ 1a~p imv., wn~r, mr isut. oe ~mauo& -~ ~ I I_____________ I______ i ___________ I a - -- [mw ah&ba hrkm~ ssUn~ - tir_____________am_____ CA*.ASTOR 1 A- 81*. ~flhS M.W.m N.E ,M CsvvcOM, am Ufg ., TJE RETE K Puy~t*vkftIL M 'e I s W A Goo#tt iii__ OP.________m HE D U RTER REO FA mnt e. Room -pp .uvm UT9~W- r~vUmmi VO'r!I ;Ail pmt4omeehemby coui- - puvhad-a 9w or=Tt buTmw@byme l. av A. H41otimamu ESts- i New Adrnttsq~f!t~... ~ 5114 CoSUUPUEIB ctta05~ - - 35g s.. .urne S.oe ~'~JUm, -~ ~ * h1t.J5k vfw u hMW m a bos u l& if w«Jul f l N i)Af ART k BnGE13AN 3L WAw?. a. xILC.P. a JLflwotw II,..LE Ps., P.LkQ bu e l & urm. L'um TouuBL L mova IoleUT 0» meUi m eth mlfsf15 !U WLim 5<a$veui i maMmi'bmaumd bmvmif wat vle. ,ment oomu.l e mm~~M -ie(e ioui tuehlea. on"M pla.k bgvg. erPu IOiu.mm Mr UCI 8MIiT 07 JAl eLUE a. J -t a~nd.fg f<m-w VENIN 1517? Publie agafttl fa towa over *0s new Post Office site bu a uscthse uiiy, a"whb e iseoi e cf population r'Facti "i #uro wul no dout b.udduoei ta pvm thse utlu of bouL ide regatd. Log duematWem Thse cent".e-of popuk"tionfo ]P09 OffScepwpoMEo semthiâ&~ ose eu=is %Bt what thse po have fou"niont loeg av-fa hat tise centre 01 population toibul. purposesla t làe CJTY STORE. Rih came Th=pis -o doubt mti«*spcim t tis ot tiseoy. :k fla nathe suppositoa tht trade centrS hae, but there l a positive realiza.ti on oftihe solid aaàantine Long amo we purcud by prae- tient pructice, thatVIE C=T STORE wus tie muplet tist drew to itabulmas etrethe Dry Goo d u iblotugtradeof the couay. Possby yo'Up or Brown, or Jous, Or Robinson, Muay dipute tusdcahnis, but if 80 7Uu a -ec- testing the soU â<cte, Vahlismae Ouirstor=-T HE CMTYSTORE-tse centre of pop.', ilaton I1Tlues easy! Th= l s no isesittion, in..answeing1 By Oui Itagmfwri bsines el log; by c=i gocd qualityof good goodui; by -Our pries, planeci down ttise s arowet possiblegupg thut wu L llow a business profit; b>" ouimaMention t tastes of cus- tomer-;by Our udl4ability und anxicty to pieuse la tiseClotbing trade; by alithek pointe we have ma&e Our Store tiascntre of pop.' illatin During tise luit svayasw hume ben is &e oseers low prices.W.iave hua tle suppers und mnciswiso u.dernmnd the systeil, und setau foot a. new and. healthy. buinqu. systeni. And what fa tise recuit? That THE CITY STORE ims, und wMl reniain, the centre or Population. For Summrots hr' specuL ft...ami ewsehiathse - wide-a ukeSaor Hatu. Notisingmore to eerybody's 11k- ing t tiieon ~ycheerful Rough uni liad>' MUtaFrua thse variety of.shape ni colo you'i thick ths ems just beg=n - L Um - ~nu r fto% ~-Mm@"M mm P& -gamaW*. * hm- fl .l. ui& uTm. ,u.t iBids Bu> bu1o u~toucuum @eWMme"w -'o Gmuc.Mombu "@manne a". EL k uumb«in* ma mum vin MmE, vs "MMe IF., nue md U"@&- fm:t amotw« - -l- Wu" onet im =Be mmwi&cMw0 "a WIca",u". mmOka. u auwc - mmd aIi n m. aod- - a "u » l# Wlu prum bt O 9" cei Dhwom* M ob ni GuamDluOmm e mml mrem goms lm]F,*oStU»-MM «MM*0~ mdli. ime amm"fl mrit IuMho va»s a rv .luu MMotuk e"somme -' vh.btv~ wia.mm s iUm md W mm~k p~mm i =zUlm" l- MW 41a 1 omit. w vito ut l ~km. omdUmmbuvkm*Up Emuugha ê la. ftnuàddthe m u. Emmas S. m ui Mi omm hul tonv molune i " ae ~h iImm nqkm» W&T»ome& M l au . eula is iest" lm" km e t olmto ulinMad itilw et hioa lit -L utqukirmsmautimvq ib mo sin oddmbn tea. -OUKm t.i m»M.MsLa Copa. *a bIasm l imin* kmIl . -uit m CouMt..*Bm oi mimtuett. aimebmlamm»li' &Ma. Out. v *Y.mes o abmi 11 M la.Timstcui @MW dl hmm s av lakt. n mml dwm liammo t.mma - nonelisul .m0 bOtaais em at md a i aeWa Ripe WlwmTUSmmia" bni"k W ue*i msol. mth Cou. Camn. ia., naval mml Cous. Koe lal ity* ma mal isa naua ml lkeakmaMURt l'ils m dutIa.elmotl dkis t Cma. teE.uDn6b i na hPoar bal~w et Mmeusoe te phi&otkM the moe, lit CoWhu. wtou da t.pyofidlmvltoum la t. C tiMr C. Mmohi e"vu& msuus m a.haltcrmSz. Md yad megaboumulartUeIa mh us. Cou ALet n mr»m Yoe Waaaas -upila s Sla luie kmem Ui ummmsmm hi& Os monmSila.tOin&m" mas Nc'xt~ Station, Kfrkfield. r I w~wx.m' z.z~. POP UL -V ML ZOI17 pug NOMwuo u a bl " l'h@ ffM4 bom i sm lvh ui "ure m el hlm Br& ARGIN EPOT hw 1Vta 11iêtnb = rhomuf mmdtaI rs?"uOF pu i tr M f ISot. ~.' Me- PER RY, -à- lý - - - - - --- -- -- - mo bku kiu Boh" bon -dad ie vai l km blA viii b. k Hýlmp).D ph'bn bib*Uop y @ IWEmn bmd mii k es 16 rmmOum w km (boatp la n l m , . s k m t e s d m m O o h pmtinet ur muma véod -y a Nlet 1 a m-a tmtd0 b, mil au vus m dIbm th liaa a.1muiiflmi ra w va. havmle. mi Uanias vii mi. an9,uXb J. ai 1C.. Lcou---Lr~lIval km 6 mmdul m* if-" mi.eumil aId msdta Bina.Cuthle dum Wte b t. iuommboiupalaiftl vlmwet isht tt igs upoitlaM-.-,-b mas imlp dn ..o.IL* .moS. md misme tsW. Md nmmd ava tha t uibapIk.Cm.ML Loin maum uam ba i* w u Mt C136souEEAN na MO"& mmWd dby Dmp..uvseàl à - thaubaot.mon. iom O tfor kin a ac» Iasbut Imollmd maiunmdte7.gmt tM Tii. Iàmûtm» st. bm4op.la hd mmdth - tbm1:m1sTm Dos& mad Eywidutlm u miamiaivmstodmd te M tffl £ km mbg dup uisr A tolipon hM QUmin mita tbht "umimatmimebos mal tae o Olt WIo euw %" m aurmm te " .Smact- Xemnitapiede ta inoet Lumrhr W b.k mS wuâbu' la.muakm mapue mmua tu» kma. mass mLu lhe aM huma. ae e orlb.b talcna"t ftelbsanmi'la tha d§mr Mallith vWil huetMt li ait mupnta.aihiê We de mat bab lse hteaimmi va. 1propar hIr tuI.ibu ti. mmm ime the ut fe m l ibli te lMmet purchua gha..hba boss ahimdoiauaI. h oull la mmloyal fr m unmmOur hurm.te miubtI Englué vss't uy or w't Rv sm.mh ».t a ks vrm e imbava WmaultaoOur .dgbhOs m aBl lo mütSS5 v lal17ti' m mnmtm Whlg CapS.W. Zomlad e1 "l'h. shipiasbu"mceuld seg pambly bustua wdmltie msst b4 mmthe MvamMmla ,qMapble for It; Ibe OMe t t. naa.ut bava mals mat- has «w v1 Tvu om .The euh' amme laS ,«meul union.,mmdl go la for It baout md mL. [IUepot" 1.11. pzs .a.mmrvatle gelas sbu mtbat commercia runm wsasita u *I laige lote wagvo meatStufaulasmmme! -Tis mter fMeala'hma dome a vm mmuddmmn.W lie roia a imbata - 1m lu ute W kmmade t Ottasa tu , w b n b t tw Bube mëd JoasWhilts; mmote lMb » a ý as6 A. Ramnlhm A jiteras vi êwUnft"» Auto* nm*% , <.1.1Md "«M à - - )>, o a 7e ai m IMMs a Bluasmi CimbeIhIng. -t - en0; mm&dlit%% 04Ti v m UuW i v ss~ W alogJn LOCAL 1z W 5LEr3E hvammIp~SMl Aniat. Mns- te ma Wattend. marot Ne mm*&AppW ta M mmm ~ ~ o J.s M14Jmoeaiv. luiv. r U T o LON.affl asmanut or plisabbMdcom~ eas auta oua» lavie S&V;ZGCLovMsSREEn-Er.PlpDy M4m mm Ibis Villae,la th. lavante et4 an ailaabm Wo amaern, vha.mbga mt mavingnm kmefrlo ta mavima a&le" cor.Uni, hiymmm et a rscapéàçka -gat m Md WtbtaVlue oc $1 a M s- ite . t Davanla casut aur eutwo atlln i viàa~et a ttf iah ÙM on utty. Md vs ventd e ath"mm smm= tgt mai'bo ma- BRECHEY. ~0,~Ce~m.m o o The Ponti paivta fndat oiaa j, m, auâter orJ. c szsmx=. luim- - àamuit. Buaus . -31-éL "EIUTIUL iMuuaws-Anetimr lot ce =ionbuadm ul eia jus lu in oe Sm, et asa thu laitoppo.tualtz of lmamo-ulm To =aum.-Ti. bauaruptmien. orm.flaS a Alug amkrup"cStock et bimvu guWOrilia eoud sndfor, thon. Tiei oelaO tinhmiiifou 15 cens. 12"c22J oerntm. 11Mmifosata. 16 Inch I38 cents. 18 moi37k mmuata. oufala» a bslu J.T PouaiT Co.. nuaues te miPes.I4 L4KE VIRJV. ICafompadeosci T ur os.] DamaEA.suiarý. fD. MeNauiel bars aimalutest i. W. homethon va a sllr mumbeof teIi l fir mx lPeu-Mm uUnllg te give à helplimuha..... Mr. Ball'aiam wilborady te taise la a ftv ~a~Los -iasLumem b.bom mvis- iting at inML Remlps .... m ymaa à@ cie gu al et Ma. . .. . Mr. a" Ma. . . ass mddagket 0tTo- roto, mmd Mm II& sMason, et Hris has beaun amyng for a 1ev days i et . Scum-Th. laferéesame huai buvent- it..The borry im ah a a uet rouland...pic" oln e a eroue tSa ms 04.0W MSCoeT ACT FuM& -simma li fiue t ay lent smnne 54,000la Rues bav bosealu imo Ur brnche. et -lte S c ia the wmst riding of Poterboro. Out ef 64 oséa. 60 couvlctlomabave boumecure&, t.e sUies four tailing anlbo»»sua. ibM va » sewr mmd. Inpector CobuM = zma)mly l11tha-chaises.. ou PoIa. maatrtaEdmiton flimIumi Gard. etAmhurnhm,850 and conte lai aul brome et te crtac corse .... lu Quarta, ecdlia mmma place, as ar.a--ma1 an asiMm"archarge, but le -vau foua" tut t.e vannmm wbau om rv d ud mwv» dlsciargo.... .Elght hundrel dollars vous amIlal W lia towu an the rouaît tfTam da" masna'. ssm i otche polioe court. The marnai' ms taidby Scot mo t o. Thorawon mima cases oucared by Inogimo, CosinUs. Savan eathIm edame.la liais ers fnai 0100 snd coite; the alli t-Ne Pmach. AU pli& d guli.-[Exmm. [S A.K JOD. te -m eSt Tb* Peau. Pmébr4ài--Dr. Pomeroy of Tweed; Mr. D. DL Graot. Saria ishgh sehool, s4" Umas Grant and M»s Siveoo; Mis Aan.. Toronto, as aStPrincipal Pana.. oik oal ... uWalsom la ""in£ aI Haavsmxnu telalufull vigor jet. mev bora. Theia o M shoavy but grain vii km lght. Excuuuousàlqn CAmpi!N.--A ire«Yi lagodalpgaclea frae rs Join0d tha Sua- brsiSmndar acheol excursion le Stur. Mm ooPint. rmi' vers val pimmel viti the tuip ...Quits a coleuy of Oskvqd peopla ara camping mt lia point juismasW. LxGaT.-iMG struck a Ires moe a rsi. damia et Mr. Thos. Pule, durn tlshecm ceaIuir 2ud, ucrlklag amer ths top, fohlow- lmg lova, mulsrinc lia oartli aI rool, huai. lnaa Imha bs e. rTzm WèAnum Banwuy.-Tbsrs lu nme Sdcalinont a fsw -eo our comervative Mouds about haviais a meeting nexI vomi et Druakees to torrn a joint stock con- pani' to atmariabrevM et're nliaelInos tjai lova bi' the Warder. AccerdinalW Lt.e stat.memis ef that journal it ouaiSte =Maifhu.mss.The ane oompamy coul 6sfer 1cou0 l of et vlctlere are,cet vers, atrous indications up towards Browns seool bouse. Âm lnvitagmB iii burnanttW Otator Samu to cone up end ohm- cidats mmd Inv»ut.A good camae poctoL.

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